Allow asinh and acosh through when triggering. (#4360)

PJ Hampton 2017-07-18 16:57:22 +01:00 committed by Brian Stoner
parent d5129df6e4
commit 6ba96f8286
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ triggers query => qr'^
\d+\%=?$ |
what\sis| calculat(e|or) | solve | math | log\sof | fact(?:orial?)?(\s+of)? |
times | mult | multiply | divided\sby | plus | minus | cos | tau |
sin | sinh | tan | log | ln | exp | tanh | arctan | atan | arccos | acos | asin | arcsin | cosh |
sin | sinh | tan | log | ln | exp | tanh | arctan | atan | arccos | acosh? | asinh? | arcsin | cosh |
deg(?:rees?)? | rad(?:ians?)? |
squared | sqrt | cbrt | \d+\s?mod(?:ulo)?\s?\d+ | dozen | pi |
(?:cub(?:ed?|ic)|sq(?:uare)?)\s?r(?:oo)?t(?:\sof)? | cubed? |