
820 B

Sweet Nodes Mod

Description: Adds edible and decorative nodes to Minetest. Technical Name: sweet_nodes Version: 0.1 License: MIT Usage: For decoration or for food. How to Craft: Sugar = S Bread = B Empty = _ Pop Tart = P Wood = W

Sugar: Find papyrus and smelt in furnace. Collect sugar.

Pop Tart: S S S B B B _ _ _

Pop Tart Node: P P P W W W _ _ _


After downloading, place the file in minetest/mods/

( GNU/Linux: If you use a system-wide installation place it in ~/.minetest/mods/. )

( If you only want this to be used in a single world, place the folder in worldmods/ in your worlddirectory. )

For further information or help see: http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Installing_Mods