For the "ignore wheel" widgets, do not leave focus on mouse leave events. This causes unintended side effects such as not being able to type in edit boxes, and is very annoying.
276 lines
7.9 KiB
276 lines
7.9 KiB
#pragma once
#include <obs.hpp>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QList>
class QPushButton;
class VolumeMeterTimer;
class VolumeMeter : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundNominalColor
READ getBackgroundNominalColor
WRITE setBackgroundNominalColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundWarningColor
READ getBackgroundWarningColor
WRITE setBackgroundWarningColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundErrorColor
READ getBackgroundErrorColor
WRITE setBackgroundErrorColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor foregroundNominalColor
READ getForegroundNominalColor
WRITE setForegroundNominalColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor foregroundWarningColor
READ getForegroundWarningColor
WRITE setForegroundWarningColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor foregroundErrorColor
READ getForegroundErrorColor
WRITE setForegroundErrorColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor clipColor
READ getClipColor
WRITE setClipColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor magnitudeColor
READ getMagnitudeColor
WRITE setMagnitudeColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor majorTickColor
READ getMajorTickColor
WRITE setMajorTickColor DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor minorTickColor
READ getMinorTickColor
WRITE setMinorTickColor DESIGNABLE true)
// Levels are denoted in dBFS.
Q_PROPERTY(qreal minimumLevel
READ getMinimumLevel
WRITE setMinimumLevel DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal warningLevel
READ getWarningLevel
WRITE setWarningLevel DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal errorLevel
READ getErrorLevel
WRITE setErrorLevel DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal clipLevel
READ getClipLevel
WRITE setClipLevel DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal minimumInputLevel
READ getMinimumInputLevel
WRITE setMinimumInputLevel DESIGNABLE true)
// Rates are denoted in dB/second.
Q_PROPERTY(qreal peakDecayRate
READ getPeakDecayRate
WRITE setPeakDecayRate DESIGNABLE true)
// Time in seconds for the VU meter to integrate over.
Q_PROPERTY(qreal magnitudeIntegrationTime
READ getMagnitudeIntegrationTime
WRITE setMagnitudeIntegrationTime DESIGNABLE true)
// Duration is denoted in seconds.
Q_PROPERTY(qreal peakHoldDuration
READ getPeakHoldDuration
WRITE setPeakHoldDuration DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(qreal inputPeakHoldDuration
READ getInputPeakHoldDuration
WRITE setInputPeakHoldDuration DESIGNABLE true)
private slots:
void ClipEnding();
obs_volmeter_t *obs_volmeter;
static QWeakPointer<VolumeMeterTimer> updateTimer;
QSharedPointer<VolumeMeterTimer> updateTimerRef;
inline void resetLevels();
inline void handleChannelCofigurationChange();
inline bool detectIdle(uint64_t ts);
inline void calculateBallistics(uint64_t ts,
qreal timeSinceLastRedraw=0.0);
inline void calculateBallisticsForChannel(int channelNr,
uint64_t ts, qreal timeSinceLastRedraw);
void paintInputMeter(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width,
int height, float peakHold);
void paintHMeter(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width, int height,
float magnitude, float peak, float peakHold);
void paintHTicks(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width,
int height);
void paintVMeter(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width, int height,
float magnitude, float peak, float peakHold);
void paintVTicks(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int height);
QMutex dataMutex;
uint64_t currentLastUpdateTime = 0;
float currentMagnitude[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
float currentPeak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
float currentInputPeak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
QPixmap *tickPaintCache = nullptr;
int displayNrAudioChannels = 0;
float displayMagnitude[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
float displayPeak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
float displayPeakHold[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
uint64_t displayPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
float displayInputPeakHold[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
uint64_t displayInputPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS];
QFont tickFont;
QColor backgroundNominalColor;
QColor backgroundWarningColor;
QColor backgroundErrorColor;
QColor foregroundNominalColor;
QColor foregroundWarningColor;
QColor foregroundErrorColor;
QColor clipColor;
QColor magnitudeColor;
QColor majorTickColor;
QColor minorTickColor;
qreal minimumLevel;
qreal warningLevel;
qreal errorLevel;
qreal clipLevel;
qreal minimumInputLevel;
qreal peakDecayRate;
qreal magnitudeIntegrationTime;
qreal peakHoldDuration;
qreal inputPeakHoldDuration;
uint64_t lastRedrawTime = 0;
int channels = 0;
bool clipping = false;
bool vertical;
explicit VolumeMeter(QWidget *parent = nullptr,
obs_volmeter_t *obs_volmeter = nullptr,
bool vertical = false);
void setLevels(
const float magnitude[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS],
const float peak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS],
const float inputPeak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS]);
QColor getBackgroundNominalColor() const;
void setBackgroundNominalColor(QColor c);
QColor getBackgroundWarningColor() const;
void setBackgroundWarningColor(QColor c);
QColor getBackgroundErrorColor() const;
void setBackgroundErrorColor(QColor c);
QColor getForegroundNominalColor() const;
void setForegroundNominalColor(QColor c);
QColor getForegroundWarningColor() const;
void setForegroundWarningColor(QColor c);
QColor getForegroundErrorColor() const;
void setForegroundErrorColor(QColor c);
QColor getClipColor() const;
void setClipColor(QColor c);
QColor getMagnitudeColor() const;
void setMagnitudeColor(QColor c);
QColor getMajorTickColor() const;
void setMajorTickColor(QColor c);
QColor getMinorTickColor() const;
void setMinorTickColor(QColor c);
qreal getMinimumLevel() const;
void setMinimumLevel(qreal v);
qreal getWarningLevel() const;
void setWarningLevel(qreal v);
qreal getErrorLevel() const;
void setErrorLevel(qreal v);
qreal getClipLevel() const;
void setClipLevel(qreal v);
qreal getMinimumInputLevel() const;
void setMinimumInputLevel(qreal v);
qreal getPeakDecayRate() const;
void setPeakDecayRate(qreal v);
qreal getMagnitudeIntegrationTime() const;
void setMagnitudeIntegrationTime(qreal v);
qreal getPeakHoldDuration() const;
void setPeakHoldDuration(qreal v);
qreal getInputPeakHoldDuration() const;
void setInputPeakHoldDuration(qreal v);
void setPeakMeterType(enum obs_peak_meter_type peakMeterType);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
class VolumeMeterTimer : public QTimer {
inline VolumeMeterTimer() : QTimer() {}
void AddVolControl(VolumeMeter *meter);
void RemoveVolControl(VolumeMeter *meter);
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
QList<VolumeMeter*> volumeMeters;
class QLabel;
class QSlider;
class MuteCheckBox;
class VolControl : public QWidget {
OBSSource source;
QLabel *nameLabel;
QLabel *volLabel;
VolumeMeter *volMeter;
QSlider *slider;
MuteCheckBox *mute;
QPushButton *config = nullptr;
float levelTotal;
float levelCount;
obs_fader_t *obs_fader;
obs_volmeter_t *obs_volmeter;
bool vertical;
static void OBSVolumeChanged(void *param, float db);
static void OBSVolumeLevel(void *data,
const float magnitude[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS],
const float peak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS],
const float inputPeak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS]);
static void OBSVolumeMuted(void *data, calldata_t *calldata);
void EmitConfigClicked();
private slots:
void VolumeChanged();
void VolumeMuted(bool muted);
void SetMuted(bool checked);
void SliderChanged(int vol);
void updateText();
void ConfigClicked();
explicit VolControl(OBSSource source, bool showConfig = false,
bool vertical = false);
inline obs_source_t *GetSource() const {return source;}
QString GetName() const;
void SetName(const QString &newName);
void SetMeterDecayRate(qreal q);
void setPeakMeterType(enum obs_peak_meter_type peakMeterType);