
1.9 KiB

Smart Vector Tables [smart_vector_Table]
Smart Vector Tables [smart_vector_Table]


This mod adds an API to create tables that accept 3D Vectors as indices in a relatively efficient manner. They're built to be able to handle a large quantity of indices at a time, with no regards to how close or far apart specific vectors are. See the provided api.txt for details about how you use them.

Dependencies and Support

There are no dependencies for this mod, not even on Minetest itself. You can use it in any Lua-based program if you wish.


The LGPL v2.1 License is used with this mod. See or LICENSE.txt for more details.


Download, unzip, and place within the usual minetest/current/mods folder, and it will behave in relation to the Minetest engine like any other mod.