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API for rp_hunger

This API contains a few simple functions to get and set the hunger values of players.

How hunger works

Each player has a hunger level from 0 to hunger.MAX_HUNGER and a saturation level from 0 to hunger.MAX_SATURATION.

The hunger level is the player-facing hunger level shown by a statbar. Player loses health when it reaches 0, food increases the hunger level.

The saturation level is a hidden value. The saturation level goes down over time and for performing various tasks like digging or building. It increases by eating food. When saturation is 0, the player will slowly have their hunger level reduced.



Returns the current hunger level for playername. Returns nil if hunger is disabled.


Returns the current saturation level for playername. Returns nil if hunger is disabled.

hunger.set_saturation(playername, saturation)

Sets the current saturation level for playername to saturation.

The value will automatically be capped it out of bounds.

If hunger is disabled, this function does nothing.

hunger.set_hunger(playername, hungr)

Sets the current hunger level for playername to hungr.

The value will automatically be capped it out of bounds.

If hunger is disabled, this function does nothing.

Special variables


A number which stands for the maximum possible hunger level, Read-only!


A number which stands for the maximum possible saturation level, Read-only!