2022-08-19 21:33:52 +01:00

3045 lines
109 KiB

#include "voxel_lod_terrain.h"
#include "../../constants/voxel_string_names.h"
#include "../../edition/voxel_tool_lod_terrain.h"
#include "../../engine/distance_normalmaps.h"
#include "../../engine/load_all_blocks_data_task.h"
#include "../../engine/voxel_engine_gd.h"
#include "../../engine/voxel_engine_updater.h"
#include "../../meshers/blocky/voxel_mesher_blocky.h"
#include "../../meshers/transvoxel/voxel_mesher_transvoxel.h"
#include "../../storage/voxel_buffer_gd.h"
#include "../../util/container_funcs.h"
#include "../../util/godot/funcs.h"
#include "../../util/godot/shader.h"
#include "../../util/log.h"
#include "../../util/math/color.h"
#include "../../util/math/conv.h"
#include "../../util/profiling.h"
#include "../../util/profiling_clock.h"
#include "../../util/string_funcs.h"
#include "../../util/tasks/async_dependency_tracker.h"
#include "../../util/thread/mutex.h"
#include "../../util/thread/rw_lock.h"
#include "../instancing/voxel_instancer.h"
#include "voxel_lod_terrain_update_task.h"
#include <core/config/engine.h>
#include <core/core_string_names.h>
#include <scene/3d/camera_3d.h>
#include <scene/3d/mesh_instance_3d.h>
#include <scene/main/viewport.h>
#include <scene/resources/concave_polygon_shape_3d.h>
#include <scene/resources/packed_scene.h>
namespace zylann::voxel {
namespace {
struct BeforeUnloadMeshAction {
ShaderMaterialPoolVLT &shader_material_pool;
void operator()(VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) {
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Recycle material");
// Recycle material
Ref<ShaderMaterial> sm = block.get_shader_material();
if (sm.is_valid()) {
struct ScheduleSaveAction {
std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave> &blocks_to_save;
void operator()(const Vector3i &bpos, VoxelDataBlock &block) {
// Save if modified
// TODO Don't ask for save if the stream doesn't support it!
if (block.is_modified()) {
//print_line(String("Scheduling save for block {0}").format(varray(block->position.to_vec3())));
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave b;
// If a modified block has no voxels, it is equivalent to removing the block from the stream
if (block.has_voxels()) {
b.voxels = make_shared_instance<VoxelBufferInternal>();
RWLockRead lock(block.get_voxels().get_lock());
block.get_voxels_const().duplicate_to(*b.voxels, true);
b.position = bpos;
b.lod = block.get_lod_index();
static inline uint64_t get_ticks_msec() {
return Time::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
} // namespace
void ShaderMaterialPoolVLT::recycle(Ref<ShaderMaterial> material) {
// Reset textures to avoid hoarding them in the pool
material->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_voxel_normalmap_atlas, Ref<Texture2DArray>());
material->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_voxel_cell_lookup, Ref<Texture2D>());
// TODO Would be nice if we repurposed `u_transition_mask` to store extra flags.
// Here we exploit cell_size==0 as "there is no virtual normalmaps on this block"
material->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_voxel_cell_size, 0.f);
material->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_voxel_virtual_texture_fade, 0.f);
material->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_transition_mask, 0);
material->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_lod_fade, Vector2(0.0, 0.0));
void VoxelLodTerrain::ApplyMeshUpdateTask::run(TimeSpreadTaskContext &ctx) {
if (!VoxelEngine::get_singleton().is_volume_valid(volume_id)) {
// The node can have been destroyed while this task was still pending
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Cancelling ApplyMeshUpdateTask, volume_id is invalid");
std::unordered_map<Vector3i, RefCount> &queued_tasks_in_lod = self->_queued_main_thread_mesh_updates[data.lod];
auto it = queued_tasks_in_lod.find(data.position);
if (it != queued_tasks_in_lod.end()) {
RefCount &count = it->second;
if (count.get() > 0) {
// This is not the only main thread task queued for this block.
// Cancel it to avoid buildup.
VoxelLodTerrain::VoxelLodTerrain() {
// Note: don't do anything heavy in the constructor.
// Godot may create and destroy dozens of instances of all node types on startup,
// due to how ClassDB gets its default values.
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Construct VoxelLodTerrain");
_data = make_shared_instance<VoxelDataLodMap>();
_update_data = make_shared_instance<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData>();
_update_data->task_is_complete = true;
_streaming_dependency = make_shared_instance<StreamingDependency>();
_meshing_dependency = make_shared_instance<MeshingDependency>();
// Doing this to setup the defaults
// Infinite by default
_update_data->settings.bounds_in_voxels =
Box3i::from_center_extents(Vector3i(), Vector3iUtil::create(constants::MAX_VOLUME_EXTENT));
// Mesh updates are spread over frames by scheduling them in a task runner of VoxelEngine,
// but instead of using a reception buffer we use a callback,
// because this kind of task scheduling would otherwise delay the update by 1 frame
VoxelEngine::VolumeCallbacks callbacks;
callbacks.data = this;
callbacks.mesh_output_callback = [](void *cb_data, VoxelEngine::BlockMeshOutput &ob) {
VoxelLodTerrain *self = reinterpret_cast<VoxelLodTerrain *>(cb_data);
ApplyMeshUpdateTask *task = memnew(ApplyMeshUpdateTask);
task->volume_id = self->get_volume_id();
task->self = self;
task->data = std::move(ob);
// If two tasks are queued for the same mesh, cancel the old ones.
// This is for cases where creating the mesh is slower than the speed at which it is generated,
// which can cause a buildup that never seems to stop.
// This is at the expense of holes appearing until all tasks are done.
std::unordered_map<Vector3i, RefCount> &queued_tasks_in_lod = self->_queued_main_thread_mesh_updates[ob.lod];
auto p = queued_tasks_in_lod.insert({ ob.position, RefCount(1) });
if (!p.second) {
callbacks.data_output_callback = [](void *cb_data, VoxelEngine::BlockDataOutput &ob) {
VoxelLodTerrain *self = reinterpret_cast<VoxelLodTerrain *>(cb_data);
callbacks.virtual_texture_output_callback = [](void *cb_data, VoxelEngine::BlockVirtualTextureOutput &ob) {
VoxelLodTerrain *self = reinterpret_cast<VoxelLodTerrain *>(cb_data);
_volume_id = VoxelEngine::get_singleton().add_volume(callbacks);
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_octree_lod_distance(_volume_id, get_lod_distance());
// TODO Being able to set a LOD smaller than the stream is probably a bad idea,
// Because it prevents edits from propagating up to the last one, they will be left out of sync
VoxelLodTerrain::~VoxelLodTerrain() {
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Destroy VoxelLodTerrain");
_streaming_dependency->valid = false;
_meshing_dependency->valid = false;
// Instancer can take care of itself
Ref<Material> VoxelLodTerrain::get_material() const {
return _material;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_material(Ref<Material> p_material) {
if (_material == p_material) {
// TODO Update existing block surfaces
_material = p_material;
// Create a fork of the default shader if a new empty ShaderMaterial is assigned
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
Ref<ShaderMaterial> sm = p_material;
if (sm.is_valid() && sm->get_shader().is_null() && _mesher.is_valid()) {
Ref<ShaderMaterial> default_sm = _mesher->get_default_lod_material();
if (default_sm.is_valid()) {
Ref<Shader> default_shader = default_sm->get_shader();
Ref<Shader> shader_copy = default_shader->duplicate();
unsigned int VoxelLodTerrain::get_data_block_size() const {
return _data->lods[0].map.get_block_size();
unsigned int VoxelLodTerrain::get_data_block_size_pow2() const {
return _data->lods[0].map.get_block_size_pow2();
unsigned int VoxelLodTerrain::get_mesh_block_size_pow2() const {
return _update_data->settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
unsigned int VoxelLodTerrain::get_mesh_block_size() const {
return 1 << _update_data->settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_stream(Ref<VoxelStream> p_stream) {
if (p_stream == _stream) {
_stream = p_stream;
StreamingDependency::reset(_streaming_dependency, _stream, _generator);
if (p_stream.is_valid()) {
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
Ref<Script> script = p_stream->get_script();
if (script.is_valid()) {
// Safety check. It's too easy to break threads by making a script reload.
// You can turn it back on, but be careful.
_update_data->settings.run_stream_in_editor = false;
Ref<VoxelStream> VoxelLodTerrain::get_stream() const {
return _stream;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_generator(Ref<VoxelGenerator> p_generator) {
if (p_generator == _generator) {
_generator = p_generator;
MeshingDependency::reset(_meshing_dependency, _mesher, p_generator);
StreamingDependency::reset(_streaming_dependency, _stream, p_generator);
if (p_generator.is_valid()) {
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
Ref<Script> script = p_generator->get_script();
if (script.is_valid()) {
// Safety check. It's too easy to break threads by making a script reload.
// You can turn it back on, but be careful.
_update_data->settings.run_stream_in_editor = false;
Ref<VoxelGenerator> VoxelLodTerrain::get_generator() const {
return _generator;
void VoxelLodTerrain::_on_gi_mode_changed() {
const GIMode gi_mode = get_gi_mode();
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _update_data->state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
_mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index].for_each_block([gi_mode](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
void VoxelLodTerrain::update_shader_material_pool_template() {
Ref<ShaderMaterial> shader_material = _material;
if (_material.is_null() && _mesher.is_valid()) {
shader_material = _mesher->get_default_lod_material();
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_mesher(Ref<VoxelMesher> p_mesher) {
if (_mesher == p_mesher) {
_mesher = p_mesher;
MeshingDependency::reset(_meshing_dependency, _mesher, _generator);
if (_mesher.is_valid()) {
Ref<VoxelMesher> VoxelLodTerrain::get_mesher() const {
return _mesher;
void VoxelLodTerrain::_on_stream_params_changed() {
if (_stream.is_valid()) {
//const int stream_block_size_po2 = _stream->get_block_size_po2();
// TODO We have to figure out streams that have a LOD requirement
// const int stream_lod_count = _stream->get_lod_count();
// _set_lod_count(min(stream_lod_count, get_lod_count()));
if (_update_data->settings.full_load_mode && !_stream->supports_loading_all_blocks()) {
ERR_PRINT("The chosen stream does not supports loading all blocks. Full load mode cannot be used.");
_update_data->settings.full_load_mode = false;
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_data_block_size(_volume_id, get_data_block_size());
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_render_block_size(_volume_id, get_mesh_block_size());
// TODO Size other than 16 is not really supported though.
// also this code isn't right, it doesnt update the other lods
//_data->lods[0].map.create(p_block_size_po2, 0);
if ((_stream.is_valid() || _generator.is_valid()) &&
(Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() == false || _update_data->settings.run_stream_in_editor)) {
_update_data->state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
// The whole map might change, so make all area dirty
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _update_data->settings.lod_count; ++i) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[i];
lod.last_view_distance_data_blocks = 0;
lod.last_view_distance_mesh_blocks = 0;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_mesh_block_size(unsigned int mesh_block_size) {
// Mesh block size cannot be smaller than data block size, for now
mesh_block_size = math::clamp(mesh_block_size, get_data_block_size(), constants::MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
// Only these sizes are allowed at the moment. This stuff is still not supported in a generic way yet,
// some code still exploits the fact it's a multiple of data block size, for performance
unsigned int po2;
switch (mesh_block_size) {
case 16:
po2 = 4;
case 32:
po2 = 5;
mesh_block_size = 16;
po2 = 4;
if (mesh_block_size == get_mesh_block_size()) {
//_update_data->wait_for_end_of_task(); // Done by reset_mesh_maps()
_update_data->settings.mesh_block_size_po2 = po2;
_update_data->state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
// Doing this after because `on_mesh_block_exit` may use the old size
if (_instancer != nullptr) {
// Update voxel bounds because block size change can affect octree size
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_full_load_mode_enabled(bool enabled) {
if (enabled != _update_data->settings.full_load_mode) {
_update_data->settings.full_load_mode = enabled;
_update_data->state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
bool VoxelLodTerrain::is_full_load_mode_enabled() const {
return _update_data->settings.full_load_mode;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_threaded_update_enabled(bool enabled) {
if (enabled != _threaded_update_enabled) {
if (_threaded_update_enabled) {
_threaded_update_enabled = enabled;
bool VoxelLodTerrain::is_threaded_update_enabled() const {
return _threaded_update_enabled;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_mesh_block_active(VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block, bool active, bool with_fading) {
if (block.active == active) {
// TODO Shouldn't we switch colliders with `active` instead of `visible`?
block.active = active;
if (!with_fading) {
// Cancel fading if already in progress
if (block.fading_state != VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_NONE) {
block.fading_state = VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_NONE;
Ref<ShaderMaterial> mat = block.get_shader_material();
if (mat.is_valid()) {
mat->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_lod_fade, Vector2(0.0, 0.0));
} else if (active && _lod_fade_duration > 0.f) {
// WHen LOD fade is enabled, it is possible that a block is disabled with a fade out, but later has to be
// enabled without a fade-in (because behind the camera for example). In this case we have to reset the
// parameter. Otherwise, it would be active but invisible due to still being faded out.
Ref<ShaderMaterial> mat = block.get_shader_material();
if (mat.is_valid()) {
mat->set_shader_uniform(VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_lod_fade, Vector2(0.0, 0.0));
VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FadingState fading_state;
// Initial progress has to be set too because it sometimes happens that a LOD must appear before its parent
// finished fading in. So the parent will have to fade out from solid with the same duration.
float initial_progress;
if (active) {
fading_state = VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_IN;
initial_progress = 0.f;
} else {
fading_state = VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_OUT;
initial_progress = 1.f;
if (block.fading_state != fading_state) {
if (block.fading_state == VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_NONE) {
std::map<Vector3i, VoxelMeshBlockVLT *> &fading_blocks = _fading_blocks_per_lod[block.lod_index];
// Must not have duplicates
ERR_FAIL_COND(fading_blocks.find(block.position) != fading_blocks.end());
fading_blocks.insert({ block.position, &block });
block.fading_state = fading_state;
block.fading_progress = initial_progress;
bool VoxelLodTerrain::is_area_editable(Box3i p_voxel_box) const {
if (_update_data->settings.full_load_mode) {
return true;
const Box3i voxel_box = p_voxel_box.clipped(_update_data->settings.bounds_in_voxels);
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = _data->lods[0];
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
const bool all_blocks_present = data_lod0.map.is_area_fully_loaded(voxel_box);
return all_blocks_present;
inline std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> try_get_voxel_buffer_with_lock(
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod, Vector3i block_pos, bool &out_generate) {
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
const VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod.map.get_block(block_pos);
if (block == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (!block->has_voxels()) {
out_generate = true;
return nullptr;
return block->get_voxels_shared();
inline VoxelSingleValue get_voxel_with_lock(VoxelBufferInternal &vb, Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel) {
VoxelSingleValue v;
if (channel == VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF) {
RWLockRead rlock(vb.get_lock());
v.f = vb.get_voxel_f(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, channel);
} else {
RWLockRead rlock(vb.get_lock());
v.i = vb.get_voxel(pos, channel);
return v;
VoxelSingleValue VoxelLodTerrain::get_voxel(Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel, VoxelSingleValue defval) {
if (!_update_data->settings.bounds_in_voxels.contains(pos)) {
return defval;
Vector3i block_pos = pos >> get_data_block_size_pow2();
bool generate = false;
if (_update_data->settings.full_load_mode) {
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = _data->lods[0];
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> voxels = try_get_voxel_buffer_with_lock(data_lod0, block_pos, generate);
if (voxels == nullptr) {
// TODO We should be able to get a value if modifiers are used but not a base generator
if (_generator.is_valid()) {
VoxelSingleValue value = _generator->generate_single(pos, channel);
if (channel == VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF) {
float sdf = value.f;
_data->modifiers.apply(sdf, to_vec3(pos));
value.f = sdf;
return value;
} else {
const Vector3i rpos = data_lod0.map.to_local(pos);
VoxelSingleValue v;
RWLockRead rlock(voxels->get_lock());
if (channel == VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF) {
v.f = voxels->get_voxel_f(rpos.x, rpos.y, rpos.z, channel);
} else {
v.i = voxels->get_voxel(rpos, channel);
return v;
return defval;
} else {
Vector3i voxel_pos = pos;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _update_data->settings.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[lod_index];
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> voxels = try_get_voxel_buffer_with_lock(data_lod, block_pos, generate);
if (voxels != nullptr) {
return get_voxel_with_lock(*voxels, data_lod.map.to_local(voxel_pos), channel);
} else if (generate) {
// TODO We should be able to get a value if modifiers are used but not a base generator
if (_generator.is_valid()) {
VoxelSingleValue value = _generator->generate_single(pos, channel);
if (channel == VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF) {
float sdf = value.f;
_data->modifiers.apply(sdf, to_vec3(pos));
value.f = sdf;
return value;
} else {
return defval;
// Fallback on lower LOD
block_pos = block_pos >> 1;
voxel_pos = voxel_pos >> 1;
return defval;
bool VoxelLodTerrain::try_set_voxel_without_update(Vector3i pos, unsigned int channel, uint64_t value) {
const Vector3i block_pos_lod0 = pos >> get_data_block_size_pow2();
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = _data->lods[0];
const Vector3i block_pos = data_lod0.map.voxel_to_block(pos);
bool can_generate = false;
std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal> voxels = try_get_voxel_buffer_with_lock(data_lod0, block_pos, can_generate);
if (voxels == nullptr) {
if (!_update_data->settings.full_load_mode && !can_generate) {
return false;
if (_generator.is_valid()) {
voxels = make_shared_instance<VoxelBufferInternal>();
VoxelGenerator::VoxelQueryData q{ *voxels, pos, 0 };
_data->modifiers.apply(q.voxel_buffer, AABB(pos, q.voxel_buffer.get_size()));
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
if (data_lod0.map.has_block(block_pos_lod0)) {
// A block was loaded by another thread, cancel our edit.
return false;
data_lod0.map.set_block_buffer(block_pos_lod0, voxels, true);
// If it turns out to be a problem, use CoW?
RWLockWrite lock(voxels->get_lock());
voxels->set_voxel(value, data_lod0.map.to_local(pos), channel);
// We don't update mips, this must be done by the caller
return true;
void VoxelLodTerrain::copy(Vector3i p_origin_voxels, VoxelBufferInternal &dst_buffer, uint8_t channels_mask) {
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = _data->lods[0];
VoxelModifierStack &modifiers = _data->modifiers;
if (_update_data->settings.full_load_mode && _generator.is_valid()) {
struct GenContext {
VoxelGenerator &generator;
const VoxelModifierStack &modifiers;
GenContext gctx{ **_generator, modifiers };
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
data_lod0.map.copy(p_origin_voxels, dst_buffer, channels_mask, &gctx,
[](void *callback_data, VoxelBufferInternal &voxels, Vector3i pos) {
// Suffixed with `2` because GCC warns it shadows a previous local...
GenContext *gctx2 = reinterpret_cast<GenContext *>(callback_data);
VoxelGenerator::VoxelQueryData q{ voxels, pos, 0 };
gctx2->modifiers.apply(voxels, AABB(pos, voxels.get_size()));
} else {
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
// TODO Apply modifiers
data_lod0.map.copy(p_origin_voxels, dst_buffer, channels_mask);
// Marks intersecting blocks in the area as modified, updates LODs and schedules remeshing.
// The provided box must be at LOD0 coordinates.
void VoxelLodTerrain::post_edit_area(Box3i p_box) {
// TODO Better decoupling is needed here.
// In the past this padding was necessary for mesh blocks because visuals depend on neighbor voxels.
// So when editing voxels at the boundary of two mesh blocks, both must update.
// However on data blocks it doesn't make sense, neighbors are not affected (at least for now).
// this can cause false positive errors as if we were editing a block that's not loaded (coming up as null).
// For now, this is worked around by ignoring cases where blocks are null,
// But it might mip more lods than necessary when editing on borders.
const Box3i box = p_box.padded(1);
const Box3i bbox = box.downscaled(get_data_block_size());
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod0 = _data->lods[0];
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod0.map_lock);
MutexLock lock(_update_data->state.blocks_pending_lodding_lod0_mutex);
bbox.for_each_cell([this, &data_lod0](Vector3i block_pos_lod0) {
VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod0.map.get_block(block_pos_lod0);
// We can get null blocks due to the added padding...
//ERR_FAIL_COND(block == nullptr);
if (block == nullptr) {
// We can get blocks without voxels in them due to the added padding...
if (!block->has_voxels()) {
//RWLockWrite wlock(block->get_voxels_shared()->get_lock());
// TODO That boolean is also modified by the threaded update task (always set to false)
if (!block->get_needs_lodding()) {
// This is what indirectly causes remeshing
if (debug_is_draw_enabled() && debug_get_draw_flag(DEBUG_DRAW_EDIT_BOXES)) {
_debug_edit_items.push_back({ p_box, DebugEditItem::LINGER_FRAMES });
if (_instancer != nullptr) {
void VoxelLodTerrain::post_edit_modifiers(Box3i p_voxel_box) {
clear_cached_blocks_in_voxel_area(*_data, p_voxel_box);
// Not sure if it is worth re-caching these blocks. We may see about that in the future if performance is an issue.
MutexLock lock(_update_data->state.changed_generated_areas_mutex);
if (debug_is_draw_enabled() && debug_get_draw_flag(DEBUG_DRAW_EDIT_BOXES)) {
_debug_edit_items.push_back({ p_voxel_box, DebugEditItem::LINGER_FRAMES });
void VoxelLodTerrain::push_async_edit(IThreadedTask *task, Box3i box, std::shared_ptr<AsyncDependencyTracker> tracker) {
CRASH_COND(task == nullptr);
CRASH_COND(tracker == nullptr);
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::AsyncEdit e;
e.box = box;
e.task = task;
e.task_tracker = tracker;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
MutexLock lock(state.pending_async_edits_mutex);
Ref<VoxelTool> VoxelLodTerrain::get_voxel_tool() {
VoxelToolLodTerrain *vt = memnew(VoxelToolLodTerrain(this));
// Set to most commonly used channel on this kind of terrain
return Ref<VoxelTool>(vt);
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_view_distance() const {
return _update_data->settings.view_distance_voxels;
// TODO Needs to be clamped dynamically, to avoid the user accidentally setting blowing up memory.
// It used to be clamped to a hardcoded value, but now it may depend on LOD count and boundaries
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_view_distance(int p_distance_in_voxels) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_distance_in_voxels <= 0);
// Note: this is a hint distance, the terrain will attempt to have this radius filled with loaded voxels.
// It is possible for blocks to still load beyond that distance.
_update_data->settings.view_distance_voxels = p_distance_in_voxels;
_update_data->state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
void VoxelLodTerrain::start_updater() {
Ref<VoxelMesherBlocky> blocky_mesher = _mesher;
if (blocky_mesher.is_valid()) {
Ref<VoxelBlockyLibrary> library = blocky_mesher->get_library();
if (library.is_valid()) {
// TODO Any way to execute this function just after the TRES resource loader has finished to load?
// VoxelLibrary should be baked ahead of time, like MeshLibrary
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_mesher(_volume_id, _mesher);
void VoxelLodTerrain::stop_updater() {
// Invalidate pending tasks
MeshingDependency::reset(_meshing_dependency, _mesher, _generator);
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_mesher(_volume_id, Ref<VoxelMesher>());
// TODO We can still receive a few mesh delayed mesh updates after this. Is it a problem?
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _update_data->state.lods.size(); ++i) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[i];
for (auto it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.begin(); it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end(); ++it) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &mesh_block = it->second;
if (mesh_block.state == VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_SENT) {
mesh_block.state = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_NOT_SENT;
void VoxelLodTerrain::start_streamer() {
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_stream(_volume_id, _stream);
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_generator(_volume_id, _generator);
if (_update_data->settings.full_load_mode && _stream.is_valid()) {
// TODO May want to defer this to be sure it's not done multiple times.
// This would be a side-effect of setting properties one by one, either by scene loader or by script
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Request all blocks for volume {}", _volume_id));
ZN_ASSERT(_streaming_dependency != nullptr);
LoadAllBlocksDataTask *task = memnew(LoadAllBlocksDataTask);
task->volume_id = _volume_id;
task->stream_dependency = _streaming_dependency;
void VoxelLodTerrain::stop_streamer() {
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_stream(_volume_id, Ref<VoxelStream>());
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_generator(_volume_id, Ref<VoxelGenerator>());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _update_data->state.lods.size(); ++i) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[i];
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_lod_distance(float p_lod_distance) {
if (p_lod_distance == _update_data->settings.lod_distance) {
// Distance must be greater than a threshold,
// otherwise lods will decimate too fast and it will look messy
const float lod_distance =
math::clamp(p_lod_distance, constants::MINIMUM_LOD_DISTANCE, constants::MAXIMUM_LOD_DISTANCE);
_update_data->settings.lod_distance = lod_distance;
_update_data->state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_octree_lod_distance(_volume_id, get_lod_distance());
if (_instancer != nullptr) {
float VoxelLodTerrain::get_lod_distance() const {
return _update_data->settings.lod_distance;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_lod_count(int p_lod_count) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_lod_count >= (int)constants::MAX_LOD);
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_lod_count < 1);
if (get_lod_count() != p_lod_count) {
void VoxelLodTerrain::_set_lod_count(int p_lod_count) {
CRASH_COND(p_lod_count >= (int)constants::MAX_LOD);
CRASH_COND(p_lod_count < 1);
_update_data->settings.lod_count = p_lod_count;
_update_data->state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
LodOctree::NoDestroyAction nda;
std::map<Vector3i, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem> &octrees = _update_data->state.lod_octrees;
for (auto it = octrees.begin(); it != octrees.end(); ++it) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem &item = it->second;
item.octree.create(p_lod_count, nda);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _queued_main_thread_mesh_updates.size(); ++i) {
// Not entirely required, but changing LOD count at runtime is rarely needed
void VoxelLodTerrain::reset_maps() {
// Clears all blocks and reconfigures maps to account for new LOD count and block sizes
// Don't reset while streaming, the result can be dirty?
//CRASH_COND(_stream_thread != nullptr);
const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
// Make a new one, so if threads still reference the old one it will be a different copy
std::shared_ptr<VoxelDataLodMap> new_data = make_shared_instance<VoxelDataLodMap>();
// Keep modifiers, we only reset voxel data
new_data->modifiers = std::move(_data->modifiers);
_data = new_data;
_data->lod_count = lod_count;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[lod_index];
// Instance new maps if we have more lods, or clear them otherwise
if (lod_index < lod_count) {
data_lod.map.create(data_lod.map.get_block_size_pow2(), lod_index);
} else {
void VoxelLodTerrain::reset_mesh_maps() {
const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
if (_instancer != nullptr) {
// Unload instances
VoxelInstancer *instancer = _instancer;
mesh_map.for_each_block([lod_index, instancer](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) {
instancer->on_mesh_block_exit(block.position, lod_index);
//mesh_map.for_each_block(BeforeUnloadMeshAction{ _shader_material_pool });
// Instance new maps if we have more lods, or clear them otherwise
if (lod_index < lod_count) {
// Reset view distance cache so blocks will be re-entered due to the difference
lod.last_view_distance_data_blocks = 0;
lod.last_view_distance_mesh_blocks = 0;
} else {
// Clear temporal lists
// Reset LOD octrees
LodOctree::NoDestroyAction nda;
for (std::map<Vector3i, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem>::iterator it = state.lod_octrees.begin();
it != state.lod_octrees.end(); ++it) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem &item = it->second;
item.octree.create(lod_count, nda);
// Reset previous state caches to force rebuilding the view area
state.last_octree_region_box = Box3i();
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_lod_count() const {
return _update_data->settings.lod_count;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_generate_collisions(bool enabled) {
_update_data->settings.collision_enabled = enabled;
bool VoxelLodTerrain::get_generate_collisions() const {
return _update_data->settings.collision_enabled;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_lod_count(int lod_count) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(lod_count < 0);
_collision_lod_count = static_cast<unsigned int>(math::min(lod_count, get_lod_count()));
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_lod_count() const {
return _collision_lod_count;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_layer(int layer) {
const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
_collision_layer = layer;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([layer](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_layer() const {
return _collision_layer;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_mask(int mask) {
const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
_collision_mask = mask;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([mask](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_mask() const {
return _collision_mask;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_margin(float margin) {
const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
_collision_margin = margin;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([margin](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
float VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_margin() const {
return _collision_margin;
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_data_block_region_extent() const {
return VoxelEngine::get_octree_lod_block_region_extent(_update_data->settings.lod_distance, get_data_block_size());
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_mesh_block_region_extent() const {
return VoxelEngine::get_octree_lod_block_region_extent(_update_data->settings.lod_distance, get_mesh_block_size());
Vector3i VoxelLodTerrain::voxel_to_data_block_position(Vector3 vpos, int lod_index) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index < 0, Vector3i());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index >= get_lod_count(), Vector3i());
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &lod = _data->lods[lod_index];
const Vector3i bpos = lod.map.voxel_to_block(math::floor_to_int(vpos)) >> lod_index;
return bpos;
Vector3i VoxelLodTerrain::voxel_to_mesh_block_position(Vector3 vpos, int lod_index) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index < 0, Vector3i());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index >= get_lod_count(), Vector3i());
const unsigned int mesh_block_size_po2 = _update_data->settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
const Vector3i bpos = (math::floor_to_int(vpos) >> mesh_block_size_po2) >> lod_index;
return bpos;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_process_callback(ProcessCallback mode) {
_process_callback = mode;
set_process(_process_callback == PROCESS_CALLBACK_IDLE);
set_physics_process(_process_callback == PROCESS_CALLBACK_PHYSICS);
void VoxelLodTerrain::_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
if (_process_callback == PROCESS_CALLBACK_IDLE) {
// Can't do that in enter tree because Godot is "still setting up children".
// Can't do that in ready either because Godot says node state is locked.
// This hack is quite miserable.
if (_process_callback == PROCESS_CALLBACK_PHYSICS) {
// Can't do that in enter tree because Godot is "still setting up children".
// Can't do that in ready either because Godot says node state is locked.
// This hack is quite miserable.
// In the editor, auto-configure a default mesher, for convenience.
// Because Godot has a property hint to automatically instantiate a resource, but if that resource is
// abstract, it doesn't work... and it cannot be a default value because such practice was deprecated with a
// warning in Godot 4.
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && !get_mesher().is_valid()) {
Ref<VoxelMesherTransvoxel> mesher;
World3D *world = *get_world_3d();
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([world](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
if (debug_is_draw_enabled()) {
_debug_renderer.set_world(is_visible_in_tree() ? world : nullptr);
} break;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
} break;
const bool visible = is_visible();
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([visible](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
if (debug_is_draw_enabled()) {
_debug_renderer.set_world(is_visible_in_tree() ? *get_world_3d() : nullptr);
} break;
const Transform3D transform = get_global_transform();
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().set_volume_transform(_volume_id, transform);
if (!is_inside_tree()) {
// The transform and other properties can be set by the scene loader,
// before we enter the tree
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < state.lods.size(); ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([&transform](VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) { //
for (FadingOutMesh &item : _fading_out_meshes) {
item.mesh_instance.set_transform(transform * Transform3D(Basis(), item.local_position));
} break;
Vector3 VoxelLodTerrain::get_local_viewer_pos() const {
// Pick this by default
Vector3 pos = _update_data->state.lods[0].last_viewer_data_block_pos << get_data_block_size_pow2();
// TODO Support for multiple viewers, this is a placeholder implementation
VoxelEngine::get_singleton().for_each_viewer( //
[&pos](const VoxelEngine::Viewer &viewer, uint32_t viewer_id) { //
pos = viewer.world_position;
const Transform3D world_to_local = get_global_transform().affine_inverse();
pos = world_to_local.xform(pos);
return pos;
inline bool check_block_sizes(int data_block_size, int mesh_block_size) {
return (data_block_size == 16 || data_block_size == 32) && (mesh_block_size == 16 || mesh_block_size == 32) &&
mesh_block_size >= data_block_size;
// void VoxelLodTerrain::send_block_save_requests(Span<BlockToSave> blocks_to_save) {
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks_to_save.size(); ++i) {
// BlockToSave &b = blocks_to_save[i];
// ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(String("Requesting save of block {0} lod {1}").format(varray(b.position, b.lod)));
// VoxelEngine::get_singleton().request_voxel_block_save(_volume_id, b.voxels, b.position, b.lod);
// }
// }
void VoxelLodTerrain::_process(float delta) {
_stats.dropped_block_loads = 0;
_stats.dropped_block_meshs = 0;
if (get_lod_count() == 0) {
// If there isn't a LOD 0, there is nothing to load
// Get block loading responses
// Note: if block loading is too fast, this can cause stutters.
// It should only happen on first load, though.
// TODO This could go into time spread tasks too
if (debug_is_draw_enabled() && is_visible_in_tree()) {
if (_update_data->task_is_complete) {
// Get viewer location in voxel space
const Vector3 viewer_pos = get_local_viewer_pos();
// TODO Optimization: pool tasks instead of allocating?
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask *task = memnew(VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask(_data, _update_data, _streaming_dependency,
_meshing_dependency, VoxelEngine::get_singleton().get_shared_viewers_data_from_default_world(),
viewer_pos, _instancer != nullptr, _volume_id, get_global_transform()));
_update_data->task_is_complete = false;
if (_threaded_update_enabled) {
// Schedule task at the end, so it is less likely to have contention with other logic than if it was done at
// the beginnning of `_process`
} else {
task->run(ThreadedTaskContext{ 0 });
// Do it after we change mesh block states so materials are updated
void VoxelLodTerrain::apply_main_thread_update_tasks() {
// Dequeue outputs of the threadable part of the update for actions taking place on the main thread
CRASH_COND(_update_data->task_is_complete == false);
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
// Transitions and fading are visual things, in multiplayer servers they won't be used, so we can take a shortcut
// and use the camera for them.
const LocalCameraInfo camera = get_local_camera_info();
const Transform3D volume_transform = get_global_transform();
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _update_data->settings.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[lod_index];
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
std::unordered_set<const VoxelMeshBlockVLT *> activated_blocks;
const int mesh_block_size = get_mesh_block_size() << lod_index;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lod.mesh_blocks_to_activate.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i bpos = lod.mesh_blocks_to_activate[i];
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(bpos);
// Can be null if there is actually no surface at this location
if (block == nullptr) {
//ERR_CONTINUE(block == nullptr);
bool with_fading = false;
if (_lod_fade_duration > 0.f) {
const Vector3 block_center = volume_transform.xform(
to_vec3(block->position * mesh_block_size + Vector3iUtil::create(mesh_block_size / 2)));
// Don't start fading on blocks behind the camera
with_fading = camera.forward.dot(block_center - camera.position) > 0.0;
set_mesh_block_active(*block, true, with_fading);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lod.mesh_blocks_to_deactivate.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i bpos = lod.mesh_blocks_to_deactivate[i];
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(bpos);
// Can be null if there is actually no surface at this location
if (block == nullptr) {
//ERR_CONTINUE(block == nullptr);
bool with_fading = false;
if (_lod_fade_duration > 0.f) {
const Vector3 block_center = volume_transform.xform(
to_vec3(block->position * mesh_block_size + Vector3iUtil::create(mesh_block_size / 2)));
// Don't start fading on blocks behind the camera
with_fading = camera.forward.dot(block_center - camera.position) > 0.0;
set_mesh_block_active(*block, false, with_fading);
std::unordered_set<Vector3i> debug_removed_blocks;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lod.mesh_blocks_to_unload.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i bpos = lod.mesh_blocks_to_unload[i];
mesh_map.remove_block(bpos, BeforeUnloadMeshAction{ _shader_material_pool });
if (_instancer != nullptr) {
_instancer->on_mesh_block_exit(bpos, lod_index);
// Blocks in the update queue will be cancelled in _process,
// because it's too expensive to linear-search all blocks for each block
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lod.mesh_blocks_to_update_transitions.size(); ++i) {
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::TransitionUpdate tu = lod.mesh_blocks_to_update_transitions[i];
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(tu.block_position);
// Can be null if there is actually no surface at this location
if (block == nullptr) {
// If the block was removed for a different reason then it is unexpected
ERR_CONTINUE(debug_removed_blocks.find(tu.block_position) == debug_removed_blocks.end());
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(String("Skipping TransitionUpdate at {0} lod {1}, block not found")
.format(varray(tu.block_position, lod_index)));
//CRASH_COND(block == nullptr);
if (block->active) {
Ref<ShaderMaterial> shader_material = block->get_shader_material();
// Fade stitching transitions to avoid cracks.
// This is done by triggering a fade-in on the block, while a copy of it fades out with the previous
// material settings. This causes a bit of overdraw, but LOD fading does anyways.
if (_lod_fade_duration > 0.f && shader_material.is_valid() &&
activated_blocks.find(block) == activated_blocks.end() &&
tu.transition_mask != block->get_transition_mask()) {
const Vector3 block_center = volume_transform.xform(
to_vec3(block->position * mesh_block_size + Vector3iUtil::create(mesh_block_size / 2)));
// Dont do fading for blocks behind the camera
if (camera.forward.dot(block_center - camera.position) > 0.f) {
FadingOutMesh item;
item.local_position = block->position * mesh_block_size;
item.progress = 1.f;
// Wayyyy too slow, because of https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/34741
//item.shader_material = shader_material->duplicate(false);
item.shader_material = _shader_material_pool.allocate();
copy_shader_params(**shader_material, **item.shader_material,
// item.shader_material->set_shader_param(
// VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_lod_fade, Vector2(item.progress, 0.f));
item.mesh_instance.set_transform(volume_transform * Transform3D(Basis(), item.local_position));
if (block->fading_state == VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_NONE) {
_fading_blocks_per_lod[lod_index].insert({ block->position, block });
block->fading_state = VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_IN;
block->fading_progress = 0.f;
// Remove completed async edits
unordered_remove_if(state.running_async_edits, [this](VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::RunningAsyncEdit &e) {
if (e.tracker->is_complete()) {
if (e.tracker->has_next_tasks()) {
ERR_PRINT("Completed async edit had next tasks?");
return true;
} else if (e.tracker->is_aborted()) {
return true;
return false;
_stats.blocked_lods = state.stats.blocked_lods;
_stats.time_detect_required_blocks = state.stats.time_detect_required_blocks;
_stats.time_io_requests = state.stats.time_io_requests;
_stats.time_mesh_requests = state.stats.time_mesh_requests;
_stats.time_update_task = state.stats.time_total;
template <typename T>
bool thread_safe_contains(const std::unordered_set<T> &set, T v, BinaryMutex &mutex) {
MutexLock lock(mutex);
typename std::unordered_set<T>::const_iterator it = set.find(v);
return it != set.end();
void VoxelLodTerrain::apply_data_block_response(VoxelEngine::BlockDataOutput &ob) {
if (ob.type == VoxelEngine::BlockDataOutput::TYPE_SAVED) {
// That's a save confirmation event.
// Note: in the future, if blocks don't get copied before being sent for saving,
// we will need to use block versionning to know when we can reset the `modified` flag properly
// TODO Now that's the case. Use version? Or just keep copying?
if (ob.lod >= _update_data->settings.lod_count) {
// That block was requested at a time where LOD was higher... drop it
// Initial load will be true when we requested data without specifying specific positions,
// so we wouldn't know which ones to expect. This is the case of full load mode.
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[ob.lod];
if (!ob.initial_load) {
if (!thread_safe_contains(lod.loading_blocks, ob.position, lod.loading_blocks_mutex)) {
// That block was not requested, or is no longer needed. drop it...
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Ignoring block {} lod {}, it was not in loading blocks", ob.position, ob.lod));
if (ob.dropped) {
// That block was dropped by the data loader thread, but we were still expecting it...
// This is most likely caused by the loader not keeping up with the speed at which the player is moving.
// We should recover with the removal from `loading_blocks` so it will be re-queried again later...
// print_line(String("Received a block loading drop while we were still expecting it: lod{0} ({1},
//{2}, {3})") .format(varray(ob.lod, ob.position.x, ob.position.y,
if (ob.voxels != nullptr) {
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[ob.lod];
if (ob.voxels->get_size() != Vector3iUtil::create(data_lod.map.get_block_size())) {
// Voxel block size is incorrect, drop it
ERR_PRINT("Block size obtained from stream is different from expected size");
// Store buffer
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod.map_lock);
VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod.map.set_block_buffer(ob.position, ob.voxels, false);
CRASH_COND(block == nullptr);
block->set_edited(ob.type == VoxelEngine::BlockDataOutput::TYPE_LOADED);
} else {
// Loading returned an empty block: that means we know the stream does not contain a block here.
// When doing data streaming, we'll generate on the fly if this block is queried.
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[ob.lod];
RWLockWrite wlock(data_lod.map_lock);
VoxelDataBlock *block = data_lod.map.set_empty_block(ob.position, false);
ZN_ASSERT(block != nullptr);
// We have to do this after adding the block to the map, otherwise there would be a small period of time where
// the threaded update task could request the block again needlessly
MutexLock lock(lod.loading_blocks_mutex);
if (_instancer != nullptr && ob.instances != nullptr) {
_instancer->on_data_block_loaded(ob.position, ob.lod, std::move(ob.instances));
void VoxelLodTerrain::apply_mesh_update(VoxelEngine::BlockMeshOutput &ob) {
// The following is done on the main thread because Godot doesn't really support everything done here.
// Building meshes can be done in the threaded task when using Vulkan, but not OpenGL.
// Setting up mesh instances might not be well threaded?
// Building collision shapes in threads efficiently is not supported.
CRASH_COND(_update_data == nullptr);
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData &update_data = *_update_data;
if (ob.lod >= update_data.settings.lod_count) {
// Sorry, LOD configuration changed, drop that mesh
// There is a slim chance for some updates to come up just after setting the mesher to null. Avoids a crash.
if (_mesher.is_null()) {
uint8_t transition_mask;
bool active;
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = update_data.state.lods[ob.lod];
RWLockRead rlock(lod.mesh_map_state.map_lock);
auto mesh_block_state_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(ob.position);
if (mesh_block_state_it == lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
// That block is no longer loaded in the update map, drop the result
if (ob.type == VoxelEngine::BlockMeshOutput::TYPE_DROPPED) {
// That block is loaded, but its meshing request was dropped.
// TODO Not sure what to do in this case, the code sending update queries has to be tweaked
ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE("Received a block mesh drop while we were still expecting it");
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshBlockState &mesh_block_state = mesh_block_state_it->second;
transition_mask = mesh_block_state.transition_mask;
// The update task could be running at the same time, so we need to do this atomically.
// The state can become "up to date" only if no other unsent update was pending.
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MeshState expected = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UPDATE_SENT;
mesh_block_state.state.compare_exchange_strong(expected, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UP_TO_DATE);
active = mesh_block_state.active;
// -------- Part where we invoke Godot functions ---------
// This part is not fully threadable.
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[ob.lod];
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(ob.position);
VoxelMesher::Output &mesh_data = ob.surfaces;
Ref<ArrayMesh> mesh;
if (ob.has_mesh_resource) {
// The mesh was already built as part of the threaded task
mesh = ob.mesh;
// It can be empty
if (mesh.is_valid()) {
const unsigned int surface_count = mesh->get_surface_count();
for (unsigned int surface_index = 0; surface_index < surface_count; ++surface_index) {
mesh->surface_set_material(surface_index, _material);
} else {
// Can't build meshes in threads, do it here
build_mesh(to_span_const(mesh_data.surfaces), mesh_data.primitive_type, mesh_data.mesh_flags, _material);
if (mesh.is_null()) {
// The mesh is empty
if (block != nullptr) {
// No surface anymore in this block, destroy it
// TODO Factor removal in a function, it's done in a few places
mesh_map.remove_block(ob.position, BeforeUnloadMeshAction{ _shader_material_pool });
if (_instancer != nullptr) {
_instancer->on_mesh_block_exit(ob.position, ob.lod);
// ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Empty block pos {} lod {} time {}", ob.position, int(ob.lod),
// Time::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec()));
if (block == nullptr) {
block = memnew(VoxelMeshBlockVLT(ob.position, get_mesh_block_size(), ob.lod));
block->active = active;
mesh_map.set_block(ob.position, block);
// ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Created block pos {} lod {} time {}", ob.position, int(ob.lod),
// Time::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec()));
bool has_collision = get_generate_collisions();
if (has_collision && _collision_lod_count != 0) {
has_collision = ob.lod < _collision_lod_count;
// TODO Is this boolean needed anymore now that we create blocks only if a surface is present?
if (block->got_first_mesh_update == false) {
block->got_first_mesh_update = true;
// TODO Need a more generic API for this kind of stuff
if (_instancer != nullptr && ob.surfaces.surfaces.size() > 0) {
// TODO The mesh could come from an edited region!
// We would have to know if specific voxels got edited, or different from the generator
_instancer->on_mesh_block_enter(ob.position, ob.lod, ob.surfaces.surfaces[0].arrays);
// Lazy initialization
//print_line(String("Adding block {0} at lod {1}").format(varray(eo.block_position.to_vec3(), eo.lod)));
//set_mesh_block_active(*block, false);
if (_shader_material_pool.get_template().is_valid() && block->get_shader_material().is_null()) {
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Add ShaderMaterial");
// Pooling shader materials is necessary for now, to avoid stuttering in the editor.
// Due to a signal used to keep the inspector up to date, even though these
// material copies will never be seen in the inspector
// See https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/34741
Ref<ShaderMaterial> sm = _shader_material_pool.allocate();
// Set individual shader material, because each block can have dynamic parameters,
// used to smooth seams without re-uploading meshes and allow to implement LOD fading
block->set_mesh(mesh, DirectMeshInstance::GIMode(get_gi_mode()));
if (!ob.has_mesh_resource) {
// Profiling has shown Godot takes as much time to build a transition mesh as the main mesh of a block, so
// because there are 6 transition meshes per block, we would spend about 80% of the time on these if we build
// them all. Which is counter-intuitive because transition meshes are tiny in comparison... (collision meshes
// still take 5x more time than building ALL rendering meshes but that's a different issue).
// Therefore I recommend combining them with the main mesh. This code might not do anything now.
ZN_PROFILE_SCOPE_NAMED("Transition meshes");
for (unsigned int dir = 0; dir < mesh_data.transition_surfaces.size(); ++dir) {
Ref<ArrayMesh> transition_mesh = build_mesh(to_span(mesh_data.transition_surfaces[dir]),
mesh_data.primitive_type, mesh_data.mesh_flags, _material);
block->set_transition_mesh(transition_mesh, dir, DirectMeshInstance::GIMode(get_gi_mode()));
if (has_collision) {
const uint64_t now = get_ticks_msec();
if (_collision_update_delay == 0 ||
static_cast<int>(now - block->last_collider_update_time) > _collision_update_delay) {
Ref<Shape3D> collision_shape = make_collision_shape_from_mesher_output(ob.surfaces, **_mesher);
collision_shape, get_tree()->is_debugging_collisions_hint(), this, _collision_margin);
block->last_collider_update_time = now;
} else {
if (block->deferred_collider_data == nullptr) {
block->deferred_collider_data = make_unique_instance<VoxelMesher::Output>();
*block->deferred_collider_data = std::move(ob.surfaces);
if (ob.virtual_textures != nullptr && ob.virtual_textures->valid) {
apply_virtual_texture_update_to_block(*block, *ob.virtual_textures, ob.lod);
if (debug_is_draw_enabled() && debug_get_draw_flag(DEBUG_DRAW_MESH_UPDATES)) {
_debug_mesh_update_items.push_back({ ob.position, ob.lod, DebugMeshUpdateItem::LINGER_FRAMES });
void VoxelLodTerrain::apply_virtual_texture_update(VoxelEngine::BlockVirtualTextureOutput &ob) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[ob.lod_index];
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(ob.position);
// This can happen if:
// - Virtual texture rendering results are handled before the first meshing results which that have created the
// block. In this case it will be applied when meshing results get handled, since the data is shared with it.
// - The block was indeed unloaded early.
if (block == nullptr) {
// ZN_PRINT_VERBOSE(format("Ignored virtual texture update, block not found. pos {} lod {} time {}",
// ob.position, ob.lod_index, Time::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec()));
ZN_ASSERT_RETURN(ob.virtual_textures != nullptr);
apply_virtual_texture_update_to_block(*block, *ob.virtual_textures, ob.lod_index);
void VoxelLodTerrain::apply_virtual_texture_update_to_block(
VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block, VirtualTextureOutput &ob, unsigned int lod_index) {
NormalMapTextures normalmap_textures = ob.normalmap_textures;
if (normalmap_textures.lookup.is_null()) {
// TODO When this code path is required, use a time-spread task to reduce stalls
NormalMapImages normalmap_images = ob.normalmap_images;
normalmap_textures = store_normalmap_data_to_textures(normalmap_images);
Ref<ShaderMaterial> material = block.get_shader_material();
if (material.is_valid()) {
const VoxelStringNames &sn = VoxelStringNames::get_singleton();
const bool had_texture = material->get_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_cell_lookup) != Variant();
material->set_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_normalmap_atlas, normalmap_textures.atlas);
material->set_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_cell_lookup, normalmap_textures.lookup);
const int cell_size = 1 << lod_index;
material->set_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_cell_size, cell_size);
material->set_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_block_size, get_mesh_block_size());
if (!had_texture) {
if (_lod_fade_duration > 0.f) {
// Fade-in to reduce "popping" details
_fading_virtual_textures.push_back(FadingVirtualTexture{ block.position, lod_index, 0.f });
material->set_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_virtual_texture_fade, 0.f);
} else {
material->set_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_virtual_texture_fade, 1.f);
const unsigned int tile_size = get_virtual_texture_tile_resolution_for_lod(
_update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings, lod_index);
material->set_shader_uniform(sn.u_voxel_virtual_texture_tile_size, tile_size);
// If the material is not valid... well it means the user hasn't set up one, so all the hardwork of making these
// textures goes in the bin. That should be a warning in the editor.
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(lod.mesh_map_state.map_lock);
auto mesh_block_state_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(block.position);
if (mesh_block_state_it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::VirtualTextureState expected_vt_state =
// If it was PENDING, set it to IDLE.
expected_vt_state, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::VIRTUAL_TEXTURE_IDLE);
// TODO If the mesh was modified again since, we need to schedule an extra update for the virtual texture to
// catch up. But for now I'm not sure if there is much value in doing so. It can get updated by the next
// edit. Scheduling an update from here isn't mildly inconvenient due to threading.
void VoxelLodTerrain::process_deferred_collision_updates(uint32_t timeout_msec) {
const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
// TODO We may move this in a time spread task somehow, the timeout does not account for them so could take longer
const uint64_t then = get_ticks_msec();
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
std::vector<Vector3i> &deferred_collision_updates = _deferred_collision_updates_per_lod[lod_index];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deferred_collision_updates.size(); ++i) {
const Vector3i block_pos = deferred_collision_updates[i];
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(block_pos);
if (block == nullptr || block->deferred_collider_data == nullptr) {
// Block was unloaded or no longer needs a collision update
unordered_remove(deferred_collision_updates, i);
const uint64_t now = get_ticks_msec();
if (static_cast<int>(now - block->last_collider_update_time) > _collision_update_delay) {
Ref<Shape3D> collision_shape;
if (_mesher.is_valid()) {
collision_shape =
make_collision_shape_from_mesher_output(*block->deferred_collider_data, **_mesher);
collision_shape, get_tree()->is_debugging_collisions_hint(), this, _collision_margin);
block->last_collider_update_time = now;
unordered_remove(deferred_collision_updates, i);
// We always process at least one, then we check the timeout
if (get_ticks_msec() - then >= timeout_msec) {
void VoxelLodTerrain::abort_async_edits() {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
for (auto it = state.pending_async_edits.begin(); it != state.pending_async_edits.end(); ++it) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::AsyncEdit &e = *it;
CRASH_COND(e.task == nullptr);
// Can't cancel edits which are already running on the thread pool,
// so the caller of this function must ensure none of them are running, or none will have an effect
void VoxelLodTerrain::process_fading_blocks(float delta) {
const float speed = _lod_fade_duration < 0.001f ? 99999.f : delta / _lod_fade_duration;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _fading_blocks_per_lod.size(); ++lod_index) {
std::map<Vector3i, VoxelMeshBlockVLT *> &fading_blocks = _fading_blocks_per_lod[lod_index];
std::map<Vector3i, VoxelMeshBlockVLT *>::iterator it = fading_blocks.begin();
while (it != fading_blocks.end()) {
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = it->second;
ZN_ASSERT(block != nullptr);
// The collection of fading blocks must only contain fading blocks
ERR_FAIL_COND(block->fading_state == VoxelMeshBlockVLT::FADING_NONE);
const bool finished = block->update_fading(speed);
if (finished) {
// `erase` returns the next iterator
it = fading_blocks.erase(it);
} else {
//ZN_PROFILE_PLOT("fading_out_meshes", int64_t(_fading_out_meshes.size()));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _fading_out_meshes.size();) {
FadingOutMesh &item = _fading_out_meshes[i];
item.progress -= speed;
if (item.progress <= 0.f) {
// TODO Optimize: mesh instances destroyed here can be really slow due to materials...
// Profiling has shown that `RendererSceneCull::free` of a mesh instance
// leads to `RendererRD::MaterialStorage::_update_queued_materials()` to be called, which internally
// updates hundreds of materials (supposedly from every block). Can take 1ms for a single instance,
// while the rest of the work is barely 1%! Why is Godot doing this? I tried resetting the material like
// with blocks, but that didn't improve anything...
_fading_out_meshes[i] = std::move(_fading_out_meshes.back());
} else {
VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_lod_fade, Vector2(1.f - item.progress, 0.f));
const unsigned int lod_count = get_lod_count();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _fading_virtual_textures.size();) {
FadingVirtualTexture &item = _fading_virtual_textures[i];
bool remove = true;
if (item.lod_index < lod_count) {
VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = _mesh_maps_per_lod[item.lod_index].get_block(item.block_position);
if (block != nullptr) {
Ref<ShaderMaterial> sm = block->get_shader_material();
if (sm.is_valid()) {
item.progress = math::min(item.progress + speed, 1.f);
remove = item.progress >= 1.f;
VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_voxel_virtual_texture_fade, item.progress);
if (remove) {
_fading_virtual_textures[i] = _fading_virtual_textures.back();
} else {
VoxelLodTerrain::LocalCameraInfo VoxelLodTerrain::get_local_camera_info() const {
LocalCameraInfo info;
if (!is_inside_tree()) {
return info;
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
// Falling back on the editor's camera
info.position = gd::VoxelEngine::get_singleton()->get_editor_camera_position();
info.forward = gd::VoxelEngine::get_singleton()->get_editor_camera_direction();
return info;
const Viewport *vp = get_viewport();
if (vp == nullptr) {
return info;
const Camera3D *camera = vp->get_camera_3d();
if (camera == nullptr) {
return info;
Transform3D trans = camera->get_global_transform();
info.forward = get_forward(trans);
info.position = trans.get_origin();
return info;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_instancer(VoxelInstancer *instancer) {
if (_instancer != nullptr && instancer != nullptr) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(_instancer != nullptr, "No more than one VoxelInstancer per terrain");
_instancer = instancer;
// This function is primarily intented for editor use cases at the moment.
// It will be slower than using the instancing generation events,
// because it has to query VisualServer, which then allocates and decodes vertex buffers (assuming they are cached).
Array VoxelLodTerrain::get_mesh_block_surface(Vector3i block_pos, int lod_index) const {
const int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index < 0 || lod_index >= lod_count, Array());
const VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
Ref<Mesh> mesh;
const VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(block_pos);
if (block != nullptr) {
mesh = block->get_mesh();
if (mesh.is_valid()) {
return mesh->surface_get_arrays(0);
return Array();
void VoxelLodTerrain::get_meshed_block_positions_at_lod(int lod_index, std::vector<Vector3i> &out_positions) const {
const int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
ERR_FAIL_COND(lod_index < 0 || lod_index >= lod_count);
const VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([&out_positions](const VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) {
if (block.has_mesh()) {
void VoxelLodTerrain::save_all_modified_blocks(bool with_copy) {
// This is often called before quitting the game or forcing a global save.
// This could be part of the update task if async, but here we want it to be immediate.
_update_data->state, *_data, _generator, _update_data->settings.full_load_mode, get_mesh_block_size());
std::vector<VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::BlockToSave> blocks_to_save;
if (_stream.is_valid()) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _data->lod_count; ++i) {
VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[i];
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
// That may cause a stutter, so should be used when the player won't notice
data_lod.map.for_each_block(ScheduleSaveAction{ blocks_to_save });
if (_instancer != nullptr && _stream->supports_instance_blocks()) {
// And flush immediately
BufferedTaskScheduler task_scheduler;
_volume_id, to_span(blocks_to_save), _streaming_dependency, get_data_block_size(), task_scheduler);
const VoxelLodTerrain::Stats &VoxelLodTerrain::get_stats() const {
return _stats;
Dictionary VoxelLodTerrain::_b_get_statistics() const {
Dictionary d;
// const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
// int deferred_collision_updates = 0;
// for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
// deferred_collision_updates += _deferred_collision_updates_per_lod[lod_index].size();
// }
// Breakdown of information and time spent in _process and the update task.
// Update task
d["time_detect_required_blocks"] = _stats.time_detect_required_blocks;
d["time_io_requests"] = _stats.time_io_requests;
d["time_mesh_requests"] = _stats.time_mesh_requests;
d["time_update_task"] = _stats.time_update_task;
d["blocked_lods"] = _stats.blocked_lods;
// Process
d["dropped_block_loads"] = _stats.dropped_block_loads;
d["dropped_block_meshs"] = _stats.dropped_block_meshs;
return d;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_run_stream_in_editor(bool enable) {
if (enable == _update_data->settings.run_stream_in_editor) {
_update_data->settings.run_stream_in_editor = enable;
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
if (enable) {
} else {
// This is expected to block the main thread until the streaming thread is done.
bool VoxelLodTerrain::is_stream_running_in_editor() const {
return _update_data->settings.run_stream_in_editor;
void VoxelLodTerrain::restart_stream() {
void VoxelLodTerrain::remesh_all_blocks() {
// Requests a new mesh for all mesh blocks, without dropping everything first
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _update_data->settings.lod_count; ++lod_index) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[lod_index];
for (auto it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.begin(); it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end(); ++it) {
VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::schedule_mesh_update(it->second, it->first, lod.blocks_pending_update);
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_voxel_bounds(Box3i p_box) {
Box3i bounds_in_voxels =
p_box.clipped(Box3i::from_center_extents(Vector3i(), Vector3iUtil::create(constants::MAX_VOLUME_EXTENT)));
// Round to octree size
const int octree_size = get_mesh_block_size() << (get_lod_count() - 1);
bounds_in_voxels = bounds_in_voxels.snapped(octree_size);
// Can't have a smaller region than one octree
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Vector3iUtil::AXIS_COUNT; ++i) {
if (bounds_in_voxels.size[i] < octree_size) {
bounds_in_voxels.size[i] = octree_size;
_update_data->settings.bounds_in_voxels = bounds_in_voxels;
_update_data->state.force_update_octrees_next_update = true;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_update_delay(int delay_msec) {
_collision_update_delay = math::clamp(delay_msec, 0, 4000);
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_update_delay() const {
return _collision_update_delay;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_lod_fade_duration(float seconds) {
_lod_fade_duration = math::clamp(seconds, 0.f, 1.f);
float VoxelLodTerrain::get_lod_fade_duration() const {
return _lod_fade_duration;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_normalmap_enabled(bool enable) {
_update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.enabled = enable;
bool VoxelLodTerrain::is_normalmap_enabled() const {
return _update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.enabled;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_normalmap_tile_resolution_min(int resolution) {
_update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.tile_resolution_min = math::clamp(resolution, 1, 128);
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_normalmap_tile_resolution_min() const {
return _update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.tile_resolution_min;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_normalmap_tile_resolution_max(int resolution) {
_update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.tile_resolution_max = math::clamp(resolution, 1, 128);
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_normalmap_tile_resolution_max() const {
return _update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.tile_resolution_max;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_normalmap_begin_lod_index(int lod_index) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(lod_index, int(constants::MAX_LOD));
_update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.begin_lod_index = lod_index;
int VoxelLodTerrain::get_normalmap_begin_lod_index() const {
return _update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.begin_lod_index;
void VoxelLodTerrain::set_octahedral_normal_encoding(bool enable) {
_update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.octahedral_encoding_enabled = enable;
bool VoxelLodTerrain::get_octahedral_normal_encoding() const {
return _update_data->settings.virtual_texture_settings.octahedral_encoding_enabled;
TypedArray<String> VoxelLodTerrain::get_configuration_warnings() const {
TypedArray<String> warnings = VoxelNode::get_configuration_warnings();
if (!warnings.is_empty()) {
return warnings;
Ref<VoxelMesher> mesher = get_mesher();
// Material
Ref<ShaderMaterial> shader_material = _material;
if (shader_material.is_valid() && shader_material->get_shader().is_null()) {
warnings.append(TTR("The assigned {0} has no shader").format(varray(ShaderMaterial::get_class_static())));
if (mesher.is_valid()) {
// LOD support in mesher
if (!mesher->supports_lod()) {
TTR("The assigned mesher ({0}) does not support level of detail (LOD), results may be unexpected.")
// LOD support in shader
if (_material.is_valid() && mesher->get_default_lod_material().is_valid()) {
if (shader_material.is_null()) {
TTR("The current mesher ({0}) requires custom shader code to render properly. The current "
"material might not be appropriate. Hint: you can assign a newly created {1} to fork the "
"default shader.")
.format(varray(mesher->get_class(), ShaderMaterial::get_class_static())));
} else {
Ref<Shader> shader = shader_material->get_shader();
if (shader.is_valid()) {
if (!shader_has_uniform(**shader, VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_transition_mask)) {
"The current mesher ({0}) requires to use shader with specific uniforms. Missing: {1}")
// LOD fading
if (get_lod_fade_duration() > 0.f) {
if (shader_material.is_null()) {
warnings.append(String("Lod fading is enabled but it requires a {0} to render properly.")
} else {
Ref<Shader> shader = shader_material->get_shader();
if (shader.is_null()) {
warnings.append(String("Lod fading is enabled but the current material is missing a shader.")
} else {
if (!shader_has_uniform(**shader, VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_lod_fade)) {
"Lod fading is enabled but it requires to use a specific shader uniform. Missing: {0}")
// Virtual textures
if (_generator.is_valid()) {
if (is_normalmap_enabled()) {
if (!_generator->supports_series_generation()) {
"Normalmaps are enabled, but it requires the generator to be able to generate series of "
"positions with `generate_series`. The current generator ({0}) does not support it.")
if ((_generator->get_used_channels_mask() & (1 << VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF)) == 0) {
warnings.append(TTR("Normalmaps are enabled, but it requires the generator to use the SDF "
"channel. The current generator ({0}) does not support it, or is not "
"configured to do so.")
if (shader_material.is_valid()) {
Ref<Shader> shader = shader_material->get_shader();
if (shader.is_valid()) {
FixedArray<StringName, 2> expected_uniforms;
expected_uniforms[0] = VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_voxel_normalmap_atlas;
expected_uniforms[1] = VoxelStringNames::get_singleton().u_voxel_cell_lookup;
// There is more but they are not absolutely required for the shader to be made working
const String missing_uniforms = get_missing_uniform_names(to_span(expected_uniforms), **shader);
if (missing_uniforms.size() != 0) {
TTR("Normalmaps are enabled, but it requires to use a {0} with a shader having "
"specific uniforms. Missing ones: {1}"))
ShaderMaterial::get_class_static(), missing_uniforms)));
return warnings;
void VoxelLodTerrain::_b_save_modified_blocks() {
void VoxelLodTerrain::_b_set_voxel_bounds(AABB aabb) {
set_voxel_bounds(Box3i(math::round_to_int(aabb.position), math::round_to_int(aabb.size)));
AABB VoxelLodTerrain::_b_get_voxel_bounds() const {
const Box3i b = get_voxel_bounds();
return AABB(b.pos, b.size);
Array VoxelLodTerrain::debug_raycast_mesh_block(Vector3 world_origin, Vector3 world_direction) const {
const Transform3D world_to_local = get_global_transform().affine_inverse();
Vector3 pos = world_to_local.xform(world_origin);
const Vector3 dir = world_to_local.basis.xform(world_direction);
const float max_distance = 256;
const float step = 2.f;
float distance = 0.f;
const unsigned int lod_count = _update_data->settings.lod_count;
const unsigned int mesh_block_size_po2 = _update_data->settings.mesh_block_size_po2;
Array hits;
while (distance < max_distance && hits.size() == 0) {
const Vector3i posi = math::floor_to_int(pos);
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
const Vector3i bpos = (posi << mesh_block_size_po2) >> lod_index;
const VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(bpos);
if (block != nullptr && block->is_visible() && block->has_mesh()) {
Dictionary d;
d["position"] = block->position;
d["lod"] = block->lod_index;
distance += step;
pos += dir * step;
return hits;
Dictionary VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_data_block_info(Vector3 fbpos, int lod_index) const {
Dictionary d;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index < 0, d);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index >= get_lod_count(), d);
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[lod_index];
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[lod_index];
Vector3i bpos = math::floor_to_int(fbpos);
int loading_state = 0;
bool has_block = false;
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
has_block = data_lod.map.has_block(bpos);
if (has_block) {
loading_state = 2;
} else {
MutexLock lock(lod.loading_blocks_mutex);
if (lod.has_loading_block(bpos)) {
loading_state = 1;
d["loading_state"] = loading_state;
return d;
Dictionary VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_mesh_block_info(Vector3 fbpos, int lod_index) const {
Dictionary d;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index < 0, d);
const int lod_count = get_lod_count();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(lod_index >= lod_count, d);
const Vector3i bpos = math::floor_to_int(fbpos);
bool loaded = false;
bool meshed = false;
bool visible = false;
bool active = false;
int mesh_state = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_NEVER_UPDATED;
const VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
const VoxelMeshBlockVLT *block = mesh_map.get_block(bpos);
if (block != nullptr) {
int recomputed_transition_mask;
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = _update_data->state.lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(lod.mesh_map_state.map_lock);
recomputed_transition_mask = VoxelLodTerrainUpdateTask::get_transition_mask(
_update_data->state, bpos, block->lod_index, lod_count);
auto it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(bpos);
if (it != lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
mesh_state = it->second.state;
loaded = true;
meshed = block->has_mesh();
visible = block->is_visible();
active = block->active;
d["transition_mask"] = block->get_transition_mask();
// This can highlight possible bugs between the current state and what it should be
d["recomputed_transition_mask"] = recomputed_transition_mask;
d["loaded"] = loaded;
d["meshed"] = meshed;
d["mesh_state"] = mesh_state;
d["visible"] = visible;
d["active"] = active;
return d;
Array VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_octree_positions() const {
Array positions;
const std::map<Vector3i, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem> &octrees = _update_data->state.lod_octrees;
int i = 0;
for (auto it = octrees.begin(); it != octrees.end(); ++it) {
positions[i++] = it->first;
return positions;
Array VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_octrees_detailed() const {
// [
// Vector3,
// Octree,
// ...
// ]
// Octree [
// state: State,
// Octree[8] or null
// ]
// State {
// 0: no block
// 1: no mesh
// 2: mesh
// }
struct L {
static void read_node(const LodOctree &octree, const LodOctree::Node *node, Vector3i position, int lod_index,
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state, Array &out_data) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(lod_index < 0);
Variant node_state;
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::Lod &lod = state.lods[lod_index];
auto mesh_block_it = lod.mesh_map_state.map.find(position);
if (mesh_block_it == lod.mesh_map_state.map.end()) {
node_state = 0;
} else {
if (mesh_block_it->second.state == VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::MESH_UP_TO_DATE) {
node_state = 2;
} else {
node_state = 1;
if (node->has_children()) {
Array children_data;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
Array child_data;
const LodOctree::Node *child = octree.get_child(node, i);
const Vector3i child_pos = LodOctree::get_child_position(position, i);
read_node(octree, child, child_pos, lod_index - 1, state, child_data);
} else {
const std::map<Vector3i, VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::OctreeItem> &octrees = _update_data->state.lod_octrees;
Array forest_data;
for (auto it = octrees.begin(); it != octrees.end(); ++it) {
const LodOctree &octree = it->second.octree;
const LodOctree::Node *root = octree.get_root();
Array root_data;
const Vector3i octree_pos = it->first;
L::read_node(octree, root, octree_pos, get_lod_count() - 1, _update_data->state, root_data);
return forest_data;
void VoxelLodTerrain::debug_set_draw_enabled(bool enabled) {
_debug_draw_enabled = enabled;
if (_debug_draw_enabled) {
if (is_inside_tree()) {
_debug_renderer.set_world(is_visible_in_tree() ? *get_world_3d() : nullptr);
} else {
bool VoxelLodTerrain::debug_is_draw_enabled() const {
return _debug_draw_enabled;
return false;
void VoxelLodTerrain::debug_set_draw_flag(DebugDrawFlag flag_index, bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
_debug_draw_flags |= (1 << flag_index);
} else {
_debug_draw_flags &= ~(1 << flag_index);
bool VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_draw_flag(DebugDrawFlag flag_index) const {
return (_debug_draw_flags & (1 << flag_index)) != 0;
return false;
void VoxelLodTerrain::update_gizmos() {
// Hopefully this should not be skipped most of the time, because the task is started at the end of `_process`,
// and gizmos update before. So the task has about 16ms to complete. If it takes longer, it will skip.
// This allows us to avoid locking data structures.
if (_update_data->task_is_complete == false) {
const VoxelLodTerrainUpdateData::State &state = _update_data->state;
DebugRenderer &dr = _debug_renderer;
const Transform3D parent_transform = get_global_transform();
const unsigned int lod_count = get_lod_count();
const int mesh_block_size = get_mesh_block_size();
// Octree bounds
if (debug_get_draw_flag(DEBUG_DRAW_OCTREE_BOUNDS)) {
const int octree_size = 1 << LodOctree::get_octree_size_po2(get_mesh_block_size_pow2(), get_lod_count());
const Basis local_octree_basis = Basis().scaled(Vector3(octree_size, octree_size, octree_size));
for (auto it = state.lod_octrees.begin(); it != state.lod_octrees.end(); ++it) {
const Transform3D local_transform(local_octree_basis, it->first * octree_size);
dr.draw_box(parent_transform * local_transform, DebugColors::ID_OCTREE_BOUNDS);
// Volume bounds
if (debug_get_draw_flag(DEBUG_DRAW_VOLUME_BOUNDS)) {
const Box3i bounds_in_voxels = get_voxel_bounds();
const float bounds_in_voxels_len = Vector3(bounds_in_voxels.size).length();
if (bounds_in_voxels_len < 10000) {
const Vector3 margin = Vector3(1, 1, 1) * bounds_in_voxels_len * 0.0025f;
const Vector3 size = bounds_in_voxels.size;
const Transform3D local_transform(
Basis().scaled(size + margin * 2.f), Vector3(bounds_in_voxels.pos) - margin);
dr.draw_box(parent_transform * local_transform, DebugColors::ID_VOXEL_BOUNDS);
// Octree nodes
if (debug_get_draw_flag(DEBUG_DRAW_OCTREE_NODES)) {
// That can be expensive to draw
const float lod_count_f = lod_count;
for (auto it = state.lod_octrees.begin(); it != state.lod_octrees.end(); ++it) {
const LodOctree &octree = it->second.octree;
const Vector3i block_pos_maxlod = it->first;
const Vector3i block_offset_lod0 = block_pos_maxlod << (lod_count - 1);
octree.for_each_leaf([&dr, block_offset_lod0, mesh_block_size, parent_transform, lod_count_f](
Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index, const LodOctree::NodeData &data) {
const int size = mesh_block_size << lod_index;
const Vector3i voxel_pos = mesh_block_size * ((node_pos << lod_index) + block_offset_lod0);
const Transform3D local_transform(Basis().scaled(Vector3(size, size, size)), voxel_pos);
const Transform3D t = parent_transform * local_transform;
// Squaring because lower lod indexes are more interesting to see, so we give them more contrast.
// Also this might be better with sRGB?
const float g = math::squared(math::max(1.f - float(lod_index) / lod_count_f, 0.f));
dr.draw_box_mm(t, Color8(255, uint8_t(g * 254.f), 0, 255));
// Edited blocks
if (debug_get_draw_flag(DEBUG_DRAW_EDITED_BLOCKS) && _edited_blocks_gizmos_lod_index < lod_count) {
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[_edited_blocks_gizmos_lod_index];
const int data_block_size = get_data_block_size() << _edited_blocks_gizmos_lod_index;
const Basis basis(Basis().scaled(Vector3(data_block_size, data_block_size, data_block_size)));
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
[&dr, parent_transform, data_block_size, basis](const Vector3i &bpos, const VoxelDataBlock &block) {
if (block.is_edited()) {
const Transform3D local_transform(basis, bpos * data_block_size);
const Transform3D t = parent_transform * local_transform;
const Color8 c = block.is_modified() ? Color8(255, 255, 0, 255) : Color8(0, 255, 0, 255);
dr.draw_box_mm(t, c);
// Debug updates
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _debug_mesh_update_items.size();) {
DebugMeshUpdateItem &item = _debug_mesh_update_items[i];
const Transform3D local_transform(Basis().scaled(to_vec3(Vector3iUtil::create(mesh_block_size << item.lod))),
to_vec3(item.position * (mesh_block_size << item.lod)));
const Transform3D t = parent_transform * local_transform;
const Color color = math::lerp(
Color(0, 0, 0), Color(0, 1, 1), item.remaining_frames / float(DebugMeshUpdateItem::LINGER_FRAMES));
dr.draw_box_mm(t, Color8(color));
if (item.remaining_frames == 0) {
item = _debug_mesh_update_items.back();
} else {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _debug_edit_items.size();) {
DebugEditItem &item = _debug_edit_items[i];
const Transform3D local_transform(Basis().scaled(to_vec3(item.voxel_box.size)), to_vec3(item.voxel_box.pos));
const Transform3D t = parent_transform * local_transform;
const Color color = math::lerp(
Color(0, 0, 0), Color(1, 1, 0), item.remaining_frames / float(DebugMeshUpdateItem::LINGER_FRAMES));
dr.draw_box_mm(t, Color8(color));
if (item.remaining_frames == 0) {
item = _debug_edit_items.back();
} else {
// This copies at multiple LOD levels to debug mips
Array VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_print_sdf_top_down(Vector3i center, Vector3i extents) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!math::is_valid_size(extents), Array());
Array image_array;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _data->lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const Box3i world_box = Box3i::from_center_extents(center >> lod_index, extents >> lod_index);
if (Vector3iUtil::get_volume(world_box.size) == 0) {
VoxelBufferInternal buffer;
world_box.for_each_cell([this, world_box, &buffer](const Vector3i &world_pos) {
const Vector3i rpos = world_pos - world_box.pos;
VoxelSingleValue v;
v.f = 1.f;
v = get_voxel(world_pos, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF, v);
buffer.set_voxel_f(v.f, rpos.x, rpos.y, rpos.z, VoxelBufferInternal::CHANNEL_SDF);
Ref<Image> image = gd::VoxelBuffer::debug_print_sdf_to_image_top_down(buffer);
return image_array;
int VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_get_mesh_block_count() const {
int sum = 0;
const unsigned int lod_count = get_lod_count();
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
sum += mesh_map.get_block_count();
return sum;
int VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_get_data_block_count() const {
int sum = 0;
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < _data->lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const VoxelDataLodMap::Lod &data_lod = _data->lods[lod_index];
RWLockRead rlock(data_lod.map_lock);
sum += data_lod.map.get_block_count();
return sum;
Error VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_dump_as_scene(String fpath, bool include_instancer) const {
Node3D *root = memnew(Node3D);
const unsigned int lod_count = get_lod_count();
for (unsigned int lod_index = 0; lod_index < lod_count; ++lod_index) {
const VoxelMeshMap<VoxelMeshBlockVLT> &mesh_map = _mesh_maps_per_lod[lod_index];
mesh_map.for_each_block([root](const VoxelMeshBlockVLT &block) {
block.for_each_mesh_instance_with_transform([root, &block](const DirectMeshInstance &dmi, Transform3D t) {
Ref<Mesh> mesh = dmi.get_mesh();
if (mesh.is_valid()) {
MeshInstance3D *mi = memnew(MeshInstance3D);
// TODO Transition mesh visibility?
// The owner must be set after adding to parent
if (include_instancer && _instancer != nullptr) {
Node *instances_root = _instancer->debug_dump_as_nodes();
if (instances_root != nullptr) {
set_nodes_owner(instances_root, root);
Ref<PackedScene> scene;
const Error pack_result = scene->pack(root);
if (pack_result != OK) {
return pack_result;
const Error save_result = ResourceSaver::save(scene, fpath, ResourceSaver::FLAG_BUNDLE_RESOURCES);
return save_result;
void VoxelLodTerrain::_bind_methods() {
// Material
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_material", "material"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_material);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_material"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_material);
// Bounds
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_view_distance", "distance_in_voxels"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_view_distance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_view_distance"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_view_distance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_voxel_bounds"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_set_voxel_bounds);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_voxel_bounds"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_get_voxel_bounds);
// Collisions
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_generate_collisions"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_generate_collisions);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_generate_collisions", "enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_generate_collisions);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_lod_count"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_lod_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_lod_count", "count"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_lod_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_layer"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_layer);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_layer", "layer"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_layer);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_mask"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_mask);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_mask", "mask"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_mask);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_margin"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_margin);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_collision_margin", "margin"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_margin);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_collision_update_delay"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_collision_update_delay);
D_METHOD("set_collision_update_delay", "delay_msec"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_collision_update_delay);
// LOD
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_lod_fade_duration"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_lod_fade_duration);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_lod_fade_duration", "seconds"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_lod_fade_duration);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_lod_count", "lod_count"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_lod_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_lod_count"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_lod_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_lod_distance", "lod_distance"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_lod_distance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_lod_distance"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_lod_distance);
// Misc
D_METHOD("voxel_to_data_block_position", "lod_index"), &VoxelLodTerrain::voxel_to_data_block_position);
D_METHOD("voxel_to_mesh_block_position", "lod_index"), &VoxelLodTerrain::voxel_to_mesh_block_position);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_voxel_tool"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_voxel_tool);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("save_modified_blocks"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_save_modified_blocks);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_run_stream_in_editor"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_run_stream_in_editor);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_stream_running_in_editor"), &VoxelLodTerrain::is_stream_running_in_editor);
// Normalmaps
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_normalmap_enabled", "enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_normalmap_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_normalmap_enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::is_normalmap_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_normalmap_tile_resolution_min", "resolution"),
D_METHOD("get_normalmap_tile_resolution_min"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_normalmap_tile_resolution_min);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_normalmap_tile_resolution_max", "resolution"),
D_METHOD("get_normalmap_tile_resolution_max"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_normalmap_tile_resolution_max);
D_METHOD("set_normalmap_begin_lod_index", "lod_index"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_normalmap_begin_lod_index);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_normalmap_begin_lod_index"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_normalmap_begin_lod_index);
D_METHOD("set_octahedral_normal_encoding", "enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_octahedral_normal_encoding);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_octahedral_normal_encoding"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_octahedral_normal_encoding);
// Advanced
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_mesh_block_size"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_mesh_block_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_mesh_block_size"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_mesh_block_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data_block_size"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_data_block_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data_block_region_extent"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_data_block_region_extent);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_full_load_mode_enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_full_load_mode_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_full_load_mode_enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::is_full_load_mode_enabled);
D_METHOD("set_threaded_update_enabled", "enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_threaded_update_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_threaded_update_enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::is_threaded_update_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_process_callback", "mode"), &VoxelLodTerrain::set_process_callback);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_process_callback"), &VoxelLodTerrain::get_process_callback);
// Debug
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_statistics"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_get_statistics);
D_METHOD("debug_raycast_mesh_block", "origin", "dir"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_raycast_mesh_block);
D_METHOD("debug_get_data_block_info", "block_pos", "lod"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_data_block_info);
D_METHOD("debug_get_mesh_block_info", "block_pos", "lod"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_mesh_block_info);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_get_octrees_detailed"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_octrees_detailed);
D_METHOD("debug_print_sdf_top_down", "center", "extents"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_print_sdf_top_down);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_get_mesh_block_count"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_get_mesh_block_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_get_data_block_count"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_get_data_block_count);
D_METHOD("debug_dump_as_scene", "path", "include_instancer"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_b_debug_dump_as_scene);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_is_draw_enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_is_draw_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_set_draw_enabled", "enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_set_draw_enabled);
D_METHOD("debug_set_draw_flag", "flag_index", "enabled"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_set_draw_flag);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("debug_get_draw_flag", "flag_index"), &VoxelLodTerrain::debug_get_draw_flag);
//ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_on_stream_params_changed"), &VoxelLodTerrain::_on_stream_params_changed);
ADD_GROUP("Bounds", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "view_distance"), "set_view_distance", "get_view_distance");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::AABB, "voxel_bounds"), "set_voxel_bounds", "get_voxel_bounds");
ADD_GROUP("Level of detail", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "lod_count"), "set_lod_count", "get_lod_count");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "lod_distance"), "set_lod_distance", "get_lod_distance");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "lod_fade_duration"), "set_lod_fade_duration", "get_lod_fade_duration");
ADD_GROUP("Material", "");
BaseMaterial3D::get_class_static() + "," + ShaderMaterial::get_class_static()),
"set_material", "get_material");
ADD_GROUP("Detail normalmaps", "normalmap_");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "normalmap_enabled"), "set_normalmap_enabled", "is_normalmap_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "normalmap_tile_resolution_min"), "set_normalmap_tile_resolution_min",
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "normalmap_tile_resolution_max"), "set_normalmap_tile_resolution_max",
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "normalmap_begin_lod_index"), "set_normalmap_begin_lod_index",
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "normalmap_octahedral_encoding_enabled"), "set_octahedral_normal_encoding",
ADD_GROUP("Collisions", "");
PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "generate_collisions"), "set_generate_collisions", "get_generate_collisions");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "collision_layer", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_3D_PHYSICS), "set_collision_layer",
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "collision_mask", PROPERTY_HINT_LAYERS_3D_PHYSICS), "set_collision_mask",
PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "collision_lod_count"), "set_collision_lod_count", "get_collision_lod_count");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "collision_update_delay"), "set_collision_update_delay",
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "collision_margin"), "set_collision_margin", "get_collision_margin");
ADD_GROUP("Advanced", "");
// TODO Probably should be in parent class?
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "run_stream_in_editor"), "set_run_stream_in_editor",
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "mesh_block_size"), "set_mesh_block_size", "get_mesh_block_size");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "full_load_mode_enabled"), "set_full_load_mode_enabled",
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "threaded_update_enabled"), "set_threaded_update_enabled",
} // namespace zylann::voxel