
96 lines
2.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#ifndef _resmaster_h
#define _resmaster_h
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h> // required by gl.h
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include "pie_types.h"
#include "imdloader.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "pie_internal.h"
#include "texture_mapper.h"
#include "AntTweakBar.h"
class CResMaster {
enum {
FILL = 0,
LINE = 1,
POINT = 2,
FLAT = 1
Uint32 m_textureToProcess;
Uint32 m_pieCount;
Uint32 m_numNewPies;
float m_rotateX; ///<rotation of models X
float m_rotateY; ///<rotation of models X
float m_scale; ///<scale of models
Uint32 m_polygonMode; ///<polygon mode to render polygons
bool m_highLightVertices; ///<highlight vertice or not
bool m_highLightConnectors; ///<highlight connector or not
bool m_highLightSelected;
bool m_drawAxis; ///<whether to draw X,Y,Z axis or not
bool m_drawTexture; ///<whether to draw textures or not
bool m_drawNewVertice; ///<whether to draw new vertice position or not
Uint32 m_shadeMode; ///<shade mode of polygons
float m_gamma; ///<gamma correction of renderer
Sint32 m_newPieTextureId; ///<new pie textureId
CResMaster() : m_textureToProcess(0), m_pieCount(0), m_numNewPies(0), m_rotateX(0.0f), m_rotateY(0.0f),
m_scale(1.0f), m_polygonMode(0), m_highLightVertices(true), m_highLightConnectors(true),
m_highLightSelected(true), m_drawAxis(true), m_drawTexture(true), m_drawNewVertice(true),
m_shadeMode(0), m_gamma(1.0f), m_newPieTextureId(0)
{m_PolyLinker.m_Up = false;m_TextureMapper.m_Up = false;}
bool isLinkerUp(void) {return m_PolyLinker.m_Up;};
void activeLinker(void);
void deactiveLinker(void);
bool readTextureList(const char *filename);
bool loadTexPages(void);
bool freeTexPages(void);
void enableTexture(bool value);
bool addPie(iIMDShape *imd, const char *name);
CPieInternal *getPies(void);
bool addGUI(void);
void draw(void);
void drawAxis(void);
void unprojectMouseXY(double *newX1, double *newY1, double *newZ1,
double *newX2, double *newY2, double *newZ2);
void updateInput(void);
bool isTextureMapperUp(void) {return m_TextureMapper.m_Up;};
void startMapTexture(void);
void stopMapTexture(void);
CPieInternal *m_Pies[MAX_PIES];
CPolygonLinker m_PolyLinker;
CTextureMapper m_TextureMapper;
TwBar *m_utilBar;
TwBar *m_textureBar;
extern CResMaster *ResMaster;