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License: MIT

Minetest Game mod: XPFW

========================== See license.txt for license information.

Short description

XPFW provide an API for storing values relevant for experience mechanism into player metadata (Identified with prefix "XPFW_"). It also stores several statistic values during playtime:

  • Walked distances calculated out of velocity (important: teleporting does not influence this value)
  • accumulated distance out of comparing with last known position (important: teleporting is included in this value)
  • whole playtime on the server
  • amount of dug nodes
  • amount of build nodes
  • amount of crafted items
  • amount of occured deahts
  • amount of text messages
  • amount of logins

For several amounts also a kind of speed is calculated, like walking speed or crafting speed.

Chat Commands

Following chat commands are available:

/xpfw prints stored values of XPFW in the chat window

/xphud toggle the visible statistics in players hud on/off

/xpreset set all values to default

/xpset need xpfwset privilege Set variable of user to new value


Usage (roughly):

  • xpfw.register_attribute(name,data) to register new attribute
  • xpfw.player_get_attribute(player,name) Get stored value of attribute for ObjectRef player

Authors of source code

ademant (MIT)

Authors of media (textures)

Created by ademant (CC BY 3.0):