
903 lines
23 KiB

This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Warzone 2100 Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Message.c
* Functions for the messages shown in the Intelligence Map
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include "lib/framework/frame.h"
#include "lib/framework/wzconfig.h"
#include "lib/framework/frameresource.h"
#include "lib/framework/strres.h"
#include "lib/sound/audio.h"
#include "lib/sound/audio_id.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "hci.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "text.h"
static QMap<QString, VIEWDATA *> apsViewData;
/* The id number for the next message allocated
* Each message will have a unique id number irrespective of type
static UDWORD msgID = 0;
static int currentNumProxDisplays;
/* The list of messages allocated */
/* The list of proximity displays allocated */
/* The IMD to use for the proximity messages */
iIMDShape *pProximityMsgIMD;
/* Creating a new message
* new is a pointer to a pointer to the new message
* type is the type of the message
static inline MESSAGE* createMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE msgType, UDWORD player)
MESSAGE *newMsg;
ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, player < MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad player");
ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, msgType < MSG_TYPES, "Bad message");
// Allocate memory for the message, and on failure return a NULL pointer
newMsg = (MESSAGE *)malloc(sizeof(MESSAGE));
newMsg->type = msgType;
newMsg->dataType = MSG_DATA_DEFAULT;
newMsg->id = (msgID << 3) | selectedPlayer;
newMsg->pViewData = NULL;
newMsg->read = false;
newMsg->player = player;
return newMsg;
/* Add the message to the BOTTOM of the list
* list is a pointer to the message list
static inline void addMessageToList(MESSAGE *list[MAX_PLAYERS], MESSAGE *msg, UDWORD player)
MESSAGE *psCurr = NULL, *psPrev = NULL;
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , msg != NULL, "Invalid message pointer");
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , player < MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad player");
// If there is no message list, create one
if (list[player] == NULL)
list[player] = msg;
msg->psNext = NULL;
switch (msg->type)
/*add it before the first mission/research/prox message */
for(psCurr = list[player]; psCurr != NULL; psCurr = psCurr->psNext)
if (psCurr->type == MSG_MISSION ||
psCurr->type == MSG_RESEARCH ||
psCurr->type == MSG_PROXIMITY)
psPrev = psCurr;
if (psPrev)
psPrev->psNext = msg;
msg->psNext = psCurr;
//must be top of list
psPrev = list[player];
list[player] = msg;
msg->psNext = psPrev;
/*add it before the first research/prox message */
for(psCurr = list[player]; psCurr != NULL; psCurr = psCurr->psNext)
if (psCurr->type == MSG_RESEARCH ||
psCurr->type == MSG_PROXIMITY)
psPrev = psCurr;
if (psPrev)
psPrev->psNext = msg;
msg->psNext = psCurr;
//must be top of list
psPrev = list[player];
list[player] = msg;
msg->psNext = psPrev;
/*add it to the bottom of the list */
// Iterate to the last item in the list
for (psCurr = list[player]; psCurr->psNext != NULL; psCurr = psCurr->psNext) {}
// Append the new message to the end of the list
psCurr->psNext = msg;
msg->psNext = NULL;
debug(LOG_ERROR, "unknown message type");
/* Remove a message from the list
* list is a pointer to the message list
* del is a pointer to the message to remove
static inline void removeMessageFromList(MESSAGE *list[], MESSAGE *del, UDWORD player)
MESSAGE *psPrev = NULL, *psCurr;
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , del != NULL, "Invalid message pointer");
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , player < MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad player");
// If the message to remove is the first one in the list then mark the next one as the first
if (list[player] == del)
list[player] = list[player]->psNext;
// Iterate through the list and find the item before the message to delete
for(psCurr = list[player]; (psCurr != del) && (psCurr != NULL); psCurr = psCurr->psNext)
psPrev = psCurr;
ASSERT(psCurr != NULL, "message not found in list");
if (psCurr != NULL)
// Modify the "next" pointer of the previous item to
// point to the "next" item of the item to delete.
psPrev->psNext = psCurr->psNext;
static inline void releaseAllMessages(MESSAGE *list[])
MESSAGE *psCurr, *psNext;
// Iterate through all players' message lists
for(i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// Iterate through all messages in list
for(psCurr = list[i]; psCurr != NULL; psCurr = psNext)
psNext = psCurr->psNext;
list[i] = NULL;
bool messageInitVars(void)
int i;
msgID = 0;
currentNumProxDisplays = 0;
for(i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
apsMessages[i] = NULL;
apsProxDisp[i] = NULL;
pProximityMsgIMD = NULL;
return true;
//allocates the viewdata heap
bool initViewData(void)
return true;
/* Adds a beacon message. A wrapper for addMessage() */
MESSAGE * addBeaconMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE msgType, bool proxPos, UDWORD player)
MESSAGE* psBeaconMsgToAdd = addMessage(msgType, proxPos, player);
ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, psBeaconMsgToAdd, "createMessage failed");
// remember we are storing beacon data in this message
psBeaconMsgToAdd->dataType = MSG_DATA_BEACON;
return psBeaconMsgToAdd;
/* adds a proximity display - holds variables that enable the message to be
displayed in the Intelligence Screen*/
static void addProximityDisplay(MESSAGE *psMessage, bool proxPos, UDWORD player)
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , player < MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad player");
debug(LOG_MSG, "Added prox display for player %u (proxPos=%d)", player, (int)proxPos);
//create the proximity display
if (proxPos)
psToAdd->type = POS_PROXOBJ;
psToAdd->type = POS_PROXDATA;
psToAdd->psMessage = psMessage;
psToAdd->screenX = 0;
psToAdd->screenY = 0;
psToAdd->screenR = 0;
psToAdd->player = player;
psToAdd->timeLastDrawn = 0;
psToAdd->frameNumber = 0;
psToAdd->selected = false;
psToAdd->strobe = 0;
//add a button to the interface
if (intAddProximityButton(psToAdd, currentNumProxDisplays))
// Now add it to the top of the list. Be aware that this
// check means that messages and proximity displays can
// become out of sync - but this should never happen.
psToAdd->psNext = apsProxDisp[player];
apsProxDisp[player] = psToAdd;
free(psToAdd); // clean up
/*Add a message to the list */
MESSAGE * addMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE msgType, bool proxPos, UDWORD player)
//first create a message of the required type
MESSAGE* psMsgToAdd = createMessage(msgType, player);
debug(LOG_MSG, "adding message for player %d, type is %d, proximity is %d", player, msgType, proxPos);
ASSERT(psMsgToAdd, "createMessage failed");
if (!psMsgToAdd)
return NULL;
//then add to the players' list
addMessageToList(apsMessages, psMsgToAdd, player);
//add a proximity display
if (msgType == MSG_PROXIMITY)
addProximityDisplay(psMsgToAdd, proxPos, player);
return psMsgToAdd;
/* remove a proximity display */
static void removeProxDisp(MESSAGE *psMessage, UDWORD player)
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , player < MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad player");
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , psMessage != NULL, "Bad message");
if (!apsProxDisp[player])
return; // no corresponding proximity display
//find the proximity display for this message
if (apsProxDisp[player]->psMessage == psMessage)
psCurr = apsProxDisp[player];
apsProxDisp[player] = apsProxDisp[player]->psNext;
psPrev = apsProxDisp[player];
for(psCurr = apsProxDisp[player]; psCurr != NULL; psCurr =
//compare the pointers
if (psCurr->psMessage == psMessage)
psPrev->psNext = psCurr->psNext;
psPrev = psCurr;
/*remove a message */
void removeMessage(MESSAGE *psDel, UDWORD player)
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , player < MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad player");
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , psDel != NULL, "Bad message");
debug(LOG_MSG, "removing message for player %d", player);
if (psDel->type == MSG_PROXIMITY)
removeProxDisp(psDel, player);
removeMessageFromList(apsMessages, psDel, player);
/* Remove all Messages*/
void freeMessages(void)
/* removes all the proximity displays */
void releaseAllProxDisp(void)
UDWORD player;
for(player=0; player<MAX_PLAYERS; player++)
for(psCurr = apsProxDisp[player]; psCurr != NULL; psCurr = psNext)
psNext = psCurr->psNext;
//remove message associated with this display
removeMessage(psCurr->psMessage, player);
apsProxDisp[player] = NULL;
//re-initialise variables
currentNumProxDisplays = 0;
/* Initialise the message heaps */
bool initMessage(void)
//set up the imd used for proximity messages
pProximityMsgIMD = modelGet("arrow.pie");
if (pProximityMsgIMD == NULL)
ASSERT(false, "Unable to load Proximity Message PIE");
return false;
return true;
/*load the view data for the messages from the file */
const char *loadViewData(const char *pViewMsgData, UDWORD bufferSize)
UDWORD i, dataInc, seqInc, dummy, numData, count, count2;
VIEW_REPLAY *psViewReplay;
char name[MAX_STR_LENGTH], imdName[MAX_STR_LENGTH],
char audioName[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
SDWORD LocX,LocY,LocZ, audioID;
PROX_TYPE proxType;
int cnt;
const char *filename = strdup(GetLastResourceFilename());
numData = numCR(pViewMsgData, bufferSize);
for (i=0; i < numData; i++)
VIEWDATA *psViewData = new VIEWDATA;
UDWORD numText;
int readint;
psViewData->pData = NULL;
psViewData->pName = NULL;
psViewData->type = VIEW_SIZE;
psViewData->fileName = filename;
name[0] = '\0';
//read the data into the storage - the data is delimeted using comma's
sscanf(pViewMsgData,"%255[^,'\r\n],%d%n",name, &numText,&cnt);
pViewMsgData += cnt;
//check not loading up too many text strings
ASSERT(numText <= MAX_DATA, "Too many text strings for %s", name);
//allocate storage for the name
psViewData->pName = strdup(name);
debug(LOG_MSG, "Loaded %s", psViewData->pName);
//read in the data for the text strings
for (dataInc = 0; dataInc < numText; dataInc++)
name[0] = '\0';
pViewMsgData += cnt;
// Get the string from the ID string
const char *str = strresGetString(psStringRes, name);
ASSERT(str, "Cannot find the view data string with id \"%s\"", name);
QString qstr = QString::fromUtf8(str);
sscanf(pViewMsgData, ",%d%n", &readint, &cnt);
psViewData->type = (VIEW_TYPE)readint;
pViewMsgData += cnt;
//allocate data according to type
switch (psViewData->type)
case VIEW_RES:
psViewData->pData = (VIEW_RESEARCH *) malloc(sizeof(VIEW_RESEARCH));
imdName[0] = '\0';
imdName2[0] = '\0';
string[0] = '\0';
audioName[0] = '\0';
imdName, imdName2, string, audioName, &dummy, &cnt);
pViewMsgData += cnt;
psViewRes = (VIEW_RESEARCH *)psViewData->pData;
psViewRes->pIMD = modelGet(imdName);
if (psViewRes->pIMD == NULL)
ASSERT(false, "Cannot find the PIE for message %s", name);
delete psViewData;
return NULL;
if (strcmp(imdName2, "0"))
psViewRes->pIMD2 = modelGet(imdName2);
if (psViewRes->pIMD2 == NULL)
ASSERT(false, "Cannot find the 2nd PIE for message %s", name);
delete psViewData;
return NULL;
psViewRes->pIMD2 = NULL;
sstrcpy(psViewRes->sequenceName, string);
//get the audio text string
if (strcmp(audioName, "0"))
//allocate space
psViewRes->pAudio = strdup(audioName);
psViewRes->pAudio = NULL;
case VIEW_RPL:
// This is now also used for the stream playing on the PSX
// NOTE: on the psx the last entry (audioID) is used as the number of frames in the stream
psViewData->pData = (VIEW_REPLAY *) malloc(sizeof(VIEW_REPLAY));
psViewReplay = (VIEW_REPLAY *)psViewData->pData;
//read in number of sequences for this message
sscanf(pViewMsgData, ",%d%n", &count,&cnt);
pViewMsgData += cnt;
ASSERT(count <= MAX_DATA, "Too many text strings for %s", psViewData->pName);
psViewReplay->numSeq = (UBYTE)count;
//allocate space for the sequences
psViewReplay->pSeqList = new SEQ_DISPLAY[psViewReplay->numSeq];
//read in the data for the sequences
for (dataInc = 0; dataInc < psViewReplay->numSeq; dataInc++)
int numText = 0;
name[0] = '\0';
//load extradat for extended type only
if (psViewData->type == VIEW_RPL)
sscanf(pViewMsgData, ",%255[^,'\r\n],%d%n", name, &count,&cnt);
pViewMsgData += cnt;
ASSERT(count <= MAX_DATA, "Too many text strings for %s", psViewData->pName);
//set the flag to default
psViewReplay->pSeqList[dataInc].flag = 0;
numText = count;
else //extended type
sscanf(pViewMsgData, ",%255[^,'\r\n],%d,%d%n", name, &count, &count2,&cnt);
pViewMsgData += cnt;
ASSERT(count <= MAX_DATA, "Invalid flag for %s", psViewData->pName);
psViewReplay->pSeqList[dataInc].flag = (UBYTE)count;
//check not loading up too many text strings
ASSERT(count2 <= MAX_DATA, "Too many text strings for %s", psViewData->pName);
numText = count2;
//get the text strings for this sequence - if any
for (seqInc = 0; seqInc < numText; seqInc++)
name[0] = '\0';
sscanf(pViewMsgData,",%255[^,'\r\n]%n", name,&cnt);
pViewMsgData += cnt;
// Get the string from the ID string
const char *str = strresGetString(psStringRes, name);
ASSERT(str, "Cannot find the view data string with id \"%s\"", name);
QString qstr = QString::fromUtf8(str);
//get the audio text string
sscanf(pViewMsgData,",%255[^,'\r\n],%d%n", audioName, &dummy, &cnt);
pViewMsgData += cnt;
if (strcmp(audioName, "0"))
//allocate space
psViewReplay->pSeqList[dataInc].pAudio = strdup(audioName);
psViewReplay->pSeqList[dataInc].pAudio = NULL;
psViewData->type = VIEW_RPL;//no longer need to know if it is extended type
psViewData->pData = (VIEW_PROXIMITY *) malloc(sizeof(VIEW_PROXIMITY));
int tmp;
audioName[0] = '\0';
sscanf( pViewMsgData, ", %d,%d,%d,%255[^,'\r\n],%d%n", &LocX, &LocY, &LocZ,
audioName, &tmp, &cnt);
proxType = (PROX_TYPE)tmp;
pViewMsgData += cnt;
//allocate audioID
if ( strcmp( audioName, "0" ) == 0 )
audioID = NO_SOUND;
if ( (audioID = audio_GetIDFromStr( audioName )) == NO_SOUND )
ASSERT(false, "couldn't get ID %d for weapon sound %s", audioID, audioName);
return NULL;
if ((audioID < 0
|| audioID > ID_MAX_SOUND)
&& audioID != NO_SOUND)
ASSERT(false, "Invalid Weapon Sound ID - %d for weapon %s", audioID, audioName);
return NULL;
((VIEW_PROXIMITY *)psViewData->pData)->audioID = audioID;
if (LocX < 0)
ASSERT(false, "Negative X coord for prox message - %s",name);
return NULL;
((VIEW_PROXIMITY *)psViewData->pData)->x = (UDWORD)LocX;
if (LocY < 0)
ASSERT(false, "Negative Y coord for prox message - %s",name);
return NULL;
((VIEW_PROXIMITY *)psViewData->pData)->y = (UDWORD)LocY;
if (LocZ < 0)
ASSERT(false, "Negative Z coord for prox message - %s",name);
return NULL;
((VIEW_PROXIMITY *)psViewData->pData)->z = (UDWORD)LocZ;
if (proxType > PROX_TYPES)
ASSERT(false, "Invalid proximity message sub type - %s", name);
return NULL;
((VIEW_PROXIMITY *)psViewData->pData)->proxType = proxType;
ASSERT(false, "Unknown ViewData type");
return NULL;
//increment the pointer to the start of the next record
pViewMsgData = strchr(pViewMsgData,'\n') + 1;
apsViewData.insert(psViewData->pName, psViewData);
return filename; // so that cleanup function will be called for correct data
const char *loadResearchViewData(const char* fileName)
ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, PHYSFS_exists(fileName), "%s not found", fileName);
WzConfig ini(fileName, WzConfig::ReadOnlyAndRequired);
const char *filedup = strdup(fileName);
QStringList list = ini.childGroups();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
VIEW_RESEARCH *r = (VIEW_RESEARCH *)malloc(sizeof(*r));
v->pData = NULL;
v->pName = strdup(list[i].toUtf8().constData());
v->fileName = filedup;
memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r));
v->textMsg = ini.value("text").toStringList();
for (int j = 0; j < v->textMsg.size(); j++)
v->textMsg[j].remove(0, 2); // initial _(
v->textMsg[j].remove(v->textMsg[j].length() - 1, 1); // final )
v->textMsg[j] = QString(_(v->textMsg[j].toUtf8().constData()));
v->textMsg[j].replace("%%", "%");
v->type = VIEW_RES;
v->pData = r;
if (ini.contains("imdName"))
r->pIMD = modelGet(ini.value("imdName").toString());
if (ini.contains("imdName2"))
r->pIMD2 = modelGet(ini.value("imdName2").toString());
if (ini.contains("sequenceName"))
sstrcpy(r->sequenceName, ini.value("sequenceName").toString().toUtf8().constData());
if (ini.contains("audioName"))
r->pAudio = strdup(ini.value("audioName").toString().toUtf8().constData());
apsViewData.insert(v->pName, v);
return filedup; // so that cleanup function will be called on rigth data
/* Get the view data identified by the name */
VIEWDATA *getViewData(const char *pName)
VIEWDATA *ptr = apsViewData.value(pName);
if (!ptr) // dump for debugging
QMap<QString, VIEWDATA *>::iterator iter = apsViewData.begin();
while (iter != apsViewData.constEnd())
VIEWDATA *psViewData = iter.value();
debug(LOG_WZ, "\t%s", psViewData->pName);
ASSERT(ptr, "Message %s not found, run with --debug=wz to get a list of all known messages", pName);
return ptr;
/* Release the message heaps */
bool messageShutdown(void)
return true;
//check for any messages using this viewdata and remove them
static void checkMessages(MSG_VIEWDATA *psViewData)
MESSAGE *psCurr, *psNext;
for (i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
for (psCurr = apsMessages[i]; psCurr != NULL; psCurr = psNext)
psNext = psCurr->psNext;
if (psCurr->pViewData == psViewData)
removeMessage(psCurr, i);
/* Release the viewdata memory */
void viewDataShutDown(const char *fileName)
debug(LOG_MSG, "calling shutdown for %s", fileName);
QMap<QString, VIEWDATA *>::iterator iter = apsViewData.begin();
char *filedup = NULL;
while (iter != apsViewData.constEnd())
VIEWDATA *psViewData = iter.value();
if (strcmp(psViewData->fileName, fileName) != 0)
continue; // do not delete this now
filedup = (char *)psViewData->fileName;
// check for any messages using this viewdata
checkMessages((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psViewData);
// free the space allocated for multiple sequences
if (psViewData->type == VIEW_RPL)
VIEW_REPLAY* const psViewReplay = (VIEW_REPLAY *)psViewData->pData;
if (psViewReplay->numSeq)
unsigned int seqInc;
for (seqInc = 0; seqInc < psViewReplay->numSeq; ++seqInc)
if (psViewReplay->pSeqList[seqInc].pAudio)
delete[] psViewReplay->pSeqList;
else if (psViewData->type == VIEW_RES)
VIEW_RESEARCH* const psViewRes = (VIEW_RESEARCH *)psViewData->pData;
if (psViewRes->pAudio)
delete psViewData;
iter = apsViewData.erase(iter);
/* Looks through the players list of messages to find one with the same viewData
pointer and which is the same type of message - used in scriptFuncs */
MESSAGE * findMessage(MSG_VIEWDATA *pViewData, MESSAGE_TYPE type, UDWORD player)
MESSAGE *psCurr;
ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, player < MAX_PLAYERS, "Bad player");
ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL , type < MSG_TYPES, "Bad message type");
for (psCurr = apsMessages[player]; psCurr != NULL; psCurr = psCurr->psNext)
if (psCurr->type == type && psCurr->pViewData == pViewData)
return psCurr;
//not found the message so return NULL
return NULL;
/* 'displays' a proximity display*/
void displayProximityMessage(PROXIMITY_DISPLAY *psProxDisp)
if (psProxDisp->type == POS_PROXDATA)
VIEWDATA *psViewData = (VIEWDATA *)psProxDisp->psMessage->pViewData;
VIEW_PROXIMITY *psViewProx = (VIEW_PROXIMITY *)psViewData->pData;
//display text - if any
if (psViewData->textMsg.size() > 0 && psViewData->type != VIEW_BEACON)
addConsoleMessage(psViewData->textMsg[0].toUtf8().constData(), DEFAULT_JUSTIFY, SYSTEM_MESSAGE);
//play message - if any
if ( psViewProx->audioID != NO_AUDIO_MSG )
audio_QueueTrackPos(psViewProx->audioID, psViewProx->x, psViewProx->y, psViewProx->z);
else if (psProxDisp->type == POS_PROXOBJ)
FEATURE *psFeature = (FEATURE *)psProxDisp->psMessage->pViewData;
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , ((BASE_OBJECT *)psProxDisp->psMessage->pViewData)->type ==
OBJ_FEATURE, "invalid feature" );
if (psFeature->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_RESOURCE)
//play default audio message for oil resource
audio_QueueTrackPos( ID_SOUND_RESOURCE_HERE, psFeature->pos.x,
psFeature->pos.y, psFeature->pos.z );
else if (psFeature->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE)
//play default audio message for artefact
audio_QueueTrackPos( ID_SOUND_ARTIFACT, psFeature->pos.x,
psFeature->pos.y, psFeature->pos.z );
//set the read flag
psProxDisp->psMessage->read = true;