
398 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright © 2008-2020 Pioneer Developers. See AUTHORS.txt for details
// Licensed under the terms of the GPL v3. See licenses/GPL-3.txt
#include "FaceParts.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "SDLWrappers.h"
#include "libs.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace {
static const int MAX_GENDERS = 6;
static const int MAX_RACES = 16;
static const int MAX_SPECIES = 10;
static const Uint32 GENDER_SHIFT = 0;
static const Uint32 GENDER_MASK = ((1u << MAX_GENDERS) - 1u) << GENDER_SHIFT;
static const Uint32 RACE_MASK = ((1u << MAX_RACES) - 1u) << RACE_SHIFT;
static const Uint32 SPECIES_MASK = ((1u << MAX_SPECIES) - 1u) << SPECIES_SHIFT;
// You can never have too many static_asserts, right?
static_assert(((MAX_GENDERS + MAX_RACES + MAX_SPECIES) == 32), "unused bits in the face part selector");
static_assert(((GENDER_MASK | RACE_MASK | SPECIES_MASK) == UINT32_MAX), "unused bits in the face part selector");
static_assert(((GENDER_MASK & RACE_MASK) == 0u), "face part selector: overlap between gender and race mask");
static_assert(((GENDER_MASK & SPECIES_MASK) == 0u), "face part selector: overlap between gender and species mask");
static_assert(((RACE_MASK & SPECIES_MASK) == 0u), "face part selector: overlap between race and species mask");
struct Part {
Uint32 selector; // a bitmask indicating which species, races and genders can use this part
SDLSurfacePtr part;
Part() :
selector(0u) {}
Part(const Uint32 sel, SDLSurfacePtr im) :
part(im) {}
struct SpeciesInfo {
int num_races;
int num_genders;
SpeciesInfo(int nraces, int ngenders) :
num_genders(ngenders) {}
class PartDb {
std::vector<SpeciesInfo> species;
std::vector<Part> heads;
std::vector<Part> eyes;
std::vector<Part> noses;
std::vector<Part> mouths;
std::vector<Part> hairstyles;
std::vector<Part> accessories;
std::vector<Part> clothes;
std::vector<Part> armour;
SDLSurfacePtr background_general;
void Clear();
void Scan();
void ScanSpecies(const std::string &dir, int species_idx);
void ScanParts(std::vector<Part> &output, const int species_idx, const int race_idx, const std::string &path, const char *prefix);
void ScanGenderedParts(std::vector<Part> &output, const int species_idx, const int race_idx, const std::string &path, const char *prefix);
static Uint32 _make_selector(int species, int race, int gender)
assert(species < MAX_SPECIES);
assert(race < MAX_RACES);
assert(gender < MAX_GENDERS);
Uint32 mask = 0u;
if (species < 0) {
} else {
mask |= (1u << (species + SPECIES_SHIFT));
if (race < 0) {
mask |= RACE_MASK;
} else {
mask |= (1u << (race + RACE_SHIFT));
if (gender < 0) {
mask |= GENDER_MASK;
} else {
mask |= (1u << (gender + GENDER_SHIFT));
return mask;
static int _count_parts(const std::vector<Part> &parts, const Uint32 selector)
int count = 0;
for (const auto &part : parts) {
if ((selector & part.selector) == selector) ++count;
return count;
static SDL_Surface *_get_part(const std::vector<Part> &parts, const Uint32 selector, int index)
for (const auto &part : parts) {
if ((selector & part.selector) == selector) {
if (!index) {
return part.part.Get();
return nullptr;
static void _blit_image(SDL_Surface *target, SDL_Surface *source, int xoff, int yoff)
if (!source) return;
SDL_Rect destrec = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// if the source is the full size, then ignore the offset
if ((source->w == FaceParts::FACE_WIDTH) &&
(source->h == FaceParts::FACE_HEIGHT)) {
destrec.x = 0;
destrec.y = 0;
} else {
destrec.x = ((FaceParts::FACE_WIDTH - source->w) / 2) + xoff;
destrec.y = yoff;
SDL_BlitSurface(source, 0, target, &destrec);
static PartDb *s_partdb;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace fs = FileSystem;
void PartDb::Clear()
static const char BACKGROUND_GENERAL_PATH[] = "facegen/backgrounds/general.png";
void PartDb::Scan()
background_general = LoadSurfaceFromFile(BACKGROUND_GENERAL_PATH);
if (!background_general) {
Output("Failed to load image %s\n", BACKGROUND_GENERAL_PATH);
int species_count = 0;
const auto flags = fs::FileEnumerator::IncludeDirs | fs::FileEnumerator::ExcludeFiles;
for (fs::FileEnumerator dirs(fs::gameDataFiles, "facegen", flags); !dirs.Finished(); dirs.Next()) {
if (!starts_with(dirs.Current().GetName(), "species_"))
if (species_count >= MAX_SPECIES) {
Output("FaceParts: reached the limit on the number of species\n");
ScanSpecies(dirs.Current().GetPath(), species_count);
void PartDb::ScanSpecies(const std::string &basedir, const int species_idx)
int race_count = 0;
const auto flags = fs::FileEnumerator::IncludeDirs | fs::FileEnumerator::ExcludeFiles;
for (fs::FileEnumerator dirs(fs::gameDataFiles, basedir, flags); !dirs.Finished(); dirs.Next()) {
const std::string &path = dirs.Current().GetPath();
const std::string &name = dirs.Current().GetName();
if (name == "accessories") {
ScanParts(this->accessories, species_idx, -1, path, "acc_");
} else if (name == "clothes") {
ScanGenderedParts(this->clothes, species_idx, -1, path, "cloth_");
ScanParts(this->armour, species_idx, -1, path, "armour_");
} else if (starts_with(name, "race_")) {
if (race_count >= MAX_RACES) {
Output("FaceParts: reached the limit on the number of races\n");
continue; // continue to ensure 'accessories' and 'clothes' dirs can still be scanned
const int race_idx = race_count++;
ScanGenderedParts(this->heads, species_idx, race_idx, fs::JoinPath(path, "head"), "head_");
ScanGenderedParts(this->eyes, species_idx, race_idx, fs::JoinPath(path, "eyes"), "eyes_");
ScanGenderedParts(this->noses, species_idx, race_idx, fs::JoinPath(path, "nose"), "nose_");
ScanGenderedParts(this->mouths, species_idx, race_idx, fs::JoinPath(path, "mouth"), "mouth_");
ScanGenderedParts(this->hairstyles, species_idx, race_idx, fs::JoinPath(path, "hair"), "hair_");
} else {
Output("FaceParts: unknown directory '%s'\n", path.c_str());
species.push_back(SpeciesInfo(race_count, 2)); // XXX currently we hardcode genders = 2
void PartDb::ScanParts(std::vector<Part> &output, const int species_idx, const int race_idx, const std::string &path, const char *prefix)
const Uint32 selector = _make_selector(species_idx, race_idx, -1);
for (fs::FileEnumerator files(fs::gameDataFiles, path); !files.Finished(); files.Next()) {
const std::string &name = files.Current().GetName();
if (starts_with(name, prefix)) {
SDLSurfacePtr im = LoadSurfaceFromFile(files.Current().GetPath());
if (im) {
output.push_back(Part(selector, im));
} else {
Output("Failed to load image %s\n", files.Current().GetPath().c_str());
void PartDb::ScanGenderedParts(std::vector<Part> &output, const int species_idx, const int race_idx, const std::string &path, const char *prefix)
const int prefix_len = strlen(prefix);
for (fs::FileEnumerator files(fs::gameDataFiles, path); !files.Finished(); files.Next()) {
const std::string &name = files.Current().GetName();
if (starts_with(name, prefix)) {
char *end = nullptr;
int gender_idx = strtol(name.c_str() + prefix_len, &end, 10);
Uint32 sel;
// HACK -- attempt to recognise `foo_3.png' style names
if (strcmp(end, ".png") == 0) {
sel = _make_selector(species_idx, race_idx, -1);
} else {
if (gender_idx < 0 || gender_idx >= MAX_GENDERS) {
Output("Gender out of range: %s\n", files.Current().GetPath().c_str());
sel = _make_selector(species_idx, race_idx, gender_idx);
SDLSurfacePtr im = LoadSurfaceFromFile(files.Current().GetPath());
if (im) {
output.push_back(Part(sel, im));
} else {
Output("Failed to load image %s\n", files.Current().GetPath().c_str());
const int FaceParts::FACE_WIDTH = 295;
const int FaceParts::FACE_HEIGHT = 285;
void FaceParts::Init()
s_partdb = new PartDb;
Output("Face Generation source images loaded.\n");
void FaceParts::Uninit()
delete s_partdb;
s_partdb = nullptr;
int FaceParts::NumSpecies()
return s_partdb->species.size();
int FaceParts::NumGenders(const int speciesIdx)
assert(speciesIdx >= 0 && speciesIdx < NumSpecies());
return s_partdb->species[speciesIdx].num_genders;
int FaceParts::NumRaces(const int speciesIdx)
assert(speciesIdx >= 0 && speciesIdx < NumSpecies());
return s_partdb->species[speciesIdx].num_races;
int FaceParts::NumHeads(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->heads, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
int FaceParts::NumEyes(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->eyes, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
int FaceParts::NumNoses(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->noses, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
int FaceParts::NumMouths(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->mouths, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
int FaceParts::NumHairstyles(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->hairstyles, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
int FaceParts::NumClothes(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->clothes, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
int FaceParts::NumAccessories(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->accessories, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
int FaceParts::NumArmour(const int speciesIdx, const int raceIdx, const int genderIdx)
return _count_parts(s_partdb->armour, _make_selector(speciesIdx, raceIdx, genderIdx));
static void _pick(Random &rng, int &inout_value, const int limit)
assert(limit > 0);
// we always run the RNG, even if the result is not needed, because that way
// the output (index) for a particular component should be fixed for a given seed,
// independent of changes to other components
const Uint32 rng_value = (rng.Int32() % limit);
if (inout_value < 0) {
inout_value = rng_value;
assert(inout_value >= 0 && inout_value < limit);
} else {
inout_value = (inout_value % limit);
void FaceParts::PickFaceParts(FaceDescriptor &inout_face, const Uint32 seed)
Random rand(seed);
_pick(rand, inout_face.species, NumSpecies());
_pick(rand, inout_face.race, NumRaces(inout_face.species));
_pick(rand, inout_face.gender, NumGenders(inout_face.species));
const Uint32 selector = _make_selector(inout_face.species, inout_face.race, inout_face.gender);
_pick(rand, inout_face.head, _count_parts(s_partdb->heads, selector));
_pick(rand, inout_face.eyes, _count_parts(s_partdb->eyes, selector));
_pick(rand, inout_face.nose, _count_parts(s_partdb->noses, selector));
_pick(rand, inout_face.mouth, _count_parts(s_partdb->mouths, selector));
_pick(rand, inout_face.hairstyle, _count_parts(s_partdb->hairstyles, selector));
const bool has_accessories = (rand.Int32() & 1 || inout_face.accessories >= 0);
_pick(rand, inout_face.accessories, _count_parts(s_partdb->accessories, selector));
if (!has_accessories) {
inout_face.accessories = 0;
_pick(rand, inout_face.clothes, _count_parts(s_partdb->clothes, selector));
_pick(rand, inout_face.armour, _count_parts(s_partdb->armour, selector));
void FaceParts::BuildFaceImage(SDL_Surface *faceIm, const FaceDescriptor &face)
const Uint32 selector = _make_selector(face.species, face.race, face.gender);
_blit_image(faceIm, s_partdb->background_general.Get(), 0, 0);
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->heads, selector, face.head), 0, 0);
if (!face.armour) {
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->clothes, selector, face.clothes), 0, 135);
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->eyes, selector, face.eyes), 0, 41);
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->noses, selector, face.nose), 1, 89);
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->mouths, selector, face.mouth), 0, 155);
if (!face.armour) {
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->accessories, selector, face.accessories), 0, 0);
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->hairstyles, selector, face.hairstyle), 0, 0);
} else {
_blit_image(faceIm, _get_part(s_partdb->armour, selector, face.armour), 0, 0);