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Building Godot With Voxel Tools

These steps will walk you through creating a custom build of Godot with the Voxel Tools module compiled into it.

Build Godot From Source

  1. Download and compile the Godot source by following the official guide. If you want to regularly update your build (recommended), clone the repository with Git instead of downloading a zip file.
  2. Generally you want the master branch to match with the master branch of Voxel Tools. However as of Godot 3.1, a stable branch is being maintained.
  3. Build Godot before adding this or any other modules and make sure it produces an executable.
  4. Run the newly built executable found in godot/bin. Look under Help/About and confirm that the version string indicates you are running a development version (e.g. 3.2dev.custom_build.ee5ba3e).

Add Voxel Tools

  1. Download or clone the repository for Voxel Tools. Use Git to clone the repository if you want to make it easy to update your builds (recommended).
  2. Generally you want the master branch to get the latest features and fixes. If you desired, you can use the branch that corresponds with Godot's stable branch (e.g. godot3.1).
  3. Place the Voxel Tools directory inside your Godot source, in the godot/modules directory.
  4. Rename the Voxel Tools folder to voxel. When correct, the files (e.g. README.md) will be located in godot/modules/voxel. This is important!
  5. Rebuild Godot and make sure it produces an executable.
  6. Test that your build has Voxel support:
    1. Run your new Godot build.
    2. Create a new project.
    3. Create a new 3D scene.
    4. Add a new node, search for "Voxel" and see if "VoxelTerrain" appears. If so, you have a successful build. If not, review these instructions and your build logs to see if you missed a step or something failed along the way.

Updating Your Build

If you cloned Godot and Voxel Tools, you can use git to update your local code.

  1. Go to your local Godot source directory godot and run git pull. It will download all updates from the repository and merge them into your local source.
  2. Go to godot/modules/voxel and run git pull. Git will update Voxel Tools.
  3. Rebuild Godot.

Note: Since you are pulling from two development branches, it's probable that on occasion your build won't compile, your project won't open, or your Voxel Tools won't work properly or even crash Godot. To minimize downtime, save your successful builds. Move them out of the build folder and rename them with the version number (e.g. godot-3.2-ee5ba3e.exe). This way, you can continue to use previously working builds until the Godot or Voxel developers fix whatever is broken. It is generally desired by all that code published to repositories will at least build, but stuff happens.