Marc Gilleron 86ba74ce3a Some changes and fixes related modifiers
- VoxelLodTerrain no longer caches generated voxels by default, so
  generating on the fly is no longer exclusive to full load mode.
  Might add an option later, but not for now (VoxelTerrain is still
  unaffected and keeps caching them)
- The "Cached" state is represented with blocks having no voxel data,
  so it needs extra checks in some areas to avoid null access
- Fix generate task was not including modifiers after the base generator
- The "save_generator_output" option on streams now means such blocks are
  considered edited
- Modifying modifiers now clears cached generated blocks
  intersecting with them.
- Fix "re-generate" was erasing the internal stack of modifiers
- Added docs
2022-06-18 23:14:18 +01:00

438 lines
15 KiB

#include "voxel_tool_terrain.h"
#include "../meshers/blocky/voxel_mesher_blocky.h"
#include "../meshers/cubes/voxel_mesher_cubes.h"
#include "../storage/voxel_buffer_gd.h"
#include "../storage/voxel_metadata_variant.h"
#include "../terrain/fixed_lod/voxel_terrain.h"
#include "../util/godot/funcs.h"
#include "../util/math/conv.h"
#include "../util/voxel_raycast.h"
namespace zylann::voxel {
VoxelToolTerrain::VoxelToolTerrain() {}
VoxelToolTerrain::VoxelToolTerrain(VoxelTerrain *terrain) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(terrain == nullptr);
_terrain = terrain;
// Don't destroy the terrain while a voxel tool still references it
bool VoxelToolTerrain::is_area_editable(const Box3i &box) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, false);
// TODO Take volume bounds into account
return _terrain->get_storage().is_area_fully_loaded(box);
Ref<VoxelRaycastResult> VoxelToolTerrain::raycast(
Vector3 p_pos, Vector3 p_dir, float p_max_distance, uint32_t p_collision_mask) {
// TODO Implement broad-phase on blocks to minimize locking and increase performance
struct RaycastPredicateColor {
const VoxelDataMap &map;
bool operator()(const VoxelRaycastState &rs) const {
const uint64_t v = map.get_voxel(rs.hit_position, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_COLOR);
return v != 0;
struct RaycastPredicateSDF {
const VoxelDataMap &map;
bool operator()(const VoxelRaycastState &rs) const {
const float v = map.get_voxel_f(rs.hit_position, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF);
return v < 0;
struct RaycastPredicateBlocky {
const VoxelDataMap &map;
const VoxelBlockyLibrary &library;
const uint32_t collision_mask;
bool operator()(const VoxelRaycastState &rs) const {
const int v = map.get_voxel(rs.hit_position, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_TYPE);
if (library.has_voxel(v) == false) {
return false;
const VoxelBlockyModel &voxel = library.get_voxel_const(v);
if (voxel.is_empty()) {
return false;
if ((voxel.get_collision_mask() & collision_mask) == 0) {
return false;
if (voxel.is_transparent() == false) {
return true;
if (voxel.is_transparent() && voxel.get_collision_aabbs().empty() == false) {
return true;
return false;
Ref<VoxelRaycastResult> res;
Ref<VoxelMesherBlocky> mesher_blocky;
Ref<VoxelMesherCubes> mesher_cubes;
Vector3i hit_pos;
Vector3i prev_pos;
const Transform3D to_world = _terrain->get_global_transform();
const Transform3D to_local = to_world.affine_inverse();
const Vector3 local_pos = to_local.xform(p_pos);
const Vector3 local_dir = to_local.basis.xform(p_dir).normalized();
const float to_world_scale = to_world.basis.get_column(Vector3::AXIS_X).length();
const float max_distance = p_max_distance / to_world_scale;
if (try_get_as(_terrain->get_mesher(), mesher_blocky)) {
Ref<VoxelBlockyLibrary> library_ref = mesher_blocky->get_library();
if (library_ref.is_null()) {
return res;
RaycastPredicateBlocky predicate{ _terrain->get_storage(), **library_ref, p_collision_mask };
float hit_distance;
float hit_distance_prev;
if (zylann::voxel_raycast(local_pos, local_dir, predicate, max_distance, hit_pos, prev_pos, hit_distance,
hit_distance_prev)) {
res->position = hit_pos;
res->previous_position = prev_pos;
res->distance_along_ray = hit_distance * to_world_scale;
} else if (try_get_as(_terrain->get_mesher(), mesher_cubes)) {
RaycastPredicateColor predicate{ _terrain->get_storage() };
float hit_distance;
float hit_distance_prev;
if (zylann::voxel_raycast(local_pos, local_dir, predicate, max_distance, hit_pos, prev_pos, hit_distance,
hit_distance_prev)) {
res->position = hit_pos;
res->previous_position = prev_pos;
res->distance_along_ray = hit_distance * to_world_scale;
} else {
RaycastPredicateSDF predicate{ _terrain->get_storage() };
float hit_distance;
float hit_distance_prev;
if (zylann::voxel_raycast(local_pos, local_dir, predicate, max_distance, hit_pos, prev_pos, hit_distance,
hit_distance_prev)) {
res->position = hit_pos;
res->previous_position = prev_pos;
res->distance_along_ray = hit_distance * to_world_scale;
return res;
void VoxelToolTerrain::copy(Vector3i pos, Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> dst, uint8_t channels_mask) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
if (channels_mask == 0) {
channels_mask = (1 << _channel);
_terrain->get_storage().copy(pos, dst->get_buffer(), channels_mask);
void VoxelToolTerrain::paste(
Vector3i pos, Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> p_voxels, uint8_t channels_mask, bool use_mask, uint64_t mask_value) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
if (channels_mask == 0) {
channels_mask = (1 << _channel);
_terrain->get_storage().paste(pos, p_voxels->get_buffer(), channels_mask, use_mask, mask_value, false);
_post_edit(Box3i(pos, p_voxels->get_buffer().get_size()));
void VoxelToolTerrain::do_sphere(Vector3 center, float radius) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
if (_mode != MODE_TEXTURE_PAINT) {
VoxelTool::do_sphere(center, radius);
const Box3i box(math::floor_to_int(center) - Vector3iUtil::create(Math::floor(radius)),
Vector3iUtil::create(Math::ceil(radius) * 2));
if (!is_area_editable(box)) {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Area not editable");
_terrain->get_storage().write_box_2(box, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_INDICES, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_WEIGHTS,
ops::TextureBlendSphereOp{ center, radius, _texture_params });
uint64_t VoxelToolTerrain::_get_voxel(Vector3i pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, 0);
return _terrain->get_storage().get_voxel(pos, _channel);
float VoxelToolTerrain::_get_voxel_f(Vector3i pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, 0);
return _terrain->get_storage().get_voxel_f(pos, _channel);
void VoxelToolTerrain::_set_voxel(Vector3i pos, uint64_t v) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
_terrain->get_storage().set_voxel(v, pos, _channel);
void VoxelToolTerrain::_set_voxel_f(Vector3i pos, float v) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
_terrain->get_storage().set_voxel_f(v, pos, _channel);
void VoxelToolTerrain::_post_edit(const Box3i &box) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
void VoxelToolTerrain::set_voxel_metadata(Vector3i pos, Variant meta) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
VoxelDataMap &map = _terrain->get_storage();
VoxelDataBlock *block = map.get_block(map.voxel_to_block(pos));
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(block == nullptr, "Area not editable");
// TODO In this situation, the generator would need to be invoked to fill in the blank
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!block->has_voxels(), "Area not cached");
RWLockWrite lock(block->get_voxels().get_lock());
VoxelMetadata *meta_storage = block->get_voxels().get_or_create_voxel_metadata(map.to_local(pos));
ERR_FAIL_COND(meta_storage == nullptr);
gd::set_as_variant(*meta_storage, meta);
Variant VoxelToolTerrain::get_voxel_metadata(Vector3i pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, Variant());
VoxelDataMap &map = _terrain->get_storage();
VoxelDataBlock *block = map.get_block(map.voxel_to_block(pos));
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(block == nullptr, Variant(), "Area not editable");
// TODO In this situation, the generator would need to be invoked to fill in the blank
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!block->has_voxels(), Variant(), "Area not cached");
RWLockRead lock(block->get_voxels().get_lock());
const VoxelMetadata *meta = block->get_voxels_const().get_voxel_metadata(map.to_local(pos));
if (meta == nullptr) {
return Variant();
return gd::get_as_variant(*meta);
void VoxelToolTerrain::run_blocky_random_tick_static(VoxelDataMap &map, Box3i voxel_box, const VoxelBlockyLibrary &lib,
int voxel_count, int batch_count, void *callback_data, bool (*callback)(void *, Vector3i, int64_t)) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(batch_count <= 0);
ERR_FAIL_COND(voxel_count < 0);
ERR_FAIL_COND(callback == nullptr);
const Box3i block_box = voxel_box.downscaled(map.get_block_size());
const int block_count = voxel_count / batch_count;
//const int bs_mask = map.get_block_size_mask();
const VoxelBufferInternal::ChannelId channel = VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_TYPE;
struct Pick {
uint64_t value;
Vector3i rpos;
static thread_local std::vector<Pick> picks;
const float block_volume = map.get_block_size() * map.get_block_size() * map.get_block_size();
CRASH_COND(block_volume < 0.1f);
struct L {
static inline int urand(uint32_t max_value) {
return Math::rand() % max_value;
static inline Vector3i urand_vec3i(Vector3i s) {
CRASH_COND(s.x <= 0 || s.y <= 0 || s.z <= 0);
return Vector3i(urand(s.x), urand(s.y), urand(s.z));
// Choose blocks at random
for (int bi = 0; bi < block_count; ++bi) {
const Vector3i block_pos = block_box.pos + L::urand_vec3i(block_box.size);
const Vector3i block_origin = map.block_to_voxel(block_pos);
VoxelDataBlock *block = map.get_block(block_pos);
if (block != nullptr && block->has_voxels()) {
// Doing ONLY reads here.
RWLockRead lock(block->get_voxels().get_lock());
const VoxelBufferInternal &voxels = block->get_voxels_const();
if (voxels.get_channel_compression(channel) == VoxelBufferInternal::COMPRESSION_UNIFORM) {
const uint64_t v = voxels.get_voxel(0, 0, 0, channel);
if (lib.has_voxel(v)) {
const VoxelBlockyModel &vt = lib.get_voxel_const(v);
if (!vt.is_random_tickable()) {
// Skip whole block
Box3i block_voxel_box(block_origin, Vector3iUtil::create(map.get_block_size()));
Box3i local_voxel_box = voxel_box.clipped(block_voxel_box);
local_voxel_box.pos -= block_origin;
const float volume_ratio = Vector3iUtil::get_volume(local_voxel_box.size) / block_volume;
const int local_batch_count = Math::ceil(batch_count * volume_ratio);
// Choose a bunch of voxels at random within the block.
// Batching this way improves performance a little by reducing block lookups.
for (int vi = 0; vi < local_batch_count; ++vi) {
const Vector3i rpos = local_voxel_box.pos + L::urand_vec3i(local_voxel_box.size);
const uint64_t v = voxels.get_voxel(rpos, channel);
picks.push_back(Pick{ v, rpos });
// The following may or may not read AND write voxels randomly due to its exposition to scripts.
// However, we don't send the buffer directly, so it will go through an API taking care of locking.
// So we don't (and shouldn't) lock anything here.
for (size_t i = 0; i < picks.size(); ++i) {
const Pick pick = picks[i];
if (lib.has_voxel(pick.value)) {
const VoxelBlockyModel &vt = lib.get_voxel_const(pick.value);
if (vt.is_random_tickable()) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(!callback(callback_data, pick.rpos + block_origin, pick.value));
static Ref<VoxelBlockyLibrary> get_voxel_library(const VoxelTerrain &terrain) {
Ref<VoxelMesherBlocky> blocky_mesher = terrain.get_mesher();
if (blocky_mesher.is_valid()) {
return blocky_mesher->get_library();
return Ref<VoxelBlockyLibrary>();
// TODO This function snaps the given AABB to blocks, this is not intuitive. Should figure out a way to respect the
// area. Executes a function on random voxels in the provided area, using the type channel. This allows to implement
// slow "natural" cellular automata behavior, as can be seen in Minecraft.
void VoxelToolTerrain::run_blocky_random_tick(
AABB voxel_area, int voxel_count, const Callable &callback, int batch_count) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
String("This function requires a volume using {0}").format(varray(VoxelMesherBlocky::get_class_static())));
ERR_FAIL_COND(batch_count <= 0);
ERR_FAIL_COND(voxel_count < 0);
if (voxel_count == 0) {
struct CallbackData {
const Callable &callable;
CallbackData cb_self{ callback };
const VoxelBlockyLibrary &lib = **get_voxel_library(*_terrain);
VoxelDataMap &map = _terrain->get_storage();
const Box3i voxel_box(math::floor_to_int(voxel_area.position), math::floor_to_int(voxel_area.size));
map, voxel_box, lib, voxel_count, batch_count, &cb_self, [](void *self, Vector3i pos, int64_t val) {
const Variant vpos = pos;
const Variant vv = val;
const Variant *args[2];
args[0] = &vpos;
args[1] = &vv;
Callable::CallError error;
Variant retval; // We don't care about the return value, Callable API requires it
const CallbackData *cd = (const CallbackData *)self;
cd->callable.call(args, 2, retval, error);
// TODO I would really like to know what's the correct way to report such errors...
// Examples I found in the engine are inconsistent
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK, false);
// Return if it fails, we don't want an error spam
return true;
void VoxelToolTerrain::for_each_voxel_metadata_in_area(AABB voxel_area, const Callable &callback) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
const Box3i voxel_box = Box3i(math::floor_to_int(voxel_area.position), math::floor_to_int(voxel_area.size));
const Box3i data_block_box = voxel_box.downscaled(_terrain->get_data_block_size());
VoxelDataMap &map = _terrain->get_storage();
data_block_box.for_each_cell([&map, &callback, voxel_box](Vector3i block_pos) {
VoxelDataBlock *block = map.get_block(block_pos);
if (block == nullptr || !block->has_voxels()) {
const Vector3i block_origin = block_pos * map.get_block_size();
const Box3i rel_voxel_box(voxel_box.pos - block_origin, voxel_box.size);
// TODO Worth it locking blocks for metadata?
rel_voxel_box, [&callback, block_origin](Vector3i rel_pos, const VoxelMetadata &meta) {
Variant v = gd::get_as_variant(meta);
const Variant key = rel_pos + block_origin;
const Variant *args[2] = { &key, &v };
Callable::CallError err;
Variant retval; // We don't care about the return value, Callable API requires it
callback.call(args, 2, retval, err);
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK,
String("Callable failed at {0}").format(varray(key)));
// TODO Can't provide detailed error because FuncRef doesn't give us access to the object
// ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK, false,
// Variant::get_call_error_text(callback->get_object(), method_name, nullptr, 0, err));
void VoxelToolTerrain::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("run_blocky_random_tick", "area", "voxel_count", "callback", "batch_count"),
&VoxelToolTerrain::run_blocky_random_tick, DEFVAL(16));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("for_each_voxel_metadata_in_area", "voxel_area", "callback"),
} // namespace zylann::voxel