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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Warzone 2100 Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/** @file
* Interface to the common stats module
#include <utility>
#include "objectdef.h"
* Function prototypes and data storage for the stats
/* The stores for the different stats */
extern BODY_STATS *asBodyStats;
extern BRAIN_STATS *asBrainStats;
extern PROPULSION_STATS *asPropulsionStats;
extern SENSOR_STATS *asSensorStats;
extern ECM_STATS *asECMStats;
extern REPAIR_STATS *asRepairStats;
extern WEAPON_STATS *asWeaponStats;
extern CONSTRUCT_STATS *asConstructStats;
extern PROPULSION_TYPES *asPropulsionTypes;
//used to hold the modifiers cross refd by weapon effect and propulsion type
/* The number of different stats stored */
extern UDWORD numBodyStats;
extern UDWORD numBrainStats;
extern UDWORD numPropulsionStats;
extern UDWORD numSensorStats;
extern UDWORD numECMStats;
extern UDWORD numRepairStats;
extern UDWORD numWeaponStats;
extern UDWORD numConstructStats;
extern UDWORD numTerrainTypes;
/* What number the ref numbers start at for each type of stat */
#define REF_BODY_START 0x010000
#define REF_BRAIN_START 0x020000
#define REF_PROPULSION_START 0x040000
#define REF_SENSOR_START 0x050000
#define REF_ECM_START 0x060000
#define REF_REPAIR_START 0x080000
#define REF_WEAPON_START 0x0a0000
#define REF_RESEARCH_START 0x0b0000
#define REF_TEMPLATE_START 0x0c0000
#define REF_STRUCTURE_START 0x0d0000
#define REF_FUNCTION_START 0x0e0000
#define REF_CONSTRUCT_START 0x0f0000
#define REF_FEATURE_START 0x100000
/* The maximum number of refs for a type of stat */
#define REF_RANGE 0x010000
//stores for each players component states - see below
//store for each players Structure states
extern UBYTE *apStructTypeLists[MAX_PLAYERS];
//Values to fill apCompLists and apStructTypeLists. Not a bitfield, values are in case that helps with savegame compatibility.
enum ItemAvailability
AVAILABLE = 1, // This item can be used to design droids.
UNAVAILABLE = 2, // The player does not know about this item.
FOUND = 4, // This item has been found, but is unresearched.
REDUNDANT = 10, // The player no longer needs this item.
* Allocate stats functions
/* Allocate Weapon stats */
extern bool statsAllocWeapons(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Armour stats*/
//extern bool statsAllocArmour(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Body stats*/
extern bool statsAllocBody(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Brain stats*/
extern bool statsAllocBrain(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Propulsion stats*/
extern bool statsAllocPropulsion(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Sensor stats*/
extern bool statsAllocSensor(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Ecm Stats*/
extern bool statsAllocECM(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Repair Stats*/
extern bool statsAllocRepair(UDWORD numEntries);
/*Allocate Construct Stats*/
extern bool statsAllocConstruct(UDWORD numEntries);
* Load stats functions
/* Return the number of newlines in a file buffer */
extern UDWORD numCR(const char *pFileBuffer, UDWORD fileSize);
/*Load the weapon stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadWeaponStats(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the body stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadBodyStats(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the brain stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadBrainStats(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the propulsion stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadPropulsionStats(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the sensor stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadSensorStats(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the ecm stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadECMStats(const char *fileName);
/*Load the repair stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadRepairStats(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the construct stats from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadConstructStats(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the Propulsion Types from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadPropulsionTypes(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the propulsion sounds from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadPropulsionSounds(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the Terrain Table from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadTerrainTable(const char *pFileName);
/* load the IMDs to use for each body-propulsion combination */
extern bool loadBodyPropulsionIMDs(const char *pFileName);
/*Load the Weapon Effect Modifiers from the file exported from Access*/
extern bool loadWeaponModifiers(const char *pFileName);
* Generic stats functions
/*calls the STATS_DEALLOC macro for each set of stats*/
extern bool statsShutDown(void);
extern UDWORD getSpeedFactor(UDWORD terrainType, UDWORD propulsionType);
/// Get the component index for a component based on the name, verifying with type
int getCompFromName(COMPONENT_TYPE compType, const QString &name);
/// Get the component pointer for a component based on the name
COMPONENT_STATS *getCompStatsFromName(const QString &name);
/*returns the weapon sub class based on the string name passed in */
extern bool getWeaponSubClass(const char* subClass, WEAPON_SUBCLASS* wclass);
const char *getWeaponSubClass(WEAPON_SUBCLASS wclass);
/*sets the store to the body size based on the name passed in - returns false
if doesn't compare with any*/
extern bool getBodySize(const char *pSize, BODY_SIZE *pStore);
* Determines the propulsion type indicated by the @c typeName string passed
* in.
* @param typeName name of the propulsion type to determine the enumerated
* constant for.
* @param[out] type Will contain an enumerated constant representing the given
* propulsion type, if successful (as indicated by the return
* value).
* @return true if successful, false otherwise. If successful, @c *type will
* contain a valid propulsion type enumerator, otherwise its value will
* be left unchanged.
extern bool getPropulsionType(const char* typeName, PROPULSION_TYPE* type);
* Determines the weapon effect indicated by the @c weaponEffect string passed
* in.
* @param weaponEffect name of the weapon effect to determine the enumerated
* constant for.
* @param[out] effect Will contain an enumerated constant representing the
* given weapon effect, if successful (as indicated by the
* return value).
* @return true if successful, false otherwise. If successful, @c *effect will
* contain a valid weapon effect enumerator, otherwise its value will
* be left unchanged.
extern const StringToEnumMap<WEAPON_EFFECT> map_WEAPON_EFFECT;
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponROF(const WEAPON_STATS *psStat, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponFirePause(const WEAPON_STATS* psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponReloadTime(const WEAPON_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponShortHit(const WEAPON_STATS* psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponLongHit(const WEAPON_STATS* psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponDamage(const WEAPON_STATS* psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponRadDamage(const WEAPON_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int weaponPeriodicalDamage(const WEAPON_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int sensorRange(const SENSOR_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int ecmRange(const ECM_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int repairPoints(const REPAIR_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int constructorPoints(const CONSTRUCT_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int bodyPower(const BODY_STATS *psStats, int player);
WZ_DECL_PURE int bodyArmour(const BODY_STATS *psStats, int player, WEAPON_CLASS weaponClass);
extern void adjustMaxDesignStats(void);
//Access functions for the max values to be used in the Design Screen
extern UDWORD getMaxComponentWeight(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxBodyArmour(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxBodyPower(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxBodyPoints(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxSensorRange(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxECMRange(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxConstPoints(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxRepairPoints(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxWeaponRange(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxWeaponDamage(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxWeaponROF(void);
extern UDWORD getMaxPropulsionSpeed(void);
WZ_DECL_PURE bool objHasWeapon(const BASE_OBJECT *psObj);
extern void statsInitVars(void);
bool getWeaponEffect(const char* weaponEffect, WEAPON_EFFECT* effect);
bool getWeaponClass(QString weaponClassStr, WEAPON_CLASS *weaponClass);
/* Wrappers */
/** If object is an active radar (has sensor turret), then return a pointer to its sensor stats. If not, return NULL. */
WZ_DECL_PURE SENSOR_STATS *objActiveRadar(const BASE_OBJECT *psObj);
/** Returns whether object has a radar detector sensor. */
WZ_DECL_PURE bool objRadarDetector(const BASE_OBJECT *psObj);
#endif // __INCLUDED_SRC_STATS_H__