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This file is part of Warzone 2100.
Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Warzone 2100 Project
Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @file raycast.cpp
* Raycasting routine that gives intersection points with map tiles.
#include "lib/framework/frame.h"
#include "raycast.h"
#include "map.h" // TILE_UNITS
#include "display3d.h" // clipXY()
struct HeightCallbackHelp_t
const int height;
uint16_t pitch;
static void initSteps(int32_t srcM, int32_t dstM, int32_t &tile, int32_t &step, int32_t &cur, int32_t &end)
int increasing = srcM < dstM;
step = -1 + 2*increasing;
tile = srcM - step;
cur = srcM + increasing;
end = dstM + increasing;
// Finds the next intersection of the line with a vertical grid line (or with a horizontal grid line, if called with x and y swapped).
static bool tryStep(int32_t &tile, int32_t step, int32_t &cur, int32_t end, int32_t &px, int32_t &py, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t dx, int32_t dy)
tile += step;
if (cur == end)
return false; // No more vertical grid lines to cross before reaching the endpoint.
// Find the point on the line with the x coordinate world_coord(cur).
px = world_coord(cur);
py = sy + int64_t(px - sx) * (dy - sy)/(dx - sx);
cur += step;
return true;
void rayCast(Vector2i src, Vector2i dst, RAY_CALLBACK callback, void *data)
if (!callback(src, 0, data) || src == dst) // Start at src.
return; // Callback gave up after the first point, or there are no other points.
Vector2i srcM = map_coord(src);
Vector2i dstM = map_coord(dst);
Vector2i step, tile, cur, end;
initSteps(srcM.x, dstM.x, tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x);
initSteps(srcM.y, dstM.y, tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y);
Vector2i prev(0, 0); // Dummy initialisation.
bool first = true;
Vector2i nextX(0, 0), nextY(0, 0); // Dummy initialisations.
bool canX = tryStep(tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x, nextX.x, nextX.y, src.x, src.y, dst.x, dst.y);
bool canY = tryStep(tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y, nextY.y, nextY.x, src.y, src.x, dst.y, dst.x);
while (canX || canY)
int32_t xDist = abs(nextX.x - src.x) + abs(nextX.y - src.y);
int32_t yDist = abs(nextY.x - src.x) + abs(nextY.y - src.y);
Vector2i sel;
Vector2i selTile;
if (canX && (!canY || xDist < yDist)) // The line crosses a vertical grid line next.
sel = nextX;
selTile = tile;
canX = tryStep(tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x, nextX.x, nextX.y, src.x, src.y, dst.x, dst.y);
else // The line crosses a horizontal grid line next.
sel = nextY;
selTile = tile;
canY = tryStep(tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y, nextY.y, nextY.x, src.y, src.x, dst.y, dst.x);
if (!first)
// Find midpoint.
Vector2i avg = (prev + sel)/2;
// But make sure it's on the right tile, since it could be off-by-one if the line passes exactly through a grid intersection.
avg.x = std::min(std::max(avg.x, world_coord(selTile.x)), world_coord(selTile.x + 1) - 1);
avg.y = std::min(std::max(avg.y, world_coord(selTile.y)), world_coord(selTile.y + 1) - 1);
if (!worldOnMap(avg) || !callback(avg, iHypot(avg), data))
return; // Callback doesn't want any more points, or we reached the edge of the map, so return.
prev = sel;
first = false;
// Include the endpoint.
if (!worldOnMap(dst))
return; // Stop, since reached the edge of the map.
callback(dst, iHypot(dst), data);
/* Will return false when we've hit the edge of the grid */
static bool getTileHeightCallback(Vector2i pos, int32_t dist, void *data)
HeightCallbackHelp_t *help = (HeightCallbackHelp_t *)data;
#ifdef TEST_RAY
Vector3i effect;
/* Are we still on the grid? */
if (clipXY(pos.x, pos.y))
bool HasTallStructure = blockTile(map_coord(pos.x), map_coord(pos.y), AUX_MAP) & AIR_BLOCKED;
if (dist > TILE_UNITS || HasTallStructure)
// Only do it the current tile is > TILE_UNITS away from the starting tile. Or..
// there is a tall structure on the current tile and the current tile is not the starting tile.
/* Get height at this intersection point */
int height = map_Height(pos.x, pos.y), heightDiff;
uint16_t newPitch;
if (HasTallStructure)
if (height <= help->height)
heightDiff = 0;
heightDiff = height - help->height;
/* Work out the angle to this point from start point */
newPitch = iAtan2(heightDiff, dist);
/* Is this the steepest we've found? */
if (angleDelta(newPitch - help->pitch) > 0)
/* Yes, then keep a record of it */
help->pitch = newPitch;
#ifdef TEST_RAY
effect.x = pos.x;
effect.y = height;
effect.z = pos.y;
/* Not at edge yet - so exit */
return true;
/* We've hit edge of grid - so exit!! */
return false;
void getBestPitchToEdgeOfGrid(UDWORD x, UDWORD y, uint16_t direction, uint16_t *pitch)
HeightCallbackHelp_t help = {map_Height(x,y), 0};
Vector3i src(x, y, 0);
Vector3i delta(iSinCosR(direction, 5430), 0);
rayCast(src, src + delta, getTileHeightCallback, &help); // FIXME Magic value
*pitch = help.pitch;