Remove old database junk (from the original M$ Access DB)

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 4a71c877-e1ca-e34f-864e-861f7616d084
Giel van Schijndel 2008-03-02 19:09:50 +00:00
parent 799bc88f1c
commit db4896b8cc
167 changed files with 0 additions and 2155 deletions

View File

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-- Table structure for table `assignweapons`
CREATE TABLE `assignweapons` (
`TemplateName` TEXT NOT NULL,
`WeaponName` TEXT NOT NULL,
`WeaponNameA` TEXT,
`WeaponNameB` TEXT,
`player` INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY(`TemplateName`)
-- Data for table `assignweapons`
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ASPOTTER', 'QuadMg1AAGun', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ATESTVEHICLE', 'Bomb2-VTOL-HvHE', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ATESTVTOL', 'Rocket-VTOL-BB', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BabaBusCan', 'BusCannon', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BabaFireCan', 'BusCannon', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BabaFireTruck', 'BabaFlame', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BabaJeep', 'BJeepMG', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BaBaPeople', 'BaBaMG', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BabaRKJeep', 'BabaRocket', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BarbarianBuggy', 'BuggyMG', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BarbarianRKBuggy', 'BabaRocket', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('BarbarianTrike', 'bTrikeMG', NULL, NULL, 7);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-COM-H', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-Command-Track', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-How105-Tracks', 'Howitzer105Mk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-How150-Tracks', 'Howitzer150Mk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-HPVCannon-Tracks', 'Cannon4AUTOMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-HvyCan-Tracks', 'Cannon375mmMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-QuadBofAA-T', 'AAGun2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-QuadRotAA-T', 'QuadRotAAGun', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-Rkt-BB-T', 'Rocket-BB', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-RotCan-Track', 'Cannon5VulcanMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-H-RotHow-Track', 'Howitzer03-Rot', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-L-Bomb1-VTOL', 'Bomb1-VTOL-LtHE', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-L-Rocket-LtA-T-VTOL', 'Rocket-VTOL-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-L-RotMG-VTOL', 'MG4ROTARY-VTOL', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-Bomb1-VTOL', 'Bomb1-VTOL-LtHE', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-Bomb2-VTOL', 'Bomb2-VTOL-HvHE', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-HMG-T', 'MG3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-HPVCannon-Tracks', 'Cannon4AUTOMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-HVAT-Hover', 'Rocket-HvyA-T', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-HVAT-V', 'Rocket-VTOL-HvyA-T', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-HvFlame-Track', 'Flame2', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-HvMortar-T', 'Mortar2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-LTAT-Hover', 'Rocket-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-MedCan-Tracks', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-Rocket-HvyA-T-Track', 'Rocket-HvyA-T', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-Rocket-LtA-T-T', 'Rocket-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-ROTMG-T', 'MG4ROTARYMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-RotMortar-T', 'Mortar3ROTARYMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CO-M-RR-HT', 'Rocket-IDF', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraComHalftrack', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraFlameTracks', 'Flame1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraHMGHalfTrack', 'MG3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraHvyCnTrks', 'Cannon375mmMk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraHvyMortarHalftrack', 'Mortar2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraLtA-Thalftrack', 'Rocket-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraLtCnTrks', 'Cannon1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraMedCnTrks', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraMortarHalfTrack', 'Mortar1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CobraMRLHalftrack', 'Rocket-MRL', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-Atmiss-GROUND', 'Cyb-Wpn-Atmiss', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-Cannon-GROUND', 'CyborgCannon', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-Chain-GROUND', 'CyborgChaingun', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-Flamer-GROUND', 'CyborgFlamer01', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-Laser1-GROUND', 'Cyb-Wpn-Laser', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-Rail1-GROUND', 'Cyb-Wpn-Rail1', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-Rocket-GROUND', 'CyborgRocket', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Cyb-RotMG-GROUND', 'CyborgRotMG', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CyborgCannon01CGrd', 'CyborgCannon', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CyborgCannon01Grd', 'CyborgCannon', NULL, NULL, 5);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CyborgChain01CGround', 'CyborgChaingun', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CyborgChain01Ground', 'CyborgChaingun', NULL, NULL, 5);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CyborgFlamer01CGrd', 'CyborgFlamer01', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CyborgFlamer01Grd', 'CyborgFlamer01', NULL, NULL, 5);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('CyborgRkt01Ground', 'CyborgRocket', NULL, NULL, 5);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-H-HvyCannon-Hover', 'Cannon375mmMk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-H-HvyCannon-Tracks', 'Cannon375mmMk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-H-MdCannon-Tracks', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-L-HMG-Halftrack', 'MG3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-L-LtAT-Halftrack', 'Rocket-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-L-LtCannon-Halftrack', 'Cannon1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-L-MRLS-Halftrack', 'Rocket-MRL', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-L-RocketPod-Wheels', 'Rocket-Pod', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-BB-Halftrack', 'Rocket-BB', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-Command-Halftrack', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-Command-Track', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-HvyMortar-Halftrack', 'Mortar2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-LitCannon-Halftrack', 'Cannon1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-LtAT-Hover', 'Rocket-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-LtMortar-Halftrack', 'Mortar1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-MdCannon-Halftrack', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-MdCannon-Tracks', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NP-M-MG3-Hover', 'MG3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-Cyb-Miss-JUMP', 'NX-CyborgMiss', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-Cyb-PulseLas-JUMP', 'NX-CyborgPulseLas', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-Cyb-Rail1-JUMP', 'NX-Cyb-Rail1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-H-HvMiss-Hover', 'Missile-HvySAM', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-H-Rail2-VTOL', 'RailGun2-VTOL', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-H-Rail3-Hover', 'RailGun3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-L-Flash-Hover', 'Laser3BEAMMk1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-L-Link-Hov', 'NEXUSlink', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-L-Missile-A-T-VTOL', 'Missile-VTOL-AT', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-L-Missile-MdArt-Hover', 'Missile-MdArt', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-L-PulseLas-VTOL', 'Laser2PULSE-VTOL', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-L-Rail1-VTOL', 'RailGun1-VTOL', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-Bomb2-VTOL', 'Bomb2-VTOL-HvHE', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-Bomb4-VTOL', 'Bomb4-VTOL-HvyINC', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-Com-Hover', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-HvSam-Hover', 'Missile-HvySAM', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-Link-Hover', 'NEXUSlink', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-Missile-A-T-Hover', 'Missile-A-T', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-PulseLas-Hover', 'Laser2PULSEMk1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('NX-M-Rail2-Hover', 'RailGun2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0cam3PyAsltGnTrk', 'MG4ROTARYMk1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0cam3PyFlakHT', 'AAGun2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0cam3PyHPVcanTrk', 'Cannon4AUTOMk1', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0cam3PyHvyATTrk', 'Rocket-HvyA-T', NULL, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0CobraFlameTracks', 'Flame1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0CobraHvyMGHtrack', 'MG3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0CobraLtATRktHtrack', 'Rocket-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0CobraMedCnTrks', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0PythonComTracks', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P0PythonHvyCnTrks', 'Cannon375mmMk1', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P6-L-Bomb1-V', 'Bomb1-VTOL-LtHE', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P6-L-LTAT-V', 'Rocket-VTOL-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('P6-M-QMG1-HT', 'QuadMg1AAGun', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('PythonComTracks', 'CommandTurret1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('PythonHvyCnTrks', 'Cannon375mmMk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('PythonLtCnTrks', 'Cannon1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('PythonMedCnTrks', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('SuperTank', 'Superweapon', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('SuperTank2', 'Superweapon2', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('Transporter', 'MG3-VTOL', NULL, NULL, 2);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperBBWheels', 'Rocket-BB', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperFlameWheels', 'Flame1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperHMGHalftrack', 'MG3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperHMGTracks', 'MG3Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperLtA-Twheels', 'Rocket-LtA-T', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperLtCannonTracks', 'Cannon1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperLtCannonWheels', 'Cannon1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 4);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperLtMGWheels', 'MG1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 0);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperMedCnTrks', 'Cannon2A-TMk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperMG01Wheels', 'MG1Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperMG02Halftrack', 'MG2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperMG02Wheels', 'MG2Mk1', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperMRLWheels', 'Rocket-MRL', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ViperPODWheels', 'Rocket-Pod', NULL, NULL, 6);
INSERT INTO `assignweapons` (`TemplateName`, `WeaponName`, `WeaponNameA`, `WeaponNameB`, `player`) VALUES('ZNULLDESIGN', 'ZNULLWEAPON', NULL, NULL, 0);

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-- Table structure for table `body`
`techLevel` TEXT NOT NULL,
`buildPower` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`buildPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`systemPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`weaponSlots` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`powerOutput` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourFrontSideKinetic` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourFrontSideHeat` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourRearSideKinetic` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourRearSideHeat` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourLeftSideKinetic` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourLeftSideHeat` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourRightSideKinetic` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourRightSideHeat` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourTopSideKinetic` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourTopSideHeat` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourBottomSideKinetic` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`armourBottomSideHeat` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`designable` INTEGER NOT NULL,
-- Data for table `body`
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('ZNULLBODY', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'MIBNKBOD.PIE', 20, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('TransporterBody', 'Level All', 'SUPER HEAVY', 0, 5000, 150, 5000, 'drtrans.pie', 100, 1, 2000, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Superbody', 'Level All', 'HEAVY', 10, 10, 2700, 9000, 'DRHBOD11.PIE', 500, 1, 40000, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('FireBody', 'Level One', 'LIGHT', 4, 75, 3000, 200, 'EXFIRE.PIE', 50, 1, 4000, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CybRotMgGrd', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 25, 100, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 600, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CyborgRkt1Ground', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 500, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CyborgFlamerGrd', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 500, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CyborgChn1CCGround', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 25, 100, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 600, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CyborgChain1Ground', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 500, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CyborgCannonGrd', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 500, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CyborgCan1CGround', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 25, 100, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 600, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CybNXRail1Jmp', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 370, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 675, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CybNXPulseLasJmp', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 370, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 675, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CybNXMissJmp', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 370, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 675, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, 18, 15, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('CybFlamer01CGrd', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 25, 100, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 600, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Cyb-Bod-Rail1', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 500, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Cyb-Bod-Las1', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 500, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Cyb-Bod-Atmiss', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 125, 150, 200, 'cybd_std.pie', 100, 1, 500, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('BusBody', 'Level One', 'LIGHT', 4, 75, 2000, 200, 'EXSCHOOL.PIE', 50, 1, 4000, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'Level All', 'HEAVY', 90, 420, 3300, 225, 'DRHBOD09.PIE', 500, 1, 18000, 22, 15, 22, 15, 22, 15, 22, 15, 22, 15, 22, 15, 'fxvtl09.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'Level All', 'MEDIUM', 37, 250, 1500, 125, 'DRMBOD08.PIE', 250, 1, 15000, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 'fxvtl5to8.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'Level Three', 'MEDIUM', 150, 600, 1500, 200, 'DRMBOD07.PIE', 250, 1, 15000, 24, 20, 24, 20, 24, 20, 24, 20, 24, 20, 24, 20, 'fxvtl5to8.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'Level Two-Three', 'MEDIUM', 70, 300, 2500, 145, 'DRMBOD06.PIE', 250, 1, 13000, 18, 9, 18, 9, 18, 9, 18, 9, 18, 9, 18, 9, 'fxvtl5to8.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'Level All', 'MEDIUM', 50, 250, 2000, 130, 'DRMBOD05.PIE', 250, 1, 15000, 15, 6, 15, 6, 15, 6, 15, 6, 15, 6, 15, 6, 'fxvtl5to8.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 20, 100, 450, 55, 'DRLBOD04.PIE', 100, 1, 5000, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 'fxvtl04.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body3MBT', 'Level Three', 'LIGHT', 100, 400, 450, 100, 'DRLBOD03.PIE', 100, 1, 5000, 20, 15, 20, 15, 20, 15, 20, 15, 20, 15, 20, 15, 'fxvtl2and3.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body2SUP', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 50, 220, 750, 85, 'DRLBOD02.PIE', 100, 1, 4000, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 12, 6, 'fxvtl2and3.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body1REC', 'Level All', 'LIGHT', 30, 150, 600, 65, 'DRLBOD01.PIE', 100, 1, 5000, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10, 4, 'fxvtl01.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body12SUP', 'Level All', 'HEAVY', 55, 350, 2100, 180, 'DRHBOD12.PIE', 500, 1, 20000, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 'fxvtl12.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body11ABT', 'Level All', 'HEAVY', 70, 350, 2700, 200, 'DRHBOD11.PIE', 500, 1, 20000, 20, 9, 20, 9, 20, 9, 20, 9, 20, 9, 20, 9, 'fxvtl11.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('Body10MBT', 'Level Three', 'HEAVY', 200, 800, 2500, 300, 'DRHBOD10.PIE', 500, 1, 23000, 28, 25, 28, 25, 28, 25, 28, 25, 28, 25, 28, 25, 'fxvtl10.pie', 1);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('B4body-sml-trike01', 'Level One', 'LIGHT', 2, 65, 675, 80, 'extrike.PIE', 35, 1, 2100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('B3bodyRKbuggy01', 'Level One', 'LIGHT', 3, 80, 900, 100, 'exbugRK.PIE', 50, 1, 2200, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('B3body-sml-buggy01', 'Level One', 'LIGHT', 3, 80, 900, 100, 'exbuggy.PIE', 50, 1, 2200, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('B2RKJeepBody', 'Level One', 'LIGHT', 4, 75, 900, 120, 'EXjeepRK.PIE', 50, 1, 2200, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('B2JeepBody', 'Level One', 'LIGHT', 4, 75, 900, 120, 'EXjeep.PIE', 50, 1, 2200, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, '0', 0);
INSERT INTO `body` (`BodyName`, `techLevel`, `size`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `systemPoints`, `weaponSlots`, `powerOutput`, `armourFrontSideKinetic`, `armourFrontSideHeat`, `armourRearSideKinetic`, `armourRearSideHeat`, `armourLeftSideKinetic`, `armourLeftSideHeat`, `armourRightSideKinetic`, `armourRightSideHeat`, `armourTopSideKinetic`, `armourTopSideHeat`, `armourBottomSideKinetic`, `armourBottomSideHeat`, `flameIMD`, `designable`) VALUES('B1BaBaPerson01', 'Level All', 'HEAVY', 1, 20, 100, 29, 'EXBLOKE.PIE', 50, 1, 125, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '0', 0);

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-- Table structure for table `bodypropulsionimd`
CREATE TABLE `bodypropulsionimd` (
`bodyName` TEXT NOT NULL,
`propulsionName` TEXT NOT NULL,
UNIQUE (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`)
-- Data for table `bodypropulsionimd`
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INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body1REC', 'V-Tol03', 'PRLLVTL1.PIE', 'PRLRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body1REC', 'wheeled02', 'PRLLWHL1.PIE', 'PRLRWHL1.PIE');
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INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body12SUP', 'wheeled01', 'PRHLWHL1.PIE', 'PRHRWHL1.PIE');
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INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'tracked02', 'PRLLTRK1.PIE', 'PRLRTRK1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'tracked01', 'PRLLTRK1.PIE', 'PRLRTRK1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'HalfTrack03', 'PRLLHTR1.PIE', 'PRLRHTR1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'hover03', 'PRLHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'HalfTrack', 'PRLLHTR1.PIE', 'PRLRHTR1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'HalfTrack02', 'PRLLHTR1.PIE', 'PRLRHTR1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body4ABT', 'hover01', 'PRLHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'V-Tol', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'HalfTrack', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'HalfTrack02', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'HalfTrack03', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'hover01', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'hover02', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'hover03', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'tracked01', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'tracked02', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body5REC', 'tracked03', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'tracked03', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'HalfTrack03', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'hover01', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'V-Tol', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'hover02', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'HalfTrack', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'hover03', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'tracked01', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'tracked02', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body6SUPP', 'HalfTrack02', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'hover03', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'tracked01', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'tracked02', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'tracked03', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'V-Tol', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'V-Tol02', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'V-Tol03', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'wheeled01', 'PRMLWHL1.PIE', 'PRMRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'wheeled02', 'PRMLWHL1.PIE', 'PRMRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body7ABT', 'wheeled03', 'PRMLWHL1.PIE', 'PRMRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'HalfTrack', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'HalfTrack02', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'HalfTrack03', 'PRMLHTR2.PIE', 'PRMRHTR2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'hover01', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'hover02', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'hover03', 'PRMHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'tracked01', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'tracked02', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'tracked03', 'PRMLTRK2.PIE', 'PRMRTRK2.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'V-Tol', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'V-Tol02', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'V-Tol03', 'PRMLVTL1.PIE', 'PRMRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'wheeled01', 'PRMLWHL1.PIE', 'PRMRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'wheeled02', 'PRMLWHL1.PIE', 'PRMRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body8MBT', 'wheeled03', 'PRMLWHL1.PIE', 'PRMRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'HalfTrack', 'PRHLHTR3.PIE', 'PRHRHTR3.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'HalfTrack02', 'PRHLHTR3.PIE', 'PRHRHTR3.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'HalfTrack03', 'PRHLHTR3.PIE', 'PRHRHTR3.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'hover01', 'PRHHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'hover02', 'PRHHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'hover03', 'PRHHOV1.PIE', '0');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'tracked01', 'PRHLTRK3.PIE', 'PRHRTRK3.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'tracked02', 'PRHLTRK3.PIE', 'PRHRTRK3.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'tracked03', 'PRHLTRK3.PIE', 'PRHRTRK3.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'V-Tol', 'PRHLVTL1.PIE', 'PRHRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'V-Tol02', 'PRHLVTL1.PIE', 'PRHRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'V-Tol03', 'PRHLVTL1.PIE', 'PRHRVTL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'wheeled01', 'PRHLWHL1.PIE', 'PRHRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'wheeled02', 'PRHLWHL1.PIE', 'PRHRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('Body9REC', 'wheeled03', 'PRHLWHL1.PIE', 'PRHRWHL1.PIE');
INSERT INTO `bodypropulsionimd` (`bodyName`, `propulsionName`, `leftIMD`, `rightIMD`) VALUES('ZNULLBODY', 'ZNULLPROP', 'MIBNKDRL.PIE', 'MIBNKDRR.PIE');

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-- Table structure for table `brain`
CREATE TABLE `brain` (
`BrainName` TEXT NOT NULL,
`techLevel` TEXT NOT NULL,
`buildPower` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`buildPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`systemPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`weaponName` TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(`BrainName`)
-- Data for table `brain`
INSERT INTO `brain` (`BrainName`, `techLevel`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `hitPoints`, `systemPoints`, `weaponName`, `progCap`) VALUES('ZNULLBRAIN', 'Level All', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'ZNULLWEAPON', 0);
INSERT INTO `brain` (`BrainName`, `techLevel`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `hitPoints`, `systemPoints`, `weaponName`, `progCap`) VALUES('CommandBrain01', 'Level All', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'CommandTurret1', 0);

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-- Table structure for table `construction`
CREATE TABLE `construction` (
`ConstructName` TEXT NOT NULL,
`techLevel` TEXT NOT NULL,
`buildPower` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`buildPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`systemPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`mountGfx` TEXT NOT NULL,
`constructPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`designable` INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(`ConstructName`)
-- Data for table `construction`
INSERT INTO `construction` (`ConstructName`, `techLevel`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `hitPoints`, `systemPoints`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `mountGfx`, `constructPoints`, `designable`) VALUES('ZNULLCONSTRUCT', 'Level All', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'TRLCON.PIE', 'TRLCON.PIE', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `construction` (`ConstructName`, `techLevel`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `hitPoints`, `systemPoints`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `mountGfx`, `constructPoints`, `designable`) VALUES('Spade1Mk1', 'Level All', 17, 85, 600, 20, 5, 50, 'TRLCON.PIE', '0', 10, 1);

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-- Table structure for table `ecm`
`techLevel` TEXT NOT NULL,
`buildPower` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`buildPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`systemPoints` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`mountGfx` TEXT NOT NULL,
`location` TEXT NOT NULL,
`designable` INTEGER NOT NULL,
-- Data for table `ecm`
INSERT INTO `ecm` (`ECMName`, `techLevel`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `hitPoints`, `systemPoints`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `mountGfx`, `location`, `power`, `designable`) VALUES('ZNULLECM', 'Level All', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0', '0', 'DEFAULT', 50, 0);
INSERT INTO `ecm` (`ECMName`, `techLevel`, `buildPower`, `buildPoints`, `weight`, `hitPoints`, `systemPoints`, `body`, `GfxFile`, `mountGfx`, `location`, `power`, `designable`) VALUES('RepairCentre', 'Level All', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'GNHREPAR.PIE', '0', 'TURRET', 0, 0);

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
Component.[Component Name],
Droids.[Player ID]
FROM (Component INNER JOIN Program ON Component.[Component ID] = Program.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN (Droids INNER JOIN AssignPrograms ON Droids.DroidID = AssignPrograms.[Droid ID]) ON Program.[Component ID] = AssignPrograms.[Program ID]
ORDER BY Droids.[Droid Name];

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
Component.[Component Name],
Droids.[Player ID]
FROM Component INNER JOIN (Weapons INNER JOIN (Droids INNER JOIN AssignWeapons ON Droids.DroidID = AssignWeapons.[Droid ID]) ON Weapons.[Component ID] = AssignWeapons.[Weapon ID]) ON Component.[Component ID] = Weapons.[Component ID]
ORDER BY Droids.[Droid Name];

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
Component.[Component Name],
Droids.[Player ID]
FROM (Component INNER JOIN (Weapons INNER JOIN (Droids INNER JOIN AssignWeapons ON Droids.DroidID = AssignWeapons.[Droid ID]) ON Weapons.[Component ID] = AssignWeapons.[Weapon ID]) ON Component.[Component ID] = Weapons.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN [Technology Type] ON Droids.[TechnologyType ID] = [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE (((Droids.[Player ID])=0 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=1 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=2 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=3 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=7) AND (([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Droids.[Droid Name];

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
Component.[Component Name],
Droids.[Player ID]
FROM (Component INNER JOIN (Weapons INNER JOIN (Droids INNER JOIN AssignWeapons ON Droids.DroidID = AssignWeapons.[Droid ID]) ON Weapons.[Component ID] = AssignWeapons.[Weapon ID]) ON Component.[Component ID] = Weapons.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN [Technology Type] ON Droids.[TechnologyType ID] = [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE (((Droids.[Player ID])=0 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=1 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=2 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=3 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=7) AND (([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Droids.[Droid Name];

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
Component.[Component Name],
Droids.[Player ID]
FROM (Component INNER JOIN (Weapons INNER JOIN (Droids INNER JOIN AssignWeapons ON Droids.DroidID = AssignWeapons.[Droid ID]) ON Weapons.[Component ID] = AssignWeapons.[Weapon ID]) ON Component.[Component ID] = Weapons.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN [Technology Type] ON Droids.[TechnologyType ID] = [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE (((Droids.[Player ID])=0 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=1 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=2 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=3 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=7) AND (([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Droids.[Droid Name];

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Component.[Component ID],
Component.[Component Name],
Body.[Power Output]
FROM Component INNER JOIN Body ON Component.[Component ID] = Body.[Component ID];

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
BodySIze.[Body Size],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Body.[Max System Points],
Body.[Weapon Slots],
Body.[Power Output],
Body.[Kinetic Armour Value],
Body.[HeatArmour Value],
Body.[Flame IMD],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN ((Component INNER JOIN Body ON Component.[Component ID] = Body.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN BodySIze ON Body.Size = ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
BodySIze.[Body Size],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Body.[Max System Points],
Body.[Weapon Slots],
Body.[Power Output],
Body.[Kinetic Armour Value],
Body.[HeatArmour Value],
Body.[Flame IMD],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN ((Component INNER JOIN Body ON Component.[Component ID] = Body.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN BodySIze ON Body.Size = ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
BodySIze.[Body Size],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Body.[Max System Points],
Body.[Weapon Slots],
Body.[Power Output],
Body.[Kinetic Armour Value],
Body.[HeatArmour Value],
Body.[Flame IMD],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN ((Component INNER JOIN Body ON Component.[Component ID] = Body.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN BodySIze ON Body.Size = ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
BodySIze.[Body Size],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Body.[Max System Points],
Body.[Weapon Slots],
Body.[Power Output],
Body.[Kinetic Armour Value],
Body.[HeatArmour Value],
Body.[Flame IMD],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN ((Component INNER JOIN Body ON Component.[Component ID] = Body.[Component ID]) INNER JOIN BodySIze ON Body.Size = ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [Weapon Stat]) AS Weapon,
Brain.[Program Slots]
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Brain ON Component.[Component ID] = Brain.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [Weapon Stat]) AS Weapon,
Brain.[Program Slots]
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Brain ON Component.[Component ID] = Brain.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [Weapon Stat]) AS Weapon, Brain.[Program Slots]
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Brain ON Component.[Component ID] = Brain.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [Weapon Stat]) AS Weapon,
Brain.[Program Slots]
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Brain ON Component.[Component ID] = Brain.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Construction.[Component ID],
Component.[Component Name]
FROM Component INNER JOIN Construction ON Component.[Component ID] = Construction.[Component ID];

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Construction.[Mount Graphic],
Construction.[Construction Points],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Construction ON Component.[Component ID] = Construction.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID];

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Construction.[Mount Graphic],
Construction.[Construction Points],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Construction ON Component.[Component ID] = Construction.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Construction.[Mount Graphic],
Construction.[Construction Points],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Construction ON Component.[Component ID] = Construction.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Construction.[Mount Graphic],
Construction.[Construction Points],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Construction ON Component.[Component ID] = Construction.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
[Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Droid Repair Function].[Repair Facility Points]
FROM [Function Types] INNER JOIN (Functions INNER JOIN [Droid Repair Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Droid Repair Function].[Function ID]) ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type];

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BodyType]) AS Body,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BrainType]) AS Brain,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ConstructionType]) AS Construction,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ECMType]) AS ECM,
Droids.[Player ID],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [PropulsionType]) AS Prop,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [RepairType]) AS Repair,
DroidType.[Droid Type],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [SensorType]) AS Sensor,
DCount("[Droid ID]","AssignWeapons","[Droid ID] = " & [DroidID]) AS TotalWeapons
FROM DroidType INNER JOIN Droids ON = Droids.[Droid Type]
WHERE (((Droids.[Droid Name])<>"None"));

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BodyType]) AS Body,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BrainType]) AS Brain,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ConstructionType]) AS Construction,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ECMType]) AS ECM,
Droids.[Player ID],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [PropulsionType]) AS Prop,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [RepairType]) AS Repair,
DroidType.[Droid Type],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [SensorType]) AS Sensor,
DCount("[Droid ID]","AssignWeapons","[Droid ID] = " & [DroidID]) AS TotalWeapons
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (DroidType INNER JOIN Droids ON = Droids.[Droid Type]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Droids.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE (((Droids.[Droid Name])<>"None") AND ((Droids.[Player ID])=0 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=1 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=2 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=3 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=7) AND (([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BodyType]) AS Body,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BrainType]) AS Brain,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ConstructionType]) AS Construction,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ECMType]) AS ECM,
Droids.[Player ID],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [PropulsionType]) AS Prop,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [RepairType]) AS Repair,
DroidType.[Droid Type],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [SensorType]) AS Sensor,
DCount("[Droid ID]","AssignWeapons","[Droid ID] = " & [DroidID]) AS TotalWeapons
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (DroidType INNER JOIN Droids ON = Droids.[Droid Type]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Droids.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE (((Droids.[Droid Name])<>"None") AND ((Droids.[Player ID])=0 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=1 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=2 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=3 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=7) AND (([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
SELECT Droids.[Droid Name],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BodyType]) AS Body,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [BrainType]) AS Brain,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ConstructionType]) AS Construction,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [ECMType]) AS ECM,
Droids.[Player ID],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [PropulsionType]) AS Prop,
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [RepairType]) AS Repair
DroidType.[Droid Type],
DLookUp("[Component Name]","Component","[Component ID] = " & [SensorType]) AS Sensor,
DCount("[Droid ID]","AssignWeapons","[Droid ID] = " & [DroidID]) AS TotalWeapons
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (DroidType INNER JOIN Droids ON = Droids.[Droid Type]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Droids.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE (((Droids.[Droid Name])<>"None") AND ((Droids.[Player ID])=0 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=1 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=2 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=3 Or (Droids.[Player ID])=7) AND (([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points]
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
ECM.[Mount Graphic],
ECM.[ECM Modifier],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN ECM ON Component.[Component ID] = ECM.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
ECM.[Mount Graphic],
ECM.[ECM Modifier],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN ECM ON Component.[Component ID] = ECM.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
ECM.[Mount Graphic],
ECM.[ECM Modifier],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN ECM ON Component.[Component ID] = ECM.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
ECM.[Mount Graphic],
ECM.[ECM Modifier],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN ECM ON Component.[Component ID] = ECM.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Component.[Component ID],
Component.[Component Name],
ECM.[ECM Modifier]
FROM Component INNER JOIN ECM ON Component.[Component ID] = ECM.[Component ID];

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Component.[Component Name],
FROM Component INNER JOIN ECM ON Component.[Component ID] = ECM.[Component ID];

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
SELECT Features.[Feature Name],
Features.[Base Width],
Features.[Base Breadth],
Features.[Armour Value],
Features.[Body Points],
Features.[Graphics filename0],
[Feature Types].FeatureType,
FROM [Feature Types] INNER JOIN Features ON [Feature Types].ID = Features.FeatureType;

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
SELECT Features.[Feature Name],
Features.[Base Width],
Features.[Base Breadth],
Features.[Armour Value],
Features.[Body Points],
Features.[PSX Graphics filename],
[Feature Types].FeatureType,
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN ([Feature Types] INNER JOIN Features ON [Feature Types].ID = Features.FeatureType) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Features.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE (((Features.PSX)=Yes) AND (([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
SELECT Features.[Feature Name],
Features.[Base Width],
Features.[Base Breadth],
Features.[Armour Value],
Features.[Body Points],
Features.[PSX Graphics filename],
[Feature Types].FeatureType,
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN ([Feature Types] INNER JOIN Features ON [Feature Types].ID = Features.FeatureType) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Features.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All") AND ((Features.PSX)=Yes));

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
SELECT Features.[Feature Name],
Features.[Base Width],
Features.[Base Breadth],
Features.[Armour Value],
Features.[Body Points],
Features.[PSX Graphics filename],
[Feature Types].FeatureType,
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN ([Feature Types] INNER JOIN Features ON [Feature Types].ID = Features.FeatureType) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Features.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All") AND ((Features.PSX)=Yes));

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Foundation Types].[FoundationID],
[Foundation Types].[Foundation Name]
FROM [Foundation Types];

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Functions.[Function ID],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Function Types].[Function Type],
FROM [Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]
WHERE ((([Function Types].[Function Type])<>"Defensive Structure") AND ((Functions.Usage)="STRUCTURE"));

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[HQ Function].Power
FROM ([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [HQ Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [HQ Function].[Function ID];

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT Research.ResearchID,
Research.[Technology Code],
Research.[WIP Name],
Research.[Deliverance Name]
FROM Research
WHERE (((Research.[Technology Code])=0));

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
FROM Player;

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Component.[Component Name],
[Component Names].[Component Type],
[Component Names].ID
FROM [Component Names] INNER JOIN (Research INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN [PR Component List] ON Component.[Component ID] = [PR Component List].[Component ID]) ON Research.ResearchID = [PR Component List].[Research ID]) ON [Component Names].ID = Component.[Component Type]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name];

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[PR Structure List].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [PR Structure List] ON Research.ResearchID = [PR Structure List].[Research ID]
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[PR Structure List].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [PR Structure List] ON Research.ResearchID = [PR Structure List].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=1 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[PR Structure List].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [PR Structure List] ON Research.ResearchID = [PR Structure List].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=2 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[PR Structure List].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [PR Structure List] ON Research.ResearchID = [PR Structure List].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=3 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[PR Structure List].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [PR Structure List] ON Research.ResearchID = [PR Structure List].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![multiPlayer]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=Yes))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Propulsion.[Component ID],
Component.[Component Name],
Propulsion.[Propulsion Type ID]
FROM Component INNER JOIN Propulsion ON Component.[Component ID] = Propulsion.[Component ID]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name];

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
FROM Player;

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Power Generator Function].[Power Output],
[Power Generator Function].[Power Range],
[Power Generator Function].[Critical Mass Chance],
[Power Generator Function].[Critical Mass Radius],
[Power Generator Function].[Critical Mass Damage],
[Power Generator Function].[Radiation Decay]
FROM [Function Types] INNER JOIN (Functions INNER JOIN [Power Generator Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Power Generator Function].[Function ID]) ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type];

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Power Regulator Function].[Max Power]
FROM [Function Types] INNER JOIN (Functions INNER JOIN [Power Regulator Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Power Regulator Function].[Function ID]) ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type];

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Power Upgrade Function].[Power Modifier]
FROM ([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [Power Upgrade Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Power Upgrade Function].[Function ID];

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Production Boost Function].Factory,
[Production Boost Function].[Cyborg Factory],
[Production Boost Function].[VTOL Factory],
[Production Boost Function].[Production Output Modifier]
FROM [Function Types] INNER JOIN (Functions INNER JOIN [Production Boost Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Production Boost Function].[Function ID]) ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type];

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
BodySIze.[Body Size],
[Production Function].[Production Output]
FROM BodySIze INNER JOIN ([Propulsion Type] INNER JOIN ([Function Types] INNER JOIN (Functions INNER JOIN [Production Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Production Function].[Function ID]) ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) ON [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Type ID] = [Production Function].[Propulsion Type ID]) ON ([Function Types].ID = AND ( = [Production Function].[Production capacity]);

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Program.[Slots required],
Program.[SpecialAbilityID Type]
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Program ON Component.[Component ID] = Program.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
[Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Name],
Propulsion.[Maximum Speed],
FROM ([Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Propulsion ON Component.[Component ID] = Propulsion.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]) INNER JOIN [Propulsion Type] ON Propulsion.[Propulsion Type ID] = [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Type ID]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
[Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Name],
Propulsion.[Maximum Speed],
FROM ([Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Propulsion ON Component.[Component ID] = Propulsion.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]) INNER JOIN [Propulsion Type] ON Propulsion.[Propulsion Type ID] = [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Type ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
[Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Name],
Propulsion.[Maximum Speed],
FROM ([Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Propulsion ON Component.[Component ID] = Propulsion.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]) INNER JOIN [Propulsion Type] ON Propulsion.[Propulsion Type ID] = [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Type ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Component.[Body Points],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
[Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Name],
Propulsion.[Maximum Speed],
FROM ([Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Propulsion ON Component.[Component ID] = Propulsion.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]) INNER JOIN [Propulsion Type] ON Propulsion.[Propulsion Type ID] = [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Type ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
SELECT [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Name],
[Propulsion Sounds].[Start Sound],
[Propulsion Sounds].[Idle Sound],
[Propulsion Sounds].[Move Off Sound],
[Propulsion Sounds].[Move Sound],
[Propulsion Sounds].[Hiss Sound],
[Propulsion Sounds].[Shut Down Sound],
[Propulsion Sounds].id
FROM [Propulsion Sounds] INNER JOIN [Propulsion Type] ON [Propulsion Sounds].[Component ID] = [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Type ID];

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT [Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Name],
[Propulsion Type].[Ground Flag],
[Propulsion Type].[Power Ratio Multiplier]
FROM [Propulsion Type]
WHERE ((([Propulsion Type].[Propulsion Name])<>"None"));

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Component.[Component Name]
FROM Component INNER JOIN Repair ON Component.[Component ID] = Repair.[Component ID];

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[ReArm Function].[ReArm Points]
FROM (Functions INNER JOIN [Function Types] ON Functions.[Function Type] = [Function Types].ID) INNER JOIN [ReArm Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [ReArm Function].[Function ID];

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[ReArm Upgrade Function].[ReArm Points]
FROM ([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [ReArm Upgrade Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [ReArm Upgrade Function].[Function ID];

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Component.[Component Name],
[Component Names].[Component Type],
[Component Names].ID
FROM (([Component Names] INNER JOIN Component ON [Component Names].ID = Component.[Component Type]) INNER JOIN [Redundant CompList] ON Component.[Component ID] = [Redundant CompList].[Component ID]) INNER JOIN Research ON [Redundant CompList].[Research ID] = Research.ResearchID
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name];

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Component.[Component Name],
[Component Names].[Component Type],
[Component Names].ID
FROM (([Component Names] INNER JOIN Component ON [Component Names].ID = Component.[Component Type]) INNER JOIN [Redundant CompList] ON Component.[Component ID] = [Redundant CompList].[Component ID]) INNER JOIN Research ON [Redundant CompList].[Research ID] = Research.ResearchID
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=1 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name];

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Component.[Component Name],
[Component Names].[Component Type],
[Component Names].ID
FROM (([Component Names] INNER JOIN Component ON [Component Names].ID = Component.[Component Type]) INNER JOIN [Redundant CompList] ON Component.[Component ID] = [Redundant CompList].[Component ID]) INNER JOIN Research ON [Redundant CompList].[Research ID] = Research.ResearchID
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=2 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name];

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Component.[Component Name],
[Component Names].[Component Type],
[Component Names].ID
FROM (([Component Names] INNER JOIN Component ON [Component Names].ID = Component.[Component Type]) INNER JOIN [Redundant CompList] ON Component.[Component ID] = [Redundant CompList].[Component ID]) INNER JOIN Research ON [Redundant CompList].[Research ID] = Research.ResearchID
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=3 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name];

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Component.[Component Name],
[Component Names].[Component Type],
[Component Names].ID
FROM (([Component Names] INNER JOIN Component ON [Component Names].ID = Component.[Component Type]) INNER JOIN [Redundant CompList] ON Component.[Component ID] = [Redundant CompList].[Component ID]) INNER JOIN Research ON [Redundant CompList].[Research ID] = Research.ResearchID
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![multiPlayer]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=Yes))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name];

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[Redundant StrList].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [Redundant StrList] ON Research.ResearchID = [Redundant StrList].[Research ID]
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[Redundant StrList].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [Redundant StrList] ON Research.ResearchID = [Redundant StrList].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=1 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[Redundant StrList].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [Redundant StrList] ON Research.ResearchID = [Redundant StrList].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=2 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[Redundant StrList].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [Redundant StrList] ON Research.ResearchID = [Redundant StrList].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=3 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("[Structures]![Structure Name]","[Structures]","[Structures]![StructureID] =" & [StructureID]) AS Structure,
[Redundant StrList].StructureID
FROM Research INNER JOIN [Redundant StrList] ON Research.ResearchID = [Redundant StrList].[Research ID]
WHERE (((Research.multiPlayer)=Yes))
ORDER BY DLookUp("[Research]![Deliverance Name]","[Research]","[Research]![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Repair.[Armour Repair],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Repair.[Mount Graphic],
Repair.[Repair System],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Repair ON Component.[Component ID] = Repair.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Repair.[Armour Repair],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Repair.[Mount Graphic],
Repair.[Repair System],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Repair ON Component.[Component ID] = Repair.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Repair.[Armour Repair],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Repair.[Mount Graphic],
Repair.[Repair System],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Repair ON Component.[Component ID] = Repair.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
SELECT Component.[Component Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
Component.[Power Required],
Component.[Build Points Required],
Component.[Hit Points],
Component.[System Points],
Repair.[Armour Repair],
Component.[Graphics filename0],
Repair.[Mount Graphic],
Repair.[Repair System],
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN (Component INNER JOIN Repair ON Component.[Component ID] = Repair.[Component ID]) ON [Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Component.[TechnologyType ID]
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"))
ORDER BY Component.[Component Name] DESC;

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Repair Upgrade Function].[Repair Points]
FROM ([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [Repair Upgrade Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Repair Upgrade Function].[Function ID];

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
[Research Sub Groups].Name,
Research.[Technology Code],
Research.[Icon Graphic],
Research.[graphics filename],
Research.[graphics filename2],
Research.[Research Msg Name],
ResStr([structureGraphic]) AS StructGraphic,
componentName([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component graphic],
componentType([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component Type],
Research.[Research Points],
Research.[singlePlayer mode],
DCount("[ResearchPR].[Research ID]","[ResearchPR]","[ResearchPR].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS PRResearch,
DCount("[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]","[Functions Enabled]","[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS Functions,
DCount("[PR Structure List].[Research ID]","[PR Structure List]","[PR Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructPR,
DCount("[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]","[Redundant StrList]","[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructRed,
DCount("[Result Structure List].[Research ID]","[Result Structure List]","[Result Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StuctResult,
DCount("[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]","[Redundant CompList]","[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompRed,
DCount("[Result Component List].[Research ID]","[Result Component List]","[Result Component List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompResult
FROM [Research Sub Groups] INNER JOIN ([Technology Type] INNER JOIN Research ON ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID]) AND ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID])) ON [Research Sub Groups].[SubGroup ID] = Research.SubGroup;

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
subGroupName([SubGroup]) AS subGroupName,
Research.[Technology Code],
Research.[Icon Graphic],
Research.[graphics filename],
Research.[graphics filename2],
Research.[Research Msg Name],
ResStr([structureGraphic]) AS StructGraphic,
componentName([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component graphic],
componentType([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component Type],
Research.[Research Points],
Research.[singlePlayer mode],
CalcResearchPR([Research]![ResearchID],1) AS PRResearch,
DCount("[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]","[Functions Enabled]","[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS Functions,
DCount("[PR Structure List].[Research ID]","[PR Structure List]","[PR Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructPR,
DCount("[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]","[Redundant StrList]","[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructRed,
DCount("[Result Structure List].[Research ID]","[Result Structure List]","[Result Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StuctResult,
DCount("[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]","[Redundant CompList]","[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompRed,
DCount("[Result Component List].[Research ID]","[Result Component List]","[Result Component List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompResult
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN Research ON ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID]) AND ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID])
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
subGroupName([SubGroup]) AS subGroupName,
Research.[Technology Code],
Research.[Icon Graphic],
Research.[graphics filename],
Research.[graphics filename2],
Research.[Research Msg Name],
ResStr([structureGraphic]) AS StructGraphic,
componentName([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component graphic],
componentType([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component Type],
Research.[Research Points],
Research.[singlePlayer mode],
CalcResearchPR([Research]![ResearchID],2) AS PRResearch,
DCount("[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]","[Functions Enabled]","[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS Functions,
DCount("[PR Structure List].[Research ID]","[PR Structure List]","[PR Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructPR,
DCount("[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]","[Redundant StrList]","[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructRed,
DCount("[Result Structure List].[Research ID]","[Result Structure List]","[Result Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StuctResult,
DCount("[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]","[Redundant CompList]","[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompRed,
DCount("[Result Component List].[Research ID]","[Result Component List]","[Result Component List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompResult
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN Research ON ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID]) AND ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID])
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level One-Two" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
subGroupName([SubGroup]) AS subGroupName,
Research.[Technology Code],
Research.[Icon Graphic],
Research.[graphics filename],
Research.[graphics filename2],
Research.[Research Msg Name],
ResStr([structureGraphic]) AS StructGraphic,
componentName([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component graphic],
componentType([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component Type],
Research.[Research Points],
Research.[singlePlayer mode],
CalcResearchPR([Research]![ResearchID],3) AS PRResearch,
DCount("[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]","[Functions Enabled]","[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS Functions,
DCount("[PR Structure List].[Research ID]","[PR Structure List]","[PR Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructPR,
DCount("[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]","[Redundant StrList]","[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructRed,
DCount("[Result Structure List].[Research ID]","[Result Structure List]","[Result Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StuctResult,
DCount("[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]","[Redundant CompList]","[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompRed,
DCount("[Result Component List].[Research ID]","[Result Component List]","[Result Component List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompResult
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN Research ON ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID]) AND ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID])
WHERE ((([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level Two-Three" Or ([Technology Type].[Tecnology Name])="Level All"));

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Research Function].[Research Points]
FROM (Functions INNER JOIN [Research Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Research Function].[Function ID]) INNER JOIN [Function Types] ON Functions.[Function Type] = [Function Types].ID;

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
[Technology Type].[Tecnology Name],
subGroupName([SubGroup]) AS subGroupName,
Research.[Technology Code],
Research.[Icon Graphic],
Research.[graphics filename],
Research.[graphics filename2],
Research.[Research Msg Name],
ResStr([structureGraphic]) AS StructGraphic,
componentName([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component graphic],
componentType([Research]![componentGraphic]) AS [component Type],
Research.[Research Points],
Research.[singlePlayer mode],
DCount("[ResearchPR].[Research ID]","[ResearchPR]","[ResearchPR].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS PRResearch,
DCount("[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]","[Functions Enabled]","[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS Functions,
DCount("[PR Structure List].[Research ID]","[PR Structure List]","[PR Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructPR,
DCount("[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]","[Redundant StrList]","[Redundant StrList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StructRed,
DCount("[Result Structure List].[Research ID]","[Result Structure List]","[Result Structure List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS StuctResult,
DCount("[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]","[Redundant CompList]","[Redundant CompList].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompRed,
DCount("[Result Component List].[Research ID]","[Result Component List]","[Result Component List].[Research ID]= " & [ResearchID]) AS CompResult
FROM [Technology Type] INNER JOIN Research ON ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID]) AND ([Technology Type].[TechnologyType ID] = Research.[TechnologyType ID])
WHERE (((Research.multiPlayer)=Yes));

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [PRResearchID]) AS [pre-req],
ResearchPR.[Research ID]
FROM ResearchPR
ORDER BY DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [PRResearchID]) AS [pre-req],
FROM ResearchPR
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=1 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6));

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [PRResearchID]) AS [pre-req],
FROM ResearchPR
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=2 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5));

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [PRResearchID]) AS [pre-req],
FROM ResearchPR
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=3));

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]) AS Owner,
DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [PRResearchID]) AS [pre-req],
ResearchPR.[Research ID]
FROM ResearchPR
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![multiPlayer]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=Yes))
ORDER BY DLookUp("Research![Deliverance Name]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]);

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Function Types].[Function Type],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Research Upgrade Function].[Research Points]
FROM [Function Types] INNER JOIN (Functions INNER JOIN [Research Upgrade Function] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Research Upgrade Function].[Function ID]) ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type];

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
FROM Research INNER JOIN (([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [Functions Enabled] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Functions Enabled].[Function ID]) ON Research.ResearchID = [Functions Enabled].[Research ID];

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
FROM Research INNER JOIN (([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [Functions Enabled] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Functions Enabled].[Function ID]) ON Research.ResearchID = [Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=1 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6));

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
FROM Research INNER JOIN (([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [Functions Enabled] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Functions Enabled].[Function ID]) ON Research.ResearchID = [Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=2 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=4 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6));

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
FROM Research INNER JOIN (([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [Functions Enabled] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Functions Enabled].[Function ID]) ON Research.ResearchID = [Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
WHERE (((DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=3 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=5 Or (DLookUp(" [Research]![TechnologyType ID]","Research","Research![ResearchID] = " & [Research ID]))=6));

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
SELECT DISTINCTROW Research.[Deliverance Name],
Functions.[Function Name],
[Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
FROM Research INNER JOIN (([Function Types] INNER JOIN Functions ON [Function Types].ID = Functions.[Function Type]) INNER JOIN [Functions Enabled] ON Functions.[Function ID] = [Functions Enabled].[Function ID]) ON Research.ResearchID = [Functions Enabled].[Research ID]
WHERE (((Research.multiPlayer)=Yes));

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More