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Voxel Knights API
May be incomplete. Any help with documentation is appreciated
vk_quests.register_quest(type, name, def)
- type - Type of quest.
- kill - Quest to kill a certain amount of enemies
- name - Used to identify the quest
- def - quest def. See [Quest Types] for more info
[Quest Types]
- type - "kill"
- name - Name of enemy to kill (e.g spider:spider)
- def:
- description - Description of quest (e.g Kill 10 spiders)
- comments (string/list of strings) - Comments for the NPC to make about the quest
- amount - Amount of enemies that you need to kill
- rewards - Table of rewards to give on completion.
- Works with all [Player Meta] stored as an int
- Example: {xp = 3, gold = 10} to give 3 xp and 10 gold
[Player Meta]
List of all player meta used for things like gold/xp
(int) - Stores the player's goldxp
(int) - Stores the player's xpavailiable_statpoints
(int) - Stores the player's avaliable statpoints