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Executable File

SSB - Simple Social Board
A Simple social media board script coded in php that runs on flatfile databases. It requires
no setup (except setting properties in the config.php script). SSB is released
under the CC-BY-NC-SA v3.0 unported.
SSB was written by Chris Dorman, 2012-2020 <>
10/20/2020 -v2.1.0 - version bump - feature release
* Remove jquery from data folder (didn't need that for a while)
* Add bg.jpg to data folder (oops)
* Bug fixes
* Dynamic notification clearing and post reacting
* Reaction lists on hover VIA CSS
* Post footers added
* CSS cleanup for mobile usage
* Allow for user chat scrolling
10/10/2020 -v2.0.3 - minor version bump - release
* Removed unneeded HTML from bbcode parser
* Added user reacts (notifications send with react, checks if trying to react multiple times)
* Added minimal user page for outdated browsers (minimum.php, does most everything index.php can handle)
* Some CSS modifications
10/10/2020 -v2.0.2 - minor version bump - release
* BBCode image addition (***boldtext***) (___underlinetext___)
* Bugfixes with notification menu, and user profile avatar linking
* Added post removal abilities for post owners
* Database speed enhancements (removed a ton of HTML out of the database to free space)
* Reworked post / reply generation code
* Updated some errors in user profile generation
* New BG, hope you like!
9/20/2020 -v2.0.0 - major version bump - release
* BBCode IMG addition for chat
* Multi image uploads added
* Reworked post attachment system
* Added "send friend request" on public profiles
* Added public user list (community tab)
* Attachment CSS updates
* Bugfixes in multiple redirects
* Buffixes in image uploads when on slow connections
* Added user to user tagging within posts & replies (use @<username>)
* Notification box rework, now available among all pages when logged in.
* Post reply notifications, tag notifications, and message notifications working properly
9/13/2020 -v1.3.1 - hotfix
* BBCode bug in database, modified and fixed!
9/13/2020 - v1.3.0 - feature update
* Modified notification system for more board based features (Post reply notifications, message notifications)
* CSS modifications, revamped friends list page
* Little cleanup of unneeded code.
8/3/2020 - v1.2.2 - hotfix
* Private and public chat CSS updates
* Bugfix for user profile avatars not loading on pages when not logged in
* Add "my profile" button on navbar
8/3/2020 - v1.2.1 - feature update
* Added user settings panel for changing account passwords and avatar images.
* Display profile images in posts and user profile page.
* Bug fixes for unauthorized posts by users not friends with people when post links are directly connected to.
* Large CSS changes, more mobile device friendly. More changes to come.
8/2/2020 - v1.1.2 - hotfix
* Minor tweaks
* Another duplicate friend request bugfix
8/2/2020 - v1.1.1 - hotfix
* Mobile CSS and viewport tweaks
* Couple of missed bug tweaks
8/2/2020 - v1.1.0
* Added friend to friend private messaging
* Fixed a few friend request bugs
-- Look for self sent friend requests and block
-- Look for and block already accepted or pending friend requests
* Friend request and new message notifications with wipe function.
* Version bump, new ideas include:
-- Owner / admin post removal
-- Video media support
-- Possible remove of public chat
-- Password change (done)
-- Profile pictures (done)
-- Bot verification prompt for registeration.
8/2/2020 - v1.0.3 - hotfix
* After live version went online, noticed a bug with accepting friend requests multiple times
* Check to see if public user is already followed by user.
8/2/2020 - v1.0.2
* Added private and public accounts for public figures, pages, meme groups.
8/2/2020 - v1.0.1 - hotfix
* Felt it was needed to finish the about page.
* A couple UI tweaks, will probably have more minor version releases but meh.
8/1/2020 - v1.0.0
* Cleaned up functions, added more functions
* View profiles from friends list, user info and feed.
* Image upload capabilities.
* CSS clean up, still things to be done.
* Fully functioning public web chat!
* Considered operational, and beta released!
8/1/2020 - v0.2.0
* Working home feed with personal and friends posts in order by date newest to oldest!
* Public chat room with short term message buffer room. Great for chitchat.
* Personal messaging in progress.
* CSS clean up, added FontAwesome.
* Added form input BB code parsing!
* Known bugs: can send multi friend requests and spam another users notification box.
8/1/2020 - v0.1.0
* Working friends list to be incorporated into each users news feed output (in dev)
* Some more CSS cleaning, more streamline website. More mobile friendly
* NOTE: I'm just pumping out work on this LOL
8/1/2020 - v0.0.2
* Reconstructed posting database for friends list and feed processing
* Separated some files (CSS, and functions within index.php)
* More CSS clean up.
* User base is also capable of replying, and posting. Feed still not operational.
8/1/2020 - v0.0.1
* Official release of SSB, now known Simple Social Board.
* Added userbase to database.
* Separated form functions into separate PHP doc for cleanliness.
* CSS and HTML modifications
* NOTE: Feed is public across all users currently. Working on friends system
* NOTE: Friends list and messaging still in progress.
2/1/2014 -
Little fixing up