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Select Item API

With this API you can open the item selection dialog as well as catch events when players select an item from this dialog.

You can safely optionally depend on this mod, just make sure to check for the mod's existence first (minetest.get_modpath returns non-nil value).


select_item.show_dialog(playername, dialogname, filter, compare)

Shows an item selection dialog to a player. The player can choose one item (which triggers a callback) or abort selection (in which case nothing happens).

By default, this displays all items with the exception of unknown items and ignore. This also includes items which players may normally not be supposed to see, like those usually not found in so-called “creative inventories”. You should set the filter argument to filter out unwanted items.

The items are also sorted by a sorting rule.


  • playername: Name of player to show dialog to
  • dialogname: Identifier of the dialog (must not contain “%%”)
  • filter: (optional) Filter function to narrow down the visible items (see below)
  • compare: (optional) Custom compare function for sorting, used in table.sort.

Recommended form of dialogname is “<modname>:<name>”. Almost all names are allowed, but they must never contain the substring “%%”. Example: example:select_my_item

Default sorting sorts items alphabetically by itemstring. It moves items with empty description to the end, preceded by items with description, but not_in_creative_inventory=1, and then everything else to the beginning.

Filter function

The filter function has the function signature filter(itemstring). This function will be called for each item with the itemstring given as argument. The function must return true if the item in question is allowed in the selection dialog and false if it must not appear.

You can also choose one of the following pre-defined filter functions:

  • select_item.filters.creative: Removes all items with group not_in_creative_inventory=1 and/or empty description
  • select_item.filters.all: Does not filter anything. Same as nil.


Register a call function callback to the select_item mod. Whenever a player selects an item or cancels the selection, callback is called.

callback function

This has the function signature callback(playername, dialogname, itemstring).

  • playername is the name of the player who selected the item
  • dialogname is the dialog identifier of the item selection dialog being used
  • itemstring is the itemstring of the chosen item or nil if aborted

Normally, if the player pushes any button, the formspec is closed. But if you return false in this callback, the formspec is not closed.


Display all items from Creative inventory to Player 1:

select_item.show_dialog("Player 1", "example:creative", select_item.filters.creative)

Display all flammable to Player 1:

select_item.show_dialog("Player 1", "example:flammable", function(itemstring)
	if minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "flammable") >= 1 then
		return true
		return false

Note the different values for dialogname.

Adding a selected to the player's inventory after player selected item in the “Creative” dialog above:

select_item.register_on_select_item(function(playername, dialogname, itemstring)
	--[[ Check for the dialog type you care about. This check should almost always be done
	to ensure interoperability with other mods. ]]
	if dialogname == "example:creative" then
		local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", location=playername})
		inv:add_item("main", ItemStack(itemstring))