Dynamic Signs
Extend signs_lib to support texts stored in code rather than being specified in-world.
Download at https://github.com/eidy/dynamicsigns/archive/master.zip
A signid is assigned against the sign, which is used to lookup the text rather than it being specified in-world all the time.
It works for all the signs defined in signs_lib.
Example Usage
Register internationalised text using intllib:
dynamicsigns.register("traveltokapiti",S('Travel to Kapiti'))
Register a function call to look up text:
dynamicsigns.register("thetime",function() return "Game Time : " .. (minetest.get_timeofday() * 24000) end)
Depends: default, signs_lib
Code license: Apache 2.0
Github: https://github.com/eidy/dynamicsigns
dynamicsigns.register(signid, text)
Register a text to be shown on a sign
dynamicsigns.register(signid, function)
Register a function to be invoked to get the text to be shown on a sign
How to localise signs
- Copy in your favourite mod internationalisation library
(I like intllib - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4929)
Register your ids
Create signs in your game world, then use the "/setsign" command to set the signid (Requires server privilege)
Chat Commands
/setsign signid
Set the nearest sign to update automatically using the specified signid Admin required
(If the signid isn't found, the sign content will be set to the signid value)
Clear the current signid - Goes back to working like a normal sign
Dump the contents of the sign metadata to the console