1561 lines
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1561 lines
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#include "voxel_lod_terrain_update_task.h"
#include "../../engine/generate_block_task.h"
#include "../../engine/load_block_data_task.h"
#include "../../engine/mesh_block_task.h"
#include "../../engine/save_block_data_task.h"
#include "../../engine/voxel_engine.h"
#include "../../meshers/transvoxel/voxel_mesher_transvoxel.h"
#include "../../util/container_funcs.h"
#include "../../util/dstack.h"
#include "../../util/math/conv.h"
#include "../../util/profiling.h"
#include "../../util/profiling_clock.h"
#include "../../util/string_funcs.h"
namespace zylann::voxel {
void VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::flush_pending_lod_edits(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, VoxelDataLodMap &data,
Ref<VoxelGenerator> generator, bool full_load_mode, const int mesh_block_size) {
// Propagates edits performed so far to other LODs.
// These LODs must be currently in memory, otherwise terrain data will miss it.
// This is currently ensured by the fact we load blocks in a "pyramidal" way,
// i.e there is no way for a block to be loaded if its parent LOD isn't loaded already.
// In the future we may implement storing of edits to be applied later if blocks can't be found.
const int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
const int data_block_size_po2 = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size_pow2();
const int data_to_mesh_factor = mesh_block_size / data_block_size;
const unsigned int lod_count = data.lod_count;
static thread_local FixedArray<std::vector<Vector3i>, constants::MAX_LOD> tls_blocks_to_process_per_lod;
// Make sure LOD0 gets updates even if _lod_count is 1
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod0 = state.lods[0];
// Consume scheduled positions from LOD0
std::vector<Vector3i> &dst_lod0 = tls_blocks_to_process_per_lod[0];
MutexLock lock(state.blocks_pending_lodding_lod0_mutex);
// Not sure if could just use `=`? What would std::vector do with capacity?
memcpy(dst_lod0.data(), state.blocks_pending_lodding_lod0.data(), dst_lod0.size() * sizeof(Vector3i));
// Make sure LOD0 has its list cleared, because in case there is only 1 LOD,
// the chain of updates will not be entered
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = data.lods[0];
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
std::vector<Vector3i> &blocks_pending_lodding_lod0 = tls_blocks_to_process_per_lod[0];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks_pending_lodding_lod0.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i data_block_pos = blocks_pending_lodding_lod0[i];
VoxelDataBlock *data_block = data_lod0.map.get_block(data_block_pos);
ERR_CONTINUE(data_block == nullptr);
const Vector3i mesh_block_pos = math::floordiv(data_block_pos, data_to_mesh_factor);
auto mesh_block_it = lod0.mesh_map_state.map.find(mesh_block_pos);
if (mesh_block_it != lod0.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
// If a mesh exists here, it will need an update.
// If there is no mesh, it will probably get created later when we come closer to it
schedule_mesh_update(mesh_block_it->second, mesh_block_pos, lod0.blocks_pending_update);
const int half_bs = data_block_size >> 1;
// Process downscales upwards in pairs of consecutive LODs.
// This ensures we don't process multiple times the same blocks.
// Only LOD0 is editable at the moment, so we'll downscale from there
for (uint8_t dst_lod_index = 1; dst_lod_index < lod_count; ++dst_lod_index) {
const uint8_t src_lod_index = dst_lod_index - 1;
std::vector<Vector3i> &src_lod_blocks_to_process = tls_blocks_to_process_per_lod[src_lod_index];
std::vector<Vector3i> &dst_lod_blocks_to_process = tls_blocks_to_process_per_lod[dst_lod_index];
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &dst_lod = state.lods[dst_lod_index];
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &src_data_lod = data.lods[src_lod_index];
RWLockRead src_data_lod_map_rlock(src_data_lod.map_lock);
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &dst_data_lod = data.lods[dst_lod_index];
// TODO Could take long locking this, we may generate things first and assign to the map at the end.
// Besides, in per-block streaming mode, it is not needed because blocks are supposed to be present
RWLockRead wlock(dst_data_lod.map_lock);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < src_lod_blocks_to_process.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i src_bpos = src_lod_blocks_to_process[i];
const Vector3i dst_bpos = src_bpos >> 1;
VoxelDataBlock *src_block = src_data_lod.map.get_block(src_bpos);
VoxelDataBlock *dst_block = dst_data_lod.map.get_block(dst_bpos);
if (dst_block == nullptr) {
if (full_load_mode) {
// TODO Doing this on the main thread can be very demanding and cause a stall.
// We should find a way to make it asynchronous, not need mips, or not edit outside viewers area.
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> voxels = make_shared_instance<VoxelBufferInternal>();
VoxelGenerator::VoxelQueryData q{ //
*voxels, //
dst_bpos << (dst_lod_index + data_block_size_po2), //
if (generator.is_valid()) {
q.voxel_buffer, AABB(q.origin_in_voxels, q.voxel_buffer.get_size() << dst_lod_index));
dst_block = dst_data_lod.map.set_block_buffer(dst_bpos, voxels, true);
} else {
ERR_PRINT(String("Destination block {0} not found when cascading edits on LOD {1}")
.format(varray(dst_bpos, dst_lod_index)));
// The block and its lower LOD indices are expected to be available.
// Otherwise it means the function was called too late?
ZN_ASSERT(src_block != nullptr);
//ZN_ASSERT(dst_block != nullptr);
// The block should have voxels if it has been edited or mipped.
const Vector3i mesh_block_pos = math::floordiv(dst_bpos, data_to_mesh_factor);
auto mesh_block_it = dst_lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(mesh_block_pos);
if (mesh_block_it != dst_lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
schedule_mesh_update(mesh_block_it->second, mesh_block_pos, dst_lod.blocks_pending_update);
// If there is no mesh, it will probably get created later when we come closer to it
if (dst_lod_index != lod_count - 1 && !dst_block->get_needs_lodding()) {
const Vector3i rel = src_bpos - (dst_bpos << 1);
// Update lower LOD
// This must always be done after an edit before it gets saved, otherwise LODs won't match and it will look
// ugly.
// TODO Optimization: try to narrow to edited region instead of taking whole block
RWLockRead rlock(src_block->get_voxels().get_lock());
dst_block->get_voxels(), Vector3i(), src_block->get_voxels_const().get_size(), rel * half_bs);
// No need to clear the last list because we never add blocks to it
// uint64_t time_spent = profiling_clock.restart();
// if (time_spent > 10) {
// print_line(String("Took {0} us to update lods").format(varray(time_spent)));
// }
struct BeforeUnloadDataAction {
std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave> &blocks_to_save;
const Vector3i bpos;
bool save;
void operator()(VoxelDataBlock &block) {
// Save if modified
// TODO Don't ask for save if the stream doesn't support it!
if (save && block.is_modified()) {
//print_line(String("Scheduling save for block {0}").format(varray(block->position.to_vec3())));
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave b;
// We don't copy since the block will be unloaded anyways.
// If a modified block has no voxels, it is equivalent to removing the block from the stream
if (block.has_voxels()) {
b.voxels = block.get_voxels_shared();
b.position = bpos;
b.lod = block.get_lod_index();
static void unload_data_block_no_lock(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod, VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod,
Vector3i block_pos, std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave> &blocks_to_save, bool can_save) {
data_lod.map.remove_block(block_pos, BeforeUnloadDataAction{ blocks_to_save, block_pos, can_save });
//print_line(String("Unloading data block {0} lod {1}").format(varray(block_pos.to_vec3(), lod_index)));
MutexLock lock(lod.loading_blocks_mutex);
// if (_instancer != nullptr) {
// _instancer->on_block_exit(block_pos, lod_index);
// }
// No need to remove things from blocks_pending_load,
// This vector is filled and cleared immediately in the main process.
// It is a member only to re-use its capacity memory over frames.
static void process_unload_data_blocks_sliding_box(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, VoxelDataLodMap &data,
Vector3 p_viewer_pos, std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave> &blocks_to_save, bool can_save,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings) {
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Sliding box data unload");
// TODO Could it actually be enough to have a rolling update on all blocks?
// This should be the same distance relatively to each LOD
const int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
const int data_block_size_po2 = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size_pow2();
const int data_block_region_extent =
VoxelEngine::get_octree_lod_block_region_extent(settings.lod_distance, data_block_size);
const int mesh_block_size = 1 << settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const int lod_count = data.lod_count;
// Ignore largest lod because it can extend a little beyond due to the view distance setting.
// Instead, those blocks are unloaded by the octree forest management.
// Iterating from big to small LOD so we can exit earlier if bounds don't intersect.
for (int lod_index = lod_count - 2; lod_index >= 0; --lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
// Each LOD keeps a box of loaded blocks, and only some of the blocks will get polygonized.
// The player can edit them so changes can be propagated to lower lods.
const unsigned int block_size_po2 = data_block_size_po2 + lod_index;
const Vector3i viewer_block_pos_within_lod =
VoxelDataMap::voxel_to_block_b(math::floor_to_int(p_viewer_pos), block_size_po2);
const Box3i bounds_in_blocks = Box3i( //
settings.bounds_in_voxels.pos >> block_size_po2, //
settings.bounds_in_voxels.size >> block_size_po2);
const Box3i new_box =
Box3i::from_center_extents(viewer_block_pos_within_lod, Vector3iUtil::create(data_block_region_extent));
const Box3i prev_box = Box3i::from_center_extents(
lod.last_viewer_data_block_pos, Vector3iUtil::create(lod.last_view_distance_data_blocks));
if (!new_box.intersects(bounds_in_blocks) && !prev_box.intersects(bounds_in_blocks)) {
// If this box doesn't intersect either now or before, there is no chance a smaller one will
// Eliminate pending blocks that aren't needed
if (prev_box != new_box) {
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod.map_lock);
prev_box.difference(new_box, [&lod, &data_lod, &blocks_to_save, can_save](Box3i out_of_range_box) {
out_of_range_box.for_each_cell([&lod, &data_lod, &blocks_to_save, can_save](Vector3i pos) {
//print_line(String("Immerge {0}").format(varray(pos.to_vec3())));
unload_data_block_no_lock(lod, data_lod, pos, blocks_to_save, can_save);
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Cancel updates");
// Cancel block updates that are not within the padded region
// (since neighbors are always required to remesh)
const Box3i padded_new_box = new_box.padded(-1);
Box3i mesh_box;
if (mesh_block_size > data_block_size) {
const int factor = mesh_block_size / data_block_size;
mesh_box = padded_new_box.downscaled_inner(factor);
} else {
mesh_box = padded_new_box;
unordered_remove_if(lod.blocks_pending_update, [&lod, mesh_box](Vector3i bpos) {
if (mesh_box.contains(bpos)) {
return false;
} else {
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
if (mesh_block_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
mesh_block_it->second.state = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_NEED_UPDATE;
return true;
lod.last_viewer_data_block_pos = viewer_block_pos_within_lod;
lod.last_view_distance_data_blocks = data_block_region_extent;
static void process_unload_mesh_blocks_sliding_box(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, Vector3 p_viewer_pos,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings) {
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Sliding box mesh unload");
// TODO Could it actually be enough to have a rolling update on all blocks?
// This should be the same distance relatively to each LOD
const int mesh_block_size_po2 = settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const int mesh_block_size = 1 << mesh_block_size_po2;
const int mesh_block_region_extent =
VoxelEngine::get_octree_lod_block_region_extent(settings.lod_distance, mesh_block_size);
// Ignore largest lod because it can extend a little beyond due to the view distance setting.
// Instead, those blocks are unloaded by the octree forest management.
// Iterating from big to small LOD so we can exit earlier if bounds don't intersect.
for (int lod_index = settings.lod_count - 2; lod_index >= 0; --lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
unsigned int block_size_po2 = mesh_block_size_po2 + lod_index;
const Vector3i viewer_block_pos_within_lod = math::floor_to_int(p_viewer_pos) >> block_size_po2;
const Box3i bounds_in_blocks = Box3i( //
settings.bounds_in_voxels.pos >> block_size_po2, //
settings.bounds_in_voxels.size >> block_size_po2);
const Box3i new_box =
Box3i::from_center_extents(viewer_block_pos_within_lod, Vector3iUtil::create(mesh_block_region_extent));
const Box3i prev_box = Box3i::from_center_extents(
lod.last_viewer_mesh_block_pos, Vector3iUtil::create(lod.last_view_distance_mesh_blocks));
if (!new_box.intersects(bounds_in_blocks) && !prev_box.intersects(bounds_in_blocks)) {
// If this box doesn't intersect either now or before, there is no chance a smaller one will
// Eliminate pending blocks that aren't needed
if (prev_box != new_box) {
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Unload meshes");
RWLockWrite wlock(lod.mesh_map_state.map_lock);
prev_box.difference(new_box, [&lod](Box3i out_of_range_box) {
out_of_range_box.for_each_cell([&lod](Vector3i pos) {
//print_line(String("Immerge {0}").format(varray(pos.to_vec3())));
//unload_mesh_block(pos, lod_index);
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Cancel updates");
// Cancel block updates that are not within the new region
unordered_remove_if(lod.blocks_pending_update, [new_box](Vector3i bpos) { //
return !new_box.contains(bpos);
lod.last_viewer_mesh_block_pos = viewer_block_pos_within_lod;
lod.last_view_distance_mesh_blocks = mesh_block_region_extent;
void process_octrees_sliding_box(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, Vector3 p_viewer_pos,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings) {
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Sliding box octrees");
// TODO Investigate if multi-octree can produce cracks in the terrain (so far I haven't noticed)
const unsigned int mesh_block_size_po2 = settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const unsigned int octree_size_po2 = LodOctree::get_octree_size_po2(mesh_block_size_po2, settings.lod_count);
const unsigned int octree_size = 1 << octree_size_po2;
const unsigned int octree_region_extent = 1 + settings.view_distance_voxels / (1 << octree_size_po2);
const Vector3i viewer_octree_pos =
(math::floor_to_int(p_viewer_pos) + Vector3iUtil::create(octree_size / 2)) >> octree_size_po2;
const Box3i bounds_in_octrees = settings.bounds_in_voxels.downscaled(octree_size);
const Box3i new_box = Box3i::from_center_extents(viewer_octree_pos, Vector3iUtil::create(octree_region_extent))
const Box3i prev_box = state.last_octree_region_box;
if (new_box != prev_box) {
struct CleanOctreeAction {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state;
Vector3i block_offset_lod0;
void operator()(Vector3i node_pos, unsigned int lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
Vector3i bpos = node_pos + (block_offset_lod0 >> lod_index);
auto block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
if (block_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
block_it->second.active = false;
struct ExitAction {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state;
unsigned int lod_count;
void operator()(const Vector3i &pos) {
std::map<Vector3i, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem>::iterator it = state.lod_octrees.find(pos);
if (it == state.lod_octrees.end()) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem &item = it->second;
const Vector3i block_pos_maxlod = it->first;
const unsigned int last_lod_index = lod_count - 1;
// We just drop the octree and hide blocks it was considering as visible.
// Normally such octrees shouldn't bee too deep as they will likely be at the edge
// of the loaded area, unless the player teleported far away.
CleanOctreeAction a{ state, block_pos_maxlod << last_lod_index };
// Unload last lod from here, as it may extend a bit further than the others.
// Other LODs are unloaded earlier using a sliding region.
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &last_lod = state.lods[last_lod_index];
struct EnterAction {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state;
unsigned int lod_count;
void operator()(const Vector3i &pos) {
// That's a new cell we are entering, shouldn't be anything there
CRASH_COND(state.lod_octrees.find(pos) != state.lod_octrees.end());
// Create new octree
// TODO Use ObjectPool to store them, deletion won't be cheap
std::pair<std::map<Vector3i, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem>::iterator, bool> p =
state.lod_octrees.insert({ pos, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem() });
CRASH_COND(p.second == false);
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem &item = p.first->second;
LodOctree::NoDestroyAction nda;
item.octree.create(lod_count, nda);
ExitAction exit_action{ state, settings.lod_count };
EnterAction enter_action{ state, settings.lod_count };
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Unload octrees");
const unsigned int last_lod_index = settings.lod_count - 1;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &last_lod = state.lods[last_lod_index];
RWLockWrite wlock(last_lod.mesh_map_state.map_lock);
prev_box.difference(new_box, [exit_action](Box3i out_of_range_box) { //
new_box.difference(prev_box, [enter_action](Box3i box_to_load) { //
state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
state.last_octree_region_box = new_box;
static void add_transition_update(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &block, Vector3i bpos,
std::vector<Vector3i> &blocks_pending_transition_update) {
if (!block.pending_transition_update) {
block.pending_transition_update = true;
static void add_transition_updates_around(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod, Vector3i block_pos,
std::vector<Vector3i> &blocks_pending_transition_update) {
for (int dir = 0; dir < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++dir) {
const Vector3i npos = block_pos + Cube::g_side_normals[dir];
auto nblock_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(npos);
if (nblock_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
add_transition_update(nblock_it->second, npos, blocks_pending_transition_update);
// TODO If a block appears at lod, neighbor blocks at lod-1 need to be updated.
// or maybe get_transition_mask needs a different approach that also looks at higher lods?
void try_schedule_loading_with_neighbors_no_lock(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, VoxelDataLodMap &data,
const Vector3i &p_data_block_pos, uint8_t lod_index,
std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> &blocks_to_load, const Box3i &bounds_in_voxels) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
const int p = data_lod.map.get_block_size_pow2() + lod_index;
const int bound_min_x = bounds_in_voxels.pos.x >> p;
const int bound_min_y = bounds_in_voxels.pos.y >> p;
const int bound_min_z = bounds_in_voxels.pos.z >> p;
const int bound_max_x = (bounds_in_voxels.pos.x + bounds_in_voxels.size.x) >> p;
const int bound_max_y = (bounds_in_voxels.pos.y + bounds_in_voxels.size.y) >> p;
const int bound_max_z = (bounds_in_voxels.pos.z + bounds_in_voxels.size.z) >> p;
const int min_x = math::max(p_data_block_pos.x - 1, bound_min_x);
const int min_y = math::max(p_data_block_pos.y - 1, bound_min_y);
const int min_z = math::max(p_data_block_pos.z - 1, bound_min_z);
const int max_x = math::min(p_data_block_pos.x + 2, bound_max_x);
const int max_y = math::min(p_data_block_pos.y + 2, bound_max_y);
const int max_z = math::min(p_data_block_pos.z + 2, bound_max_z);
// Not locking here, we assume it's done by the caller
//RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
Vector3i bpos;
MutexLock lock(lod.loading_blocks_mutex);
for (bpos.y = min_y; bpos.y < max_y; ++bpos.y) {
for (bpos.z = min_z; bpos.z < max_z; ++bpos.z) {
for (bpos.x = min_x; bpos.x < max_x; ++bpos.x) {
const VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod.map.get_block(bpos);
if (block == nullptr) {
if (!lod.has_loading_block(bpos)) {
blocks_to_load.push_back({ bpos, lod_index });
inline bool check_block_sizes(int data_block_size, int mesh_block_size) {
return (data_block_size == 16 || data_block_size == 32) && (mesh_block_size == 16 || mesh_block_size == 32) &&
mesh_block_size >= data_block_size;
bool check_block_mesh_updated(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, VoxelDataLodMap &data,
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &mesh_block, Vector3i mesh_block_pos, uint8_t lod_index,
std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> &blocks_to_load,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshState mesh_state = mesh_block.state;
switch (mesh_state) {
case VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_NEVER_UPDATED:
case VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_NEED_UPDATE: {
const int mesh_block_size = 1 << settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!check_block_sizes(data_block_size, mesh_block_size), false);
// Find data block neighbors positions
const int factor = mesh_block_size / data_block_size;
const Vector3i data_block_pos0 = factor * mesh_block_pos;
const Box3i data_box(data_block_pos0 - Vector3i(1, 1, 1), Vector3iUtil::create(factor) + Vector3i(2, 2, 2));
const Box3i bounds = settings.bounds_in_voxels.downscaled(data_block_size);
FixedArray<Vector3i, 56> neighbor_positions;
unsigned int neighbor_positions_count = 0;
data_box.for_inner_outline([bounds, &neighbor_positions, &neighbor_positions_count](Vector3i pos) {
if (bounds.contains(pos)) {
neighbor_positions[neighbor_positions_count] = pos;
bool surrounded = true;
if (settings.full_load_mode == false) {
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
// Check if neighbors are loaded
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
// TODO Optimization: could put in a temp vector and insert in one go after the loop?
MutexLock lock(lod.loading_blocks_mutex);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < neighbor_positions_count; ++i) {
const Vector3i npos = neighbor_positions[i];
if (!data_lod.map.has_block(npos)) {
// That neighbor is not loaded
surrounded = false;
if (!lod.has_loading_block(npos)) {
// Schedule loading for that neighbor
blocks_to_load.push_back({ npos, lod_index });
if (surrounded) {
mesh_block.state = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_NOT_SENT;
return false;
case VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_NOT_SENT:
case VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_SENT:
return false;
case VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UP_TO_DATE:
return true;
return true;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &insert_new(
std::unordered_map<Vector3i, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState> &mesh_map, Vector3i pos) {
// We got here because the map didn't contain the element. If it did contain it already, that's a bug.
static VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState s_default;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mesh_map.find(pos) != mesh_map.end(), s_default);
// C++ standard says if the element is not present, it will be default-constructed.
// So here is how to insert a default, non-movable struct into an unordered_map.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22229773/map-unordered-map-with-non-movable-default-constructible-value-type
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &block = mesh_map[pos];
// This approach doesn't compile, had to workaround with the writing [] operator.
auto p = lod.mesh_map_state.map.emplace(pos, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState());
// We got here because the map didn't contain the element. If it did contain it already, that's a bug.
CRASH_COND(p.second == false);
return block;
static bool check_block_loaded_and_meshed(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings, VoxelDataLodMap &data, const Vector3i &p_mesh_block_pos,
uint8_t lod_index, std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> &blocks_to_load) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
const int mesh_block_size = 1 << settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!check_block_sizes(data_block_size, mesh_block_size), false);
if (settings.full_load_mode == false) {
// We want to know everything about the data intersecting this mesh block.
// This is not known in advance when we stream it, it has to be requested.
// When not streaming, `block == null` is the same as `!block->has_voxels()` so we wouldn't need to enter here.
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
if (mesh_block_size > data_block_size) {
const int factor = mesh_block_size / data_block_size;
const Vector3i data_block_pos0 = p_mesh_block_pos * factor;
bool loaded = true;
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
for (int z = 0; z < factor; ++z) {
for (int x = 0; x < factor; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < factor; ++y) {
const Vector3i data_block_pos(data_block_pos0 + Vector3i(x, y, z));
VoxelDataBlock *data_block = data_lod.map.get_block(data_block_pos);
if (data_block == nullptr) {
loaded = false;
// TODO Optimization: this iterates too many blocks, if we ask for 8 blocks in an octant.
state, data, data_block_pos, lod_index, blocks_to_load, settings.bounds_in_voxels);
if (!loaded) {
return false;
} else if (mesh_block_size == data_block_size) {
const Vector3i data_block_pos = p_mesh_block_pos;
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod.map.get_block(data_block_pos);
if (block == nullptr) {
state, data, data_block_pos, lod_index, blocks_to_load, settings.bounds_in_voxels);
return false;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState *mesh_block = nullptr;
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(p_mesh_block_pos);
if (mesh_block_it == lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
// If this ever becomes a source of contention with the main thread's `apply_mesh_update`,
// we could defer additions to the end of octree fitting.
RWLockWrite wlock(lod.mesh_map_state.map_lock);
mesh_block = &insert_new(lod.mesh_map_state.map, p_mesh_block_pos);
} else {
mesh_block = &mesh_block_it->second;
return check_block_mesh_updated(state, data, *mesh_block, p_mesh_block_pos, lod_index, blocks_to_load, settings);
uint8_t VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::get_transition_mask(
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index, unsigned int lod_count) {
uint8_t transition_mask = 0;
if (lod_index + 1 >= static_cast<int>(lod_count)) {
return transition_mask;
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lower_lod = state.lods[lod_index + 1];
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
const Vector3i lower_pos = block_pos >> 1;
const Vector3i upper_pos = block_pos << 1;
// Based on octree rules, and the fact it must have run before, check neighbor blocks of same LOD:
// If one is missing or not visible, it means either of the following:
// - The neighbor at lod+1 is visible or not loaded (there must be a transition)
// - The neighbor at lod-1 is visible (no transition)
uint8_t visible_neighbors_of_same_lod = 0;
for (int dir = 0; dir < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++dir) {
Vector3i npos = block_pos + Cube::g_side_normals[dir];
auto nblock_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(npos);
if (nblock_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end() && nblock_it->second.active) {
visible_neighbors_of_same_lod |= (1 << dir);
if (visible_neighbors_of_same_lod != 0b111111) {
// At least one neighbor isn't visible.
// Check for neighbors at different LOD (there can be only one kind on a given side)
for (int dir = 0; dir < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++dir) {
int dir_mask = (1 << dir);
if (visible_neighbors_of_same_lod & dir_mask) {
const Vector3i side_normal = Cube::g_side_normals[dir];
const Vector3i lower_neighbor_pos = (block_pos + side_normal) >> 1;
if (lower_neighbor_pos != lower_pos) {
auto lower_neighbor_block_it = lower_lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(lower_neighbor_pos);
if (lower_neighbor_block_it != lower_lod.mesh_map_state.map.end() &&
lower_neighbor_block_it->second.active) {
// The block has a visible neighbor of lower LOD
transition_mask |= dir_mask;
if (lod_index > 0) {
// Check upper LOD neighbors.
// There are always 4 on each side, checking any is enough
Vector3i upper_neighbor_pos = upper_pos;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Vector3iUtil::AXIS_COUNT; ++i) {
if (side_normal[i] == -1) {
} else if (side_normal[i] == 1) {
upper_neighbor_pos[i] += 2;
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &upper_lod = state.lods[lod_index - 1];
auto upper_neighbor_block_it = upper_lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(upper_neighbor_pos);
if (upper_neighbor_block_it == upper_lod.mesh_map_state.map.end() ||
upper_neighbor_block_it->second.active == false) {
// The block has no visible neighbor yet. World border? Assume lower LOD.
transition_mask |= dir_mask;
return transition_mask;
static void process_octrees_fitting(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings, VoxelDataLodMap &data, Vector3 p_viewer_pos,
std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> &data_blocks_to_load) {
const int mesh_block_size = 1 << settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const int octree_leaf_node_size = mesh_block_size;
const bool force_update_octrees = state.force_update_octrees_next_update;
state.force_update_octrees_next_update = false;
// Octrees may not need to update every frame under certain conditions
if (!state.had_blocked_octree_nodes_previous_update && !force_update_octrees &&
p_viewer_pos.distance_squared_to(Vector3(state.local_viewer_pos_previous_octree_update)) <
math::squared(octree_leaf_node_size / 2)) {
state.local_viewer_pos_previous_octree_update = p_viewer_pos;
static thread_local FixedArray<std::vector<Vector3i>, constants::MAX_LOD>
//static thread_local FixedArray<std::vector<Vector3i>, constants::MAX_LOD> tls_mesh_blocks_to_add_per_lod;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tls_blocks_pending_transition_update_per_lod.size(); ++i) {
const float lod_distance_octree_space = settings.lod_distance / octree_leaf_node_size;
unsigned int blocked_octree_nodes = 0;
// TODO Maintain a vector to make iteration faster?
for (auto octree_it = state.lod_octrees.begin(); octree_it != state.lod_octrees.end(); ++octree_it) {
struct OctreeActions {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state;
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings;
VoxelDataLodMap &data;
std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> &data_blocks_to_load;
Vector3i block_offset_lod0;
unsigned int blocked_count = 0;
float lod_distance_octree_space;
Vector3 viewer_pos_octree_space;
void create_child(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index, LodOctree::NodeData &data) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
const Vector3i bpos = node_pos + (block_offset_lod0 >> lod_index);
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
// Never show a child that hasn't been meshed, if we got here that would be a bug
CRASH_COND(mesh_block_it == lod.mesh_map_state.map.end());
CRASH_COND(mesh_block_it->second.state != VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UP_TO_DATE);
//self->set_mesh_block_active(*block, true);
mesh_block_it->second.active = true;
mesh_block_it->second, bpos, tls_blocks_pending_transition_update_per_lod[lod_index]);
add_transition_updates_around(lod, bpos, tls_blocks_pending_transition_update_per_lod[lod_index]);
void destroy_child(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
const Vector3i bpos = node_pos + (block_offset_lod0 >> lod_index);
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
if (mesh_block_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
//self->set_mesh_block_active(*block, false);
mesh_block_it->second.active = false;
add_transition_updates_around(lod, bpos, tls_blocks_pending_transition_update_per_lod[lod_index]);
void show_parent(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
Vector3i bpos = node_pos + (block_offset_lod0 >> lod_index);
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
// If we teleport far away, the area we were in is going to merge,
// and blocks may have been unloaded completely.
// So in that case it's normal to not find any block.
// Otherwise, there must always be a visible parent in the end, unless the octree vanished.
if (mesh_block_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end() &&
mesh_block_it->second.state == VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UP_TO_DATE) {
//self->set_mesh_block_active(*block, true);
mesh_block_it->second.active = true;
mesh_block_it->second, bpos, tls_blocks_pending_transition_update_per_lod[lod_index]);
add_transition_updates_around(lod, bpos, tls_blocks_pending_transition_update_per_lod[lod_index]);
void hide_parent(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index) {
destroy_child(node_pos, lod_index); // Same
bool can_create_root(int lod_index) {
const Vector3i offset = block_offset_lod0 >> lod_index;
const bool can =
check_block_loaded_and_meshed(state, settings, data, offset, lod_index, data_blocks_to_load);
if (!can) {
return can;
bool can_split(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index, LodOctree::NodeData &node_data) {
if (!LodOctree::is_below_split_distance(
node_pos, lod_index, viewer_pos_octree_space, lod_distance_octree_space)) {
return false;
const int child_lod_index = lod_index - 1;
const Vector3i offset = block_offset_lod0 >> child_lod_index;
bool can = true;
// Can only subdivide if higher detail meshes are ready to be shown, otherwise it will produce holes
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
// Get block pos local-to-region + convert to local-to-terrain
const Vector3i child_pos = LodOctree::get_child_position(node_pos, i) + offset;
// We have to ping ALL children, because the reason we are here is we want them loaded
can &= check_block_loaded_and_meshed(
state, settings, data, child_pos, child_lod_index, data_blocks_to_load);
// Can only subdivide if blocks of a higher LOD index are present around,
// otherwise it will cause cracks.
// Need to check meshes, not voxels?
// const int lod_index = child_lod_index + 1;
// if (lod_index < self->get_lod_count()) {
// const Vector3i parent_offset = block_offset_lod0 >> lod_index;
// const Lod &lod = self->_lods[lod_index];
// can &= self->is_block_surrounded(node_pos + parent_offset, lod_index, lod.map);
// }
if (!can) {
return can;
bool can_join(Vector3i node_pos, int parent_lod_index) {
if (LodOctree::is_below_split_distance(
node_pos, parent_lod_index, viewer_pos_octree_space, lod_distance_octree_space)) {
return false;
// Can only unsubdivide if the parent mesh is ready
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[parent_lod_index];
Vector3i bpos = node_pos + (block_offset_lod0 >> parent_lod_index);
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
if (mesh_block_it == lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
// The block got unloaded. Exceptionally, we can join.
// There will always be a grand-parent because we never destroy them when they split,
// and we never create a child without creating a parent first.
return true;
// The block is loaded (?) but the mesh isn't up to date, we need to ping and wait.
const bool can = check_block_mesh_updated(
state, data, mesh_block_it->second, bpos, parent_lod_index, data_blocks_to_load, settings);
if (!can) {
return can;
const Vector3i block_pos_maxlod = octree_it->first;
const Vector3i block_offset_lod0 = block_pos_maxlod << (settings.lod_count - 1);
const Vector3 relative_viewer_pos = p_viewer_pos - Vector3(mesh_block_size * block_offset_lod0);
OctreeActions octree_actions{ //
state, //
settings, //
data, //
data_blocks_to_load, //
block_offset_lod0, //
0, //
lod_distance_octree_space, //
relative_viewer_pos / octree_leaf_node_size
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem &item = octree_it->second;
blocked_octree_nodes += octree_actions.blocked_count;
// Ideally, this stat should stabilize to zero.
// If not, something in block management prevents LODs from properly show up and should be fixed.
state.stats.blocked_lods = blocked_octree_nodes;
state.had_blocked_octree_nodes_previous_update = blocked_octree_nodes > 0;
// In theory, blocks containing no surface have no reason to need a transition mask,
// but when we get a new mesh update into a block that previously had no surface, we still need it.
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Transition masks");
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < tls_blocks_pending_transition_update_per_lod.size(); ++lod_index) {
std::vector<Vector3i> &blocks_pending_transition_update =
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks_pending_transition_update.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i bpos = blocks_pending_transition_update[i];
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
CRASH_COND(mesh_block_it == lod.mesh_map_state.map.end());
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &mesh_block = mesh_block_it->second;
if (mesh_block.active) {
const uint8_t mask =
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::get_transition_mask(state, bpos, lod_index, settings.lod_count);
mesh_block.transition_mask = mask;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::TransitionUpdate{ bpos, mask });
mesh_block.pending_transition_update = false;
inline Vector3i get_block_center(Vector3i pos, int bs, int lod) {
return (pos << lod) * bs + Vector3iUtil::create(bs / 2);
static void init_sparse_octree_priority_dependency(PriorityDependency &dep, Vector3i block_position, uint8_t lod,
int data_block_size, std::shared_ptr<PriorityDependency::ViewersData> &shared_viewers_data,
const Transform3D &volume_transform, float octree_lod_distance) {
const Vector3i voxel_pos = get_block_center(block_position, data_block_size, lod);
const float block_radius = (data_block_size << lod) / 2;
dep.shared = shared_viewers_data;
dep.world_position = volume_transform.xform(voxel_pos);
const float transformed_block_radius =
volume_transform.basis.xform(Vector3(block_radius, block_radius, block_radius)).length();
// Distance beyond which it is safe to drop a block without risking to block LOD subdivision.
// This does not depend on viewer's view distance, but on LOD precision instead.
// TODO Should `data_block_size` be used here? Should it be mesh_block_size instead?
dep.drop_distance_squared = math::squared(2.f * transformed_block_radius *
VoxelEngine::get_octree_lod_block_region_extent(octree_lod_distance, data_block_size));
// This is only if we want to cache voxel data
static void request_block_generate(uint32_t volume_id, unsigned int data_block_size,
std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> &stream_dependency, const std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> &data,
Vector3i block_pos, int lod, std::shared_ptr<PriorityDependency::ViewersData> &shared_viewers_data,
const Transform3D &volume_transform, float lod_distance, std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> tracker,
bool allow_drop, BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
CRASH_COND(data_block_size > 255);
CRASH_COND(stream_dependency == nullptr);
// We should not have done this request in the first place if both stream and generator are null
GenerateBlockTask *task = memnew(GenerateBlockTask);
task->volume_id = volume_id;
task->position = block_pos;
task->lod = lod;
task->block_size = data_block_size;
task->stream_dependency = stream_dependency;
task->tracker = tracker;
task->drop_beyond_max_distance = allow_drop;
task->data = data;
init_sparse_octree_priority_dependency(task->priority_dependency, block_pos, lod, data_block_size,
shared_viewers_data, volume_transform, lod_distance);
// Used only when streaming block by block
static void request_block_load(uint32_t volume_id, unsigned int data_block_size,
std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> &stream_dependency, const std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> &data,
Vector3i block_pos, int lod, bool request_instances,
std::shared_ptr<PriorityDependency::ViewersData> &shared_viewers_data, const Transform3D &volume_transform,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings, BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
CRASH_COND(data_block_size > 255);
CRASH_COND(stream_dependency == nullptr);
if (stream_dependency->stream.is_valid()) {
PriorityDependency priority_dependency;
init_sparse_octree_priority_dependency(priority_dependency, block_pos, lod, data_block_size,
shared_viewers_data, volume_transform, settings.lod_distance);
LoadBlockDataTask *task = memnew(LoadBlockDataTask(volume_id, block_pos, lod, data_block_size,
request_instances, stream_dependency, priority_dependency, settings.cache_generated_blocks));
} else if (settings.cache_generated_blocks) {
// Directly generate the block without checking the stream.
request_block_generate(volume_id, data_block_size, stream_dependency, data, block_pos, lod, shared_viewers_data,
volume_transform, settings.lod_distance, nullptr, true, task_scheduler);
} else {
ZN_PRINT_WARNING("Requesting a block load when it should not have been necessary");
static void send_block_data_requests(uint32_t volume_id,
Span<const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> blocks_to_load,
std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> &stream_dependency, const std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> &data,
std::shared_ptr<PriorityDependency::ViewersData> &shared_viewers_data, unsigned int data_block_size,
bool request_instances, const Transform3D &volume_transform,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings, BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks_to_load.size(); ++i) {
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation loc = blocks_to_load[i];
request_block_load(volume_id, data_block_size, stream_dependency, data, loc.position, loc.lod,
request_instances, shared_viewers_data, volume_transform, settings, task_scheduler);
static void apply_block_data_requests_as_empty(Span<const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> blocks_to_load,
VoxelDataLodMap &data, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks_to_load.size(); ++i) {
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation loc = blocks_to_load[i];
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[loc.lod];
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[loc.lod];
MutexLock mlock(lod.loading_blocks_mutex);
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod.map_lock);
data_lod.map.set_empty_block(loc.position, false);
static void request_voxel_block_save(uint32_t volume_id, std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> &voxels,
Vector3i block_pos, int lod, std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> &stream_dependency,
unsigned int data_block_size, BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
CRASH_COND(stream_dependency == nullptr);
SaveBlockDataTask *task =
memnew(SaveBlockDataTask(volume_id, block_pos, lod, data_block_size, voxels, stream_dependency));
// No priority data, saving doesnt need sorting
void VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::send_block_save_requests(uint32_t volume_id,
Span<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave> blocks_to_save,
std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> &stream_dependency, unsigned int data_block_size,
BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks_to_save.size(); ++i) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave &b = blocks_to_save[i];
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Requesting save of block {} lod {}", b.position, b.lod));
volume_id, b.voxels, b.position, b.lod, stream_dependency, data_block_size, task_scheduler);
static void send_mesh_requests(uint32_t volume_id, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings, const std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> &data_ptr,
std::shared_ptr<MeshingDependency> meshing_dependency,
std::shared_ptr<PriorityDependency::ViewersData> &shared_viewers_data, const Transform3D &volume_transform,
BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
CRASH_COND(data_ptr == nullptr);
const VoxelDataLodMap &data = *data_ptr;
const int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
const int mesh_block_size = 1 << settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const int render_to_data_factor = mesh_block_size / data_block_size;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < settings.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
for (unsigned int bi = 0; bi < lod.blocks_pending_update.size(); ++bi) {
const Vector3i mesh_block_pos = lod.blocks_pending_update[bi];
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(mesh_block_pos);
// A block must have been allocated before we ask for a mesh update
ZN_ASSERT_CONTINUE(mesh_block_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end());
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &mesh_block = mesh_block_it->second;
// All blocks we get here must be in the scheduled state
ZN_ASSERT_CONTINUE(mesh_block.state == VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_NOT_SENT);
// Get block and its neighbors
// VoxelEngine::BlockMeshInput mesh_request;
// mesh_request.render_block_position = mesh_block_pos;
// mesh_request.lod = lod_index;
// We'll allocate this quite often. If it becomes a problem, it should be easy to pool.
MeshBlockTask *task = memnew(MeshBlockTask);
task->volume_id = volume_id;
task->mesh_block_position = mesh_block_pos;
task->lod_index = lod_index;
task->lod_hint = true;
task->meshing_dependency = meshing_dependency;
task->data_block_size = data_block_size;
task->data = data_ptr;
task->collision_hint = settings.collision_enabled;
task->virtual_texture_settings = settings.virtual_texture_settings;
// Don't update a virtual texture if one update is already processing
if (settings.virtual_texture_settings.enabled &&
lod_index >= settings.virtual_texture_settings.begin_lod_index &&
mesh_block.virtual_texture_state != VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::VIRTUAL_TEXTURE_PENDING) {
mesh_block.virtual_texture_state = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::VIRTUAL_TEXTURE_PENDING;
task->require_virtual_texture = true;
const Box3i data_box =
Box3i(render_to_data_factor * mesh_block_pos, Vector3iUtil::create(render_to_data_factor))
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
// Iteration order matters for thread access.
// The array also implicitely encodes block position due to the convention being used,
// so there is no need to also include positions in the request
task->blocks_count = 0;
data_box.for_each_cell_zxy([task, &data_lod](Vector3i data_block_pos) {
const VoxelDataBlock *nblock = data_lod.map.get_block(data_block_pos);
// The block can actually be null on some occasions. Not sure yet if it's that bad
//CRASH_COND(nblock == nullptr);
if (nblock != nullptr && nblock->has_voxels()) {
task->blocks[task->blocks_count] = nblock->get_voxels_shared();
// TODO There is inconsistency with coordinates sent to this function.
// Sometimes we send data block coordinates, sometimes we send mesh block coordinates. They aren't always
// the same, it might cause issues in priority sorting?
init_sparse_octree_priority_dependency(task->priority_dependency, task->mesh_block_position,
task->lod_index, mesh_block_size, shared_viewers_data, volume_transform, settings.lod_distance);
mesh_block.state = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_SENT;
// Generates all non-present blocks in preparation for an edit.
// This function schedules one parallel task for every block.
// The returned tracker may be polled to detect when it is complete.
static std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> preload_boxes_async(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings, const std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> data_ptr,
Span<const Box3i> voxel_boxes, Span<IThreadedTask *> next_tasks, uint32_t volume_id,
std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> &stream_dependency,
std::shared_ptr<PriorityDependency::ViewersData> &shared_viewers_data, const Transform3D &volume_transform,
BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(settings.full_load_mode == false, nullptr, "This function can only be used in full load mode");
struct TaskArguments {
Vector3i block_pos;
unsigned int lod_index;
std::vector<TaskArguments> todo;
ZN_ASSERT(data_ptr != nullptr);
VoxelDataLodMap &data = *data_ptr;
const unsigned int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < settings.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
for (unsigned int box_index = 0; box_index < voxel_boxes.size(); ++box_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
const Box3i voxel_box = voxel_boxes[box_index];
const Box3i block_box = voxel_box.downscaled(data_block_size << lod_index);
// ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(String("Preloading box {0} at lod {1}")
// .format(varray(block_box.to_string(), lod_index)));
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = data.lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
MutexLock lock(lod.loading_blocks_mutex);
block_box.for_each_cell([&lod, &data_lod, lod_index, &todo](Vector3i block_pos) {
if (!data_lod.map.has_block(block_pos) && !lod.has_loading_block(block_pos)) {
todo.push_back({ block_pos, lod_index });
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Preloading boxes with {} tasks", todo.size()));
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> tracker = nullptr;
// TODO `next_tasks` is executed in parallel. But since they can be edits, may we do them in sequence?
if (todo.size() > 0) {
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Posting requests");
// Only create the tracker if we actually are creating tasks. If we still create it,
// no task will take ownership of it, so if it is not stored after this function returns,
// it would destroy `next_tasks`.
// This may first run the generation tasks, and then the edits
tracker = make_shared_instance<AsyncDependencyTracker>(
todo.size(), next_tasks, [](Span<IThreadedTask *> p_next_tasks) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < todo.size(); ++i) {
const TaskArguments args = todo[i];
request_block_generate(volume_id, data_block_size, stream_dependency, data_ptr, args.block_pos,
args.lod_index, shared_viewers_data, volume_transform, settings.lod_distance, tracker, false,
} else if (next_tasks.size() > 0) {
// Nothing to preload, we may schedule `next_tasks` right now
return tracker;
static void process_async_edits(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings, const std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> &data,
uint32_t volume_id, std::shared_ptr<StreamingDependency> &stream_dependency,
std::shared_ptr<PriorityDependency::ViewersData> &shared_viewers_data, const Transform3D &volume_transform,
BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler) {
if (state.running_async_edits.size() == 0) {
// Schedule all next edits when the previous ones are done
std::vector<Box3i> boxes_to_preload;
std::vector<IThreadedTask *> tasks_to_schedule;
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> last_tracker = nullptr;
for (unsigned int edit_index = 0; edit_index < state.pending_async_edits.size(); ++edit_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::AsyncEdit &edit = state.pending_async_edits[edit_index];
// Not sure if worth doing, I dont think tasks can be aborted before even being scheduled
if (edit.task_tracker->is_aborted()) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Aborted async edit");
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::RunningAsyncEdit{ edit.task_tracker, edit.box });
if (boxes_to_preload.size() > 0) {
preload_boxes_async(state, settings, data, to_span_const(boxes_to_preload), to_span(tasks_to_schedule),
volume_id, stream_dependency, shared_viewers_data, volume_transform, task_scheduler);
static void process_changed_generated_areas(
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings) {
const unsigned int mesh_block_size = 1 << settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
MutexLock lock(state.changed_generated_areas_mutex);
if (state.changed_generated_areas.size() == 0) {
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < settings.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
for (auto box_it = state.changed_generated_areas.begin(); box_it != state.changed_generated_areas.end();
++box_it) {
const Box3i &voxel_box = *box_it;
const Box3i bbox = voxel_box.padded(1).downscaled(mesh_block_size << lod_index);
// TODO If there are cached generated blocks, they need to be re-cached or removed
RWLockRead rlock(lod.mesh_map_state.map_lock);
bbox.for_each_cell_zxy([&lod](const Vector3i bpos) {
auto block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
if (block_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::schedule_mesh_update(block_it->second, bpos, lod.blocks_pending_update);
void VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::run(ThreadedTaskContext ctx) {
struct SetCompleteOnScopeExit {
std::atomic_bool &_complete;
SetCompleteOnScopeExit(std::atomic_bool &b) : _complete(b) {}
~SetCompleteOnScopeExit() {
_complete = true;
CRASH_COND(_update_data == nullptr);
CRASH_COND(_data == nullptr);
CRASH_COND(_streaming_dependency == nullptr);
CRASH_COND(_shared_viewers_data == nullptr);
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData &update_data = *_update_data;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = update_data.state;
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Settings &settings = update_data.settings;
VoxelDataLodMap &data = *_data;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> generator = _streaming_dependency->generator;
Ref<VoxelStream> stream = _streaming_dependency->stream;
ProfilingClock profiling_clock;
ProfilingClock profiling_clock_total;
// TODO This is not a good name, "streaming" has several meanings
const bool stream_enabled = (stream.is_valid() || generator.is_valid()) &&
(Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() == false || settings.run_stream_in_editor);
CRASH_COND(data.lod_count != update_data.settings.lod_count);
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
CRASH_COND(lod.mesh_blocks_to_unload.size() != 0);
CRASH_COND(lod.mesh_blocks_to_update_transitions.size() != 0);
CRASH_COND(lod.mesh_blocks_to_activate.size() != 0);
CRASH_COND(lod.mesh_blocks_to_deactivate.size() != 0);
SetCompleteOnScopeExit scoped_complete(update_data.task_is_complete);
CRASH_COND_MSG(update_data.task_is_complete, "Expected only one update task to run on a given volume");
MutexLock mutex_lock(update_data.completion_mutex);
// Update pending LOD data modifications due to edits.
// These are deferred from edits so we can batch them.
// It has to happen first because blocks can be unloaded afterwards.
// This is also what causes meshes to update after edits.
flush_pending_lod_edits(state, data, generator, settings.full_load_mode, 1 << settings.mesh_block_size_po2);
// Other mesh updates
process_changed_generated_areas(state, settings);
static thread_local std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave> data_blocks_to_save;
static thread_local std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockLocation> data_blocks_to_load;
// Unload data blocks falling out of block region extent
if (update_data.settings.full_load_mode == false) {
state, data, _viewer_pos, data_blocks_to_save, stream.is_valid(), settings);
// Unload mesh blocks falling out of block region extent
process_unload_mesh_blocks_sliding_box(state, _viewer_pos, settings);
// Create and remove octrees in a grid around the viewer.
// Mesh blocks drive the loading of voxel data and visuals.
process_octrees_sliding_box(state, _viewer_pos, settings);
state.stats.blocked_lods = 0;
// Find which blocks we need to load and see, within each octree
if (stream_enabled) {
process_octrees_fitting(state, settings, data, _viewer_pos, data_blocks_to_load);
state.stats.time_detect_required_blocks = profiling_clock.restart();
BufferedTaskScheduler &task_scheduler = BufferedTaskScheduler::get_for_current_thread();
process_async_edits(state, settings, _data, _volume_id, _streaming_dependency, _shared_viewers_data,
_volume_transform, task_scheduler);
// It's possible the user didn't set a stream yet, or it is turned off
if (stream_enabled) {
const unsigned int data_block_size = data.lods[0].map.get_block_size();
if (stream.is_null() && !settings.cache_generated_blocks) {
// TODO Optimization: not ideal because a bit delayed. It requires a second update cycle for meshes to
// get requested. We could instead set those empty blocks right away instead of putting them in that
// list, but it's simpler code for now.
apply_block_data_requests_as_empty(to_span(data_blocks_to_load), data, state);
} else {
send_block_data_requests(_volume_id, to_span(data_blocks_to_load), _streaming_dependency, _data,
_shared_viewers_data, data_block_size, _request_instances, _volume_transform, settings,
_volume_id, to_span(data_blocks_to_save), _streaming_dependency, data_block_size, task_scheduler);
state.stats.time_io_requests = profiling_clock.restart();
// TODO When no mesher is assigned, mesh requests are still accumulated but not being sent. A better way to support
// this is by allowing voxels-only/mesh-less viewers, similar to VoxelTerrain
if (_meshing_dependency->mesher.is_valid()) {
send_mesh_requests(_volume_id, state, settings, _data, _meshing_dependency, _shared_viewers_data,
_volume_transform, task_scheduler);
state.stats.time_mesh_requests = profiling_clock.restart();
state.stats.time_total = profiling_clock.restart();
} // namespace zylann::voxel