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# Examples
## Level of detail (LOD)
Generate a lod scaled by 50% from the input model.
`./vengi-voxconvert -s --input infile.vox --output output.vox`
## Import 2d image as volume
Imports a 2d image and applies depth to it.
`./vengi-voxconvert --image-as-volume --image-as-volume-max-depth 8 --image-as-volume-both-sides true --input infile.png --output output.vox`
Import given input image as volume. Uses a depth map to make a volume out of the image. The depth map R channel is using values from 0 (black) to white (255) resulting in voxel heights from 1 to max-height (see `--image-as-volume-max-depth`).
The `--input` with e.g. `infile.png` will pick the depth map next to the image path called `infile-dm.png` as depth map.
## Merge several models
Merge several models into one:
`./vengi-voxconvert --input one.vox --input two.vox --output onetwo.vox`
## Voxelize an obj, gltf, ply or stl file
Voxelize an obj and save as magicavoxel (including colors):
> You are getting better results if you create a palette from your textures first.
> This can be done by reducing the color to 256 and import that reduced image in
> [voxedit](../voxedit/ as palette.
> For obj the mtl file must be in the same dir as the obj files, as well as the
> potential textures.
> glTF is supported both in ascii and binary - but the satelite files must also
> reside in the same dir as the `glb` or `gltf` file.
`./vengi-voxconvert -set voxformat_scale 2 -set palette /path/to/palette.png --input mesh.obj --output voxels.vox`
> See the [supported formats]( for a few more details.
## Generate from heightmap
Just specify the heightmap as input file like this:
`./vengi-voxconvert --input heightmap.png --output outfile.vox`
## Translate the voxels
You can translate the voxels in the world like this:
`./vengi-voxconvert --translate 0:10:0 --input heightmap.png --output outfile.vox`
This would move the voxels 10 units upwards. But keep in mind that not every format supports
to store a translation offset.
## Execute lua script
Use the `--script` parameter:
`./vengi-voxconvert --script "cover 2" --input infile.vox --output outfile.vox`
This is executing the script in `./scripts/cover.lua` with a parameter of `2`.
`./vengi-voxconvert --script "./scripts/cover.lua 2" --input infile.vox --output outfile.vox`
This is doing exactly the same as above - just with a full path.
See the [scripting](../ documentation for further details.
## Extract palette png
Saves the png in the same dir as the vox file:
`./vengi-voxconvert --export-palette --input infile.vox --output outfile.vox`
There will be an `infile.png` now.
## Extract single layers
Extract just a few layers from the input file.
`./vengi-voxconvert --filter 1-2,4 --input infile.vox --output outfile.vox`
This will export layers 1, 2 and 4.
## Convert to mesh
You can export your volume model into a obj or ply.
`./vengi-voxconvert --input infile.vox --output outfile.obj`
## Batch convert
To convert a complete directory of e.g. `*.vox` to `*.obj` files, you can use e.g. the bash like this:
### Bash (Linux, OSX)
> Beware - no whitespaces in files
for i in *.vox; do vengi-voxconvert --input "$i" --output "${i%.vox}.obj"; done
for i in *.vxm; do vengi-voxconvert --input "$i" --output "${i%.vxm}.gltf" done
### PowerShell (Windows)
An example for the windows powershell to extract single layers into a new model
$array = "1-2,5", "1-2,7"
foreach ($i in $array){
./vengi-voxconvert --filter $i --input "input.vox" --output "output_$i.vxm"
### Batch file (Windows)
Windows batch (or `cmd.exe`) example to convert all png in the current directory into magicavoxel vox files.
for %f in (*.png) do call vengi-voxconvert --input "%~f" --output "%~nf.vox"