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Goodies API

The API allows you to fill nodes that have an inventory with random items.


goodies.fill(pos, ctype, pr, listname, keepchance)

First, decides to either remove or keep the node at pos by random chance. If the node is kept, it will be filled with random treasure. The target node must have an inventory for this to work.

If the node has the meta key locked is a number > 0, the goodies are more valuable.


  • pos: Position of the node
  • ctype: A identifier for the type of treasuer to use. See “Available treasure types” below.
  • pr: A PseudoRandom object used for pseudo-randomness
  • listname: Name of the inventory list to put items into
  • keepchance: Chance the node will be kept (i.e. not removed), stated in 1/keepchance. If 1, node is never removed.

How keepchance works: a virtual keepchance-sided dice with the numbers from 1 to keepchance will be rolled. If a 1 is rolled, the node is kept, otherwise the node is removed.

Available treasure types

These are the possible goodie types, usable for the ctype argument above:

  • "FURNACE_SRC": Source slot of furnace
  • "FURNACE_FUEL": Fuel slot of furnace
  • "FURNACE_DST" Output slot of furnace
  • "forge": Forge building
  • "tavern": Tavern building
  • "house": Dwelling house

In the source code, you can find the definitions in goodies.types.