
267 lines
7.3 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Configuration file for textgen. This file defines the graphic lumps
# that are generated, and the text to show in each one.
import re
# Adjustments for character position based on character pairs. Some
# pairs of characters can fit more snugly together, which looks more
# visually appealing. This is highly dependent on the font graphics,
# and if the font is changed this probably needs to be redone.
# Right character fits under left character:
r"T[0ACOSZacos]": -2,
r"V[OC]": -2,
r"Y[ASZacs]": -2,
r"Y[CO0]": -1,
r"P[Aa]": -3,
r"P[7]": -2,
r"P[Z]": -1,
r"[0O][Aa]": -1,
r"S[A]": -1,
r"Sa": -2,
r"Wa": -1,
r"p[a]": -1,
r"s[ao]": -1,
r"ta": -2,
r"v[oc]": -1,
r"y[oacs]": -1,
# Left character fits under right character:
r"L[4Q]": -3,
r"L[O0CTYtcq]": -2,
r"L[oyVv]": -1,
r"l[tTY]": -2,
r"l[y]": -1,
r"[0O][4TYy]": -2,
r"[0O][1]": -1,
r"Q[1TY]": -2,
r"A[CGTYt]": -2,
r"A[cgy]": -1,
r"a[cTYt]": -2,
r"a[vVy]": -1,
# Fits into "hole" in left character:
r"B[0CGOQ]": -2,
r"B[0cgq]": -2,
r"C[0CGOQ]": -3,
r"C[q]": -2,
r"C[cgo]": -1,
r"X[0CO]": -3,
r"X[Qqco]": -2,
r"8[0CO]": -3,
r"8[GQcgqo]": -2,
r"Z[0CO]": -2,
r"Z[GQocgq]": -1,
r"I[0COQcoq]": -1,
r"K[0CO]": -4,
r"K[GQ]": -3,
r"K[cgo]": -2,
r"K[Eq]": -1,
r"P[0COQcoq]": -1,
r"R[0COQcoq]": -1,
# Fits into "hole" in right character:
r"[O0][2X8]": -3,
r"[O0][9Kx]": -2,
r"[O0][Iik]": -1,
r"Q[28X]": -2,
r"Q[9Iix]": -1,
r"q[IXx]": -1,
# Just because.
r"[O0][O0]": -1,
white_graphics = {
"wibp1": "P1",
"wibp2": "P2",
"wibp3": "P3",
"wibp4": "P4",
"wicolon": ":",
# These files are for the title screens of Phase 1 and Phase 2
"t_phase1": "PHASE 1",
"t_phase2": "PHASE 2",
# Note: level names are also included in this dictionary, with
# the data added programatically from the DEHACKED lump, see
# code below.
blue_graphics = {
"m_disopt": "DISPLAY OPTIONS",
"m_episod": "Choose Episode:",
"m_optttl": "OPTIONS",
"m_skill": "Choose Skill Level:",
red_graphics = {
# Title for the HELP/HELP1 screen:
"helpttl": "Help",
# Title for CREDIT
"freettl": "Freedoom",
"m_ngame": "New Game",
"m_option": "Options",
"m_loadg": "Load Game",
"m_saveg": "Save Game",
"m_rdthis": "Read This!",
"m_quitg": "Quit Game",
"m_newg": "NEW GAME",
"m_epi1": "Outpost Outbreak",
"m_epi2": "Military Labs",
"m_epi3": "Event Horizon",
"m_epi4": "Double Impact",
"m_jkill": "Please don't kill me!",
"m_rough": "Will this hurt?",
"m_hurt": "Bring on the pain.",
"m_ultra": "Extreme Carnage.",
"m_nmare": "MAYHEM!",
"m_lgttl": "LOAD GAME",
"m_sgttl": "SAVE GAME",
"m_endgam": "End Game",
"m_messg": "Messages:",
"m_msgoff": "off",
"m_msgon": "on",
"m_msens": "Mouse Sensitivity",
"m_detail": "Graphic Detail:",
"m_gdhigh": "high",
"m_gdlow": "low",
"m_scrnsz": "Screen Size",
"m_svol": "Sound Volume",
"m_sfxvol": "Sfx Volume",
"m_musvol": "Music Volume",
"m_disp": "Display",
"wif": "finished",
"wiostk": "kills",
"wiosti": "items",
"wiscrt2": "secret",
"wiosts": "scrt",
"wifrgs": "frgs",
"witime": "Time:",
"wisucks": "sucks",
"wimstt": "Total:",
"wipar": "Par:",
"wip1": "P1",
"wip2": "P2",
"wip3": "P3",
"wip4": "P4",
"wiostf": "f.",
"wimstar": "you",
"winum0": "0",
"winum1": "1",
"winum2": "2",
"winum3": "3",
"winum4": "4",
"winum5": "5",
"winum6": "6",
"winum7": "7",
"winum8": "8",
"winum9": "9",
"wipcnt": "%",
"wiminus": "-",
"wienter": "ENTERING",
"m_pause": "pause",
# Extra graphics used in PrBoom's menus. Generate these as well
# so that when we play in PrBoom the menus look consistent.
"prboom": "PrBoom",
"m_generl": "General",
"m_setup": "Setup",
"m_keybnd": "Key Bindings",
"m_weap": "Weapons",
"m_stat": "Status Bar/HUD",
"m_auto": "Automap",
"m_enem": "Enemies",
"m_mess": "Messages",
"m_chat": "Chat Strings",
"m_horsen": "horizontal",
"m_versen": "vertical",
"m_loksen": "mouse look",
"m_accel": "acceleration",
# Extra graphics from SMMU/Eternity Engine:
"m_about": "about",
"m_chatm": "Chat Strings",
"m_compat": "Compatibility",
"m_demos": "demos",
"m_dmflag": "deathmatch flags",
"m_etcopt": "eternity options",
"m_feat": "Features",
"m_gset": "game settings",
"m_hud": "heads up display",
"m_joyset": "joysticks",
"m_ldsv": "Load/Save",
"m_menus": "Menu Options",
"m_mouse": "mouse options",
"m_player": "player setup",
"m_serial": "serial connection",
"m_sound": "sound options",
"m_status": "status bar",
"m_tcpip": "tcp/ip connection",
"m_video": "video options",
"m_wad": "load wad",
"m_wadopt": "wad options",
# This is from SMMU too, and if we follow things to the letter,
# ought to be all lower-case. However, same lump name is used
# by other ports (Zandronum) which expect a taller graphic to
# match the other main menu graphics. Eternity Engine doesn't
# use it any more, and on SMMU there's enough space for it.
"m_multi": "Multiplayer",
# Crispy Doom's Crispness menu:
"m_crispy": "Crispness",
def read_bex_lump(filename):
"""Read the BEX (Dehacked) lump from the given filename.
Dictionary mapping from name to value.
result = {}
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
# Ignore comments:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0 or line[0] in "#;":
# Just split on '=' and interpret that as an
# assignment. This is primitive and doesn't read
# like a full BEX parser should, but it's good
# enough for our purposes here.
assign = line.split("=", 2)
if len(assign) != 2:
result[assign[0].strip()] = assign[1].strip()
return result
def update_level_name(lumpname, bexdata, bexname):
"""Set the level name for the given graphic from BEX file.
lumpname: Name of output graphic file.
bexdata: Dictionary of data read from BEX file.
bexname: Name of entry in BEX file to use.
if bexname not in bexdata:
raise Exception(
"Level name %s not defined in " "DEHACKED lump!" % bexname
# Strip "MAP01: " or "E1M2: " etc. from start, if present:
levelname = re.sub("^\w*\d:\s*", "", bexdata[bexname])
white_graphics[lumpname] = levelname
freedoom_bex = read_bex_lump("../../lumps/p2_deh.lmp")
freedm_bex = read_bex_lump("../../lumps/fdm_deh.lmp")
for e in range(4):
for m in range(9):
# HUSTR_E1M1 from BEX => wilv00
"wilv%i%i" % (e, m), freedoom_bex, "HUSTR_E%iM%i" % (e + 1, m + 1)
for m in range(32):
# HUSTR_1 => cwilv00
update_level_name("cwilv%02i" % m, freedoom_bex, "HUSTR_%i" % (m + 1))
# HUSTR_1 => dmwilv00 (from freedm.bex)
update_level_name("dmwilv%02i" % m, freedm_bex, "HUSTR_%i" % (m + 1))