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Convert voxel volume formats between each other or export to obj or ply.

Supported voxel formats




./vengi-voxconvert --merge --scale infile outfile

  • --merge: will merge a multi layer volume (like vox, qb or qbt) into a single volume of the target file
  • --scale: perform lod conversion of the input volume (50% scale per call)

Just type vengi-voxconvert to get a full list of commands and options.

Using a different target palette is also possible by setting the palette config var.

./vengi-voxconvert -set palette /path/to/palette.png infile outfile

The palette file has to be in the dimensions 1x256. It is also possible to just provide the basename of the palette. This is e.g. nippon. The tool will then try to look up the file palette-nippon.png in the file search paths.

You can convert to a different palette with this command. The closest possible color will be chosen for each color from the source file palette to the specified palette.

Generate Level of detail (LOD) volumes

Generate a lod scaled by 50% from the input model.

./vengi-voxconvert -s infile.vox lod1.vox

Convert volume to mesh

You can export your volume model into a obj or ply.

./vengi-voxconvert infile.vox outfile.obj

Cvars to control the meshing:

  • voxformat_ambientocclusion: Don't export extra quads for ambient occlusion voxels
  • voxformat_mergequads: Merge similar quads to optimize the mesh
  • voxformat_reusevertices: Reuse vertices or always create new ones
  • voxformat_scale: Scale the vertices by the given factor
  • voxformat_quads: Export to quads
  • voxformat_withcolor: Export vertex colors
  • voxformat_withtexcoords: Export texture coordinates

See ./vengi-voxconvert --help for details.

Batch convert

To convert a complete directory of e.g. *.vox to *.obj files, you can use e.g. the bash like this:

for i in *.vox; do vengi-voxconvert $i ${i%.vox}.obj; done