191 lines
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191 lines
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#include "voxel_tool_lod_terrain.h"
#include "../terrain/voxel_data_map.h"
#include "../terrain/voxel_lod_terrain.h"
#include "../util/voxel_raycast.h"
VoxelToolLodTerrain::VoxelToolLodTerrain(VoxelLodTerrain *terrain, VoxelDataMap &map) :
_terrain(terrain), _map(&map) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(terrain == nullptr);
// At the moment, only LOD0 is supported.
// Don't destroy the terrain while a voxel tool still references it
bool VoxelToolLodTerrain::is_area_editable(const Rect3i &box) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, false);
// TODO Take volume bounds into account
return _map->is_area_fully_loaded(box.padded(1));
template <typename Volume_F>
float get_sdf_interpolated(Volume_F &f, Vector3 pos) {
const Vector3i c = Vector3i::from_floored(pos);
const float s000 = f(Vector3i(c.x, c.y, c.z));
const float s100 = f(Vector3i(c.x + 1, c.y, c.z));
const float s010 = f(Vector3i(c.x, c.y + 1, c.z));
const float s110 = f(Vector3i(c.x + 1, c.y + 1, c.z));
const float s001 = f(Vector3i(c.x, c.y, c.z + 1));
const float s101 = f(Vector3i(c.x + 1, c.y, c.z + 1));
const float s011 = f(Vector3i(c.x, c.y + 1, c.z + 1));
const float s111 = f(Vector3i(c.x + 1, c.y + 1, c.z + 1));
return interpolate(s000, s100, s101, s001, s010, s110, s111, s011, fract(pos));
// Binary search can be more accurate than linear regression because the SDF can be inaccurate in the first place.
// An alternative would be to polygonize a tiny area around the middle-phase hit position.
// `d1` is how far from `pos0` along `dir` the binary search will take place.
// The segment may be adjusted internally if it does not contain a zero-crossing of the
template <typename Volume_F>
float approximate_distance_to_isosurface_binary_search(
Volume_F &f, Vector3 pos0, Vector3 dir, float d1, int iterations) {
float d0 = 0.f;
float sdf0 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0);
// The position given as argument may be a rough approximation coming from the middle-phase,
// so it can be slightly below the surface. We can adjust it a little so it is above.
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && sdf0 < 0.f; ++i) {
d0 -= 0.5f;
sdf0 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * d0);
float sdf1 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * d1);
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && sdf1 > 0.f; ++i) {
d1 += 0.5f;
sdf1 = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * d1);
if ((sdf0 > 0) != (sdf1 > 0)) {
// Binary search
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
const float dm = 0.5f * (d0 + d1);
const float sdf_mid = get_sdf_interpolated(f, pos0 + dir * dm);
if ((sdf_mid > 0) != (sdf0 > 0)) {
sdf1 = sdf_mid;
d1 = dm;
} else {
sdf0 = sdf_mid;
d0 = dm;
// Pick distance closest to the surface
if (Math::abs(sdf0) < Math::abs(sdf1)) {
return d0;
} else {
return d1;
Ref<VoxelRaycastResult> VoxelToolLodTerrain::raycast(
Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, float max_distance, uint32_t collision_mask) {
// TODO Transform input if the terrain is rotated
// TODO Implement broad-phase on blocks to minimize locking and increase performance
struct RaycastPredicate {
const VoxelDataMap ↦
bool operator()(Vector3i pos) {
// This is not particularly optimized, but runs fast enough for player raycasts
const float sdf = map.get_voxel_f(pos, VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_SDF);
return sdf < 0;
Ref<VoxelRaycastResult> res;
// We use grid-raycast as a middle-phase to roughly detect where the hit will be
RaycastPredicate predicate = { *_map };
Vector3i hit_pos;
Vector3i prev_pos;
float hit_distance;
float hit_distance_prev;
// Voxels polygonized using marching cubes influence a region centered on their lower corner,
// and extend up to 0.5 units in all directions.
// o--------o--------o
// | A | B | Here voxel B is full, voxels A, C and D are empty.
// | xxx | Matter will show up at the lower corner of B due to interpolation.
// | xxxxxxx |
// o---xxxxxoxxxxx---o
// | xxxxxxx |
// | xxx |
// | C | D |
// o--------o--------o
// `voxel_raycast` operates on a discrete grid of cubic voxels, so to account for the smooth interpolation,
// we may offset the ray so that cubes act as if they were centered on the filtered result.
const Vector3 offset(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
if (voxel_raycast(pos + offset, dir, predicate, max_distance, hit_pos, prev_pos, hit_distance, hit_distance_prev)) {
// Approximate surface
float d = hit_distance;
if (_raycast_binary_search_iterations > 0) {
// This is not particularly optimized, but runs fast enough for player raycasts
struct VolumeSampler {
const VoxelDataMap ↦
inline float operator()(const Vector3i &pos) {
return map.get_voxel_f(pos, VoxelBuffer::CHANNEL_SDF);
VolumeSampler sampler{ *_map };
d = hit_distance_prev + approximate_distance_to_isosurface_binary_search(sampler,
pos + dir * hit_distance_prev,
dir, hit_distance - hit_distance_prev,
res->position = hit_pos;
res->previous_position = prev_pos;
res->distance_along_ray = d;
return res;
uint64_t VoxelToolLodTerrain::_get_voxel(Vector3i pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, 0);
return _map->get_voxel(pos, _channel);
float VoxelToolLodTerrain::_get_voxel_f(Vector3i pos) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_terrain == nullptr, 0);
return _map->get_voxel_f(pos, _channel);
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_set_voxel(Vector3i pos, uint64_t v) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
_map->set_voxel(v, pos, _channel);
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_set_voxel_f(Vector3i pos, float v) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
_map->set_voxel_f(v, pos, _channel);
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_post_edit(const Rect3i &box) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_terrain == nullptr);
int VoxelToolLodTerrain::get_raycast_binary_search_iterations() const {
return _raycast_binary_search_iterations;
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::set_raycast_binary_search_iterations(int iterations) {
_raycast_binary_search_iterations = clamp(iterations, 0, 16);
void VoxelToolLodTerrain::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_raycast_binary_search_iterations", "iterations"),