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Code Documentation for Lazarr!

This file documents the code of this game. This file is still in WIP.

Function reference


Node special fields reference

This is a list of special fields for node definitions that Lazarr! recognizes:

  • _lzr_active: If the node has an 'active' counterpart, this contains the itemstring of that 'active' counterpart. Used by blocks that interact with laser
  • _lzr_inactive: If the node has an 'inactive' counterpart, this contains the itemstring of that 'inactive' counterpart. Used by blocks that interact with laser
  • _lzr_on_toggle(pos, node): Function is called when a special tool is used on this node. pos is node position and node is node table
  • _lzr_unlock(pos, node): Function is called on chests to unlock it. pos is node position and node is node table
  • _lzr_send_treasure(pos, node): Function is called on open chests with treasure to start an animation that "sends" the treasure into the sky. Used when a level is completed. pos is node position and node is node table

Node groups reference

This is a reference of all groups used for nodes.

Digging groups

  • breakable=1: Node is breakable with Ultra Pickaxe
  • punchdig=1: Node breaks when punched
  • takable=1: Node can be taken by player to be placed somewhere else

Gameplay groups

  • rotatable: Node is rotatable by hook item
    • 1: Always rotatable
    • 2: Rotatable if takable, or if in editor/menu
    • 3: Rotatable in editor/menu only
  • laser_destroys: Node is destroyed when a laser touches it
    • 1: Immediate destruction
    • 2: Node catches fire first, then is destroyed. _lzr_active must contain the name of the burning variant. The burning variant in turn must have _lzr_inactive
  • flammable=1: Node catches fire from neighboring burning blocks

Laser node groups

  • laser=X: Node is a laser (X=bitmask of active laser axes) (not including blocks that contain a laser like an active mirror)
  • laser_block=1: Node interacts with laser

Laser blocks

Group rating 1 is for the inactive state, group rating 2 is for the active state.

  • emitter: Emitter
  • detector: Detector
  • crystal: Crystal
  • mirror: Mirror (normal)
  • transmissive_mirror: Transmissive Mirror
  • crate: Crate

Misc. categorization groups

  • treasure=1: Treasure
  • teleporter: Teleporter
    • 1: Off
    • 2: On
  • chest: Chest
    • 1: closed, unlocked
    • 2: closed, locked
    • 3: open, empty
    • 4: open, with treasure
  • chest_closed=1: Closed chest
  • chest_open=1: Open chest
  • water=3: Water
  • liquid=3: Node is a liquid in a semantic sense
  • pane=1: Pane (flat window-like block)
  • stair=1: Stair
  • slab=1: Slab

Item groups reference

This is a reference of groups for all items that are not nodes.

  • pickaxe=1: Pickaxe
  • bucket=1: Bucket
  • cheat_item=1: Item is not supposed to be used in normal gameplay (e.g. for editor)