
109 lines
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#include "../storage/voxel_buffer_gd.h"
#include "../util/math/vector3f.h"
#include <core/io/resource.h>
class Mesh;
class SceneTree;
namespace zylann::voxel {
// Contains the baked signed distance field of a mesh, which can be used to sculpt terrain.
class VoxelMeshSDF : public Resource {
GDCLASS(VoxelMeshSDF, Resource)
enum BakeMode { //
static const int MIN_CELL_COUNT = 2;
static const int MAX_CELL_COUNT = 256;
static constexpr float MIN_MARGIN_RATIO = 0.f;
static constexpr float MAX_MARGIN_RATIO = 1.f;
static const int MIN_PARTITION_SUBDIV = 2;
static const int MAX_PARTITION_SUBDIV = 255;
// The data cannot be used until baked
bool is_baked() const;
bool is_baking() const;
int get_cell_count() const;
void set_cell_count(int cc);
float get_margin_ratio() const;
void set_margin_ratio(float mr);
BakeMode get_bake_mode() const;
void set_bake_mode(BakeMode mode);
int get_partition_subdiv() const;
void set_partition_subdiv(int subdiv);
void set_boundary_sign_fix_enabled(bool enable);
bool is_boundary_sign_fix_enabled() const;
void set_mesh(Ref<Mesh> mesh);
Ref<Mesh> get_mesh() const;
void bake();
// Bakes the SDF asynchronously using threads of the job system.
// TODO A reference to the SceneTree should not be necessary!
// It is currently needed to ensure `VoxelServerUpdater` gets created so it can tick the task system...
void bake_async(SceneTree *scene_tree);
// Accesses baked SDF data.
// WARNING: don't modify this buffer. Only read from it.
// There are some usages (like modifiers) that will read it from different threads,
// but there is no thread safety in case of direct modification.
// TODO Introduce a VoxelBufferReadOnly? Since that's likely the only way in an object-oriented script API...
Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> get_voxel_buffer() const;
// Gets the padded bounding box of the model. This is important to know for signed distances to be coherent.
AABB get_aabb() const;
Array debug_check_sdf(Ref<Mesh> mesh);
void _on_bake_async_completed(Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> buffer, Vector3 min_pos, Vector3 max_pos);
Dictionary _b_get_data() const;
void _b_set_data(Dictionary d);
static void _bind_methods();
// Data
Ref<gd::VoxelBuffer> _voxel_buffer;
Vector3f _min_pos;
Vector3f _max_pos;
// States
bool _is_baking = false;
// Baking options
int _cell_count = 64;
float _margin_ratio = 0.25;
uint8_t _partition_subdiv = 32;
bool _boundary_sign_fix = true;
// Note, the mesh is referenced here only for convenience. Setting it to null will not clear the SDF.
// An SDF should be usable without loading the original mesh onto the graphics card.
// The mesh is only used for baking.
Ref<Mesh> _mesh;
} // namespace zylann::voxel