Merge pull request #2623 from mohan08p/mohan08p/apache-pig

New Apache Pig Cheat  Sheet
Zaahir Moolla 2016-04-12 17:55:23 -04:00
commit 52b72a381f
1 changed files with 464 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
"id": "apache_pig_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Apache Pig",
"template_type": "terminal",
"description": "It is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "MORTAR",
"sourceUrl": ""
"aliases": [
"pig basics",
"apache pig shell",
"pig functions",
"pig lang"
"section_order": [
"Data Types",
"Relational Operators",
"Mathematical Functions",
"Eval Functions",
"String Functions",
"DateTime Functions",
"Bag and Tuple Functions",
"Load/Store Functions"
"sections": {
"Data Types": [
"key": "int",
"val": "Signed 32-bit integer"
"key": "long",
"val": "Signed 64-bit integer"
"key": "float",
"val": "32-bit floating point"
"key": "double",
"val": "64-bit floating point"
"key": "chararray",
"val": "Character array (string) in Unicode UTF-8 format"
"key": "bytearray",
"val": "Byte array (blob)"
"key": "boolean",
"val": "Logical value"
"key": "datetime",
"val": "org.joda.time.DateTime"
"key": "biginteger",
"val": "Java BigInteger"
"key": "bigdecimal",
"val": "Java BigDecimal"
"key": "tuple",
"val": "An ordered set of fields"
"key": "bag",
"val": "A collection of tuples"
"key": "map",
"val": "A set of key value pairs"
"Relational Operators": [
"key": "COGROUP alias BY (col1, col2)",
"val": "Uses when multiple relations involve"
"key": "CROSS alias1, alias2",
"val": "Computes the cross product of two or more relations"
"key": "CUBE alias BY CUBE(exp1, exp2, ...) ",
"val": "It computes aggregates for all possbile combinations of specified group by dimensions"
"key": "CUBE alias BY ROLLUP(exp1, exp2, ...)",
"val": "It computes multiple levels of aggregates based on hierarchical ordering of specified group by dimensions"
"key": "DISTINCT alias",
"val": "Removes duplicate tuples in a relation"
"key": "FILTER alias BY expression",
"val": "Selects tuples from a relation based on some condition"
"key": "...FLATTEN(tuple/bag)",
"val": "Un-nests a tuple or a bag"
"key": "FOREACH ... GENERATE",
"val": "Performs transformations on each row in the data"
"key": "GROUP alias ALL",
"val": "Groups the data in one or multiple relations"
"key": "JOIN smaller_alias BY expression, larger_alias BY expression",
"val": "Performs inner, equijoin of two or more relations based on common field values"
"key": "JOIN smaller_alias BY expression \\[LEFT|RIGHT|OUTER\\], larger_alias BY expression",
"val": "Performs an outer join of two or more relations based on common field values"
"key": "JOIN big_alias BY expression, small_alias BY expression USING 'replicated'",
"val": "Efficient join when one or more relations are small enough to fit in main memory"
"key": "LIMIT alias n",
"val": "Limits the number of output tuples"
"key": "LOAD 'data' \\[USING function\\] \\[AS schema\\] ",
"val": "Loads data from the file system"
"key": "ORDER alias BY col \\[ASC | DESC\\]",
"val": "Sorts a relation based on one or more fields"
"key": "RANK alias BY col \\[ASC | DESC\\]",
"val": "Returns each tuple with the rank within a relation"
"key": "SAMPLE alias size",
"val": "Selects a random sample of data based on the specified sample size"
"key": "SPLIT alias INTO alias1 IF expression, alias2 IF expression...",
"val": "Partitions a relation into two or more relations"
"key": "STORE alias INTO directory \\[USING function\\]",
"val": "Stores or saves results to the file system"
"key": "UNION alias1, alias2",
"val": "Computes the union of two or more relations"
"Mathematical Functions": [
"key": "ABS(int a)",
"val": "Returns the absolute(int) value of an expression"
"key": "ACOS(double a)",
"val": "Returns the arc cosine of an expression"
"key": "ASIN(double a)",
"val": "Returns the arc sine of an expression"
"key": "ATAN(double a)",
"val": "Returns the arc tangent of an expression"
"key": "CBRT(double a)",
"val": "Returns the cube root of an expression"
"key": "CEIL(double a)",
"val": "Returns the value of an expression rounded upto the nearest integer"
"key": "COS(double a)",
"val": "Returns the cosine of an expression"
"key": "COSH(double a)",
"val": "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an expression"
"key": "EXP(double a)",
"val": "Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of x"
"key": "FLOOR(double a)",
"val": "Returns the value of an expression rounded down to the nearest integer"
"key": "LOG(double a)",
"val": "Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of an expression"
"key": "LOG10(double a)",
"val": "Returns the base 10 logarithm of an expression"
"key": "RANDOM( )",
"val": "Returns a pseudo random number greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0"
"key": "ROUND(float a), ROUND(double a)",
"val": "Returns the value of an expression rounded to an integer"
"key": "SIN(double a)",
"val": "Returns the sine of an expression"
"key": "SINH(double a)",
"val": "Returns the hyperbolic sine of an expression"
"key": "SQRT(double a)",
"val": "Returns the positive square root of an expression"
"key": "TAN(double a)",
"val": "Returns the tangent of an expression"
"key": "TANH(double a)",
"val": "Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an expression"
"Eval Functions": [
"key": "AVG(col)",
"val": "Computes the average of the numeric values in a single column of a bag"
"key": "CONCAT(String expression1, String expression2)",
"val": "Concatenates two expressions of identical type"
"key": "COUNT(DataBag bag)",
"val": "Computes the number of elements in a bag, excluding null values"
"key": "COUNT_STAR(DataBag bag)",
"val": "Computes the number of elements in a bag, including null values"
"key": "DIFF(DataBag bag1, DataBag bag2)",
"val": "Compares two bags"
"key": "IsEmpty(DataBag bag), IsEmpty(Map map)",
"val": "Checks if a bag or map is empty"
"key": "MAX(col)",
"val": "Computes the maximum of the numeric values"
"key": "MIN(col)",
"val": "Computes the minimum of the numeric values"
"key": "DEFINE pluck PluckTuple(expression1) pluck(expression2)",
"val": "Allows the user to specify a string prefix, and then filter for the columns in a relation that begin with that prefix"
"key": "SIZE(expression)",
"val": "Computes the number of elements based on any Pig data type"
"key": "SUBTRACT(DataBag bag1, DataBag bag2)",
"val": "Returns bag composed of bag1 elements not in bag2"
"key": "SUM(col)",
"val": "Computes the sum of the numeric values in a single-column bag"
"key": "TOKENIZE(String expression [, field_delimiter])",
"val": "Splits a string and outputs a bag of words"
"String Functions": [
"key": "ENDSWITH(String string, String testAgainst)",
"val": "Tests inputs to determine if the first argument ends with the string in the second"
"key": "EqualsIgnoreCase(String string1, String string2)",
"val": "Compares two strings ignoring case considerations"
"key": "INDEXOF(String string, String 'character', int startIndex)",
"val": "Returns the index of the first occurrence of a character in a string, searching forward from a start index"
"key": "LAST_INDEX_OF(String string, String 'character')",
"val": "Returns the index of the last occurrence of a character in a string, searching backward from the end of the string"
"key": "LCFIRST(String expression)",
"val": "Converts the first character in a string to lower case"
"key": "LOWER(String expression)",
"val": "Converts all characters in a string to lower case"
"key": "LTRIM(String expression)",
"val": "Returns a copy of a string with only leading white space removed"
"key": "REGEX_EXTRACT(String string, String regex, int index)",
"val": "Performs regular expression matching and extracts the matched group defined by an index parameter"
"key": "RTRIM(String expression)",
"val": "Returns a copy of a string with only trailing white space removed"
"key": "UCFIRST(String expression)",
"val": "Returns a string with the first character converted to upper case"
"key": "TRIM(String expression)",
"val": "Returns a copy of a string with leading and trailing white space removed"
"key": "UPPER(String expression)",
"val": "Returns a string converted to upper case"
"DateTime Functions": [
"key": "AddDuration(DateTime datetime, String duration)",
"val": "Returns the result of a DateTime object plus an ISO 8601 duration string"
"key": "CurrentTime()",
"val": "Returns the DateTime object of the current time"
"key": "GetDay(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Returns the day of a month from a DateTime object"
"key": "GetHour(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Returns the hour of a day from a DateTime object"
"key": "GetMilliSecond(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Returns the millisecond of a second from a DateTime object"
"key": "SecondsBetween(DateTime datetime1, DateTime datetime2)",
"val": "Returns the number of seconds between two DateTime objects"
"key": "GetMonth(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Returns the month of a year from a DateTime object"
"key": "GetWeek(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Returns the week of a week year from a DateTime object"
"key": "GetYear(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Returns the year from a DateTime object"
"key": "ToDate(long milliseconds)",
"val": "Returns a DateTime object according to parameters"
"key": "ToString(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Converts the DateTime object to the ISO string"
"key": "ToUnixTime(DateTime datetime)",
"val": "Returns the Unix Time as long for a DateTime object"
"Bag and Tuple Functions": [
"key": "TOTUPLE(expression \\[, expression ...\\])",
"val": "Converts one or more expressions to type tuple"
"key": "TOBAG(expression \\[, expression ...\\])",
"val": "Converts one or more expressions to type bag"
"key": "TOMAP(key-expression, value-expression \\[, key-expression, value-expression ...\\])",
"val": "Converts key/value expression pairs into a map"
"key": "TOP(int topN, column, relation)",
"val": "Returns the top-n tuples from a bag of tuples"
"Load/Store Functions": [
"key": "AvroStorage()",
"val": "To load/store Avro data"
"key": "CommonLogLoader()",
"val": "Common Log Format, Combined Log Format"
"key": "CSVExcelStorage()",
"val": "CSV"
"key": "DynamoDBStorage()",
"val": "DynamoDB"
"key": "FixedWidthLoader()",
"val": "Fixed-Width"
"key": "HiveColumnaroader()",
"val": "Hive"
"key": "JsonLoader()",
"val": "JSON"
"key": "MongoLoader()",
"val": "MongoDB"
"key": "PapertrailLoader()",
"val": "Papertrail Logs"
"key": "PigStorage()",
"val": "Character-delimited (CSV, TSV)"
"key": "TextLoader()",
"val": "Text/Unformatted"
"key": "XMLLoader()",
"val": "XML"