
226 lines
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#include "test_octree.h"
#include "../constants/cube_tables.h"
#include "../terrain/lod_octree.h"
#include "../util/profiling_clock.h"
#include <core/map.h>
#include <core/print_string.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
void test_octree_update() {
const float lod_distance = 80;
const float view_distance = 1024;
const int lod_count = 6;
const int block_size = 16;
const Vector3 block_size_v(block_size, block_size, block_size);
Vector3 viewer_pos = Vector3(100, 50, 200);
const int octree_size = block_size << (lod_count - 1);
// Testing as an octree forest, as it is the way they are used in VoxelLodTerrain
Map<Vector3i, LodOctree> octrees;
const Box3i viewer_box_voxels =
Box3i::from_center_extents(Vector3i::from_floored(viewer_pos), Vector3i(view_distance));
const Box3i viewer_box_octrees = viewer_box_voxels.downscaled(octree_size);
viewer_box_octrees.for_each_cell([&octrees, lod_distance, block_size, lod_count](Vector3i pos) {
Map<Vector3i, LodOctree>::Element *e = octrees.insert(pos, LodOctree());
LodOctree &octree = e->value();
LodOctree::NoDestroyAction nda;
octree.create_from_lod_count(block_size, lod_count, nda);
struct OctreeActions {
int created_count = 0;
int destroyed_count = 0;
void create_child(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index, LodOctree::NodeData &data) {
void destroy_child(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index) {
void show_parent(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index) {
void hide_parent(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index) {
bool can_create_root(int lod_index) {
return true;
bool can_split(Vector3i node_pos, int child_lod_index, LodOctree::NodeData &data) {
return true;
bool can_join(Vector3i node_pos, int parent_lod_index) {
return true;
int initial_block_count = 0;
ProfilingClock profiling_clock;
// Initial
// Needs multiple passes because the current version is not recursive...
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
for (Map<Vector3i, LodOctree>::Element *e = octrees.front(); e; e = e->next()) {
LodOctree &octree = e->value();
const Vector3i block_pos_maxlod = e->key();
const Vector3i block_offset_lod0 = block_pos_maxlod << (lod_count - 1);
const Vector3 relative_viewer_pos = viewer_pos - block_size_v * block_offset_lod0.to_vec3();
OctreeActions actions;
octree.update(relative_viewer_pos, actions);
initial_block_count += actions.created_count;
ERR_FAIL_COND(actions.destroyed_count != 0);
const int time_init = profiling_clock.restart();
int initial_block_count_rec = 0;
for (Map<Vector3i, LodOctree>::Element *e = octrees.front(); e; e = e->next()) {
const LodOctree &octree = e->value();
initial_block_count_rec += octree.get_node_count();
print_line(String("Initial block count: {0}, time: {1} us").format(varray(initial_block_count, time_init)));
ERR_FAIL_COND(initial_block_count <= 0);
ERR_FAIL_COND(initial_block_count != initial_block_count_rec);
// Updates without moving
int created_block_count = 0;
int destroyed_block_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
created_block_count = 0;
for (Map<Vector3i, LodOctree>::Element *e = octrees.front(); e; e = e->next()) {
LodOctree &octree = e->value();
const Vector3i block_pos_maxlod = e->key();
const Vector3i block_offset_lod0 = block_pos_maxlod << (lod_count - 1);
const Vector3 relative_viewer_pos = viewer_pos - block_size_v * block_offset_lod0.to_vec3();
OctreeActions actions;
octree.update(relative_viewer_pos, actions);
created_block_count += actions.created_count;
destroyed_block_count += actions.destroyed_count;
const int time_stay = profiling_clock.restart();
// Block count should not change
ERR_FAIL_COND(created_block_count != 0);
ERR_FAIL_COND(destroyed_block_count != 0);
print_line(String("Stay time: {0} us").format(varray(time_stay)));
// Clearing
int block_count = initial_block_count;
for (Map<Vector3i, LodOctree>::Element *e = octrees.front(); e; e = e->next()) {
LodOctree &octree = e->value();
struct DestroyAction {
int destroyed_blocks = 0;
inline void operator()(Vector3i node_pos, int lod) {
DestroyAction da;
block_count -= da.destroyed_blocks;
ERR_FAIL_COND(block_count != 0);
void test_octree_find_in_box() {
const int blocks_across = 32;
const int block_size = 16;
int lods = 0;
int diameter = blocks_across;
while (diameter > 0) {
diameter = diameter >> 1;
lods += 1;
//print_line(String("Lod count: {0}").format(varray(lods)));
// Build a fully populated octree with all its leaves at LOD0
LodOctree octree;
LodOctree::NoDestroyAction nda;
octree.create_from_lod_count(block_size, lods, nda);
struct SubdivideActions {
bool can_split(Vector3i node_pos, int lod_index, const LodOctree::NodeData &node_data) {
return true;
void create_child(Vector3i pos, int lod_index, LodOctree::NodeData &node_data) {
node_data.state = pos.x + pos.y + pos.z;
SubdivideActions sa;
std::unordered_map<Vector3i, std::unordered_set<Vector3i>> expected_positions;
const Box3i full_box(Vector3i(), Vector3i(blocks_across, blocks_across, blocks_across));
// Build expected result
full_box.for_each_cell([full_box, &expected_positions](Vector3i pos) {
Box3i area_box(pos - Vector3i(1, 1, 1), Vector3i(3, 3, 3));
auto insert_result = expected_positions.insert(std::make_pair(pos, std::unordered_set<Vector3i>()));
ERR_FAIL_COND(insert_result.second == false);
std::unordered_set<Vector3i> &area_positions = insert_result.first->second;
area_box.for_each_cell([&area_positions](Vector3i npos) {
auto it = area_positions.insert(npos);
ERR_FAIL_COND(it.second == false);
// Get octree results
int checksum = 0;
full_box.for_each_cell([&octree, &expected_positions, &checksum](Vector3i pos) {
const Box3i area_box(pos - Vector3i(1, 1, 1), Vector3i(3, 3, 3));
auto it = expected_positions.find(pos);
ERR_FAIL_COND(it == expected_positions.end());
const std::unordered_set<Vector3i> &expected_area_positions = it->second;
std::unordered_set<Vector3i> found_positions;
octree.for_leaves_in_box(area_box, [&found_positions, &expected_area_positions, &checksum](
Vector3i node_pos, int lod, const LodOctree::NodeData &node_data) {
auto insert_result = found_positions.insert(node_pos);
// Must be one of the expected positions
ERR_FAIL_COND(expected_area_positions.find(node_pos) == expected_area_positions.end());
// Must not be a duplicate
ERR_FAIL_COND(insert_result.second == false);
checksum += node_data.state;
// Doing it again just to measure time
ProfilingClock profiling_clock;
int checksum2 = 0;
full_box.for_each_cell([&octree, &expected_positions, &checksum2](Vector3i pos) {
const Box3i area_box(pos - Vector3i(1, 1, 1), Vector3i(3, 3, 3));
octree.for_leaves_in_box(area_box, [&checksum2](Vector3i node_pos, int lod,
const LodOctree::NodeData &node_data) {
checksum2 += node_data.state;
ERR_FAIL_COND(checksum2 != checksum);
const int for_each_cell_time = profiling_clock.restart();
const float single_query_time = float(for_each_cell_time) / full_box.size.volume();
print_line(String("for_each_cell time with {0} lods: total {1} us, single query {2} us, checksum: {3}")
.format(varray(lods, for_each_cell_time, single_query_time, checksum2)));