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# README ![CI](https://github.com/adrido/MinetestMapperGUI/workflows/CI/badge.svg)
MinetestMapperGui is a program written in C++ using the Qt framework that executes the minetestmapper over an graphical interface.
## Note ##
This Repository only contains the MinetestmapperGUI, If you are searching the full Package (including minetestmapper) please look [here](https://github.com/adrido/MinetestMapperGUI-Bundle).
## Getting Started ##
### Installing ###
The easiest way is to grab the latest Installer from the [Release page](/adrido/MinetestMapperGUI/releases) for your platform and install it.
If it isn't available you can easyly compile it yourself.
## Building MinetestMapperGUI yourself ##
### Requirements ###
* A modern C++ compiler
* Qt-Framework
* CMake
* git
### Compiling ###
Open the Folder in your preferred IDE. Visual Studio and Qt-Creator are known to work.
Use the commandline:
cmake --build . --config Release
### Creating a package ###
cpack -G ZIP
Of course, you can use every cpack generator you want. If your favourite one is not available, feel free to create a Pull Request
## Versioning
We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](/adrido/MinetestMapperGUI/tags).