minetest mod spawnrand

SPAWN random on each respawn of player


This mod is named spawnrand and changes spawn point on each respawn is a mod for random respawn to new point of spawn for each player no matter what rules.


Technical info

This mod has an improved way to do not hang server if no valild spawn point is found in some minutes.. cos all spawn managers in minetest causes problems when players joins. Development is at https://git.minetest.io/minenux/minetest-mod-spawnrand codeberg is only for private developers, if you want to contribute go to git.minetest.io as must be!

This mod is a derived work from the original Nathan Salapat's "random_spawn" that is pretty unmantained or staled. We provided a end of the search for points nodes of valid spawns.. validations of players connection and limited area to search nodes for spawns. It not check if area is protected.

For more advanced spawn management use the "rspawn" mod from minenux or taidkez's rspawn original work.


  • beds as optional


It will send a chat notificatin private message to the player about new spawn position, is configurable with spawnrand.notification_position boolean value with defaults as true.

The spawn area will have a radious almost to the limit (but not the), from center of world, is configurable with spawnrand.radius_area integer value with defaults as 20000.


If your server has huge users, you must increase the spawn area, but not so much, people will just be repositioned at new position event define a new spawn if fails, so performance will be not an issue if no a valid spawn point will found.


Since that original author does not update anymore and express no interes in the original code we forked and recoding with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International With one exception: You must put the url info in your copy and only allow this url to promotion: https://git.minetest.io/minenux/minetest-mod-spawnrand

(C) 2021-2022 PICCORO Lenz McKAY (C) 2017-2020 Nathan Salapat

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Lua 100%