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Projet Python proposé par le professeur de maths / Python project proposed by the maths teacher

To launch the game: run the file, with Python 3 (for exemple typing in a console python3 path/of/labyrinthe/

  1. At the start of Labyrinthe, you must provide an xml file with game levels. You can use levels/default_levels.xml file, that holds 5 levels

  2. Once levels are loaded, the first level appears and the game starts.

Starting from a green zone, you have to tread through yellow, without ever touching red, to reach the blue zone

The action starts with a left click on the green zone and ends :

  • with failure if the mouse touches red. Then the action restarts on the same level.
  • with success if you manage to left-click on the blue zone. Then you either go to the next level, if there is one, or you finish the game.

Todo list

  • Suport for animation
  • Interactive zones (zones that once clicked, will start an animation or make another zone appear)
  • Level editor ? (much more difficult)
  • Settings for colors