=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Castles Mod by: Philipbenr And DanDuncombe =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Licence: MIT, LGPLv2.1 see: LICENSE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a mod all about creating castles and castle dungeons. Many of the nodes are used for the outer-walls or dungeons. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Contains as of now: --Walls, Corner-walls, --Castlestone Stairs, Slabs, and Pillars --Jailbars --Hides --Arrows and Arrowslits --Rubble --Doors --Weapons --Chandeliers --Tapestries --and more! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Big release coming soon. ;) Stay tuned. Planned features (anything with question mark means that I am either unsure or don't know how to accomplish it ;) --More/Better weapons --More decorations --More nodes --Redone columns --More doors --Gatehouse mod --Armor --More magical items (mana, orbs, potions...) --Crowns/capes/player decor --Flags --Brewery/Liquor (liquor effects is another thing altogether) --Tannery? --Books? (that is an interesting one... I'll write a post on it later) --Guards? --Player status (King, queen, etc.)? --Foods? --Horses/Livestock? --Ruins? --Modpack Configurator