Merge pull request #2375 from Sayanc93/adding-rails-cheatsheet

New Rails 4 Cheatsheet
Zaahir Moolla 2016-04-12 17:57:19 -04:00
commit ea60f69174
1 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"id": "rails_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Rails",
"description": "Explanation of Rails 4 Commands",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Ruby On Rails API",
"sourceUrl": ""
"aliases": [
"rails 4", "ruby on rails", "rake", "bundle"
"template_type": "terminal",
"section_order": [
"Rails Commands",
"Rake Commands",
"Bundle Commands"
"sections": {
"Rails Commands": [{
"val": "Creates a new Ruby on Rails application with the given name here.",
"key": "rails new name"
}, {
"val": "The scaffold command magically generates all the common things needed for a new resource for you! This includes controllers, models and views.",
"key": "rails generate scaffold name attribute:type"
}, {
"val": "Creates a new controller and its respective views with the given name here.",
"key": "rails generate controller name"
}, {
"val": "Creates a new model with the given name here and its respective migration with attributes mentioned.",
"key": "rails generate model name attribute:type"
}, {
"val": "Launches a small web server named WEBrick which comes bundled with Ruby on port 3000",
"key": "rails server"
}, {
"val": "The console command lets you interact with your Rails application from the command line.",
"key": "rails console"
"Rake Commands": [{
"val": "Creates the database for the current environment",
"key": "rake db:create"
}, {
"val": "Creates the databases for all environments",
"key": "rake db:create:all"
}, {
"val": "Drops the database for the current environment",
"key": "rake db:drop"
}, {
"val": "Drops the databases for all environments",
"key": "rake db:drop:all"
}, {
"val": "Runs migrations for the current environment that have not run yet",
"key": "rake db:migrate"
}, {
"val": "Rolls back the last migration",
"key": "rake db:rollback"
}, {
"val": "(only) runs the db/seed.rb file",
"key": "rake db:seed"
}, {
"val": "Runs (db:migrate:down db:migrate:up) or (db:rollback db:migrate) depending on the specified migration",
"key": "rake db:migrate:redo"
}, {
"val": "Runs db:drop db:create db:migrate",
"key": "rake db:migrate:reset"
}, {
"val": "Clears session, cache, and socket files",
"key": "rake tmp:clear"
}, {
"val": "Compile all the assets named in config.assets.precompile",
"key": "rake assets:precompile"
"Bundle Commands": [{
"val": "Install the current environment's gems to the system",
"key": "bundle install"
}, {
"val": "Run the command in context of the bundle",
"key": "bundle exec"
}, {
"val": "Cleans up unused gems in your bundler directory",
"key": "bundle clean"
}, {
"val": "Retrieve or set a configuration value",
"key": "bundle config"
}, {
"val": "Opens an IRB session with the bundle pre-loaded",
"key": "bundle console"
}, {
"val": "Generates a Gemfile into the current working directory",
"key": "bundle init"
}, {
"val": "Update the current environment",
"key": "bundle update"
}, {
"val": "Shows all gems that are part of the bundle, or the path to a given gem",
"key": "bundle show"