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Rogier ace16ce575 Fix to translucency computation & improve water colors 2014-05-24 20:49:00 +02:00
.gitignore Remove colors.txt from .gitignore 2014-05-22 10:41:47 +02:00
AUTHORS Document and (attempt to) clarify licensing situation 2014-03-26 11:04:29 +01:00
BlockPos.h Add NodeCoord (in preparation for future changes) 2014-05-23 13:47:40 +02:00
CMakeLists.txt Make sqlite backend optional (enabled by default) 2014-05-22 10:41:48 +02:00
COPYING Document and (attempt to) clarify licensing situation 2014-03-26 11:04:29 +01:00
Changelog Added Changelog 2014-05-23 15:52:15 +02:00
Color.cpp Move color string parsing to constructor of class Color & add a constructor using an integer 2014-05-12 09:26:17 +02:00
Color.h Fix conversion of libgd alpha value: libgd uses 0..127 (not 255) 2014-05-22 10:41:12 +02:00
LICENSE Document and (attempt to) clarify licensing situation 2014-03-26 11:04:29 +01:00
LICENSE.BSD-2clause Document and (attempt to) clarify licensing situation 2014-03-26 11:04:29 +01:00
LICENSE.LGPLv2.1 Document and (attempt to) clarify licensing situation 2014-03-26 11:04:29 +01:00
PixelAttributes.cpp Fix to translucency computation & improve water colors 2014-05-24 20:49:00 +02:00
PixelAttributes.h Fix SEGV when top part of the map is empty 2014-05-22 10:41:47 +02:00
PlayerAttributes.cpp Player attributes moved to separate class. 2012-09-01 16:40:18 +02:00
PlayerAttributes.h Player attributes moved to separate class. 2012-09-01 16:40:18 +02:00
README.rst Fix and improve configuration of tiles location 2014-05-23 13:47:41 +02:00
TileGenerator.cpp Remove lingering printfs... 2014-05-23 23:29:34 +02:00
TileGenerator.h Fix and improve configuration of tiles location 2014-05-23 13:47:41 +02:00
ZlibDecompressor.cpp Improve error messages for zlib decompression errors 2014-05-22 10:41:12 +02:00
ZlibDecompressor.h Improve error messages for zlib decompression errors 2014-05-22 10:41:12 +02:00
autogenerating-colors.txt Clarify autogenerating colors 2014-04-09 11:04:35 +02:00
cmake_config.h.in Make sqlite backend optional (enabled by default) 2014-05-22 10:41:48 +02:00
colors.txt Fix to translucency computation & improve water colors 2014-05-24 20:49:00 +02:00
config.h Obtain database backend type from the world's world.mt file by default 2014-05-23 13:47:40 +02:00
db-leveldb.cpp Better error reporting for LevelDB backend 2014-05-23 13:47:40 +02:00
db-leveldb.h Minor statistics fix to leveldb backend 2014-05-22 10:41:48 +02:00
db-redis.cpp Add redis database backend (port of sfan5's patches) 2014-05-22 10:41:48 +02:00
db-redis.h Add redis database backend (port of sfan5's patches) 2014-05-22 10:41:48 +02:00
db-sqlite3.cpp Improvements to database code & some small optimisations 2014-05-22 10:32:12 +02:00
db-sqlite3.h Fix choice between c++11 unordered_map and c++0x regular (ordered) map 2014-05-22 10:41:47 +02:00
db.h Improvements to database code & some small optimisations 2014-05-22 10:32:12 +02:00
empty.cpp Use C++11 if possible 2014-05-22 10:41:12 +02:00
mapper.cpp Fix and improve configuration of tiles location 2014-05-23 13:47:41 +02:00
minetest-database.h Split struct BlockPos into own header 2014-05-22 10:12:10 +02:00
types.h Use a common ustring type definition instead of different custom versions 2014-05-22 10:12:03 +02:00


Minetest Mapper C++

A port of minetestmapper.py to C++ from https://github.com/minetest/minetest/tree/master/util


* libgd
* sqlite3 (enabled by default, set ENABLE_SQLITE3=0 in CMake to disable)
* leveldb (optional, set ENABLE_LEVELDB=1 in CMake to enable leveldb support)
* hiredis (optional, set ENABLE_REDIS=1 in CMake to enable redis support)




    cmake .

With levelDB and Redis support:


    cmake -DENABLE_LEVELDB=true -DENABLE_REDIS=true .

Debug version:



Release version:


    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release .


Binary `minetestmapper` has two mandatory paremeters, `-i` (input world path)
and `-o` (output image path).


    ./minetestmapper -i ~/.minetest/worlds/my_world/ -o ~/map.png


colors <file>:
    Filename of the color definition file to use.

    By default, a file 'colors.txt' is used, which may be located:

    * In the directory of the world being mapped

    * In the directory two levels up from the directory of the world being mapped,
      provided that directory contains a file 'minetest.conf'

    * In the user's private directory ($HOME/.minetest)

    * For compatibility, in the current directory as a last resort.
      This causes a warning message to be printed.

    If the colors file contains duplicate entries for the same node,
    one with alpha = 255, or absent, and one with alpha < 255, the former
    is used without 'drawalpha', and the latter is used with 'drawalpha':


    # Entry that is used without 'drawalpha':
    default:water-source	39 66 106
    # Entry that is used with 'drawalpha':
    default:water-source	78 132 212 64 224

    Background color of image, `--bgcolor #ffffff`

    Color of scale, `--scalecolor #000000`

    Color of player indicators, `--playercolor #ff0000`

    An alpha value can be specified, but due to a bug in the
    drawing library, it will not have the desired effect.

    Color of origin indicator, `--origincolor #ff0000`

    An alpha value can be specified, but due to a bug in the
    drawing library, it will not have the desired effect.

    Draw tick marks, `--drawscale`

    Draw player indicators, `--drawplayers`

    Draw origin indicator, `--draworigin`

    Allow blocks to be drawn with transparency, `--drawalpha`

    Don't draw shading on nodes, `--noshading`

    Don't draw nodes below this y value, `--min-y -25`

    Don't draw nodes above this y value, `--max-y 75`

    Use specific map backend, supported: auto, sqlite3, leveldb, redis, `--backend leveldb`

    By default, the backend is 'auto', i.e. it is determined from the backend
    setting in the world's world.mt file (if found).

centergeometry  <geometry>:
    (see below, under 'geometry')

cornergeometry  <geometry>:
    (see below, under 'geometry')

geometry <geometry>:
    Limit the part of the world that is included in the map.

    <geometry> has one of the formats:

    <width>x<height>[<+|-xoffset><+|-yoffset>]	(dimensions & corner)

    <xoffset>,<yoffset>+width+height		(corner & dimensions)

    <xcenter>,<ycenter>:widthxheight		(center & dimensions)


    The old/original format is also supported:

    <xoffset>:<yoffset>+width+height		(corner & dimensions)

    For 'cornergeometry', the offsets ([xy]offset or [xy]center) will
    be at the lower-left corner of the image (offsets increase from left
    to right, and from bottom to top).

    For 'centergeometry', the offsets ([xy]offset or [xy]center) will be
    in the center of the image.

    For plain 'geometry', the offsets will be at the corner, or in
    the center, depending on the geometry format.

    If the offsets are not specified (with the first format),
    the map is centered on the center of the world.

    By default, the geometry has pixel granularity, and a map of
    exactly the requested size is generated.

    *Compatibility mode*:

    If the *first* geometry-related option on the command-line
    is `--geometry`, *and* if the old format is used, then for
    compatibility, the old behavior is default instead (i.e.
    block granularity, and a smaller map if possible). Block
    granularity is also enabled when the obsolete (and otherwise
    undocumented) option '--forcegeometry' is found first.


    `--geometry 10x10-5-5`

    `--geometry 100,100:500,1000`

    `--cornergeometry 50x50+100+100`

    `--centergeometry 1100x1300+1000-500`

    `--geometry 1100x1300`

geometrymode pixel,block,fixed,shrink:
    Specify how the geometry should be interpreted. One or
    more of the flags may be used, separated by commas or
    spaces. In case of conflicts, the last flag takes

    When using space as a separator, make sure to enclose
    the list of flags in quotes!

geometrymode pixel:
    Interpret the geometry specification with pixel granularity,
    as opposed to block granularity (see below).

    A map of exactly the requested size is generated (after
    adjustments due to the 'shrink' flag).

geometrymode block:
    Interpret the geometry specification with block granularity.

    The requested geometry will be extended so that the map does
    not contain partial map blocks (of 16x16 nodes each).
    At *least* all pixels covered by the geometry will be in the
    map, but there may be up to 15 more in every direction.

geometrymode fixed:
    Generate a map of the requested geometry, even if part
    or all of it would be empty.

    *NOTE*: If this flag is used, and no actual geometry is
    specified, this would result in a maximum-size map (65536
    x 65536), which is currently not possible, and will fail,
    due to a bug in the drawing library.

geometrymode shrink:
    Generate a map of at most the requested geometry. Shrink
    it to the smallest possible size that still includes the
    same information.

    Currently, shrinking is done with block granularity, and
    based on which blocks are in the database. If the database
    contains empty, or partially empty blocks, there may still
    be empty pixels at the edges of the map.

    When using sqlite, read an entire world row at one, instead of reading
    one block at a time.

    This may improve performance when a large percentage of the world is mapped.

tiles <tilesize>[+<border>]
    Divide the map in square tiles of the requested size. A border of the
    requested width (or width 1, of not specfied) is drawn between the tiles.
    In order to preserve all map pixels (and to prevent overwriting them with
    borders), extra pixel rows and columns for the borders are inserted into
    the map.

    In order to allow partial world maps to be combined into larger maps, edge
    borders of the map are always drawn on the same side (left or top). Other
    edges are always border-less.


    `--tiles 1000`

    `--tiles 1000+2`

    NOTE: As a consequence of preserving all map pixels:

    * tiled maps may look slightly distorted, due to the inserted borders.

    * scale markers never align with tile borders, as the borders are
      logically *between* pixels, so they have no actual coordinates.

tileorigin x,y
    Arrange the tiles so that one tile has its bottom-left (i.e. south-west)
    corner at map coordinates x,y.

    (see also `tilecenter`)

tilecenter x,y|map|world
    Arrange the tiles so that one tile has its center at map coordinates x,y.

    If the value 'world' is used, arrange for one tile to have its center
    at the center of the world instead. This is the default for tiles.

    If the value 'map' is used, arrange for one tile to have its center
    at the center of the map instead.


    `--tilecenter -500,-500`

    `--tileorigin 0,0`

    `--tilecenter map`

    `--tilecenter world`

    Color of border between tiles, `--tilebordercolor #000000`

draw[map]<figure> "<geometry> <color> [<text>]"
    Draw a geometrical figure on the map, using either world or map

    NOTE: the quotes around the two or three parameters to these
    options are absolutely required.

    Possible figures: point, line, circle, ellipse, rectangle, text;
    'circle' is an alias for 'ellipse' - it therefore requires
    two dimensions, just like an ellipse.


    `--drawellipse "5x5+2+3 #ff0000"`

    `--drawcircle "4,5:5x4 #ff0000"`

    `--drawline "5x5+8+8 #80ff0000"`

    `--drawline "8,8:12,12 #80ff0000"`

    `--drawmapline "3x5+4+6 #ffff0000"`

    `--drawtext "0,0 #808080 center of the world"

    `--drawmaptext "0,0 #808080 top left of the map"

    Note that specifying an alpha value does not have the expected
    result when drawing an ellipse.

    report some useful / interesting information:

    * maximum coordinates of the world

    * world coordinates included the map being generated

    * number of blocks: in the world, and in the map area.

    Using `--verbose=2`, report some more statistics, including:

    * database access statistics.