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# Texture Generator (`texgen`)
Dynamically generates a texture pack for your current game in the `textures` directory.
## Features
* Compatible with virtually all mods and games
* Easy texture pack generation, no complex installation
* Server-side (mod-based) texture pack; textures can be accessed by other mods
## Instructions
Just fire up the mod and configure it to your liking. It might throw an error message as it updates its `mod.conf` to depend on all enabled mods. Simply retry after that.
### Downloading palettes
You can use the `/download_palette <url>` chatcommand to download a PNG palette file, for example `/download_palette https://lospec.com/palette-list/zughy-32-1x.png`.
See `/help download_palette` for details on its usage.
Requires the `server` priv. Only available if `texgen` is added to both `secure.http_mods` and `secure.trusted_mods`.
**WARNING: Enabling this feature poses a minor security risk.**
## Configuration
### `average`
Replace each texture with a single pixel of its weighted average RGB color
* Type: boolean
* Default: `false`
### `invert`
Invert the RGB colors
* Type: boolean
* Default: `false`
### `monochrome`
Convert RGB to monochrome (greyscale)
* Type: boolean
* Default: `false`
### `palette`
#### `dithering`
Dithering method to use
* Type: string
* Default: `floyd_steinberg`
* Possible values:
* sierra
* stucke
* sierra_lite
* jarvis_judice_ninke
* floyd_steinberg
* none
* two_row_sierra
* burkes
* atkinson
#### `name`
Name of the palette to use (without extension)
* Type: string
* Default: `apollo`
* Possible values:
* soggy-newspapers
* apollo
* zughy-32
* aap-64
* pico-8
* resurrect-64
### `saturate`
Increase or decrease saturation by a factor
* Type: number
* Default: `1`
* &gt;= `0.1`
* &lt;= `10`
## Links
* [GitHub](https://github.com/appgurueu/texgen) - sources, issue tracking, contributing
* [Discord](https://discord.gg/ysP74by) - discussion, chatting
* [Minetest Forum](https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=28115) - (more organized) discussion
* [ContentDB](https://content.minetest.net/packages/LMD/texgen) - releases (downloading from GitHub is recommended)
## License
Code written by Lars Müller (appgurueu) and licensed under the MIT license; builtin Minetest media licensed under various free Creative Commons licenses as well as the Apache 2 license (see `LICENSE.txt` in the `builtin` folder for details and attribution).
The palettes are (for copyright reasons shuffled) versions of palettes available on [Lospec](https://lospec.com/):
* Adigun A. Polack's "AAP-64"
* AdamCYounis' "Apollo"
* Lexaloffle Games' "PICO-8"
* Kerrie Lake's "Resurrect 64"
* Walking's "Soggy Newspapers"
* Zughy's "Zughy 32"