I do not want the D3D11 library to depend on a specific compiler
version. This way, I do not have to distribute D3D Compiler libraries
with the program (proprietary binary blobs). Any particular version
works because the API for the D3DCompiler function appears to be the
same; the only things that change are other features and additions
mostly (at least as far as I can tell). Using any version available on
the system should be more than sufficient rather than depending on some
specific D3D compiler version.
If the user doesn't have it, a download of the latest D3D distributables
should be fine, though it should work with the ones that come with
windows 7+ as well.
There's no need to find DirectX because with VS2013 and mingw it's
already available by default. Older visual studio versions that didn't
come with DirectX by default are no longer supported anyway.
(Also mingw doesn't currently work at all due to lack of proper headers,
but once they do it'll be available in the same way. I think.)