* add `@bswap` builtin function. See #767
* comptime evaluation facilities are improved to be able to
handle a `@ptrCast` with a backing array.
* `@truncate` allows "truncating" a u0 value to any integer
type, and the result is always comptime known to be `0`.
* when specifying pointer alignment in a type expression,
the alignment value of pointers which do not have addresses
at runtime is ignored, and always has the default/ABI alignment
* threw in a fix to freebsd/x86_64.zig to update syntax from
language changes
* some improvements are pending #863closes#638closes#1733
std lib API changes
* io.InStream().readIntNe renamed to readIntNative
* io.InStream().readIntLe renamed to readIntLittle
* io.InStream().readIntBe renamed to readIntBig
* introduced io.InStream().readIntForeign
* io.InStream().readInt has parameter order changed
* io.InStream().readVarInt has parameter order changed
* io.InStream().writeIntNe renamed to writeIntNative
* introduced io.InStream().writeIntForeign
* io.InStream().writeIntLe renamed to writeIntLittle
* io.InStream().writeIntBe renamed to writeIntBig
* io.InStream().writeInt has parameter order changed
* mem.readInt has different parameters and semantics
* introduced mem.readIntNative
* introduced mem.readIntForeign
* mem.readIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different API
* mem.readIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different API
* introduced mem.readIntSliceNative
* introduced mem.readIntSliceForeign
* introduced mem.readIntSliceLittle
* introduced mem.readIntSliceBig
* introduced mem.readIntSlice
* mem.writeInt has different parameters and semantics
* introduced mem.writeIntNative
* introduced mem.writeIntForeign
* mem.writeIntBE renamed to mem.readIntBig and different semantics
* mem.writeIntLE renamed to mem.readIntLittle and different semantics
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceForeign
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceNative
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceBig
* introduced mem.writeIntSliceLittle
* introduced mem.writeIntSlice
* removed mem.endianSwapIfLe
* removed mem.endianSwapIfBe
* removed mem.endianSwapIf
* added mem.littleToNative
* added mem.bigToNative
* added mem.toNative
* added mem.nativeTo
* added mem.nativeToLittle
* added mem.nativeToBig
Relevant #764
dwarf debug info is modified to use this instead of std.os.File
directly to make it easier for bare metal projects to take advantage
of debug info parsing
See #770
To help automatically translate code, see the
zig-fmt-pointer-reform-2 branch.
This will convert all & into *. Due to the syntax
ambiguity (which is why we are making this change),
even address-of & will turn into *, so you'll have
to manually fix thes instances. You will be guaranteed
to get compile errors for them - expected 'type', found 'foo'
* move std.io.File to std.os.File
* add `zig fmt` to self hosted compiler
* introduce std.io.BufferedAtomicFile API
* introduce std.os.AtomicFile API
* add `std.os.default_file_mode`
* change FileMode on posix from being a usize to a u32
* add std.os.File.mode to return mode of an open file
* std.os.copyFile copies the mode from the source file instead of
using the default file mode for the dest file
* move `std.os.line_sep` to `std.cstr.line_sep`
The purpose of this is:
* Only one way to do things
* Changing a function with void return type to return a possible
error becomes a 1 character change, subtly encouraging
people to use errors.
See #632
Here are some imperfect sed commands for performing this update:
remove arrow:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\)-> /\1/g' $(find . -name "*.zig")
add void:
sed -i 's/\(\bfn\b.*\))\s*{/\1) void {/g' $(find ../ -name "*.zig")
Some cleanup may be necessary, but this should do the bulk of the work.
regression: translate-c can no longer translate switch statements.
after #629 we can ressurect and modify the code to utilize arbitrarily
returning from blocks.
I started working on #465 and made some corresponding std.io
API changes.
New structs:
* std.io.FileInStream
* std.io.FileOutStream
* std.io.BufferedOutStream
* std.io.BufferedInStream
* std.io.File.in_stream
* std.io.File.out_stream
Now instead of &file.out_stream or &file.in_stream to get access to
the stream API for a file, you get it like this:
var file_in_stream = io.FileInStream.init(&file);
const in_stream = &file_in_stream.stream;
var file_out_stream = io.FileOutStream.init(&file);
const out_stream = &file_out_stream.stream;
This is evidence that we might not need any OOP features -
See #130.
* Merge io.InStream and io.OutStream into io.File
* Introduce io.OutStream and io.InStream interfaces
- io.File implements both of these
* Move mem.IncrementingAllocator to heap.IncrementingAllocator
Instead of:
%return std.io.stderr.printf("hello\n");
now do:
To print to stdout, see `io.getStdOut()`.
* Rename std.ArrayList.resizeDown to std.ArrayList.shrink.
* add `@divTrunc` and `@divFloor` functions
* add `@rem` and `@mod` functions
* add compile error for `/` and `%` with signed integers
* add `.bit_count` for float primitive types
* `@truncate` builtin allows casting to the same size integer.
It also performs two's complement casting between signed and
unsigned integers.
* The idiomatic way to convert between bytes and numbers is now
`mem.readInt` and `mem.writeInt` instead of an unsafe cast.
It works at compile time, is safer, and looks cleaner.
* Implicitly casting an array to a slice is allowed only if the
slice is const.
* Constant pointer values know if their memory is from a compile-
time constant value or a compile-time variable.
* Cast from [N]u8 to []T no longer allowed, but [N]u8 to []const T
still allowed.
* Fix inability to pass a mutable pointer to comptime variable at
compile-time to a function and have the function modify the
memory pointed to by the pointer.
* Add the `comptime T: type` parameter back to mem.eql. Prevents
accidentally creating instantiations for arrays.
remove "unnecessary if statement" error
this "depends on compile variable" code is too hard to validate,
and has false negatives. not worth it right now.
std.str removed, instead use std.mem.
std.mem.eql and std.mem.sliceEql merged and do not require explicit
type argument.