
125 lines
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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// vid.c 0.1 10-01-96.22-11-96
#ifndef _rendmode_h_
#define _rendmode_h_
#include "ivisdef.h"
#include "pieblitfunc.h"
#include "bitimage.h"
#include "textdraw.h"
#define iV_Line pie_Line
#define iV_Box pie_Box
#define iV_BoxFill pie_BoxFillIndex
#define iV_TransBoxFill pie_TransBoxFill
#define iV_DrawImage pie_ImageFileID
#define iV_DrawImageRect pie_ImageFileIDTile
#define iV_DrawTransImage pie_ImageFileID
#define iV_DrawTransImageRect pie_ImageFileIDTile
#define REND_D3D_RGB 0x133 // Direct3D 640x480x16bit RGB renderer (mmx)
#define REND_D3D_HAL 0x143 // Direct3D 640x480x16bit hardware
#define REND_D3D_REF 0x153 // Direct3D 640x480x16bit hardware
#define REND_GLIDE_3DFX 0x200 // 3dfx Glide API
#define REND_16BIT 0x400 // 16bit software mode for video
#define iV_MODE_SURFACE 0x10000 // off-screen surface
#define REND_PSX 0x20000 // PlayStation - added by tjc
#define REND_UNDEFINED -1 // undefined mode
// polygon flags b0..b7: col, b24..b31: anim index
//#define PIE_FLAT 0x00000100
#define PIE_TEXTURED 0x00000200
//#define PIE_WIRE 0x00000400
#define PIE_COLOURKEYED 0x00000800
//#define PIE_GOURAUD 0x00001000
#define PIE_NO_CULL 0x00002000
//#define PIE_TEXANIM 0x00004000 // PIE_TEX must be set also
#define PIE_PSXTEX 0x00008000 // - use playstation texture allocation method
#define PIE_BSPFRESH 0x00010000 // Freshly created by the BSP
#define PIE_NOHALFPSXTEX 0x00020000
#define PIE_ALPHA 0x00040000
#define iV_SCREEN_WIDTH (rendSurface.width)
extern iSurface rendSurface;
extern iSurface *psRendSurface;
extern void rend_AssignScreen(void);
extern void rend_Assign(iSurface *s);
extern void iV_RenderAssign(iSurface *s);
extern void iV_SurfaceDestroy(iSurface *s);
extern iSurface *iV_SurfaceCreate(Uint32 flags, int width, int height, int xp, int yp, Uint8 *buffer);
extern int iV_GetDisplayWidth(void);
extern int iV_GetDisplayHeight(void);
// vid stuff still to be cut down
extern char* (*iV_ScreenDumpToDisk)(void);
extern void (*iV_ppBitmap)(iBitmap *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ow);
extern void (*iV_ppBitmapTrans)(iBitmap *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ow);
extern void (*iV_SetTransFilter)(UDWORD rgb,UDWORD tablenumber);
extern void (*iV_UniBitmapDepth)(int texPage, int u, int v, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
int x, int y, int destWidth, int destHeight, unsigned char brightness, int depth);
extern void (*iV_SetTransImds)(BOOL trans);
/* Blit a transparent rectangle to the back buffer */
extern void iVBlitTransRect(UDWORD x0, UDWORD x1, UDWORD y0, UDWORD y1);
/* Optimised DWORD read/write to memory */
extern void iVFBlitTransRect(UDWORD x0, UDWORD y0, UDWORD x1, UDWORD y1);
/* Possible filter colours for the transparency rectangle blit */
#define TINT_BLUE 0
#define TRANS_GREY 1
#define TRANS_BLUE 2
#define TRANS_BRITE 3
extern void iV_DrawMousePointer(int x,int y);
extern void iV_SetMousePointer(IMAGEFILE *ImageFile,UWORD ImageID);
extern void (*iV_ppBitmapColourTrans)(iBitmap *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ow,int ColourIndex);