250 lines
8.9 KiB
250 lines
8.9 KiB
-- This code is used to read Minecraft schematic files.
-- The .schematic file format is described here:
-- http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Schematic_file_format?cookieSetup=true
-- It is based on the NBT format, which is described here:
-- http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/NBT_Format?cookieSetup=true
-- position in the decompressed string data_stream
local curr_index = 1;
-- helper arry so that the values do not have to be calculated anew each time
local pot256 = { 1 };
for i=1,8 do
pot256[ #pot256+1 ] = pot256[ #pot256 ] * 256;
-- read length bytes from data_stream and turn it into an integer value
local read_signed = function( data_stream, length)
local res = 0;
for i=length,1,-1 do
res = res + (string.byte( data_stream, curr_index )* pot256[ i ]);
-- move one further
curr_index = curr_index+1;
return res;
-- this table will collect the few tags we're actually intrested in
local mc_schematic_data = {};
-- this will be a recursive function
local read_tag;
-- needs to be defined now because it will contain a recursive function
local read_one_tag;
-- read payload of one tag (= a data element in a NBT data structure)
read_one_tag = function( data_stream, tag, title_tag )
if( tag<= 0 or not(data_stream)) then
elseif( tag==1 ) then -- TAG_BYTE: 1 byte
return read_signed( data_stream, 1 );
elseif( tag==2 ) then -- TAG_SHORT: 2 bytes
return read_signed( data_stream, 2 );
elseif( tag==3 ) then -- TAG_INT: 4 bytes
return read_signed( data_stream, 4 );
elseif( tag==4 ) then -- TAG_LONG: 8 bytes
return read_signed( data_stream, 8 );
elseif( tag==5 ) then -- TAG_FLOAT: 4 bytes
return read_signed( data_stream, 4 ); -- the float values are unused here
elseif( tag==6 ) then -- TAG_DOUBLE: 8 bytes
return read_signed( data_stream, 8 ); -- the float values are unused here
elseif( tag==7 ) then -- TAG_Byte_Array
local size = read_signed( data_stream, 4 ); -- TAG_INT
local res = {};
for i=1,size do
-- a Byte_Array does not contain any sub-tags
res[i] = read_one_tag( data_stream, 1, nil ); -- read TAG_BYTE
return res;
elseif( tag==8 ) then -- TAG_String
local size = read_signed( data_stream, 2);
local res = string.sub( data_stream, curr_index, curr_index+size-1 );
-- move on in the data stream
curr_index = curr_index + size;
return res;
elseif( tag==9 ) then -- TAG_List
-- these exact values are not particulary intresting
local tagtyp = read_signed( data_stream, 1 ); -- TAG_BYTE
local size = read_signed( data_stream, 4 ); -- TAG_INT
local res = {};
for i=1,size do
-- we need to pass title_tag on to the "child"
res[i] = read_one_tag( data_stream, tagtyp, title_tag );
return res;
elseif( tag==10 ) then -- TAG_Compound
return read_tag( data_stream, title_tag );
elseif( tag==11 ) then -- TAG_Int_Array
local size = read_signed( data_stream, 4 ); -- TAG_INT
local res = {};
for i=1,size do
-- a Int_Array does not contain any sub-tags
res[i] = read_one_tag( data_stream, 3, nil ); -- TAG_INT
return res;
-- read tag type, tag name and call read_one_tag to get the payload;
read_tag = function( data_stream, title_tag )
local schematic_data = {};
while( data_stream ) do
local tag = string.byte( data_stream, curr_index);
-- move on in the data stream
curr_index = curr_index + 1;
if( not( tag ) or tag <= 0 ) then
local tag_name_length = string.byte( data_stream, curr_index ) * 256 + string.byte(data_stream, curr_index + 1);
-- move 2 further
curr_index = curr_index + 2;
local tag_name = string.sub( data_stream, curr_index, curr_index+tag_name_length-1 );
-- move on...
curr_index = curr_index + tag_name_length;
local res = read_one_tag( data_stream, tag, tag_name );
--if( tag_name ~= "pos" and tag_name ~= "state" ) then
-- print('[analyze_mc_schematic_file] Found: Tag '..tostring( tag )..' <'..tostring( tag_name )..'> '..minetest.serialize( res ));
-- Entities and TileEntities are ignored
-- this is for the .schematic format
if( title_tag == 'Schematic' ) then
if(( tag_name == 'Width'
or tag_name == 'Height'
or tag_name == 'Length'
or tag_name == 'Materials' -- "Classic" or "Alpha" (=Survival)
or tag_name == 'Blocks'
or tag_name == 'Data'
)) then
mc_schematic_data[ tag_name ] = res;
-- ..and this for .nbt
elseif( tag_name == 'size' and res and res[1] and res[2] and res[3]) then
schematic_data.Width = res[1]; -- TODO: no idea if the dimensions are truely arranged like this
schematic_data.Height = res[2];
schematic_data.Length = res[3];
schematic_data.Data = {};
schematic_data.Materials = {};
schematic_data.Blocks = {};
elseif( title_tag == 'blocks' and tag_name == 'pos' ) then
schematic_data.last_pos = pos;
elseif( title_tag == 'blocks' and tag_name == 'state' ) then
schematic_data.last_state = state;
if( schematic_data.last_pos and schematic_data.last_state ) then
local p = schematic_data.last_pos;
local size = {x=schematic_data.Width, y=schematic_data.Height, z=schematic_data.Length};
mc_schematic_data.Blocks[ ((p[2]-1)*size.z + (p[3]-1) )*size.x + (size.x-p[4]) +1] = schematic_data.last_state;
schematic_data.last_pos = nil;
schematic_data.last_state = nil;
handle_schematics.analyze_mc_schematic_file = function( path )
-- these files are usually compressed; there is no point to start if the
-- decompress function is missing
if( minetest.decompress == nil) then
return nil;
local file, err = save_restore.file_access(path..'.schematic', "rb")
if (file == nil) then
-- print('[analyze_mc_schematic_file] ERROR: NO such file: '..tostring( path..'.schematic'));
return nil
local compressed_data = file:read( "*all" );
--print('FILE SIZE: '..tostring( string.len( compressed_data )));
--local data_string = minetest.decompress(compressed_data, "deflate" );
local data_string = compressed_data; -- TODO
-- we use this (to this file) global variable to store gathered information;
-- doing so inside the recursive functions proved problematic
mc_schematic_data = {};
-- this index will iterate through the schematic data
curr_index = 1;
-- actually analyze the data
read_tag( data_string, nil );
if( not( mc_schematic_data.Width )
or not( mc_schematic_data.Height )
or not( mc_schematic_data.Length )
or not( mc_schematic_data.Blocks )
or not( mc_schematic_data.Data )) then
print('[analyze_mc_schematic_file] ERROR: Failed to analyze '..tostring( path..'.schematic'));
return nil;
local translation_function = handle_schematics.findMC2MTConversion;
if( minetest.get_modpath('mccompat')) then
translation_function = mccompat.findMC2MTConversion;
local bed_count = 0;
local bed_list = {};
local max_msg = 40; -- just for error handling
local size = {x=mc_schematic_data.Width, y=mc_schematic_data.Height, z=mc_schematic_data.Length};
local scm = {};
local nodenames = {};
local nodenames_id = {};
for y=1,size.y do
scm[y] = {};
for x=1,size.x do
scm[y][x] = {};
for z =1,size.z do
local new_node = translation_function(
-- (Y×length + Z)×width + X.
mc_schematic_data.Blocks[ ((y-1)*size.z + (z-1) )*size.x + (size.x-x) +1],
mc_schematic_data.Data[ ((y-1)*size.z + (z-1) )*size.x + (size.x-x) +1] );
-- some MC nodes store the information about a node in TWO block and data fields (doors, large flowers, ...)
if( new_node[3] and new_node[3]~=0 ) then
new_node = translation_function(
-- (Y×length + Z)×width + X.
mc_schematic_data.Blocks[ ((y-1)*size.z + (z-1) )*size.x + (size.x-x) +1],
mc_schematic_data.Data[ ((y-1)*size.z + (z-1) )*size.x + (size.x-x) +1],
mc_schematic_data.Blocks[ ((y-1+new_node[3])*size.z + (z-1) )*size.x + (size.x-x) +1],
mc_schematic_data.Data[ ((y-1+new_node[3])*size.z + (z-1) )*size.x + (size.x-x) +1] );
if( not( nodenames_id[ new_node[1]] )) then
nodenames_id[ new_node[1] ] = #nodenames + 1;
nodenames[ nodenames_id[ new_node[1] ]] = new_node[1];
-- print a few warning messages in case something goes wrong - but do not exaggerate
if( not( new_node[2] and max_msg>0)) then
-- print('[handle_schematics:schematic] MISSING param2: '..minetest.serialize( new_node ));
if( handle_schematics.bed_node_names[ new_node[1]] ) then
bed_count = bed_count + 1;
table.insert( bed_list, {x=x, y=y, z=z, p2, minetest.get_content_id( new_node[1])});
-- save some space by not saving air
if( new_node[1] ~= 'air' ) then
scm[y][x][z] = { nodenames_id[ new_node[1]], new_node[2]};
return { size = { x=size.x, y=size.y, z=size.z}, nodenames = nodenames, on_constr = {}, after_place_node = {}, rotated=90, burried=0, scm_data_cache = scm, metadata = {}, bed_count = bed_count, bed_list = bed_list};