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2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
-- Loud Walking deco.lua
-- Copyright Duane Robertson (duane@duanerobertson.com), 2017
-- Distributed under the LGPLv2.1 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html)
2016-03-31 16:11:15 -07:00
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
2016-03-31 16:11:15 -07:00
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
local dangerous = true
loud_walking.decorations = {}
2016-03-31 16:11:15 -07:00
2016-09-18 16:38:12 -07:00
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
for _, odeco in pairs(minetest.registered_decorations) do
if not odeco.schematic then
local deco = {}
if odeco.biomes then
deco.biomes = {}
2017-09-12 01:29:07 -07:00
if type(odeco.biomes) == 'table' then
for _, b in pairs(odeco.biomes) do
deco.biomes[b] = true
elseif type(odeco.biomes) == 'string' then
deco.biomes[odeco.biomes] = true
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
deco.deco_type = odeco.deco_type
deco.decoration = odeco.decoration
deco.schematic = odeco.schematic
deco.fill_ratio = odeco.fill_ratio
if odeco.noise_params then
deco.fill_ratio = math.max(0.001, (odeco.noise_params.scale + odeco.noise_params.offset) / 4)
local nod = minetest.registered_nodes[deco.decoration]
if nod and nod.groups and nod.groups.flower then
deco.flower = true
loud_walking.decorations[#loud_walking.decorations+1] = deco
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
loud_walking.biomes = {}
local biomes = loud_walking.biomes
local biome_names = {}
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
local biome_mod = {
cold_desert = { danger = 2, y_min = 1, },
cold_desert_ocean = { danger = 2, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
coniferous_forest = { danger = 0, y_min = 1, },
coniferous_forest_ocean = { danger = 0, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
deciduous_forest = { danger = 0, },
deciduous_forest_ocean = { danger = 0, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, },
deciduous_forest_shore = { danger = 0, },
desert = { danger = 2, y_min = 1, },
desert_ocean = { danger = 2, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
--glacier = { y_min = 1, node_water_top = 'loud_walking:thin_ice', depth_water_top = 1, },
glacier = { danger = 2, y_min = 1, depth_water_top = 1, },
glacier_ocean = { danger = 2, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
grassland = { danger = 0, y_min = 1, },
grassland_ocean = { danger = 0, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
icesheet = { danger = 2, y_min = 1, },
icesheet_ocean = { danger = 2, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
rainforest = { danger = 1, node_riverbed = 'default:dirt', },
rainforest_ocean = { danger = 1, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, node_riverbed = 'default:dirt', },
rainforest_swamp = { danger = 1,},
sandstone_desert = { danger = 2, y_min = 1, },
sandstone_desert_ocean = { danger = 2, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
savanna = { danger = 1, },
savanna_ocean = { danger = 1, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, },
savanna_shore = { danger = 1, },
snowy_grassland = { danger = 1, y_min = 1, },
snowy_grassland_ocean = { danger = 1, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
--taiga = { y_min = 1, node_water_top = 'loud_walking:thin_ice', depth_water_top = 1, },
taiga = { danger = 1, y_min = 1, depth_water_top = 1, },
taiga_ocean = { danger = 1, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
--tundra = { node_river_water = "loud_walking:thin_ice", },
--tundra_beach = { node_river_water = "loud_walking:thin_ice", },
--tundra = { node_top = 'default:snowblock', depth_top = 1, y_min = 1, node_water_top = 'loud_walking:thin_ice', depth_water_top = 1, },
tundra = { danger = 2, node_top = 'default:snowblock', depth_top = 1, y_min = 1, depth_water_top = 1, },
tundra_ocean = { danger = 2, y_min = -loud_walking.max_height, y_max = 0, },
underground = {},
local tree_biomes = {}
tree_biomes["deciduous_forest"] = {"apple_tree", 'aspen_tree'}
tree_biomes["coniferous_forest"] = {"pine_tree"}
tree_biomes["taiga"] = {"pine_tree"}
tree_biomes["rainforest"] = {"jungle_tree"}
tree_biomes["rainforest_swamp"] = {"jungle_tree"}
tree_biomes["coniferous_forest"] = {"pine_tree"}
tree_biomes["savanna"] = {"acacia_tree"}
for i, obiome in pairs(minetest.registered_biomes) do
local biome = table.copy(obiome)
biome.special_trees = tree_biomes[biome.name]
biome.terrain_scale = 1
biomes[biome.name] = biome
biome_names[#biome_names+1] = biome.name
if string.find(biome.name, "ocean") then
biome.terrain_scale = 2
if string.find(biome.name, "swamp") then
biome.terrain_scale = 0.5
if string.find(biome.name, "beach") then
biome.terrain_scale = 0.5
if string.find(biome.name, "^underground$") then
biome.node_top = "default:stone"
--if type(biome.depth_water_top) == 'string' then
-- print('** '..biome.name)
for n, bi in pairs(biome_mod) do
for i, rbi in pairs(biomes) do
if rbi.name == n then
for j, prop in pairs(bi) do
biomes[i][j] = prop
biomes['tundra_beach'] = nil
biomes['grassland_dunes'] = nil
biomes['coniferous_forest_dunes'] = nil
biomes['deciduous_forest_shore'] = nil
biomes['savanna_shore'] = nil
biomes["desertstone_grassland"] = {
name = "desertstone_grassland",
--node_dust = "",
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:desert_stone",
node_riverbed = "default:sand",
depth_riverbed = 2,
--node_water_top = "",
--depth_water_top = ,
--node_water = "",
--node_river_water = "",
y_min = 6,
y_max = loud_walking.max_height,
heat_point = 80,
humidity_point = 55,
terrain_scale = 1,
if dangerous then
biomes["toxic_forest"] = {
name = "toxic_forest",
node_top = "loud_walking:polluted_dirt",
danger = 3,
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "loud_walking:polluted_dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_riverbed = "loud_walking:polluted_dirt",
depth_riverbed = 1,
node_water = "loud_walking:water_poison_source",
node_river_water = "loud_walking:water_poison_source",
special_trees = {"decaying_tree"},
y_min = 1,
y_max = loud_walking.max_height,
heat_point = 20,
humidity_point = 50,
terrain_scale = 0.75,
biomes["toxic_forest_ocean"] = {
name = "toxic_forest_ocean",
node_top = "loud_walking:polluted_dirt",
danger = 3,
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "loud_walking:polluted_dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
node_riverbed = "loud_walking:polluted_dirt",
depth_riverbed = 1,
node_water = "loud_walking:water_poison_source",
node_river_water = "loud_walking:water_poison_source",
y_min = -10,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = 20,
humidity_point = 50,
terrain_scale = 1,
biomes["draconic"] = {
name = "draconic",
--node_dust = "",
node_top = "loud_walking:cracked_stone",
depth_top = 1,
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_filler = "loud_walking:granite",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
depth_filler = 1,
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_stone = "loud_walking:granite",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
--node_water_top = "",
--depth_water_top = ,
--node_water = "",
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_river_water = "loud_walking:basalt",
node_riverbed = "loud_walking:basalt",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
depth_riverbed = 2,
danger = 3,
y_min = 1,
y_max = loud_walking.max_height,
heat_point = 80,
humidity_point = 20,
terrain_scale = 1,
biomes["draconic_ocean"] = {
name = "draconic_ocean",
--node_dust = "",
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_top = "loud_walking:granite",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
depth_top = 1,
danger = 3,
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_filler = "loud_walking:granite",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
depth_filler = 3,
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_stone = "loud_walking:granite",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
y_min = -20,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = 80,
humidity_point = 20,
terrain_scale = 1,
biomes["bizarre"] = {
name = "bizarre",
--node_dust = "",
node_top = "loud_walking:dirt_with_odd_grass",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt",
depth_filler = 1,
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_stone = "loud_walking:basalt",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
--node_water_top = "",
--depth_water_top = ,
--node_water = "",
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
--node_river_water = "loud_walking:basalt",
--node_riverbed = "loud_walking:basalt",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
--depth_riverbed = 2,
special_trees = {'fur_tree'},
danger = 3,
y_min = 1,
y_max = loud_walking.max_height,
heat_point = 60,
humidity_point = 70,
terrain_scale = 1,
biomes["bizarre_ocean"] = {
name = "bizarre_ocean",
--node_dust = "",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 1,
danger = 3,
node_filler = "default:sand",
depth_filler = 3,
2017-07-11 20:43:09 -07:00
node_stone = "loud_walking:basalt",
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
y_min = -20,
y_max = 0,
heat_point = 60,
humidity_point = 70,
loud_walking.decorations[#loud_walking.decorations+1] = {
deco_type = "simple",
place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass"},
sidelen = 80,
fill_ratio = 0.1,
biomes = {"desertstone_grassland", },
y_min = 1,
y_max = loud_walking.max_height,
decoration = "default:junglegrass",
2016-03-31 16:11:15 -07:00
local function register_flower(name, desc, biomes, chance)
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
local groups = {}
groups.snappy = 3
groups.flammable = 2
groups.flower = 1
groups.flora = 1
groups.attached_node = 1
minetest.register_node("loud_walking:" .. name, {
description = desc,
drawtype = "plantlike",
waving = 1,
tiles = {"loud_walking_" .. name .. ".png"},
inventory_image = "loud_walking_" .. name .. ".png",
wield_image = "flowers_" .. name .. ".png",
sunlight_propagates = true,
paramtype = "light",
walkable = false,
buildable_to = true,
stack_max = 99,
groups = groups,
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -5/16, 0.5},
local bi = {}
if biomes then
bi = {}
for _, b in pairs(biomes) do
bi[b] = true
loud_walking.decorations[#loud_walking.decorations+1] = {
deco_type = "simple",
place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass"},
biomes = bi,
fill_ratio = chance,
flower = true,
decoration = "loud_walking:"..name,
register_flower("orchid", "Orchid", {"rainforest", "rainforest_swamp"}, 0.025)
register_flower("bird_of_paradise", "Bird of Paradise", {"rainforest", "desertstone_grassland"}, 0.025)
register_flower("gerbera", "Gerbera", {"savanna", "rainforest", "desertstone_grassland"}, 0.005)
2016-03-31 16:11:15 -07:00
local function register_decoration(deco, place_on, biomes, chance)
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
local bi = {}
if biomes then
bi = {}
for _, b in pairs(biomes) do
bi[b] = true
loud_walking.decorations[#loud_walking.decorations+1] = {
deco_type = "simple",
place_on = place_on,
biomes = bi,
fill_ratio = chance,
decoration = deco,
2016-09-18 16:38:12 -07:00
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
if dangerous then
--register_decoration('default:lava_source', 'loud_walking:cracked_stone', {'draconic'}, 0.0005)
register_decoration('loud_walking:blackened_shrub', 'loud_walking:polluted_dirt', {'toxic_forest'}, 0.05)
register_decoration('flowers:mushroom_red', 'loud_walking:polluted_dirt', {'toxic_forest'}, 0.05)
register_decoration('loud_walking:strange_plant_1', 'loud_walking:dirt_with_odd_grass', {'bizarre'}, 0.05)
register_decoration('loud_walking:strange_plant_2', 'loud_walking:dirt_with_odd_grass', {'bizarre'}, 0.05)
2016-09-18 16:38:12 -07:00
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
for i = 1, 4 do
register_decoration('loud_walking:stone_spike_'..i, 'loud_walking:cracked_stone', {'draconic'}, 0.02 / i)
2016-09-18 16:38:12 -07:00
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
local function get_decoration(biome_name)
for i, deco in pairs(loud_walking.decorations) do
if not deco.biomes or deco.biomes[biome_name] then
if deco.deco_type == "simple" then
if deco.fill_ratio and math.random(1000) - 1 < deco.fill_ratio * 1000 then
2017-09-14 21:05:03 -07:00
if type(deco.decoration) == 'string' then
return deco.decoration
elseif type(deco.decoration) == 'table' then
return deco.decoration[math.random(#deco.decoration)]
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
2016-03-31 16:11:15 -07:00
2017-06-25 08:31:21 -07:00
loud_walking.get_decoration = get_decoration