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-- register a new nutrient
balanced_diet.register_nutrient(name, {
description = S(name),
on_eat = function(player, value)
-- optional. called once when a food item is eaten.
apply_value = function(player, value)
-- how to apply the nutrient value to the player. the nutrient value is a function of what the player has
-- eaten, how much of the nutrient individual foods provide, and how long ago they ate the item.
-- override a nutrient
balanced_diet.override_nutrient(name, def) -- as above
returns true if the item is a registered food.
-- register an *existing item* as a food
balanced_diet.register_food("default:apple", {
-- item_eat(2)
category = "apple", -- other apples cannot be eaten at the same time.
replace_with = "default:stick",
saturation = 1, -- adds this amount to the player's saturation
duration = 300, -- how long the food lasts.
nutrients = {
carbohydrate = 1,
vitamin = 1,
after_eat = function(itemstack, eater, pointed_thing)
-- called after an item is eaten, and can trigger food-specific effects
-- return true to prevent taking an item from the stack.
-- override a food
balanced_diet.override_food(item_name, overrides)
balanced_diet.register_on_item_eat(function(eater, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-- if this returns true, this will block the item from being eaten via the normal mechanic
balanced_diet.register_after_item_eat(function(eater, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-- called *after* a food is eaten. return true to prevent taking an item from the stack.