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As to tradition, we're going to start learning how to mod Minetest with "Hello world!" However, we're going to do it a bit differently. We're going to start by making a Hello World Pickaxe. Are you ready?


To mod in Minetest, we have to put our files in the right spot.

  • Windows: minetest-install-path/mods
  • OS X: minetest.app/Contents/Resources/bin/mods
  • GNU/Linux: ~/.minetest/mods

The Windows' location depends on where you installed it. Whatever you're using, just ask if you need help.

When you first start, the mods folder won't exist. You'll have to make it. Just make a new folder and name it mods.

Setting Up

With the mods folder ready, we can start with our special pickaxe mod. We have to make our project have its own folder and get the parts for it all together.

  1. Make a new folder inside of mods. Name it helloworld.
  2. Inside of the new helloworld folder, we make a new file named init.lua
  3. Make a new folder next to your file. Name it textures.
  4. Save this helloworld_hellopick.png image into the textures folder.

This is the basic setup we need for this mod we're making. We gave it its own folder, helloworld, and then we setup the pieces it will use. init.lua is the file we will put our code in. The textures folder will hold our image for our pickaxe, that image being helloworld_hellopick.png.

First Code

Open up init.lua in your editor.

minetest.register_tool("helloworld:pick_hello", {
   inventory_image = "helloworld_hellopick.png"

Notice that there are parenthesis (( )) and braces ({ }). It might help to see it this way instead.

      inventory_image = "helloworld_hellopick.png"

When you've copied it down just like that, save the file.

Trying the Pick

Let's check out our Hello Pickaxe now! Start up Minetest.

  1. Hit New to make a new world to play in. Call it Tutorial.
  2. Use the arrow keys (not the mouse) to select new world you made. Then hit Configure.
  3. On the right-hand side, find our helloworld mod. Click on it.
  4. Check the enabled box at the top.
  5. Hit Save.

Now, start up the Tutorial world we just made!

We don't have a way to make our pickaxe, so we're going to tell the game to just give it to us.

  1. Hit the / (slash) or T key.
  2. Type in /giveme helloworld:pick_hello.
  3. Hit Enter or press Proceed.

Now you have the Hello World Pickaxe!

If you notice, the /giveme helloworld:pick_hello matches some of the code we wrote earlier. That piece is basically the name the game calls our pickaxe.

If you wanted a Stone Pickaxe, you would instead do /giveme default:pick_stone. Just as we called ours with the name of our mod (helloworld), the regular tools have a name in front of them too (default).

Item Description

Run around in the game and some other items. They can be other tools or just some blocks.

If you hit the I key and look at your items, you'll see that the other things all tell you what they are when the mouse arrow is over them. Our pickaxe doesn't do that. Let's fix that!

First, hit the Esc key and the Exit to Menu button. We'll play again soon, don't worry! We just can't change the code while the game is actually playing. It's okay while the start screen is up though.

So we need to add a line to our init.lua.

minetest.register_tool("helloworld:pick_hello", {
   description = "Hello World Pickaxe",
   inventory_image = "helloworld_hellopick.png"

Again, if it's clearer, look at it this way.

      description = "Hello World Pickaxe",
      inventory_image = "helloworld_hellopick.png"

Make sure you don't forget that comma!

Once you get all that and save, start up the Tutorial world again. Check out your pickaxe in your item screen now. You did that!

Adding More Properties

We need to give our pickaxe some more things. To help, let's look at the code for the Stone Pickaxe.

minetest.register_tool("default:pick_stone", {
   description = "Stone Pickaxe",
   inventory_image = "default_tool_stonepick.png",
   tool_capabilities = {
      full_punch_interval = 1.3,
         cracky = {times={[2]=2.0, [3]=1.20}, uses=20, maxlevel=1},
      damage_groups = {fleshy=3},

That's a lot of extra stuff! Let's copy the new things over into our Hello World Pickaxe code.

minetest.register_tool("helloworld:pick_hello", {
   description = "Hello World Pickaxe",
   inventory_image = "helloworld_hellopick.png",
   tool_capabilities = {
      full_punch_interval = 1.3,
         cracky = {times={[2]=2.0, [3]=1.20}, uses=20, maxlevel=1},
      damage_groups = {fleshy=3},
minetest.register_tool("tutorial:hellopick", {
	inventory_image = "tutorial_tool_hellopick.png",
	description = "Hello World Pickaxe",
	tool_capabilities = {
		full_punch_interval = 1.3,
			cracky = {times={[2]=2.0, [3]=1.20}, uses=20, maxlevel=1},
		damage_groups = {fleshy=3},
	after_use = function(itemstack, user, node, digparams)      
	      minetest.chat_send_all("Hello world!")
         return itemstack

Crafting Hello World Pickaxe. default: is needed for Minimal version, whereas group: in the regular one allows for all of the type instead of just the individual kind. (Cobblestone is a kind of stone, for instance.)

	output = "tutorial:hellopick",
	recipe = {
		{'default:stone', 'default:dirt', 'default:stone'},
		{'', 'default:stick', ''},
		{'', 'default:stick', ''},
function tutorial_crafting()
   local s = "default:stone"
   local t = "default:stick"
   local d = "default:dirt"

	   output = "tutorial:hellopick",
	   recipe = {
		   {s, d, s},
		   {'', t, ''},
		   {'', t, ''},
