- VoxelLodTerrain no longer caches generated voxels by default, so
generating on the fly is no longer exclusive to full load mode.
Might add an option later, but not for now (VoxelTerrain is still
unaffected and keeps caching them)
- The "Cached" state is represented with blocks having no voxel data,
so it needs extra checks in some areas to avoid null access
- Fix generate task was not including modifiers after the base generator
- The "save_generator_output" option on streams now means such blocks are
considered edited
- Modifying modifiers now clears cached generated blocks
intersecting with them.
- Fix "re-generate" was erasing the internal stack of modifiers
- Added docs
- Update when some nodes did not finish subdividing
- Update when viewer position changes by a large enough distance
- Update when LOD settings change
- Update when the terrain is reset