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API documentation for rp_achievements


Each achievement must have an unique name which is the internal identifier. There are two types of achievements:

Trigger achievements and subcondition achievements.

Trigger achievements count the number of times they are triggered. They are completed when the threshold of triggers has been met (times parameter). Trigger achievements can be triggered automatically or manually.

Subcondition achievements have a list of subconditions that must all be triggered to complete the achievement. These achievements can only be triggered manually.


achievements.register_achievement(name, def)

Registers an achievement.

  • name: Achievement identifier (no translation allowed!)
  • def: Achievement definition. This is a table:
    • title: Title, as shown to the player (default: same as name)
    • description: Short (!) description that tells the player what to do to get the achievement crafting output identifier as provided to the rp_crafting mod)
    • icon: Optional icon (texture name)
    • item_icon: Optional icon (texture name)
    • Additional fields depending on the type (see below)

If neither icon nor item_icon are present, this mod will pick an icon automatically by using the item icon of dignode, placenode or craftitem. If those fields are not present, or use groups, a generic trophy icon will be used instead.

Trigger achievements

For trigger achievements, use these additional fields for def:

  • times: How many times to trigger this achievement before awarding it (default: 1)
  • dignode: Trigger achievement when this node has been dug
  • placenode: Trigger achievement when this node has been placed
  • craftitem: Trigger achievement when this item has been crafted

Both dignode and placenode support the group:<groupname> syntax to check for digging/placing a node in a given group instead.

If neither dignode, placenode, nor craftitem are present, the achievement will not be triggered automatically. You can always trigger an achievement manually with achievements.trigger_achievement.

A trigger achievement must be triggered times times to be completed.

Note: Any item specified here must have been registered before registering the achievement.

Subcondition achievements

For subconditoin achievements, use this additional field for def:

  • subconditions: List of subcondition identifiers (as strings). Put all the required subconditions here. NOT translatable!
  • subconditions_readable: Optional. List of subcondition names as shown to the player. The table keys must correspond with the keys in subconditions. If this field is missing, the GUI will use the IDs instead.

Use achievements.trigger_subcondition to mark a subcondition as complete.

achievements.trigger_achievement(player, name, times)

Manually trigger an achievement once or multiple times.

  • player: Player to trigger the achievement for
  • name: Achievement identifier
  • times: How many times to trigger the achievement (default: 1)

achievements.trigger_subcondition(player, name, subcondition)

Mark a subcondition of an achievement as completed.

  • player: Player to trigger the achievement subcondition for
  • name: Achievement identifier
  • subcondition: Identifier of subcondition to mark as complete