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Instructions for making a FloPy release

Make a release branch from develop

  1. Make a release branch from develop (e.g. release3.2.10)

  2. If the flopy release coincides with a new MODFLOW 6 release

    1. Update usgsprograms.txt in the GitHub pymake repository with the path to the new MODFLOW 6 release. Also update all other targets in usgsprograms.txt with the path to new releases.

    2. Recompile all of the executables release on the GitHub executables repository using the buildall.py pymake script and Intel compilers for all operating systems.

    3. Update the README.md on the GitHub executables repository with the information in the code.md file created by the buildall.py pymake script.

    4. Make a new release on the GitHub executables repository and add all of the operating system specific zip files containing the compiled executables (linux.zip, mac.zip, win64.zip, win32.zip). Publish the new release.

    5. Update MODFLOW 6 dfn files in the repository and MODFLOW 6 package classes by running:

      python -c 'import flopy; flopy.mf6.utils.generate_classes(branch="master", backup=False)'
    6. Run black on the updated MODFLOW 6 package classes by running the following from the root directory:

      black -l 79 flopy/mf6

Update the release version number

  1. Increment major, minor, and/or micro numbers in flopy/version.py, as appropriate.

Update the Software/Code citation for FloPy

  1. Update the author_dict in flopy/version.py for the Software/Code citation for FloPy, if required.

Build USGS release notes

  1. Manually run make-release.py in the release/ directory to update version information using:

    python make-release.py
  2. Manually run update-version_changes.py in the release/ directory to update version changes information using:

    python update-version_changes.py

Update the example notebooks

Use run_notebooks.py in the release directory to rerun all of the notebooks in:

  1. examples\Notebooks directory.
  2. examples\Notebooks\groundwater_paper directory.
  3. examples\Notebooks\FAQ directory.

Commit the release branch

  1. Commit the changes to the release (e.g. release3.2.10) branch.
  2. Push the commit to the upstream GitHub repository.
  3. Wait until the commit successfully runs on GitHub Actions.

Update master branch

  1. Change to the master branch in SourceTree.
  2. Merge the release branch (e.g. release3.2.10) branch into the master branch.
  3. Commit changes to master branch and push the commit to GitHub.

Finalizing the release

  1. Tag the commit with the __version__ number using SourceTree (don't forget to commit the tag).
  2. Push the commit and tag to the GitHub website.
  3. Make release on GitHub website. Add version changes for current release from to release text. Publish release.

Update flopy-feedstock for conda install

  1. Download the *.tar.gz file for the current release from the GitHub website.

  2. Calculate the sha256 checksum for the *.tar.gz using:

    openssl sha256 flopy-version.tar.gz

    from a terminal.

  3. Pull upstream flopy-feedstock into local copy of the flopy-feedstock fork repo:

    cd /Users/jdhughes/Documents/Development/flopy-feedstock_git
    git fetch upstream
    git checkout master
    git reset --hard upstream/master
    git push origin master --force
  4. Rerender the repo using conda-smithy (make sure conda-smithy is installed using conda):

    conda smithy rerender
  5. Update the version number in {% set version = "3.2.7" %} and sha256 in the flopy-feedstock fork meta.yaml file.

  6. Commit changes and push to flopy-feedstock fork.

  7. Make pull request to flopy-feedstock

Update PyPi

  1. Make sure pypandoc and twine are installed using:

    conda search pypandoc
    conda search twine
  2. If they are not installed, install one or both using using:

    conda install pypandoc
    conda install twine
  3. Create the source zip file in a terminal using:

    python setup.py sdist --format=zip
  4. Upload the release to PyPi using (make sure twine is installed using conda):

    twine upload dist/flopy-version.zip

Sync develop and master branches

  1. Merge the master branch into the develop branch.

  2. Increment major, minor, and/or micro numbers in flopy/version.py, as appropriate.

  3. Manually run make-release.py in the release/ directory to update version information using:

    python make-release.py
  4. Commit and push the modified develop branch.