
943 B

Better Beginnings Mod

Better Beginnings mod for Minecraft v1.8.x. Requires Forge (built with

Kind of complicated. See the forum topic.

Contributing to this project:

  1. Download Forge v11.14.1.1334
  2. Setup with gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and gradlew eclipse
  3. Fork and clone this repository in a separate folder
  4. Add a new project, with src/main/java and src/main/resources
  5. Change the src/main/java and src/main/resources folder to use the src/main/java and src/main/resources folders from the source you downloaded.
  6. Delete the src/main/java and src/main/resources from the default "minecraft" package
  7. Add the project to the build path (or something like that)
  8. Do cool stuff with the code
  9. When you're finished with your changes, submit a pull request.