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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Warzone 2100 Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/** @file
* Definitions for the map structure
#ifndef __INCLUDED_SRC_MAP_H__
#define __INCLUDED_SRC_MAP_H__
#include "lib/framework/frame.h"
#include "lib/framework/debug.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "terrain.h"
#include "multiplay.h"
#include "display.h"
/* The different types of terrain as far as the game is concerned */
#define TALLOBJECT_YMAX (200)
/* Flags for whether texture tiles are flipped in X and Y or rotated */
#define TILE_XFLIP 0x8000
#define TILE_YFLIP 0x4000
#define TILE_ROTMASK 0x3000
#define TILE_ROTSHIFT 12
#define TILE_TRIFLIP 0x0800 // This bit describes the direction the tile is split into 2 triangles (same as triangleFlip)
#define TILE_NUMMASK 0x01ff
#define BITS_TEMPORARY 0x04 ///< For used in temporary calculations
static inline unsigned short TileNumber_tile(unsigned short tilenumber)
return tilenumber & TILE_NUMMASK;
static inline unsigned short TileNumber_texture(unsigned short tilenumber)
return tilenumber & ~TILE_NUMMASK;
#define BITS_MARKED 0x01 ///< Is this tile marked?
#define BITS_DECAL 0x02 ///< Does this tile has a decal? If so, the tile from "texture" is drawn on top of the terrain.
#define BITS_FPATHBLOCK 0x10 ///< Bit set temporarily by find path to mark a blocking tile
#define BITS_ON_FIRE 0x20 ///< Whether tile is burning
#define BITS_GATEWAY 0x40 ///< Bit set to show a gateway on the tile
const char *textureName;
float textureSize;
/* Information stored with each tile */
struct MAPTILE
uint8_t tileInfoBits;
PlayerMask tileExploredBits;
PlayerMask sensorBits; ///< bit per player, who can see tile with sensor
uint8_t illumination; // How bright is this tile?
uint8_t watchers[MAX_PLAYERS]; // player sees through fog of war here with this many objects
uint16_t texture; // Which graphics texture is on this tile
int32_t height; ///< The height at the top left of the tile
float level; ///< The visibility level of the top left of the tile, for this client.
BASE_OBJECT *psObject; // Any object sitting on the location (e.g. building)
PIELIGHT colour;
uint16_t limitedContinent; ///< For land or sea limited propulsion types
uint16_t hoverContinent; ///< For hover type propulsions
uint8_t ground; ///< The ground type used for the terrain renderer
uint16_t fireEndTime; ///< The (uint16_t)(gameTime / GAME_TICKS_PER_UPDATE) that BITS_ON_FIRE should be cleared.
int32_t waterLevel; ///< At what height is the water for this tile
PlayerMask jammerBits; ///< bit per player, who is jamming tile
uint8_t sensors[MAX_PLAYERS]; ///< player sees this tile with this many radar sensors
uint8_t jammers[MAX_PLAYERS]; ///< player jams the tile with this many objects
/* The size and contents of the map */
extern SDWORD mapWidth, mapHeight;
extern MAPTILE *psMapTiles;
extern float waterLevel;
extern GROUND_TYPE *psGroundTypes;
extern int numGroundTypes;
extern char *tilesetDir;
#define AIR_BLOCKED 0x01 ///< Aircraft cannot pass tile
#define FEATURE_BLOCKED 0x02 ///< Ground units cannot pass tile due to item in the way
#define WATER_BLOCKED 0x04 ///< Units that cannot pass water are blocked by this tile
#define LAND_BLOCKED 0x08 ///< The inverse of the above -- for propeller driven crafts
#define AUXBITS_NONPASSABLE 0x01 ///< Is there any building blocking here, other than a gate that would open for us?
#define AUXBITS_OUR_BUILDING 0x02 ///< Do we or our allies have a building at this tile
#define AUXBITS_BLOCKING 0x04 ///< Is there any building currently blocking here?
#define AUXBITS_TEMPORARY 0x08 ///< Temporary bit used in calculations
#define AUXBITS_DANGER 0x10 ///< Does AI sense danger going there?
#define AUXBITS_THREAT 0x20 ///< Can hostile players shoot here?
#define AUXBITS_AATHREAT 0x40 ///< Can hostile players shoot at my VTOLs here?
#define AUXBITS_UNUSED 0x80 ///< Unused
#define AUXBITS_ALL 0xff
#define AUX_MAP 0
#define AUX_ASTARMAP 1
#define AUX_MAX 3
extern uint8_t *psBlockMap[AUX_MAX];
extern uint8_t *psAuxMap[MAX_PLAYERS + AUX_MAX]; // yes, we waste one element... eyes wide open... makes API nicer
/// Find aux bitfield for a given tile
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline uint8_t auxTile(int x, int y, int player)
return psAuxMap[player][x + y * mapWidth];
/// Find blocking bitfield for a given tile
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline uint8_t blockTile(int x, int y, int slot)
return psBlockMap[slot][x + y * mapWidth];
/// Store a shadow copy of a player's aux map for use in threaded calculations
static inline void auxMapStore(int player, int slot)
memcpy(psBlockMap[slot], psBlockMap[0], sizeof(*psBlockMap[player]) * mapWidth * mapHeight);
memcpy(psAuxMap[MAX_PLAYERS + slot], psAuxMap[player], sizeof(*psAuxMap[player]) * mapWidth * mapHeight);
/// Restore selected fields from the shadow copy of a player's aux map (ignoring the block map)
static inline void auxMapRestore(int player, int slot, int mask)
int i;
uint8_t original, cached;
for (i = 0; i < mapHeight * mapWidth; i++)
original = psAuxMap[player][i];
cached = psAuxMap[MAX_PLAYERS + slot][i];
psAuxMap[player][i] = original ^ ((original ^ cached) & mask);
/// Set aux bits. Always set identically for all players. States not set are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxSet(int x, int y, int player, int state)
psAuxMap[player][x + y * mapWidth] |= state;
/// Set aux bits. Always set identically for all players. States not set are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxSetAll(int x, int y, int state)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
psAuxMap[i][x + y * mapWidth] |= state;
/// Set aux bits. Always set identically for all players. States not set are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxSetAllied(int x, int y, int player, int state)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (alliancebits[player] & (1 << i))
psAuxMap[i][x + y * mapWidth] |= state;
/// Set aux bits. Always set identically for all players. States not set are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxSetEnemy(int x, int y, int player, int state)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if (!(alliancebits[player] & (1 << i)))
psAuxMap[i][x + y * mapWidth] |= state;
/// Clear aux bits. Always set identically for all players. States not cleared are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxClear(int x, int y, int player, int state)
psAuxMap[player][x + y * mapWidth] &= ~state;
/// Clear all aux bits. Always set identically for all players. States not cleared are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxClearAll(int x, int y, int state)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
psAuxMap[i][x + y * mapWidth] &= ~state;
/// Set blocking bits. Always set identically for all players. States not set are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxSetBlocking(int x, int y, int state)
psBlockMap[0][x + y * mapWidth] |= state;
/// Clear blocking bits. Always set identically for all players. States not cleared are retained.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline void auxClearBlocking(int x, int y, int state)
psBlockMap[0][x + y * mapWidth] &= ~state;
* Check if tile contains a structure or feature. Function is thread-safe,
* but do not rely on the result if you mean to alter the object pointer.
static inline bool TileIsOccupied(const MAPTILE* tile)
return tile->psObject != NULL;
/** Check if tile contains a structure. Function is NOT thread-safe. */
static inline bool TileHasStructure(const MAPTILE* tile)
return TileIsOccupied(tile)
&& tile->psObject->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE;
/** Check if tile contains a feature. Function is NOT thread-safe. */
static inline bool TileHasFeature(const MAPTILE* tile)
return TileIsOccupied(tile)
&& tile->psObject->type == OBJ_FEATURE;
/** Check if tile contains a wall structure. Function is NOT thread-safe. */
static inline bool TileHasWall(const MAPTILE* tile)
return TileHasStructure(tile)
&& (((STRUCTURE*)tile->psObject)->pStructureType->type == REF_WALL
|| ((STRUCTURE*)tile->psObject)->pStructureType->type == REF_WALLCORNER);
/** Check if tile is burning. */
static inline bool TileIsBurning(const MAPTILE *tile)
return tile->tileInfoBits & BITS_ON_FIRE;
/** Check if tile has been explored. */
static inline bool tileIsExplored(const MAPTILE *psTile)
return psTile->tileExploredBits & (1 << selectedPlayer);
/** Check if tile contains a small structure. Function is NOT thread-safe. */
static inline bool TileHasSmallStructure(const MAPTILE* tile)
return TileHasStructure(tile)
&& ((STRUCTURE*)tile->psObject)->pStructureType->height == 1;
#define SET_TILE_DECAL(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits |= BITS_DECAL)
#define CLEAR_TILE_DECAL(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits &= ~BITS_DECAL)
#define TILE_HAS_DECAL(x) ((x)->tileInfoBits & BITS_DECAL)
// Multiplier for the tile height
/* Allows us to do if(TRI_FLIPPED(psTile)) */
#define TRI_FLIPPED(x) ((x)->texture & TILE_TRIFLIP)
/* Flips the triangle partition on a tile pointer */
#define TOGGLE_TRIFLIP(x) ((x)->texture ^= TILE_TRIFLIP)
/* Can player number p has explored tile t? */
#define TEST_TILE_VISIBLE(p,t) ((t)->tileExploredBits & (1<<(p)))
/* Set a tile to be visible for a player */
#define SET_TILE_VISIBLE(p,t) ((t)->tileExploredBits |= alliancebits[p])
/* Arbitrary maximum number of terrain textures - used in look up table for terrain type */
extern UBYTE terrainTypes[MAX_TILE_TEXTURES];
static inline unsigned char terrainType(const MAPTILE * tile)
return terrainTypes[TileNumber_tile(tile->texture)];
/* The maximum map size */
#define MAP_MAXWIDTH 256
#define MAP_MAXHEIGHT 256
#define MAP_MAXAREA (256*256)
/* The size and contents of the map */
extern SDWORD mapWidth, mapHeight;
extern MAPTILE *psMapTiles;
extern GROUND_TYPE *psGroundTypes;
extern int numGroundTypes;
* Usage-Example:
* tile_coordinate = (world_coordinate / TILE_UNITS) = (world_coordinate >> TILE_SHIFT)
* world_coordinate = (tile_coordinate * TILE_UNITS) = (tile_coordinate << TILE_SHIFT)
/* The shift on a world coordinate to get the tile coordinate */
#define TILE_SHIFT 7
/* The mask to get internal tile coords from a full coordinate */
#define TILE_MASK 0x7f
/* The number of units accross a tile */
static inline int32_t world_coord(int32_t mapCoord)
return mapCoord << TILE_SHIFT;
static inline int32_t map_coord(int32_t worldCoord)
return worldCoord >> TILE_SHIFT;
/// Only for graphics!
static inline float map_coordf(int32_t worldCoord)
return (float)worldCoord / TILE_UNITS;
static inline Vector2i world_coord(Vector2i const &mapCoord)
return Vector2i(world_coord(mapCoord.x), world_coord(mapCoord.y));
static inline Vector2i map_coord(Vector2i const &worldCoord)
return Vector2i(map_coord(worldCoord.x), map_coord(worldCoord.y));
/* Make sure world coordinates are inside the map */
/** Clip world coordinates to make sure they're inside the map's boundaries
* \param worldX a pointer to a X coordinate inside the map
* \param worldY a pointer to a Y coordinate inside the map
* \post 1 <= *worldX <= world_coord(mapWidth)-1 and
* 1 <= *worldy <= world_coord(mapHeight)-1
static inline void clip_world_offmap(int* worldX, int* worldY)
// x,y must be > 0
*worldX = MAX(1, *worldX);
*worldY = MAX(1, *worldY);
*worldX = MIN(world_coord(mapWidth) - 1, *worldX);
*worldY = MIN(world_coord(mapHeight) - 1, *worldY);
/* maps a position down to the corner of a tile */
#define map_round(coord) ((coord) & (TILE_UNITS - 1))
/* Shutdown the map module */
extern bool mapShutdown(void);
/* Load the map data */
extern bool mapLoad(char *filename, bool preview);
/* Save the map data */
extern bool mapSave(char **ppFileData, UDWORD *pFileSize);
/** Return a pointer to the tile structure at x,y in map coordinates */
static inline WZ_DECL_PURE MAPTILE *mapTile(int32_t x, int32_t y)
// Clamp x and y values to actual ones
// Give one tile worth of leeway before asserting, for units/transporters coming in from off-map.
ASSERT(x >= -1, "mapTile: x value is too small (%d,%d) in %dx%d",x,y,mapWidth,mapHeight);
ASSERT(y >= -1, "mapTile: y value is too small (%d,%d) in %dx%d",x,y,mapWidth,mapHeight);
x = MAX(x, 0);
y = MAX(y, 0);
ASSERT(x < mapWidth + 1, "mapTile: x value is too big (%d,%d) in %dx%d",x,y,mapWidth,mapHeight);
ASSERT(y < mapHeight + 1, "mapTile: y value is too big (%d,%d) in %dx%d",x,y,mapWidth,mapHeight);
x = MIN(x, mapWidth - 1);
y = MIN(y, mapHeight - 1);
return &psMapTiles[x + (y * mapWidth)];
static inline WZ_DECL_PURE MAPTILE *mapTile(Vector2i const &v) { return mapTile(v.x, v.y); }
/** Return a pointer to the tile structure at x,y in world coordinates */
static inline WZ_DECL_PURE MAPTILE *worldTile(int32_t x, int32_t y) { return mapTile(map_coord(x), map_coord(y)); }
static inline WZ_DECL_PURE MAPTILE *worldTile(Vector2i const &v) { return mapTile(map_coord(v)); }
/// Return ground height of top-left corner of tile at x,y
static inline WZ_DECL_PURE int32_t map_TileHeight(int32_t x, int32_t y)
if ( x >= mapWidth || y >= mapHeight || x < 0 || y < 0 )
return 0;
return psMapTiles[x + (y * mapWidth)].height;
/// Return water height of top-left corner of tile at x,y
static inline WZ_DECL_PURE int32_t map_WaterHeight(int32_t x, int32_t y)
if ( x >= mapWidth || y >= mapHeight || x < 0 || y < 0 )
return 0;
return psMapTiles[x + (y * mapWidth)].waterLevel;
/// Return max(ground, water) height of top-left corner of tile at x,y
static inline WZ_DECL_PURE int32_t map_TileHeightSurface(int32_t x, int32_t y)
if ( x >= mapWidth || y >= mapHeight || x < 0 || y < 0 )
return 0;
return MAX(psMapTiles[x + (y * mapWidth)].height, psMapTiles[x + (y * mapWidth)].waterLevel);
/*sets the tile height */
static inline void setTileHeight(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t height)
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , x < mapWidth && x >= 0, "x coordinate %d bigger than map width %u", x, mapWidth);
ASSERT_OR_RETURN( , y < mapHeight && x >= 0, "y coordinate %d bigger than map height %u", y, mapHeight);
psMapTiles[x + (y * mapWidth)].height = height;
markTileDirty(x, y);
/* Return whether a tile coordinate is on the map */
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline bool tileOnMap(SDWORD x, SDWORD y)
return (x >= 0) && (x < (SDWORD)mapWidth) && (y >= 0) && (y < (SDWORD)mapHeight);
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline bool tileOnMap(Vector2i pos)
return tileOnMap(pos.x, pos.y);
/* Return whether a world coordinate is on the map */
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline bool worldOnMap(int x, int y)
return (x >= 0) && (x < ((SDWORD)mapWidth << TILE_SHIFT)) &&
(y >= 0) && (y < ((SDWORD)mapHeight << TILE_SHIFT));
/* Return whether a world coordinate is on the map */
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline bool worldOnMap(Vector2i pos)
return worldOnMap(pos.x, pos.y);
/* Intersect a line with the map and report tile intersection points */
bool map_Intersect(int *Cx, int *Cy, int *Vx, int* Vy, int *Sx, int *Sy);
/// Finds the smallest 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 such that the line segment given by src + t * (dst - src) intersects the terrain.
/// An intersection is defined to be the part of the line segment which is strictly inside the terrain (so if the
/// line segment is exactly parallel with the terrain and leaves it again, it does not count as an intersection).
/// Returns UINT32_MAX if no such 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 exists, otherwise returns t*tMax, rounded down to the nearest integer.
/// If src is strictly inside the terrain, the line segment is only considered to intersect if it exits and reenters
/// the terrain.
unsigned map_LineIntersect(Vector3i src, Vector3i dst, unsigned tMax);
/// The max height of the terrain and water at the specified world coordinates
extern int32_t map_Height(int x, int y);
static inline int32_t map_Height(Vector2i const &v) { return map_Height(v.x, v.y); }
/* returns true if object is above ground */
bool mapObjIsAboveGround(const SIMPLE_OBJECT *psObj);
/* returns the max and min height of a tile by looking at the four corners
in tile coords */
void getTileMaxMin(int x, int y, int *pMax, int *pMin);
extern bool readVisibilityData(const char* fileName);
extern bool writeVisibilityData(const char* fileName);
//scroll min and max values
extern SDWORD scrollMinX, scrollMaxX, scrollMinY, scrollMaxY;
void mapFloodFillContinents(void);
extern void mapTest(void);
void tileSetFire(int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t duration);
extern bool fireOnLocation(unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
* Transitive sensor check for tile. Has to be here rather than
* visibility.h due to header include order issues.
WZ_DECL_ALWAYS_INLINE static inline bool hasSensorOnTile(MAPTILE *psTile, unsigned player)
return ((player == selectedPlayer && godMode) || (alliancebits[selectedPlayer] & (satuplinkbits | psTile->sensorBits)));
void mapInit(void);
void mapUpdate(void);
#endif // __INCLUDED_SRC_MAP_H__