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Building Amidst

Amidst uses maven for its build process. Here are the steps to build from source:

  • mvn clean
  • mvn install

This will place the jar file under target/amidst-<version>.jar.

To build the wrapper for mac, follow these steps:

  • mvn clean
  • mvn install
  • bash travis-ci/scripts/
  • mvn package -DskipTests=true -f travis-ci/wrapper-for-mac/pom.xml
  • bash travis-ci/scripts/

This will place the zip file under target/amidst-<version>.zip.

To build the wrapper for windows, follow these steps:

  • mvn clean
  • mvn install
  • bash travis-ci/scripts/
  • mvn package -DskipTests=true -f travis-ci/wrapper-for-windows/pom.xml

This will place the exe file under target/amidst-<version>.exe.

You will need imagemagick installed to create the icons. Of course, you can also create the icon files by yourself and place them as target/icon.icns (mac) or target/icon.ico (windows) to the expected location. The bash script simply creates a zip file from the directory located at travis-ci/wrapper-for-mac/target/amidst-<version>/. You can also do this by yourself.

All of these steps are also executed by travis-ci to create a new release. However the regular travis-ci build will not create the wrappers for mac and windows.

The command mvn clean will actually install a dependency that is not available from a public maven repository to the local maven repository, so it is necessary to execute.