Skip night ignores AFK players.

Nathan Salapat 2020-10-31 11:25:19 -05:00
parent f77ded606c
commit 030a2abf67
4 changed files with 148 additions and 174 deletions

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@ -1,183 +1,160 @@
afk = {}
-- Interval between movement checks (in seconds). -- Interval between movement checks (in seconds).
local INTERVAL = 5 local INTERVAL = 15
-- Minimum distance to move to register as not AFK (in blocks). -- Minimum distance to move to register as not AFK (in blocks).
local MINDIST = 0.4 local MINDIST = 0.4
-- If player does not move within this time, 'sit' player (in seconds) and label them as afk. -- If player does not move within this time, 'sit' player (in seconds) and label them as afk.
local TIMEOUT = 600 local TIMEOUT = 30
local time_afk = {} -- a table indexed by plname that indicates the approximate time since last moved local time_afk = {} -- a table indexed by plname that indicates the approximate time since last moved
local last_pos = {} -- a table of position vectors that are indexed by plname local last_pos = {} -- a table of position vectors that are indexed by plname
local chat_afk = {} -- a table of booleans indexed by plname that indicate if players are afk, used to indicate if we have placed a chat message that indicates them as afk local chat_afk = {} -- a table of booleans indexed by plname that indicate if players are afk, used to indicate if we have placed a chat message that indicates them as afk
local chat_noafk = {} -- a table of booleans indexed by plname that indicate if players are not afk local chat_noafk = {} -- a table of booleans indexed by plname that indicate if players are not afk
afk.afk_count = 0
local beds_path = minetest.get_modpath("beds") local beds_path = minetest.get_modpath("beds")
local attached_before_afk = {} local attached_before_afk = {}
-- Function to check if the player is afk. -- Function to check if the player is afk.
local function check_moved() local function check_moved()
for _, p in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
local plname = p:get_player_name()
local in_bed = false
if beds_path then
if beds.player[plname] then
in_bed = true
local pos = p:get_pos()
local sit = false -- for now, assume that they are not afk. Well change that if we need to later on in this function
-- (below) if the player is not registered on the afk and no afk list, add them with them not being afk
if chat_noafk[plname] == nil then
attached_before_afk[plname] = default.player_attached[plname]
chat_afk[plname] = false
chat_noafk[plname] = true
-- if the plname index can be found on the last_pos table then: (the plname index would not be found if they joined since the last interval afk check... we'll get them next time around bc of setting thire name o the table)
if last_pos[plname] then
--get the distance between their current position and their last postion, d is distance
local d = vector.distance(last_pos[plname], pos)
-- print("Player: "..plname..", Dist: "..d)
if d < MINDIST then -- if d is less than minimum distance then
time_afk[plname] = (time_afk[plname] or 0) + INTERVAL -- add the checking interval to the player's time afk (eg not moved) number
--(below)and if the time not moved (time_afk at index plname) is more than the timeout time then sit them and post afk message to chat if we haven't already
if time_afk[plname] >= TIMEOUT then --if we've reached timeout on the afk time table or are beyond that timeout then
default.player_set_animation(p, "sit") -- make sure that the player is sitting
sit = true --indicate that the player is sitting and that we have caused the sitting, for this iteration (used to keep player's animation as lay if they are dead)
chat_noafk[plname] = false --take them off the list of players that are not afk
if chat_afk[plname] == false then -- so they ARE afk after the timeout, but if they are not on the list of players that we have given an afk chat message about, then give the chat message now, and then indicate that we have given an afk message about them, so that we don't do it again.
minetest.chat_send_all("*** "..plname.." is AFK.") -- changed the number of stars to differentiate it from user-generated messages
chat_afk[plname] = true
attached_before_afk[plname] = default.player_attached[plname] -- for first time afk, the attached state has not been messed with yet by this mod. Save its state now to know whether to unattach the player when they come back
afk.afk_count = afk.afk_count + 1
default.player_attached[plname] = true --I switched this in its order to be after the test for first time afk, so we could determine the original attached state
else -- oh, wait, if they have moved more than the minumum distance, then reset their afk time
time_afk[plname] = 0
if not sit then --if we have not made them sit this iteration then
last_pos[plname] = pos --set their last postion indicator to their current position for next iteration so we can detect movement
chat_afk[plname] = false --make sure we know that they are not afk for future reference
-- If a player returns and the status changes, we print a message to chat.
if chat_noafk[plname] == false then --if we didn't make them sit this iteration, its bc they are active. If their index on the not_afk list says that they ARE afk, then we haven't updated that info. SO,
minetest.chat_send_all("*** "..plname.." came back from AFK.") --let everyone know
afk.afk_count = afk.afk_count - 1
chat_noafk[plname] = true --and update their status
if not(attached_before_afk[plname]) then -- only change animation and attached state to false IF they were not attached before they went afk. Let other mods handle setting them to not attached if they caused it
default.player_attached[plname] = false -- let the server know that they are not attached anymore - the server will stand them up.
default.player_set_animation(p, "stand") -- and make them stand up. I moved this from where it was setting the stand animation every check, to where it sets it only when coming back from afk
-- If players are dead and AFK or if they are in bed, keep their model in the lay position, not sit. Spawn particles
if (p:get_hp() == 0 or in_bed) and sit then --if they are dead or are lying in bed and would otherwise be sitting bc of afk, revoke the sit anim command, instead set it to lay
default.player_set_animation(p, "lay")
if p:get_hp() == 0 then
--spawn fly and stink particles here if they are afk and dead
amount = 15,
time = INTERVAL,
minpos = {x=pos.x -.8 , y=pos.y + .1, z=pos.z -.8},
maxpos = {x=pos.x +.8 , y=pos.y + 1, z=pos.z +.8},
minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxvel = {x=-.1, y=-.1, z=-0.1},
minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
minexptime = INTERVAL- .5*INTERVAL,
maxexptime = INTERVAL,
minsize = 4,
maxsize = 4,
collisiondetection = true,
vertical = false,
texture = "afk_fly_anim.png",
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
-- ^ specify width of a frame in pixels
aspect_h = 16,
-- ^ specify height of a frame in pixels
length = .2,
-- ^ specify full loop length
if (sit and not(p:get_hp() == 0)) or (in_bed and (not(p:get_hp() == 0))) then-- if they are afk and not dead then
-- spawn zzz particles here
local bed_offset = 0
if in_bed then
bed_offset = -1
amount = 5,
time = INTERVAL,
minpos = {x=pos.x -.4 , y=pos.y + 1.2 + bed_offset, z=pos.z -.4},
maxpos = {x=pos.x +.4 , y=pos.y + 1.5 + bed_offset, z=pos.z +.4},
minvel = {x=0, y=.1, z=0},
maxvel = {x=0.1, y=.3, z=0.1},
minacc = {x=0, y=.1, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0.01, y=.3, z=0.01},
minexptime = INTERVAL- .5*INTERVAL,
maxexptime = INTERVAL,
minsize = 1,
maxsize = 5,
collisiondetection = true,
vertical = false,
texture = "afk_z_anim.png",
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
-- ^ specify width of a frame in pixels
aspect_h = 16,
-- ^ specify height of a frame in pixels
length = INTERVAL,
-- ^ specify full loop length
for _, p in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do minetest.after(INTERVAL, check_moved)
local plname = p:get_player_name()
local in_bed = false
if beds_path then
if beds.player[plname] then
in_bed = true
local pos = p:get_pos()
local sit = false -- for now, assume that they are not afk. Well change that if we need to later on in this function
-- (below) if the player is not registered on the afk and no afk list, add them with them not being afk
if chat_noafk[plname] == nil then
attached_before_afk[plname] = default.player_attached[plname]
chat_afk[plname] = false
chat_noafk[plname] = true
-- if the plname index can be found on the last_pos table then: (the plname index would not be found if they joined since the last interval afk check... we'll get them next time around bc of setting thire name o the table)
if last_pos[plname] then
--get the distance between their current position and their last postion, d is distance
local d = vector.distance(last_pos[plname], pos)
-- print("Player: "..plname..", Dist: "..d)
if d < MINDIST then -- if d is less than minimum distance then
time_afk[plname] = (time_afk[plname] or 0) + INTERVAL -- add the checking interval to the player's time afk (eg not moved) number
--(below)and if the time not moved (time_afk at index plname) is more than the timeout time then sit them and post afk message to chat if we haven't already
if time_afk[plname] >= TIMEOUT then --if we've reached timeout on the afk time table or are beyond that timeout then
default.player_set_animation(p, "sit") -- make sure that the player is sitting
-- ^^^THIS COULD CAUSE A PROBLEM... what if they are already laying in bed and are afk? now they will be sitting in bed.-- fixed
sit = true --indicate that the player is sitting and that we have caused the sitting, for this iteration (used to keep player's animation as lay if they are dead)
chat_noafk[plname] = false --take them off the list of players that are not afk
if chat_afk[plname] == false then -- so they ARE afk after the timeout, but if they are not on the list of players that we have given an afk chat message about, then give the chat message now, and then indicate that we have given an afk message about them, so that we don't do it again.
minetest.chat_send_all("*** "..plname.." is AFK.") -- changed the number of stars to differentiate it from user-generated messages
chat_afk[plname] = true
attached_before_afk[plname] = default.player_attached[plname] -- for first time afk, the attached state has not been messed with yet by this mod. Save its state now to know whether to unattach the player when they come back
default.player_attached[plname] = true --I switched this in its order to be after the test for first time afk, so we could determine the original attached state
else -- oh, wait, if they have moved more than the minumum distance, then reset their afk time
time_afk[plname] = 0
if not sit then --if we have not made them sit this iteration then
last_pos[plname] = pos --set their last postion indicator to their current position for next iteration so we can detect movement
chat_afk[plname] = false --make sure we know that they are not afk for future reference
-- If a player returns and the status changes, we print a message to chat.
if chat_noafk[plname] == false then --if we didn't make them sit this iteration, its bc they are active. If their index on the not_afk list says that they ARE afk, then we haven't updated that info. SO,
minetest.chat_send_all("*** "..plname.." came back from AFK.") --let everyone know
chat_noafk[plname] = true --and update their status
if not(attached_before_afk[plname]) then -- only change animation and attached state to false IF they were not attached before they went afk. Let other mods handle setting them to not attached if they caused it
default.player_attached[plname] = false -- let the server know that they are not attached anymore - the server will stand them up.
default.player_set_animation(p, "stand") -- and make them stand up. I moved this from where it was setting the stand animation every check, to where it sets it only when coming back from afk
-- If players are dead and AFK or if they are in bed, keep their model in the lay position, not sit. Spawn particles
if (p:get_hp() == 0 or in_bed) and sit then --if they are dead or are lying in bed and would otherwise be sitting bc of afk, revoke the sit anim command, instead set it to lay
default.player_set_animation(p, "lay")
if p:get_hp() == 0 then
--spawn fly and stink particles here if they are afk and dead
amount = 15,
time = INTERVAL,
minpos = {x=pos.x -.8 , y=pos.y + .1, z=pos.z -.8},
maxpos = {x=pos.x +.8 , y=pos.y + 1, z=pos.z +.8},
minvel = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxvel = {x=-.1, y=-.1, z=-0.1},
minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
minexptime = INTERVAL- .5*INTERVAL,
maxexptime = INTERVAL,
minsize = 4,
maxsize = 4,
collisiondetection = true,
vertical = false,
texture = "afk_fly_anim.png",
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
-- ^ specify width of a frame in pixels
aspect_h = 16,
-- ^ specify height of a frame in pixels
length = .2,
-- ^ specify full loop length
if (sit and not(p:get_hp() == 0)) or (in_bed and (not(p:get_hp() == 0))) then-- if they are afk and not dead then
-- spawn zzz particles here
local bed_offset = 0
if in_bed then
bed_offset = -1
amount = 5,
time = INTERVAL,
minpos = {x=pos.x -.4 , y=pos.y + 1.2 + bed_offset, z=pos.z -.4},
maxpos = {x=pos.x +.4 , y=pos.y + 1.5 + bed_offset, z=pos.z +.4},
minvel = {x=0, y=.1, z=0},
maxvel = {x=0.1, y=.3, z=0.1},
minacc = {x=0, y=.1, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0.01, y=.3, z=0.01},
minexptime = INTERVAL- .5*INTERVAL,
maxexptime = INTERVAL,
minsize = 1,
maxsize = 5,
collisiondetection = true,
vertical = false,
texture = "afk_z_anim.png",
animation = {
type = "vertical_frames",
aspect_w = 16,
-- ^ specify width of a frame in pixels
aspect_h = 16,
-- ^ specify height of a frame in pixels
length = INTERVAL,
-- ^ specify full loop length
minetest.after(INTERVAL, check_moved)
end end
minetest.after(INTERVAL, check_moved) minetest.after(INTERVAL, check_moved)
minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) -- clean things up minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) -- clean things up
local plname = player:get_player_name() --If player is AFK the count should be lowered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time_afk[plname] = nil local plname = player:get_player_name()
last_pos[plname] = nil if chat_afk[plname] then
chat_afk[plname] = nil afk.afk_count = afk.afk_count - 1
chat_noafk[plname] = nil end
attached_before_afk[plname] = nil time_afk[plname] = nil
last_pos[plname] = nil
chat_afk[plname] = nil
chat_noafk[plname] = nil
attached_before_afk[plname] = nil
end) end)

View File

@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ end
local function update_formspecs(finished) local function update_formspecs(finished)
local ges = #minetest.get_connected_players() local ges = #minetest.get_connected_players()
local player_in_bed = get_player_in_bed_count() local player_in_bed = get_player_in_bed_count()
local is_majority = (ges / 2) < player_in_bed local afk_count = afk.afk_count
local is_majority = (#minetest.get_connected_players() / 2) < (player_in_bed + afk_count)
local form_n local form_n
local esc = minetest.formspec_escape local esc = minetest.formspec_escape
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ function beds.on_rightclick(pos, player)
local player_in_bed = get_player_in_bed_count() local player_in_bed = get_player_in_bed_count()
-- skip the night and let all players stand up -- skip the night and let all players stand up
if check_in_beds() then if check_in_beds() then --
minetest.after(2, function() minetest.after(2, function()
if not is_sp then if not is_sp then
update_formspecs(is_night_skip_enabled()) update_formspecs(is_night_skip_enabled())
@ -254,7 +255,8 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
end end
if fields.force then if fields.force then
local is_majority = (#minetest.get_connected_players() / 2) < last_player_in_bed local afk_count = afk.afk_count
local is_majority = (#minetest.get_connected_players() / 2) < (last_player_in_bed + afk_count)
if is_majority and is_night_skip_enabled() then if is_majority and is_night_skip_enabled() then
update_formspecs(true) update_formspecs(true)
beds.skip_night() beds.skip_night()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
local news = { local news = {
'AFK timeout increased to 15 minutes.',
'AFK players are no longer counted when trying to skip the night.',
'Removed the side space check for the flour mill, should not have been there.',
'10/24/20', '10/24/20',
'Added some more stone arcs.', 'Added some more stone arcs.',
'', '',

View File

@ -82,12 +82,6 @@ minetest.register_node('stations:flour_mill', {
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Flour Mill') meta:set_string('infotext', 'Flour Mill')
meta:set_string('formspec', formspec) meta:set_string('formspec', formspec)
end, end,
after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
if not epic.space_to_side(pos) then
return itemstack
can_dig = function(pos,player) can_dig = function(pos,player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local inv = meta:get_inventory() local inv = meta:get_inventory()
@ -154,12 +148,6 @@ minetest.register_node('stations:flour_mill_locked', {
meta:set_string('infotext', 'Flour Mill') meta:set_string('infotext', 'Flour Mill')
meta:set_string('formspec', formspec) meta:set_string('formspec', formspec)
end, end,
after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
if not epic.space_to_side(pos) then
return itemstack
can_dig = function(pos,player) can_dig = function(pos,player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local inv = meta:get_inventory() local inv = meta:get_inventory()